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Gage, Ronna - Send Her To Me (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Ronna Gage

  Stimulated nerve endings tingled under the surface of his skin. Kelli placed a hand on his shoulder, and his insides unraveled like a tight spring. She gracefully kicked her shoes off and set them beside the sofa. He looked down at her feet. Her tiny toes and small feet were dainty. As a woman’s feet should be. She rested her hand on his knee and eased down to sit on the floor in front of him. She reached over his leg and picked around the tray of snacks.

  “Since you’re in a dress, wouldn’t you rather be on the sofa? I’ll sit on the floor.”

  “What, and have you look up my dress? Perish the thought.”

  Carter laughed at her upturned nose. She has such a cute little nose. He covered his heart with his hand, pretending to be chivalrous and hurt. “You know me so well.” He took a piece of sausage from the tray and popped it in the creamy dip. He looked at the nice arrangement of pepperoni, smoked sausage, and yellow and white cheeses. This isn’t enough for me. Even with the crackers, I won’t be satisfied. What a statement of words and facts. He wondered if she made alternate plans. “Are we still going out?”

  “If you want to.”

  “Good. This chick food isn’t going to fill me up.”

  Kelli reached for a small piece of cheese and stopped. “Chick food?”

  There was something about her response that alerted him. She acted as if he insulted her. He had to do some quick talking to get him out of trouble. But words failed him. No matter what he said, he would find himself deeper in a hole he would dig himself into. “You know what I mean.”

  She laughed, and then licked some dip off the small disc of sausage. “I thought we could get to know one another better. If that’s all right.”

  “Sure.” He took a sip of beer. His eyes rested on hers for a quick minute, and then turned away.

  “So, how is the world of business?”

  Carter smiled, happy that she remembered he was involved in the business world. “Still no recession to report.”


  A few minutes later, the idle chitchat turned empty—so had the snack tray before them. The issues at hand were still unsettled. Carter silently watched her as she stacked their used napkins and empty bottles on the disposable tray. She straightened from the task, and he stood up with her. She took a step toward the kitchen, but he caught her arm and brought her around to him.

  “Kelli, I think we need to talk.” She looked deeply into his eyes. He noted how her they shifted side to side. She only did that when she looked at him with purpose. He smiled as he felt his heart swell against his ribcage with her irresistible charms. There was nothing about her that he didn’t like.

  “Okay.” She set the trash back on the table and stood before him. The lustful spark in her eyes earlier was gone, replaced by a guarded look. Her arms crossed over her chest proved it.

  It bothered him to see this side of her. Maybe Dex was right. She thought the worst of his intentions. She took a step away from him, but he wasn’t going to let her think that of him. He pulled her into his arms. “Kelli?” He kissed her softly, and then his passion ruled his actions. He kissed her with a hunger so strong he tasted the passion on her tongue. It tasted like a mixture of hot desire mixed with a decadent sweetness.

  Kelli’s hands grasped his shoulders, taking fistfuls of his shirt. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. “What was that for?” She took a step back and tenderly touched her lips.

  “I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you even after the intense romp last night.”

  Kelli blushed at his comment. “I hope you mean that.”

  He softly touched her cheek with the back of his fingers. “I do. I don’t want you to regret or freak out about anything that went on or goes on between us,” he said gently.

  Kelli gnawed on her bottom lip, her eyes narrowed, and looked at him, mulling something over in her head. Maybe something I said. He held his breath.

  “Who have you been talking to?”

  I knew I fucked up before I finished the sentence. He couldn’t stop the comment once he voiced it. He’d hoped she wouldn’t catch on to what he’d said, but she was quick. He rubbed the back of his neck. What was he to do? Reveal that Dex was his source? “Does it matter?”

  “Who, Carter?”

  Kelli’s hard stare leveled him. He said nothing, afraid of her reaction. “Some teacher. Don’t you mean whom?” His calm demeanor seemed to agitate her further. He saw her face getting red, and her eyes narrowed sharply.

  “Don’t correct me,” she shouted.

  Carter took a deep breath. When he let it out, the silence in the room was almost deafening. Suddenly, his best friend’s name tumbled out of his mouth. “Dex.”

  “Dex?” Kelli stood back and searched his eyes. “This isn’t happening. How would he know? Only Ton…” Then her expression changed, turning into one of dawning realization. “Tonya!” Her actions and ranting mixed to create a hostile creature which fascinated Carter. “I’m going to beat her until she’s a bloody pulp. I’ll kill her in her sleep, drag her body out under the cover of night, and bury her in her mother’s backyard. Under the peach tree,” she continued, unaware Carter stood dazed behind her. Kelli seemed sure she could get away with killing Tonya. Carter worried she may actually do something drastic to her cousin. He had to say something.

  “Kelli, don’t be mad at Tonya.” Carter came up behind her and pulled her against his chest. She stiffened under his hold. “She wasn’t thinking when she told Dex. I’m figuring she thought I would have told him about last night.” Kelli struggled to pull away, which annoyed him. “Stop struggling. You aren’t going to walk away from me, not when you are this upset.”

  “Let me go, Carter!”

  “No, I won’t let you go, so calm down.”

