by Toshia Slade
I pull up to Gabby’s and shut the truck off, jumping out and jogging up the steps. After our first weekend together, we didn’t want to be apart, so I’ve pretty much moved in. Turning the knob, the door opens. She’ll hear about that later. Walking in, I don’t see her anywhere. Still upstairs getting dressed. “Hey, baby, you about ready?”
“You’re here!” There’s some shuffling and a bang. “Give me a minute and I’ll be down. Just have to grab my shoes.”
I make my way up the stairs, not wanting to wait another minute to lay my eyes on her. Gabby was always on my mind before, but now she is all that I think about. With all the Brandon shit, I worry about her. He sent her another text telling her he’s sorry, but other than that he’s left her alone. Smart choice.
“Don’t you dare come up here.” Gabby stops me half way up. “We’ll never leave.”
“Hurry up then.” I suck in a sharp breath. Holy fucking shit! Her hair is lying in loose, wavy curls around her shoulders. She has on a cropped blue-jean jacket that ends right beneath her round breasts that are on full display in a cream-colored dress that cuts off right above her knees. And to top the outfit off, and make my mouth water, she’s wearing brown cowboy boots.
“I’m right here, cowboy,” Gabby says with an exaggerated southern drawl, standing at the top landing.
“You—” I croak out and clear my throat.
“See something you like?” Gabby tosses out before I can try speaking again.
“More than like. I’m two seconds away from taking you back upstairs and saying to hell with the concert.”
“I don’t think so, stud. What is it you always say?” She taps her finger on her chin and cocks out a hip. Her eyes sparkle with mischief. “Oh, yeah. Anticipation. It’ll make it better later.” She winks and pats my chest as she struts past me on the steps.
Watching her ass and hips sway as the dress swishes across her thighs, I groan and reach down to rearrange myself in my now uncomfortable jeans. “You’ll pay for that later.”
“I’m counting on it,” she says with a sly smile. “Maybe I’ll be extra bad so you can spank me.”
“Gabby,” I growl and lunge for her.
She squeals and darts out of my reach. “Okay. I’m sorry; I’ll be good. I really don’t want to miss this concert.” She holds her hands in the air and pouts.
“Then stop torturing me.” I reach for her again and this time she doesn’t pull away. I softly kiss her lips, savoring the taste of her cherry lip gloss. “I missed you today.”
She runs her fingers through my hair. “Missed you too.”
I kiss her forehead and inhale her vanilla and sugar body spray. “Let’s go. We have dinner reservations at six.”
After dinner at my favorite steak place, we head off for the Rupp Arena. Sometimes it still feels like a dream, being with Cam, and him loving me is the best feeling in the world. I feel like everything is too perfect and that one day he’s going to wake up and not want me anymore. My chest burns and I push the thoughts away, focusing on the scenery on the side of the highway instead.
“This song came on the other day. Listen.” He plugs his phone into the stereo and a piano starts to play. Cam starts to sing along, placing his hand on my thigh rubbing his thumb back and forth. He can’t sing and he’s always off key, but I could listen to him all night. I close my eyes and lay my head back on the headrest, soaking up the smooth rasp of his voice, the feel of his hand on me. I hold in an audible swoon.
“I’ve been thinking of you…and me,” he sings.
“Who is this?” I ask during a pause.
“It’s “Thinking of You” by Love and Theft. The words are exactly how I felt before you became mine.”
I listen to the words pouring out of the stereo and being sang to me by Cam. My eyes burn with the urge to cry and my heart swells with love. How can a big, tough guy be so sweet and romantic? I thought that I couldn’t love this man any more than I already did, but each day he proves me wrong. I’m falling harder and deeper for him each and every day. “I love you, Camron Taylor.” I lean over the console and kiss his cheek.
“I love you too, baby.” He grabs my hand, pulling it into his lap and strokes the top of it with his thumb.
