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Ten Year Crush

Page 2

by Toshia Slade

  "Ooo, wear the skirt and you can wear your pink boots. We can kinda match, plus you can show off your great legs in your skirt." I wink at her.

  "Go get ready, skank, and you can show off your own sexy legs." Tiff ends with a catcall.

  I walk off shaking my head, laughing at our normal banter and name-calling.

  "You better be glad I love you, biotch!" I yell as I walk into my room and start up my music. I'm all about my music. I want music playing while I'm doing anything, other than reading. What better way to start the night than with “Diamonds” by Rihanna.


  "Alright, let's go. You know the girls; we'll probably have to rush them. I don't understand why it takes so long," Josh says, grabbing his keys and throwing his signature Longhorns hat on backwards.

  "It’s women. We'll never understand anything they do." When Josh said he wanted to take Gabby out for her birthday I wanted to make up an excuse to get out of it.

  I know she has feelings for me. I can't deny that she's hot with her long, wavy, dark-brown hair, and gorgeous green eyes. Unlike most women, she has meat on her in all the right places and curves to drive a man insane.

  I remember the first time I saw her as more than just my best friend’s little sister. She and Tiffany had gone away to some camp for two weeks. When they came back, we went to the creek for a day of four-wheeling and playing in the water. We were done playing for the day and had moved to the water. She pulled her shirt off, leaving her in only a bikini top and short cut-off jean shorts. I had no clue when she grew breasts and her baby fat changed into luscious curves. Guilt had slammed into me for checking her out and the thoughts I had of what I wanted to do to her. I should not have been thinking of her like that. The feelings have only grown from there and I always fight them back. Josh would kill me if he ever knew. I just can't go there. Josh and I have been best friends for ten years and that's his baby sister. And off limits.

  Fifteen minutes later, we’re pulling up to their townhouse. Josh beats on the door and we hear shouts on the other side. Yup, he called it, they’re not ready yet. Josh uses his key and lets us in, knowing we’ll be there for a while otherwise. "I said be ready at seven, not seven-thirty." He yells to the girls upstairs.

  Gabby and Tiffany’s place is definitely all girl. Never in my life have I seen so much pink and green shit. And it’s not just in the living room. No, Gabby’s room is the same way. I remember when we helped them move in. All I could think was that there couldn’t be more, but it’s all her —the black iron bed and black comforter with a million pink and green pillows in all different designs. It’s the same with their couch. Who needs that many damn pillows? I sit down on the couch and shove three pillows out of my way.

  "You’re fifteen minutes early, jackass. Learn how to tell the fucking time!" Tiffany yells back down and mumbles something else I can’t hear. I caught a ‘fuck’ and ‘asshole’ in there. It’s the annoying usual 'I hate you. You’re an asshole' back and forth between Josh and Tiffany. I wish they would just screw and get it over with.

  "Would you two shut up already? We'll be down in just a minute." Gabby's sweet voice echoes down the stairs. It has that country drawl to it. I could listen to her talk for hours. And man, when she sings in the car. Beautiful.

  "There's my Birthday Girl! Come on, Gabs, I wanna give you your present before we head out." Josh is the only one that calls her that. He says she talks too much, so ‘Gabs’ fits her perfectly. It drives her nuts.

  "Coming! One minute."

  A few minutes later, I see Gabby start to come down the stairs. Holy fuck. I gulp and catch myself before my mouth drops open. Heart racing and heat spreading through my veins. She's wearing a short-ass pair of shorts with her black cowboy boots, and a green shirt that covers her throat and flows loosely, then cinches at her waist, showcasing her sexy curves. I bite back a groan. Her hair is spilling down over her shoulders in her natural waves, which I love. Her makeup is natural, except her eyes. She did that thing that makes them pop even more than normal. She turns away and I see that there is only half a back to her shirt, which means no bra. My cock tingles and begins to swell. I try to adjust myself without drawing attention. She could almost be Hilary Duff's twin, but her nose is a little smaller with what looks like a ball on the tip of it, dark brown hair instead of blonde, and she has brilliant green eyes.

