Ten Year Crush

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Ten Year Crush Page 15

by Toshia Slade

  Thank god, he nods. “After class.”

  I nod and continue to the back of the room.

  During the entire class my stomach burns with dread and I keep fidgeting in my seat. I hate confrontations and avoid them at all cost. I’m hoping we can clear the air and both move on.

  As the class passes, I get very few notes. My ears pick up what’s being discussed, but my mind isn’t registering it. I’m too consumed in the conversation that’s coming and can’t avoid. I slowly pack up my things, heart fluttering in my stomach and making me want to puke. There’s no way to get out of this. We have to have this talk and the more I put it off, the sicker I feel.

  “I’m sor—” he starts.

  “Not here.” I jump out of my seat, looking up at the man I spent a month and half with. The man I thought was a good guy, and turns out, I didn’t know him at all. “We can talk, but not here. Outside, by my car.”

  “Okay.” He reaches for my hand and I jerk it away.

  My shoes feel like concrete blocks every step of the way. He hurt me by lying and cheating, but in all honesty, I did the same. I lied and said that Cam meant nothing to me when he did. I kissed Cam in that bar. He may have started it, but I didn’t stop him. I don’t want to hurt Brandon’s feelings, but I feel nothing for him. Even if Cam wasn’t in the picture, anything between the two of us was destroyed when we both lied. And I would never be friends with someone that’s involved with drugs, let alone date them.

  We reach my car and I unlock the passenger side door, placing my bag on the seat. I close it and lean back against it putting my hands in the pocket of my hoodie.

  “Did you get my text?” He tucks his hands in his front pockets and rocks on his heels.

  “I read the first one and deleted the rest.” I shrug, there’s no reason to lie about it.

  “Why? Are you just going to throw everything away? I’m so sorry I hurt you, Gabby. My dad is always on me about my grades and with midterms, I was stressing. Some of my friends started doing them and they said it helped, gave them more energy. So, I caved and started doing them too. I won’t touch another pain pill ever again. Just give me a chance.” He pulls his hands out of his pockets and takes a step towards me.

  I throw up my hands to stop him. “It’s not just the pills. The things you said to me and the fact that you cheated on me.” I shake my head. “That’s not the point. You need to get help, get off the pills. The damage has already been done. We both lied and cheated.”

  “WHAT?” His eyes grow huge and his jaw is clenched.

  “I lied to you when I said that Cam meant nothing to me. I’ve loved him for years, he just never knew. My birthday, when he pulled me away from you on the dance floor…” I rub my face with my hands. “Never mind, I’m not going into all of that with you. But, he hurt me and I wanted to move on. And you were there. I’m so sorry. You deserved better than that.”

  “What about cheating? Did you fuck him too?” He asks through gritted teeth.

  “No! It was one night, while you and I were out, the night you kept going to the bathroom.” Wait. Realization hits me; I bet that’s what he was doing, running off to snort pills in the bathroom. It doesn’t even matter. “Cam was there. He came up to me on the dance floor, we started dancing together, and he kissed me.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Yeah, I kissed him back, but that was it.”

  “We can move past that. I forgive you.”

  Is this guy for real? He forgives me? “No, we can’t. You’re still doing drugs and you cheated. I’m in love with someone else. Cam and I are together now.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” He roars and balls his fists up. Before I know it, he’s on me. Both of his fists are on my car, on either side of my head. I’m caged in and he’s fuming, inches from my face. “You’re dating someone else two days after we broke up?”

  I push on his chest, trying to get him away from me, not moving him an inch. “I’ve known him for ten years and I’m in love with him. I’m sorry I lied to you, but I think it’s best if we move on.” I keep my hands up on his chest. I need to get space between us. I need him off me. My body trembles.

  “Have you fucked him already?” His voice is dangerously low. I can feel his breath on my face.

  “Please move. You’re scaring me, Brandon.” My heart is racing and I start to panic, he’s stronger than I am and I’m no match for him.