We spend the rest of the drive taking turns singing to each other and before I know it, we’re parking and getting ready to head into the arena.
I pull my phone, ID, and the tickets out of my purse and tuck them in my jacket pocket. I’m leaving my purse in the truck so that I don’t have to keep up with it once we get inside.
Walking in, Cam grabs my hand and pulls me over to a merchandise table. “What are you doing?”
“It’s one of your favorite bands. We have to get you a shirt.” A huge smile spreads across his face deepening his dimple.
He’s so damn sexy with his messy black hair and wearing his tight jeans, cowboy boots, and a blue plaid shirt, making his blue eyes pop even more. I’m one lucky bitch.
I grin up at him and lift up on my tiptoes, kissing his dimple. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He pays for the shirt and takes the bag.
Cam takes my hand again and walks me over to the lines. I pull the tickets out of my pocket and hand them to him. “I have no clue where we’re sitting, too many codes and numbers.”
He looks down at the tickets. “We’re on the floor.”
“Are you serious?” I jump up and down.
Cam leads us to the concession stand and orders two beers. Drinks in hand we head to find our seats, which happen to be right in the middle of the floor. We have a perfect view of the stage.
Jason Aldean is playing with them tonight and he comes out singing “When She Says Baby”. Excitement dances through me. I can’t believe I’m finally at a concert and with Cam to top it off.
Everyone is up on their feet, singing and dancing. Cam stands behind me, wraps his arms around me, and sways to the music, singing in my ear. I melt into his arms and close my eyes, laying my head back on his chest. Dreams do come true. We continue swaying to the music and singing. Before I know it, they’re switching out sets and getting ready for Florida Georgia Line to take the stage.
“Let’s go grab a drink,” Cam says into my ear.
I nod my head and follow Cam to the nearest exit to go to the concession stand. We get in line and I wrap my arms around his waist. “I’m glad you were the one that came with me tonight.”
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else. He whispers in my ear and kisses my neck.
I shiver and break out in goose bumps.
“So, what do you think so far?
I beam up at him. “I love it!”
He pushes his hand under my hair, wrapping it around my neck and pulls my mouth up to his. Softly kissing my lips, tracing them with the tip of his tongue, I open to him and match his slow deep strokes. He tastes of beer and Cam.
“Mmm,” I purr against his lips. Heat and a deep need coils in my stomach, dampening my panties.
“Ahem.” A guy standing in line behind us clears his throat, pulling me out of my foggy state of mind.
“Sorry.” I spin around and lower my head, feeling a completely different kind of heat creeping up my neck into my cheeks.
Cam busts out laughing behind me and I jerk my elbow back, nailing him in the stomach. Why everyone gets so much pleasure out of my humiliation, I’ll never know.
He grunts and wraps his arms around me. “Thumper, you’re just too cute when you get embarrassed.”
“You better shut up or there’ll be no thumping tonight.” I push his arms off and give him an evil little smirk.
“Bet I will.” A devilish grin spreads across his face, deepening his dimple.
“Cocky, aren’t we? Just for that, you are going home to your own… Big. Empty. Bed.” I emphasize the last words and poke my finger in his chest.
He grabs my hand and reaches into his pocket with the other. “This right here says I’m not.”
In his hand is a hotel key card. I swallow hard. I’ve stayed with him every night since the first night we got together, but this feels different. More intimate.
“What? Nothing to say now?” He has a cocky grin on his face, dimple popping out.
He knows he’s won. My stomach clenches and the heat from earlier returns. The fire dancing in Cam’s eyes tells me he’s thinking the same thing I am. There isn’t going to be much sleep involved. My chest heaves with the struggle to take a full breath. “You really got us a room?”
“Yup.” He pops the p. “But I don’t know, you said I was going to sleep alone.” He tucks the card back in his pocket.