  "Happy birthday, baby girl!" Josh wraps Gabby up in a hug and hands her an envelope.

  Gabby beams up at him and rips into her gift. She reads the front of the card first. When she opens it her mouth drops open, and then she starts screaming and jumps on Josh, hugging him tight. "Oh. My. God. Josh, how did you get these? It's in two months and last I heard it was already sold out."

  "I may have gotten them a little bit ago. I got an extra ticket so you can take whoever you want," Josh says, poking Gabby in the ribs. She giggles as she jumps away, slapping his hand. Get Gabby laughing hard enough and she snorts, it embarrasses her so Josh does it every chance he gets.

  "Thank you so much, you’re the best brother ever!"

  "Happy birthday, Thumper." I hand her my gift.

  "You’re never going to let me live that one down, are you?"

  "Um, no. You hit me in the face the first time you met me, you will always be Thumper to me."

  She loves reading and is all the time going on and on about the author J.B. something or another. Salsbury, yeah, that's it. She’s obsessed with her books and the MMA fighters in them. Then, there were the demons, Titan something or another. Each week it’s some new guy. I'd like to know what's so special about them, but don't let her hear you say that, or you may lose your balls, or head. I’m just glad she has book boyfriends instead of real ones. Jealousy slams into me. She’ll never be mine because I can never risk her and Josh.

  A gasp brings my attention back to Gabby. She has her hand over her mouth and is staring at me as if I'm a god. I’m not able to fight back the grin that spreads over my face. I would do anything for that look.

  "Cam, oh my god. You shouldn't have, this is too much."

  "It wasn't that bad. Just say ‘thank you’ and we’re good." I wink and flash my dimple.

  The next thing I know, Gabby is in my arms and is wrapped around me, squeezing. I wrap my arms around her and hold on while I can and fight the urge to bury my head in her neck and pull her closer. She always smells so good, like vanilla mixed with sugar cookies. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re the bestest!" And she plants a big kiss on my cheek. I laugh as I put her down, before I do something stupid, like kiss her how I’ve wanted to for the past few years.

  "You’re welcome, Thum—" Oomph. That was a fist to the stomach.

  "I figured I would live up to my name." She smirks.

  Such a smartass. I throw my hands up in surrender. I love teasing her. She’s so feisty.

  “About fucking time.” Josh pulls me and Gabby out of our stare down.

  Tiffany comes down the stairs and Josh's eyes roam her body.

  She is a very pretty girl, but not my type. She’s a Blake Lively—tall, blonde, and super skinny with baby blues. Not a short brunette with wavy hair and green eyes that will bring a man to his knees.

  “Shut up, you were early, fuck-face. It is six fifty-eight, so if you want to get technical, I was ready on time!” Tiffany has such a way with words.

  “Fuck-face? Keep it up and your ass will stay here. Or you can ride in the back of my truck. Now shut your yapper and get your ass going,” Josh says, heading for the door and opening it. That gets everyone in motion. The girls grab their bags and we’re out the door.

  Chapter Two


  I cannot believe Cam got me a Kindle. It’s no secret that I love reading, but these aren’t cheap, and he paid attention those times I said I wanted one. Why does he have to do sweet things like this?

  “Josh, put on “Cruise Remix”! I’m going to see Florida Georgia Line, baby!” Concert tickets and the newest Ki
ndle, best birthday ever. Now I just hope it stays that way.

  The music starts pouring out of the speakers and Tiff and I start singing along while dancing in our seats. Josh and Cam are in the front of the truck shaking their heads, laughing.


  We stopped for a quick dinner at my favorite steakhouse and a few pre-dancing drinks. Tiff and I were already buzzing by the time we pulled up to the club. Tiff grabs my arm and stops me, “Um did you forget something?”

  I look at her puzzled, “No. I don’t think…” My words stop when she pulls out the birthday sash. Shit! I thought I could get by with the whole I-forgot-it-at-home excuse. I hate drawing attention to myself. I’m more of the blend into the crowd and enjoy myself type.