  “No! Answer me, did you fuck him?” His words are clipped, strained.

  Now he’s pissing me off. I swing my knee as hard as I can and hit him right in the nuts. He drops to the ground and I move away from him. “That’s none of your business. You lost that right when you stuck your dick in another girl and started snorting pills.”

  I turn on my heels, ready to bolt to the driver side, when a wall of muscle stops me.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Oh, shit.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “What are you doing here?” Gabby sags into my chest and I wrap her in my arms.

  I’m being ripped in two. She needs my comfort, but half of me wants to go after the asshole that just had my girl pinned up against her car. My rage is a beast that is dying to be unleashed and I’m trying to reel it in. I need to focus on what’s most important. Gabby.

  “I came to surprise you and take you out for lunch before you had to work. Are you okay, baby?” I rub my hands up and down her back, not taking my eyes off the piece of shit currently curled in a ball on the ground.

  “I’m good now that you’re here.” She hooks her arms around my waist and buries her face in my chest.

  Dip-shit starts to laugh and pushes himself off the ground.

  “What I said the other night was true. You really are a slut.”

  The beast wins. I pick Gabby up and spin her, placing her behind me. She doesn’t need to be in the middle of this. I grit my teeth and my body shakes as I glare at fuck-face. “I warned you.”

  With all the strength my anger unleashes, I push prissy boy on his ass. Moving in for the kill, Gabby steps in between us and fists my shirt in her hands.

  “No. Please don’t do this. He isn’t worth it.”

  “I’m not going to sit back and watch some sorry piece of shit put you down.”

  “We got a problem here?” A campus security guard comes walking up. He’s in his late forties or early fifties with a round belly and gray hair scattered through his dark hair and beard.

  “Yeah. I came to pick up my girl and he has her pinned against her car. He was harassing her.”

  “You can have her.” He gets up, dusting himself off. “I’m outta here. No ass is worth this much trouble.”

  “Watch your mouth, son. Now, all of you get out of here and I don’t want any more trouble from you three.”

  “Won’t be a problem, as long as he keeps his hands off her.” I nod in asshat’s direction.

  “I’ll be watching him.” He says to me, and then turns to Brandon. “You leave her alone. Do you understand?”

  “Whatever.” Asshole turns and walks away.

  “Come on.” I grab Gabby’s hand and start leading her toward my truck. “We’ll come back and get your car later.”

  “Hold on, I need to grab my purse.” She gets her stuff and a few minutes later, we’re in my truck.

  “Why were you talking to him anyway?” I start my engine and pull out of the parking lot.

  “I have class with him. After I ignored his texts and calls, he wanted to talk. I told him I would talk to him after, instead of in front of everyone in class.”

  “Wait. What calls and texts?”

  “That right there is why I didn’t tell you.” She points over her shoulder toward the parking lot we just left. “You would have gone after him and gotten in trouble for assault.”

  “So, you’re keep things from me?” I’m pissed that she hid this from me. Her psycho ex is calling and she doesn’t tell me?

“We had such a good night and day. I didn’t want to ruin it by pissing you off. I’m sorry. I don’t want you fighting and getting arrested or some stupid shit.”

  “I understand that, but I need to know this shit Gabby. He’s snorting pills. Who knows what else he would do.” If anything ever happened to her…I shudder at the thought and squeeze the steering wheel until my knuckles are white.

  “I’ll tell you from now on. I just want all of this behind us; I want to move on. And we’ve only been together a couple of days and all of this shit is coming up. I want to go back to our happy bubble we were in Saturday and Sunday.”

  My chest constricts. I want that too. I hate seeing her so upset. “We’ll be fine, but you do need to tell me this stuff. If he does anything else, we’ll press charges on him. I want to make sure you’re safe. I can’t do that if you don’t tell me. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She nods.

  “And you need to let the professor know what’s going on and stay away from him in class. I know it’s too late to drop out now, but let him know so he can keep an eye out too.”

  “I can do that.”