  Saying that to her was the worst thing he could have said to her. She spun around on him so fast, his grip loosened on her body, and his hand grabbed the tender part of her right breast. Her eyes blazed with so much animosity he had no choice but to let her go.

  Carter couldn’t blame her for her ill feelings. Her trusted friend and family member betrayed her. Gossiping to God knows whom about their relationship. Now, anger added itself to the list of emotions that ran through her body and collected with the heat of his words. Unfortunately, anger won out.

  “You won’t let me?” Her voice hissed. “Who do you think you are?” She jabbed a finger into his chest. Before he had a chance to answer, she raved on. She turned red. The ranting grew faster, to the point that Carter couldn’t get a word in edge-wise, much less understand a damn thing she said. He did try to calm her down verbally, but her anger increased.

  “You will not dictate to me what I will or won’t do. I am much stronger than you think. For your information, I have no problem facing sh…stuff on my own. I always have, always will.” Her head notched up so high her nose turned red.

  “Don’t be a ball breaker. I’m only saying you don’t have to face anything alone anymore,” he yelled back. “Stop fighting me.” He took a step, closing in on her personal space. She took a step back. He took a step forward.

  “I don’t need anyone to help me get through shit.” She calmed down for no longer than a second. “Won’t let me.” She glared at him. “I don’t need a buffer!” she yelled back

  “Don’t you see I care about you and what happens to you?” If he were honest with both of them, he would admit that he was more than a little in love with her.

  She pushed against his chest. He braced his stance. The small push bounced her off his massive body. Unsteady, she stumbled in the direction of the wall. Carter reached for her. She jerked out of his grasp and bumped against the wall. He closed in on her. “You are so stubborn.”

  Two seconds later, mere inches separated them. They heaved with heavy breath, staring at one other with anger simmering under the heat of passion. A heartbeat later, she threw herself into his arms. Kissing him with a craze that only love or anger could withstand.

Chapter Twelve

  The heat of his body ran through hers like a wildfire in August. She could feel his hands caress her body. He filled them with her breasts, and then his fingers moved down to her ass, caressing and rubbing his hands over each cheek. No, you can’t jump into bed with him again, she told herself. What about control?

  “Carter.” He looked deeply into her eyes. She saw his unquestionable desire. God, he has beautiful brown eyes. “I…” She couldn’t get the words out. Softly, her right hand brushed his cheek.

  “What, Kelli?”

  She shook her head.

  Carter didn’t move. He kept his eyes on hers. “Tell me,” he whispered through gritted teeth.

  “Would you mind if we started this thing between us again? Take it slow?”

  Carter dropped his hands at his side, and then put them behind his back. “Not at all.”

  Kelli watched him. His struggle to maintain control reinforced her strong desire for him. She asked so much of him, to start all over at square one. Nevertheless, he said he would and for him to back off that simply meant the world to her.

  He took a step back, and his body heat no longer warmed her. She felt the chill of loneliness. His hard, buffed body wasn’t there to comfort her. Fuck that! She needed him and refused to do without so she could save face. Taking his hand, she led him toward the hall. “So much for slowing things down.” She guided him to her bedroom and closed the door behind them.

  “Kelli, are you sure?”

  “I have never been surer in my whole life.”

  Some small portion of the earlier hostility still lingered. “Then, what was that question about? Are you trying to make me crazy?”

  Kelli took a step toward him. “No, I just changed my mind.”


  Carter took her into his arms. She felt his strength and the reason behind his firm grip on her. He was paying her back for the frustration and confusion she caused them. His aggressive behavior normally would’ve offended her, but not now. It proved he cared. She luxuriated in it.

  He bore down on her. His lips moved against hers like a crazed and starving man. His kiss excited her. She felt his hands roam her body. His fingers lifted the hem of her skirt. She didn’t hesitate or let her prudish side get the better of her. She willingly gave Carter the lead and followed his silent commands. She turned around, putting her back to his chest. With calm hands, he stroked her arms, gliding up and down until they rested on her shoulders. He gathered her hair and placed it over her left shoulder. His thumbs softly grazed the skin of her spine as he took hold of the zipper’s pull-tab and zipped it down her back, kissing and nipping every exposed vertebra he came across. Goose bumps broke out on her skin, and then more goose bumps piled on them until she shivered in his arms. Carter eased the straps of her dress off her shoulders and guided the dress down her body, letting it fall around her ankles.

  The intensity of his need, conveyed in his touch, aroused her. Kelli glanced at him over her shoulder. His eyes half closed with wanting, but she saw the depths of his desire in his eyes. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. “Carter,” she whispered, not bothering to hide her desperate need for him in her trembling voice.

  “Shhh,” he growled in her ear. “I will take my time, and you will enjoy it.” He nipped her ear. His hands skimmed her sides and tickled her ribs. Her body jerked. His strong arms wrapped around her waist holding her still, while his warm, long fingers teased her nipples. His palms shifted upward, causing her breasts to lift. She held her breath while he played with the front clasp of her bra, and then bared her breasts. She grasped the denim material around his thighs. Her head fell back just under his shoulder and her hairline rested against his lips.