  “I checked before we left. You’re forgetting I know you.” She cocks her head to the side, with a hand on her hip, holding the sash out.

  The sash now in place, we pay our cover charge and head inside. It’s still a little early for a big line.

  “You all go find a table. Cam and I will get drinks.” Josh waves us off.

  I grab Tiffany’s hand and head for a table on the right, in between the dance floor and the bar. Hopefully here we won’t have to fight the crowd too much. The club is dark with blue lights shining in all different places. The dance floor is in the middle surrounded by tables and chairs. The tables are those high ones that short girls like me have to do a little hop to get on the stools around them.

  A DJ booth sits in the back left corner and what I’m assuming are the bathrooms in the back right corner.

  “Here you go.” Cam sets a pink drink in front of me.

  “Thanks. What is it?”

  “No clue. I told the bartender to give me two of their best fruity drinks.” Josh shrugs and sets a glass in front of Tiff.

  “A toast. To my best friend.” Tiff raises her glass. “May we fuck whom we please, and please whom we fuck." She winks at Josh and grins. His jaw drops.

  I shake my head.

  She tips her glass. "Happy birthday, biotch. I love you."

  “I love you too, hooker.”

  There’s a chorus of “happy birthday”, we clink glasses, and everyone drinks.

  Oh, I don’t know what this pink, fruity drink is, but it’s good.

  “Royals” by Lorde starts playing and I look at Tiff, she has the same idea and she drains her glass. Mine’s gone a few seconds later.

  Jumping off the stools, we bounce to the floor. People started coming in right after we showed up so there is a small crowd already dancing. Tiffany pulls me to the middle. I throw my hands in the air, head back, eyes closed, and lose myself to the music—swaying my hips and singing along. I love the release and feelings music and dancing gives me. It’s just me, the beat, and my body. Everything else just drifts away.

  We dance a few songs and head back to the table, drinks are already waiting for us. I drain my glass fast.

  “I’m going to get another drink. Anybody else need one?”

  “Me.” Tiffany says holding her glass up, a little over half gone.

  Josh and Cam both shake their heads.

  Walking up to the bar, I notice the hot bartender. I’ve never been one for piercings before, but this guy makes them look good. He has a lip ring on the right side of his mouth and those gage things in his ears. His light brown hair is cut short on the sides and back leaving the top longer. It’s spiked up in, oh, what do they call those? Not a Mohawk, but it looks like one. A fauxhawk, that’s it.

  He stops in front of me and as he leans his arms on the bar, I see a tattoo peeking out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt. Yeah, he makes piercings look good. “What can I get ya?”

  “My brother ordered my drink earlier, so I’m not sure what it was. Your best fruity drink?”

  “That would be a Panty Dropper,” he says with a grin.

  “I need two. Please.” I fight back the blush that wants to take over my cheeks. Where do they come up with the names for these drinks? I have no clue, but they’re good.

  A tall, dirty-blond haired guy comes up next to me and leans on the bar. He looks familiar, but I can’t quite place him.

  He orders a beer, and then turns to me. “I think we have a class together. Are you in Professor Clark's Finance and Marketing class?”

  “Yes. I thought you looked familiar.” Sticking my hand out, “I’m Gabriella, but my friends call me Gabby.”

  “Nice to officially meet you, Gabby. I’m Brandon.” His hand is soft and smooth and swallows mine as we shake.

  “I see it’s your birthday.” Pointing to the sash, “Has it been good so far?”

  “It has. I’m out with my brother and a couple of friends,” I say with a smile and nod.

  “Hey, after you get your drink, do you wanna dance?”

  Brandon’s cute in a surfer boy way with long shaggy hair that covers his ears. I can’t really tell the color of his eyes because it’s dark. I can tell he’s built, but not like Cam. Stop it, Gabby, not going there tonight.

  “Maybe in a bit,” I say apologetically. “I actually just came from the dance floor.”

  “Okay. Come find me when you’re ready.” His smile shows his perfectly straight white teeth.