  I pull up to her house. The need to claim her overrides taking her to lunch. Even though I know she’s okay and right beside me, the need to be buried deep inside her is stronger than ever before.

  “I thought we were going for lunch?”

  “New plan. I need you right now. I can’t get that picture out of my head. I walk up and see him —” Not able to finish that sentence, I shut off the truck and look her in the eyes, showing her the blazing need to possess her. “I need to be close to you right now. Just you and me. No one else.”

  She’s out of the truck and up the steps before I can climb out and lock it.

  I laugh. Someone’s impatient.


  Thank god, Tiff isn’t here. I want Cam to erase everything Brandon. I finally get the door unlocked and dart into the house. I only make it a few steps into the house and Cam’s strong arms hook around my waist, pulling me back to him. I squeal out and giggle.

  “Where you going, Thumper?” He bites my neck.

  He must have kicked the door closed, because I hear the click of the lock.

  His hands brush my sides, moving up my stomach, and cupping my breasts.

  “Bedroom” I moan out.

  “Not.” He nips my neck and tingles shoot down my spine. “Going.” His tongue dances around my collarbone and sends a flood of warmth below. “To.” He sucks on my neck and I think I’m going to die if I don’t have him now. “Make it.”

  He slides his hands up my sides, dragging my hoodie and shirt up with them. The touch sends goose bumps and a shiver from my head to my toes. He pulls my shirt over my head and spins me around to face him.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He runs his fingertips over my chest and uses his pointer finger to run the outline of my baby pink lace bra.

  He drags his finger between my breasts, further to my stomach, and stops on the button of my jeans as a blazing inferno sets off in my body, spreading through my veins and settling in my core. Using two fingers, he snaps the button free, and then unzips my pants. Removing them slowly, kissing down my body as he moves lower. My breath hitches and my head falls back on a moan.

  “You like that?” He drags his lips from hip to hip, right above my matching panties.


  “Raise your feet, one at a time, so I can get your shoes off.”

  I place my hands on his shoulders and love the feel of his rippling muscles as he finishes undressing me.

  He cups my calves and slowly runs his hands up the back of my legs, stopping when he reaches my ass. He leans his head on my stomach and groans. “Turn around for me.”

  I do as he asks.

  He sucks in a breath. “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Oh god. Your ass is going to be the death of me.”

  I turn back to face him and he stands.

  “Good.” I pull his head down, and bite and lick his lips. “I’m crazy for you.”

  He tangles his hands in my hair and attacks my mouth in a hot and needy kiss, grinding his erection into me. My panties dampen with my arousal and I let out a whimper, digging my nails into his back.

  He growls and tackles me to the couch, taking my mouth in a hard passionate kiss. “Bend over the arm of the couch. I want to see that sexy ass while I fuck you.” He stands and starts unbuckling his jeans.

  Chest heaving, I raise my hips to take my drenched panties off.

  He shakes his head. “Leave them.” He pulls his pants and boxer briefs just low enough to release his erection.

  I make a mental note to wear boy shorts more often. His cock is in his hand and with each stroke, my pussy clenches with anticipation. A drop of his arousal glistens on the tip. I lick my lips, wanting to taste him, feel him in my mouth.

  “Not this time, baby. Get that ass in the air.”

  I scramble to get on my knees, put my hands on the arm of the couch, hold myself up, and push my butt in the air.

  “It’s going to be fast.”

  “Uh huh.” I wiggle my hips, silently begging him to relieve the ache.

  He smacks my behind just enough that it’s on the thin line of pleasure and pain, causing the ache to intensify and my core to pulse. “Ahh.” I yell out and my head drops forward.

  “You like that, don’t you?” He rubs the sting out.


  “My little Thumper likes it rough, does she?” He smacks the other cheek.

  I moan and feel my arousal run down my thigh. “Yes!”

  Bending one of his legs, he puts it between my leg and the couch and the other is on the floor. Pulling my panties to the side, he grabs my shoulder with the other hand and slams into me.

  I scream out. My legs shake and I feel like I’ll collapse from the pleasure.

