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Giving It to the Enemy (Saints and Sinners MC #2)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  He’d been talking with Saint and Ralf when the men had got the call about Sarah going a little crazy. At the same time the men were leaving, he’d received the text from Elena that she was heading into town for Sarah.

  This was his first time of being in Sinners’ Corner without the threat of starting a war.

  “You know what, sir.”

  “Ralf’s got this,” Saint said, coming toward him. “Come back to the clubhouse.”

  Nodding, Pipe couldn’t help but look back toward the apartment building where he saw Elena stood. She gave him a smile and held her hand up in a wave.

  He nodded at her, and followed Shawl away from the scene.

  “You’ve got to make a decision about her, and all that crap it means.”

  “What the fuck do you mean?”

  “You really think Saint’s going to allow you to keep fucking his sister once he finds out? You’re going to have to make a choice. The club or Elena.”

  Slamming his fist against Shawl’s face, Pipe shoved him up against the nearest wall. “Let’s get something straight. I’m the leader, the fucking Prez of the Hell’s Wolves. Don’t fucking tell me what I’ve got to decide. Elena, she’s my old lady, and I’m not giving her up for shit.”

  “Pipe, I’m not disrespecting you.”

  “The moment you doubt me, it’s disrespect. I own the Hell’s Wolves. The only reason you’ve still got a family is because I’ve taken out all of the fucking shit that was rotting the club. You want me to make a choice? I’ve killed for that club, and I have earned the right to have a woman of my own, some happiness for myself, you selfish little prick.”

  He shoved Shawl away from him. His chest was heaving with each indrawn breath.

  “Is everything okay?” Saint asked. The Prez of the Saints and Sinners MC straddled his bike as he watched the scene.

  “We’re good. We’ll follow you to your clubhouse.” Pipe helped Shawl up, slapping him on the back.

  Saint and the boys left before Shawl spoke again. “I’m sorry. With Elena, you’re distracted, and she’s not some pussy that you’ve passed over to the club. You’re real with her.”

  “It is real. Don’t ever think I’ll put the club in danger. Elena belongs to me, and so does the club.”

  Pipe was so damn angry, and he wasn’t about to have the club taken from him. He’d worked his fucking ass off, he’d killed for the club, and no one was taking that away from him.

  They made their way toward the Saints and Sinners MC. The ride helped to ease the tension that had built up inside him. He was going to have Elena, and he was going to have the club. Pipe didn’t have a clue how he was going to do it, only that he was.

  Chapter Ten

  The following day Elena stood in her brother’s clubhouse with Sarah. She had invited her friend as she couldn’t bear to leave her alone. After following Ralf into the apartment with Sarah, she’d seen a fighter in her friend. Not only had she seen a fighter, she’d also seen the inner strength Sarah had possessed. At first, she really thought Sarah had lost it. The truth was her eyes had been opened.

  “You’re really leaving?”

  “Yes, I’m leaving. I’m heading out to college, and I’m going to take up my business courses. I stayed in Sinners’ Corner for a relationship that was complete bullshit. It’s time for me to move on. I’m going to.”

  “When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow. The apartment is in Ralf’s hands now. He can deal with it. I’m packed, and I can’t wait to go. I’m excited.”

  Elena was happy for her friend, but sad. In the last week she’d been having the time of her life with Pipe while her friend was arranging her departure.

  “I’m going to miss you,” Elena said.

  “You can come with me. We can leave this whole town behind.”

  For a second, she really thought about it. If it wasn’t for Pipe, she would have gone. “I can’t go.”


  Glancing around the room, Elena sighed. “You know why.”

  “Elena, it’s not going to work out, honey. You know that.”

  “I don’t know that.”

  “Two clubs, two different leaders, and two different men. One of them is your brother, the other, your lover. How is it going to work?”

  Biting her lip, she frowned. “I love him, Sarah. How can I walk away when I know he’s the one?”

  “You love him?” Sarah jerked, glancing around. “I thought it was just sex between the two of you.”

  “It was, and now it’s not. I love him. I don’t know what he thinks of me.”


  Elena smiled thinking about her time with him. “He makes me feel alive when I’m with him. Everything else falls away, and it’s like we’re the only two people in the world.”

  Sarah’s gaze softened. “That was what it was like for Ralf and me in the beginning. It’s not now but whatever.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry for me. This is about you. I’m moving on, Elena. You, well, you’re in love with a man who is known for beating men’s skulls in with a steel pipe.”

  “I admit he’s colorful, and he’s not the kind of man you take home to Mom and Dad. I don’t have a mom and dad, and Pipe’s not that man when he’s with me. He’s different.” Elena didn’t want to have to keep fighting with everyone around her that he made her happy. She wasn’t under any illusions, and imagined Saint had his fair share of deaths under his belt.

  “Do you really think it’s going to work with him?” Sarah asked.

  “I know it’s going to be difficult, but like you said, he makes me happy, and shouldn’t that be the only thing that matters? He makes me happy.”

  “Hey, sis, you okay?” Saint asked.

  Elena jumped and pressed a hand to her chest. “You scared me.”