  I go to pull my money out, but before I can, Brandon pays for my drinks. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to, it’s your birthday. You’re supposed to have drinks bought for you.” Brandon grins and winks.

  It feels really nice to have a guy flirting with me and showing interest. “Thank you for the drinks. It was nice meeting you, Brandon.” Grabbing our drinks, I head back to the table.

  Cam and Josh are talking about some pre-season game that comes on tomorrow. I sit Tiff’s drink in front of her just as she finishes the one in her hand.

  “Perfect timing.”

  We all sit around to chat and laugh while watching couples bump and grind on the dance floor. Some of them look just minutes away from ripping clothes off and going at it right then and there. I glance over at Cam. He and Josh are deep in conversation about a house they are working on. I take him in, his thick arms hugged tight in a grey t-shirt. His strong jaw and deep, blue eyes that look almost black in the bar lighting. I’m relieved that there isn’t a girl hanging off him tonight. Normally, at least three girls would have asked him to dance or something else to get him off alone. Jealousy rages, why can’t it ever be me?

  After another round, nature calls. “Tiff. Bathroom break?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  Once we’re at the sinks and freshening up, Tiff starts in on me, “Are you really having fun?”

  “Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” I focus on reapplying my lip-gloss in the mirror.

  “Because I keep catching you checking out Cam when he’s not looking.” She gives me her knowing smirk.


  “Maybe you should see if he wants to dance when we go back. Make a move, he may be afraid to make the first one. It’s your birthday, go get your man!”

  Could she be right? “We’ll see. If I said something and he turned me down... it could mess everything up. I’m just going to forget it all and enjoy tonight.”

  “Alright, whatever you say.” I can hear it in her voice; she thinks I need to go for it.

  Coming out of the bathroom, my breath leaves me as jealousy takes over my body. There’s a blonde leaning against our table talking to Cam. She has her hand on his arm and he’s smiling and laughing at something she said. I ball my hands up, fighting back the urge to scream and rip her off him.

  Tonight is my night! I will not let him get to me!

  “I’m going to go get another drink. Want me to grab you one, or are you good?”

  “I’ll come with you.” I can hear the sympathy in her voice.

  At the bar, I order our drinks and wait. “You ready to dance, yet?” Someone says from behind me.

  I turn quickly and smack into Brandon’s chest. I’m met with hard muscle. Yeah, he is definit
ely built. Man, he really is hot. He may not make butterflies swarm like Cam, but Cam’s been in my life for ten years. So, of course it’s going to be different. I’m going to grab life by the horns and start living; stop holding on to the hope and love that will never be returned. The plus side is that he’s the total opposite of Cam. Brandon may just be what I need to mend my heart and help me forget about Cam. Even if it is for just one night.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” Turning back to Tiffany, “can you grab our drinks? I’m going to go dance. I’ll come back to the table when I’m done.”

  A grin spread across her face and she nods, mouthing the words, “Go get ‘em, tiger.”

  “I didn’t think I was ever going to get that dance,” Brandon says with a wink.

  I don’t reply. I just grab his hand and lead him to the crowd in the middle. The song changes to “Talk Dirty” by Jason Derulo. Perfect. Thank god for liquid courage. As soon as we hit the crowd, I spin around and pull Brandon to me. Throwing my hands up, I start swaying my hips.

  Brandon puts his hands on my hips and pulls me even closer, moving his leg between mine. He moves with my every sway. His hard body rubs against mine with perfect rhythm. I’m not sure if it’s the intoxicating scent of his musky cologne, the alcohol, or just me trying to get over Cam, but I could dance with Brandon all night. Damn, he can move.

  Spinning in his arms, I press my back and ass into his front and feel what our swaying has done to him. Heat rushes through me and tightens in my core. I did this to him. And I can't help the grin that forms on my face. I’ve never before felt as sexy and powerful as I do right now.


  Gabby walks by the table toting some surfer boy behind her. Anger ignites in my blood and I grind my molars to keep me from doing something stupid, and then grab my beer and take a deep pull.


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