  He lets out a roar and starts a maddening rhythm, pulling out slowly and slamming back into me. I move my hips trying to speed him up and he smacks my ass again.

  “Greedy? What do you want, baby?” He pulls almost all the way out only leaving his tip in, and then slowly starts rocking his hips only giving me an inch of himself.

  “Faster.” I whimper.

  “You better hang on.” He pushes my chest down on the arm of the couch and turns my head to the side.

  I bend my arms and grip the armrest, ready for him to slam into me. He continues his slow torture. “Please.” As soon as the word comes out of my mouth, he lets loose and starts thrusting his hips in a punishing rhythm. “Yes! Don’t. Stop.” He’s pounding into me so hard that his balls are slapping my clit, pushing me closer to the brink.

  “Is this what you wanted?” He starts grinding his hips when he’s buried to the hilt, only to pull back out and ram back in.

  My body is buzzing, I’m close. “Gonna. Come.” I pant out.

  “Give it to me.” He reaches around my hip and presses on my bundle of nerves, making fast circle motions. That’s all it takes.

  I slam my eyes shut and lights burst behind my eyelids. Arching my back, I cry out, “Oh god! Mmmmm”

  “Your,” Cam pants, “pussy is squeezing my dick.”

  He speeds up his pace, working towards his own release. I move one of my arms under my body and cup his balls in my hand, gently tugging and rolling them in my hand.

  His thrusts become irregular, so I know he’s close. When he pushes in, I grind my hips back on him. “Oh fuck! Gabby!” His body locks up tight and his warm seed fills me.

  “Holy Mary, Mother of God. Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I scream and jump at the sound of Tiffany’s voice, causing Cam to pull out of me and bend his shaft. Oh sweet Jesus, just kill me now!

  “Ow. Shit.”

  “Sorry. Oh god. I’m sorry.” I grab him and hold it, no clue what I’m doing. Like holding it is going to make it better? Then, I realize that Tiff is just standing there staring at us.

  She doubles over laughi
ng. “I don’t want to see that shit again, but Gabby you should see your face. I bet we could fry an egg on it. And you’re sitting there holding his dick.”

  Cam sits back on his knees, shaking with silent laughter.

  “You both can kiss my ass.” I get up off the couch. “I’m going to go drown myself now.”

  “You have a bedroom! Use it.” Tiff shouts after me.

  “I’m never having sex again, so don’t worry about it,” I shout back to her.

  “Hey! I veto that.” Cam shouts and starts to run after me. I hope he at least tucked himself back in his pants.

  How many people are going to get front row seats to our love life? And can someone really die from mortification?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Tonight is the Florida Georgia Line concert. I’m going to surprise Gabby with a hotel room in Lexington. It’s been a couple of weeks since we got together and it’s been amazing. Tiffany is always at the house so it makes it harder for us to spend time with just the two of us, other than going out to dinner or something like that. There are still people around, so it will be nice to have a place to ourselves. Plus, Gabby can be as loud as she wants and won’t have to bury her head in a pillow, biting the sheets, or me, trying to muffle her screams. Not that I mind, I like it when she gets wild, sinking her nails and teeth into me.

  I shake my head and chuckle. I never would have thought Gabby could be such a sex kitten. I wonder what else she’s hiding that I’ve yet to uncover. I love the way she screams my name when she’s bent over. My dick throbs, cutting into the fly of my pants. Think about something else or it’s going to be a long night. I quickly adjust myself. Name NFL teams… Bengals, Seahawks, Jets, Rams. I’d like to ram—Shut it. Jets, Colts, Buccaneers, Cowboys. She likes ridin’ this cowboy. Shit, not working. Puppies. They have got to be safe. Labs, Chows, Poodle, Boxer, Akita, Pit, Golden Retriever...

  My body temperature starts to cool and my pants loosen. Will I always lose all control around Gabby? I’m like a man out in a desert and Gabby is my own personal glass of water. I crave her non-stop now that I’ve had a drink.


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