  “Didn’t mean to. Ralf’s outside, Sarah. He’d like a word with you.”

  “He calls, and I must go running. Things never change.” Sarah wiped her hands on a towel and made her way out of the room.

  Tucking hair behind her ear, Elena stared at her brother. “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to come and say hello, and spend some time with you.”

  Biting her lip, she nodded. “Hello.” This was so awkward. They were brother and sister, and yet neither of them knew what to do.

  “This is so fucked up.”

  “Yes, it is.” She tapped her fingers on the counter, and smiled at him. “So, good picnic?”

  “It hasn’t even started yet.”

  They stared at each other for a few minutes, and Elena wondered what Pipe was doing. She was more comfortable with another biker from another club.

  “I’m going to say congratulations to the happy couple.” She went to move past him. Saint groaned, wrapped his arm around her neck, and pulled her close.

  “We’re going to get through this, little sis. Love you, and I’m going to do everything in my power to protect you. Come on, let’s head out, and say congrats to the happy couple together.”

  He kept his arm around her shoulders, and for the first time in years, Elena actually felt like she had a brother. They walked outside, and several club members smiled at them as they made their way toward Rage and Penny.

  They stood in a corner, and Rage had his hands over Penny’s swollen stomach.

  “Congratulations, Penny.”

  “Thanks, Elena.” Penny looked down at her stomach, sighing. “I still can’t grasp the fact there’s another life growing inside me, and it’s wow, yeah.”

  “That’s right, baby. My dick helped create our baby.”

  Penny’s cheeks went bright red, and she rolled her eyes.

  The club still embraced Elena with open arms, but where did that leave her and Pipe?


  “You called?” Sarah asked, walking toward Ralf.

  She was no longer in pain at the sight of the man who had walked away from her. He’d needed a break, a
nd she was moving on. It sucked, but she now saw the truth that had been facing her every single second they’d been together. She’d always known he wasn’t going to stick around. Knife had told her during one of their many conversations over the phone that she needed to make the decision, and decide what she wanted.

  Ralf wasn’t the kind of man who stuck around.

  “You’re leaving.”

  “Yep, the apartment is all yours.” She shrugged. “I’m all packed and ready to go.” She’d never intended to stay in Sinners’ Corner. This was the place she’d grown up, but it was the place she always wanted to leave.

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  She took a deep breath. “Don’t do this, Ralf.”

  “I asked for a break.”

  “I was going to leave before you decided you wanted me, Ralf. I stayed with you, and I’m not waiting around to live my life. We had a chance to be together. You need a break, and I’ve got to leave.” She crossed her arms in front of her. The protection was necessary. Ralf was always able to make her forget what she wanted out of life. Living in Sinners’ Corner wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted a different life, away from the town, away from the biker club. She would miss the club, Elena, and parts of the town. She’d even miss Ralf, but she had to do this.

  “I don’t want you to go.” He stepped closer. “I love you, Sarah. That’s never changed. I’ve not been with any of the women here.”

  “Then me leaving will give you the freedom to do what you need to do. I’ve got to go, Ralf.” She uncrossed her arms, and placed them on his shoulders. “I love you, too. If you love me, you’ll love me enough to let me go.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Goodbye, Ralf.”

  She stepped away from him, and even though it was tearing her apart, she had to go.


  Later that night, Saint stared at the fire. The party was in full swing, and his sister had already left for the night. He was determined to make it work with Elena.

  “Did anyone see what that fucker was doing with Elena?” Ralf asked.

  The brother hadn’t been the same since he’d spoken to Sarah. Saint was aware that Sarah was leaving town, and had enrolled in a college near the city.

  “I saw that Pipe was indeed close to Elena.” He wasn’t an idiot, and had hoped that Elena would trust him enough to tell him the truth. Saint had seen the shirt she wore, and he’d also known that Pipe owned a shirt like it.

  “What are you going to do about it?” Rage asked.

  Saint had asked the men to give him a chance to talk to Elena before they did anything. He’d hoped that Elena would tell him, but she’d kept quiet for most of the night, instead talking with Penny.

  “I’ve got Jewel watching her house. He’s going to let me know what happens.” Saint loved his sister, and since finding out the shit that she’d gone through, he was more determined than ever to make sure she was safe and protected.

  Pipe was a dangerous man. Even though they’d had business deals with their current agreement with fighting, Saint had known there had been something going on. Pipe didn’t just roll over, and show his belly.

  “The moment he knows something, I’ll be there. I’m not having Pipe anywhere near my little sister.” He’d only just got her back. There was no way he was going to let her go. “What’s happening with you and Sarah?” he asked.

  Ralf growled. “She’s leaving.”

  “You’re not going to try and stop her.”

  Saint had been in charge when Ralf had decided he wanted her last time, and done everything he could to keep her. Sarah was a good woman, a kind woman. The fact she was friends with his sister told him that she was a good woman. Elena had become a hard woman to get to know, and yet Sarah had broken down her walls. The two were the best of friends.

  “If I love her, I’ll let her go. It’s what she has said.” Ralf threw the bottle of beer toward the trash can and missed. “Fuck, pussy, pick that beer up.” He shouted at one of the club whores, who was close to where the bottle landed.