I lean up and whisper in his ear. “Maybe you should just tie me up and spank me since I’ve been such a naughty girl.” I can’t believe the words that are coming out of my mouth. Ever since I read that Titan series I’ve had fantasies of Cam tying me up and doing wicked things to me with his mouth.
He groans and grabs my ass, pulling me against him so I can feel the hard ridge tenting the front of his jeans. “You’re really going to pay for that later.”
“I’ll hold you to that, cowboy.” I pat his chest and turn back to order our beer.
Once we have our beers we head back towards our seats. Cam looks over at me and leans in close, “You really want me to tie you up?” The anticipation in his eyes is not lost on me.
“You’ll have to wait and see.” I wink and head to our seats leaving him to follow. By the time we make it back, they’re already on stage performing. We start swaying back and forth, singing, and slowly sipping our beer.
“Oh, I promised Tiff I would take some pictures,” I shout over the music and reach into the pocket of my jacket to retrieve my phone.
I hit the button on the side and slide my finger across the screen to wake it up. All of the air rushes out of me. Cam goes ram rod straight behind me and he locks his arms around me tighter when he spots the message on the screen.
“Son of a bitch,” Cam shouts.
He’s here! My heart pounds louder than the music. Silent tears stream down my face and I look around the crowd trying to spot him. My body fills with a mixture of anger and fear. “Do you think he’s really here?”
“I don’t know. Come on, let’s go.”
I nod, unable to form words around the lump that’s in my throat. Is he ever going to stop and leave me alone?
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Motherfuckin’, piece of shit bastard. Gabby is curled up against my side while silent tears stream down her face. My jaw locks, grinding my molars and my body is strung tight, being pulled in two different directions. One part wants to throw her over my shoulder and run off with her so nothing and no one can hurt her. The other part wants to go hunt that asshole down and rip him to shreds.
I don’t believe he was there, but when it comes to Gabby, I’m not willing to take any chances. He just wants to mess with her head, but he’s messing with the wrong woman. I’ll take care of Gabby tonight and get her home safely tomorrow. Then, when she goes to work, I’m going to find that pussy ass bitch and teach him a lesson about messin’ with my girl.
We walk into the hotel right beside the arena, pass the front desk, and head for the bank of elevators. Punching the button for the sixth floor, I take calming breaths trying to slow my heart rate and cool the adrenaline that is flowing through my veins.
“I’m sorry that I ruined tonight. You did all of this and Brandon messed it all up, and I’m crying.” She wipes her cheeks and eyes, smearing black all over.
I cup her face in my hands and tilt her head up. “Hey, you didn’t do this. That’s all on him. All that matters is you’re here with me.”
She nods and sniffles.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open. I wrap her hand in mine, leading her out and down the hall to the Bluegrass Suite I booked. This isn’t how I imagined coming to the room, but it’s true, nothing matters as long as she’s by my side.
Sliding the key into the slot, it beeps and I open the door, stepping to the side to let Gabby go ahead of me.
She gasps and throws her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god. It’s beautiful, and it was supposed to be our night.” She cuts off on a sob.
The sound of her cry sends a dagger straight to my heart. I hurry in and close the door behind me, scooping her up in my arms. “It’s still our night. He can’t ruin anything if we don’t let him. Right?” I kiss her temple and walk her over to the bed. “Stay right here, I’ll be back.”
She sits up. “Where are you going?” Her eyes are round with panic. “What are you going to do?”
What does she think I’m going to do? Leave her? Not a chance in hell. “Relax. I’m going to go run you a bath.” I brush her hair back off her shoulder and brush my lips across hers.
Her whole body slumps with relief. “Okay. Will you join me?”
“I will if you want me to. I just want to take care of you tonight.”
“You already do that. And look at all of this.” She motions around the room with her hands. “You spoil me.”
“Good. That’s the only thing that matters. Now relax, I’ll be right back.”
There is a huge tub in the far right corner and a nice walk-in shower on the left. I turn the water on and see some girly bubble shit sitting on the side, so I open the bottle and drizzle a little in. I don’t want the whole bathroom to be covered in bubbles.