  He kissed the skin laid bare before him and then gently nipped her shoulder up to her neck. She moaned and almost flooded her panties.

  “Are you wet?” His voice penetrated the allure of his touch.

  Kelli felt small as his large hand skimmed over her stomach to the waistband of her thong. Under the bands of her panties, he smoothed his palms over her bare ass, pulling her panties down to the middle of her thighs, giving his hand enough room to brush the inside of her thighs.

  “It amazes me that you know what places to touch and when.” His thumb grazed the lips of her pussy. It felt like a white-hot charge enveloping her whole being. She wanted him to get inside her. His finger penetrated her. She arched into his hand. She needed his finger deeper. His touch was just out of reach of that one spot. She moved in closer to his body, giving him better access to pleasure her however he wanted. The heat and muscles of his chest against her back was pure bliss, another indulgence she didn’t want to miss.

  “Oh, yes. You’re so wet.”

  The husky tone of his voice made her aware of his own need. Kelli started to turn and face him.

  “No, don’t move.”

  His gruff order only stoked the passion in her. “Carter, I want you in me.”

  “Don’t worry. I plan to be inside you, but first...”

  Carter’s hand skimmed down her body. Taking her panties in his hand, he pulled them down to her ankles. Once he got on his knees, Kelli felt his tongue on her skin. He tasted the back of her knee and licked up her thigh to the right ass cheek. Fingertips skimmed over the moist collection on her pussy. His full attention to her left cheek, his tongue continued to savor her body. He inserted his finger inside her and then out again. She moaned her pleasure. Abruptly, he stopped. She felt him lift her leg and help her step over the pile of material at her feet. He stood up, placed her right leg over his right knee, and shifted his position enough to open her wider. He inserted his finger inside her pussy and withdrew the slick coating of her heated need. He cupped her left breast while his finger stimulated her clit. She fell back against him in surrender.

  “I want to bend you over and make love to you until you scream my name,” he growled.

  She hissed at the gentle tug of her nipple.

  He lifted and carried her to the bed. When he set her down, his hand started to cup her pussy. But Kelli reached out and pulled his shirt over his head. She gazed at his firm jaw, then his large neck. His chest rose and fell with each breath. She bent and took one of his small nipples into her mouth and scraped it between her teeth. His body jolted, and he pulled her from the bed and hard against him.

  “You’re killing me,” his gruff voice whispered in her ear before he devoured her lips in a hot, lusty kiss. Her moans of need beckoned him to take her. He placed her back on the bed, kept his gaze on her as he unfastened the button of his jeans. Slowly, he pulled the zipper down over his engorged erection. He stepped out of the jeans and gave her a moment to look before he joined her on the bed.

  Kelli’s gaze followed the thinned-out trail of chest hair to the narrow line between his legs—like an arrow pointing the shortest route to his pleasure. “I love this buffed body.” Her fingers shook with exploring touches down the hair-lined path over his abdomen to his balls. His enlarged cock looked magnificent. The long, massive shaft awed her. She couldn’t believe that the huge, bulbous head actually fit inside her. She smiled as she cupped his cock into her hand.

  “Hello,” she whispered to it, and then softly stroked the head with her thumb.

  Carter said nothing. His cock flexed in some mock understanding of what she said.

  “It’s been waiting for you all day long,” he whispered.

  “Ah! What’s been on your mind?” she asked it innocently.

  Carter folded his arms over his chest. Patiently, he stood waiting for her to stop making conversation with his cock. “This is awkward but interesting.”

  She glanced at him. “What’s his name?”

  “Whatever you want to name him.”

  “How about Cocky?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Why Cocky?”

  She looked at the member in question. “Because he has some set of balls.” She bent over and kissed Cocky’s head.

rter laughed, and then bent to kiss her lips. She kissed him back with all the passion she felt in her heart. When she pulled back, she saw in his eyes the same wanting. His cock twitched in her hand. He crawled on the bed between her legs and softly nudged her with his shoulder until she lay on her back. “What new things do you want to show Cocky?”

  “Maybe I can show him this.” She rolled over, pushed him onto his back, and then turned to kiss Cocky’s head. When she pulled it into her mouth, her main goal was to show Cocky something new.

  * * * *

  Carter’s senses reeled as she took his cock into her mouth. She licked, sucked, and used her teeth to gently nip him, sending his mind whirling in a fog of white swirling light. He couldn’t breathe. He twisted thick strands of her hair into his fists. “Sweetheart, if you don’t stop, I’ll come in your mouth,” he warned, but she didn’t stop. In fact, she sucked harder. Suddenly, it was too much and already too late for him to hold back. He’d given her fair warning, but she ignored him. His massive release left him little energy to fight. He felt the firm suction of her mouth wring out every drop of his cum inside her heated mouth. She swallowed until he had nothing more to give.

  When he recovered from his spectacular orgasm, he saw a dazed look on Kelli’s face.

  “I have never done that before!” she exclaimed.

  “I warned you.” Although he warned her, he was ecstatic that she gave him the best head he’d ever had. Having a woman—his woman—swallow him was the biggest thrill a man wanted to experience.


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