  “Stop!” Saint shouted toward the club whore. “Ralf, go and pick your fucking bottle up. You’re not going to show some bastard respect. My women don’t pick up your shit.”

  Ralf sighed, stood, and placed his bottle in the trashcan.

  “No wonder Sarah wants to leave your ass. You’re a slob,” Saint said.

  “What are we going to do about Pipe? If he’s got his eye on Elena, do you think it’s for real or fake?”

  When it came to Pipe, Saint didn’t want to risk reading the situation wrong. Pipe was a good Prez, and had done wonders for the Hell’s Wolves. He respected him, but no man was good enough for his sister, no one, not even any of his own club brothers. If he had his way, she would be content to remain a virgin forever. Shit, he was totally fucked up, and even as he thought about it, he knew he was being unfair.

  Sitting back, he took a sip of beer, waiting for his cell phone to ring. It would ring, he just knew it would.


  Elena waited for Pipe to come to her. She’d texted him when she was leaving the club, and now she stood in her sitting room, waiting for him. Staring at the window, she went over her conversation with Sarah. She had fallen for Pipe, and he didn’t even know it.

  They’d been together two weeks, and before that he’d left her messages and texts. When they were away from each other he always texted her, and that never stopped. She had to tell Saint at some point. Was there ever going to be a good time to let her brother know that she’d fallen in love?

  She was so damn conflicted about everything. How could she give up Saint?

  The rustling coming from the window cut out all doubt, and she smiled as Pipe climbed into her home. He closed the door, and stepped toward her.

  “I missed you, baby.”

  “I missed you.” She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against his.

  “How was the picnic?”

  “Lots of food, some beer, Sarah didn’t stay all that long, and I stayed a little longer.” She ran her hands down his leather jacket before sliding underneath. “I need you, Pipe.”

  “Your pussy getting greedy again?”

  “No, she’s getting hungry.”

  Pushing him away from the window, she urged him down to the sofa. “I can’t wait until we’re in the bedroom,” she explained to him when he gave her a questioning look. Elena had changed into a nightshirt, and she straddled his waist. He ran his hands up and down her body, cupping her ass, and sliding beneath her nightshirt.

  “Are you wet for me?”


  He cupped her between her thighs, sliding his finger between her slit, and making her gasp.

  “Fuck, you’re dripping.”

  “I want you, Pipe. Please, I need you to fuck me.”

  He grabbed her hips, and took her to the sofa so that he was over her. She smiled up at him. “I’m the one in charge.”

  “Then I’m at your mercy, Sir.”

  “I like that. I can get used to you treating me with some damn respect.” He captured her lips, biting down on her lips so that she gasped. “Give me your kiss, baby.”

  He went back to touching her between her thighs at the same time he kissed her deeply.

  “I’m addicted to you, Elena. I’ve got to have you all the time. We can’t keep doing this.”

  She pulled away, staring up at him. “You want to talk to Saint? Do you think that’s wise?”

  “I’m not going to keep hiding. You’re worth more than sneaking around, pretending. Yesterday, I wanted to hold you in my arms. I didn’t want to worry about anyone seeing us, and what would happen.”

  Licking her lips, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “We’ll go together, and talk to Saint.”

  “It’s going to be bloody. Two clubs, it’s not going to be easy. He’s going to think I’m using you.”

  “Are you?” she asked.


  “And I believe
you.” She cupped his cheek. “I trust you, Pipe.”

  He leaned down, kissing her once again.

  The happiness that was consuming her didn’t last. Someone crashed through her front door, and before she could say anything, Pipe was pulled off her. She saw Saint, Willy, Rage, Ralf, and Jewel, rushing into her house. Saint was on Pipe, punching him in the face.

  At first, she was frozen in place with her legs open, and then realizing the man she loved wasn’t fighting back, she quickly scrambled off her sofa. Why wasn’t Pipe fighting back?

  “Saint, get off him!” Elena said.

  “You fucking piece of scum. You think I didn’t know? You think I’d let a piece of shit like you touch my little sister?”

  Saint rammed his fist against Pipe’s face twice more, and Elena screamed.


  No one was listening.

  “This is not what you think,” Pipe said, showing he wasn’t going to fight back.

  “You fucking my sister? I didn’t see that?”

  “Saint, leave him alone. This is my house, and you’ve no right to barge in here.”

  “I’ve got every fucking right. I own this house. You live here because I let you,” Saint said, growling the words out.

  Elena froze at the vehemence in Saint’s voice. “I work damn hard for this house.”

  “This is what you wanted, Elena? You wanted to fuck my enemy? You’re giving him free fucking pussy, or is he giving you something for information on the club?”

  She stumbled back as if he’d struck her.

  Pipe finally broke out of whatever stupor he’d been in, and he slammed his fist against Saint’s face. Three strikes, one after the other. “You want to hit me, then hit me, but don’t fucking talk to your sister like that. We’re together because we want to be. No other fucking reason. She’s no whore, and she never once made a choice between you or me.”


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