Once the water is filled halfway, I shut it off and head back out to the bedroom. My breath catches in my throat and I start to harden behind the fly of my jeans. Gabby is laid out on the bed, naked except for a pair of turquoise lace panties. They hug her ass and show the bottoms of both cheeks. I groan. I look at her and everything else goes out the window. Don’t jump her. Show her that you love her without sticking your dick in her.
“I thought I would help you out.” A sexy little grin spreads across her lips.
“I see that.” I clear my throat. “The bath is ready.”
She pushes up on all fours and slowly crawls out of the bed keeping her delicious ass facing me the whole time. I shake my head and stalk over to her. I’m glad that she’s in a feisty mood now and not letting Brandon ruin anything for her. I throw her over my shoulder and she squeals.
“Put me down. I can walk.” She smacks my ass.
“I know you can.” I smack her lightly on the butt. “But you were being too slow and teasing me with that sweet ass of yours.”
“Would I do that?” She asks sweetly. I can all but imagine the sly grin on her face.
“You would. And do. All the time.”
Sitting in the warm water of the tub, I’m situated between Cam’s legs with my head resting back on his chest. He was right earlier when he said that Brandon could only destroy our night, if we allow him. Cam put too much into this for me to let anything wreck it.
“Tomorrow, before work, I’m going to go to police station and talk to someone and see if anything can be done about Brandon.”
“Do you want me to go with you?” Cam runs his hands up my arms and goose bumps dance across my skin.
I spin in his arms, the water sloshing with the movement. My hands push through his hair. I love playing with it, it’s so soft and I love how it looks after. “No. I’ll be okay. Now, enough about that. Thank you for all of this tonight.” I’m not going to waste another minute on Brandon when I have this beautiful, dark-haired, blue-eyed god in front of me.
“You’re welcome, baby.” He kisses my lips and I shiver. He pulls my body closer to his, mistaking it for me being cold.
“Let me wash you, and then I’ll take you to bed and hold you.”
I’m not going to say no to that, anything to get his hands all over me. “Sounds like heaven.”
“Turn back around.”
I kiss his lips softly once and turn. Wiggling ba
ck between his legs, I lean my head back and close my eyes. Loving the feel of his large calloused hands running all over my body, first at my shoulders and neck, then down my arms and around to my back. Working his fingers into my soft flesh, massaging as he goes, I can’t bite back the purr that slips out.
“I love those sounds that you make and that I’m the one pulling them from you.” He finishes washing my body and my eyes don’t want to open. “Did you fall asleep on me?”
“No.” My reply comes out a whisper.
“Lean up and let me out. I’ll get you a towel and dry you off.”
I sit up and blink my eyes open. He’s standing in the middle of the bathroom, dripping wet, and I’m suddenly wide-awake and alert. I want to take my tongue and lick every one of those drops of water rolling down his rippling abs and into the small trail of hair leading down to his impressive, now rock-hard cock. I lick my lips and rub my thighs together, trying to alleviate the ache in my pulsating core.
“Gabby.” I think it was supposed to come out as a warning, but came out more as a groan. “Behave. I want to hold you and show you that I love you, without my dick.”
“But you show me so well how much you love me, with the sex.” I pout. “I need you, Cam. Love me.”
And he does. He worships every inch of my body for hours, over and over until the sun is coming up, and we both collapse from pure exhaustion.
Cam whispers in my ear right before I fall into a peaceful night’s rest, or should I say morning, “I love you, Thumper.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Monday morning I’m buzzing with nervous energy. The thought of standing up to Brandon has my stomach rolling and ready to vomit. I don’t want everyone to know my business, but the way he acted the last time we had a so-called talk, there’s no way am I doing this without an audience. I know Cam would flip his shit if he knew what I was doing, but I’d rather him be pissed at me, than him going to jail and face assault charges.