Ten Year Crush
Page 20
“Gabriella Nicole Murphy, you make me the happiest man on earth. Will you marry me?”
“Oh my god, Cam!” I tackle him to the ground. “I love you so much,” I squeal out between kisses covering his face. “Yes, a thousand times yes!”
“Thank you, God.” He grabs my hand and slips the ring on my finger.
I’m going to marry the man of my dreams. What more could a girl ask for? This is what absolute bliss feels like and I can’t wait to become Mrs. Camron Taylor. I let out a giggle and joy, love, and contentment wash over me.
One year later
Today is the big day! The day that I marry the love of my life and Gabby becomes mine in front of all of our friends and family. Gabby has always wanted an outdoor wedding and we decided to have it at our home. We’ve spent months preparing the ceremony space down by the creek. Josh is helping me with last minute set up and we’ve already cleared out a path for the tractor and wagon to fit through. I couldn’t tell you how many bales of hay we’ve moved over the last few days. They’re everywhere and draped with white fabric. There are ten rows of them at the creek site and more lining the wagon for the guests to sit on as they ride to the creek.
After the ceremony, we’ll come back up to the house where we have the huge white tent set up for the reception. We’re currently setting up tables and chairs and Gabby’s mom is going behind us, setting up the decorations. Who knew you could do so much crafty shit with mason jars? Some have wildflowers and others have candles. They even have some with newspaper wrapped around them, hearts cut out on two sides with bailing twine tied in a bow around the top, and tea lights dropped down in the bottom of them.
I’m glad I have so much to do and not enough time to sit around and think. I’ve already panicked a million times…what if she doesn’t show? I know Gabby loves me, but what if she changes her mind? Isn’t ready to take my last name, yet? Shit, I need a drink.
Josh stops the mental torture I’ve put myself through again when he clamps his hand down on my shoulder. “We need to start getting ready. Guests are going to be showing up in an hour.” Josh wipes the sweat from his brow.
I take a look around. It really does look good. I hope Gabby likes the way it turned out. I scan the reception site and go down my mental checklist making sure that everything is done and in place. Lights are hung in the tent, all the tables and chairs are set up for the guests and food, the caterers and DJ are going to set up while we have the ceremony, and one of Gabby’s aunts is going to make sure everything is in place while we do pictures. I think we have it all. “Alright. Let’s go.” We head into the house to get showers and get dressed.
Gabby wanted a small wedding, so we only have two people standing with us. Tiffany is her Maid of Honor and Josh is my Best Man. She and Tiff are getting dressed in our bedroom and Josh and I will get dressed in one of the spare bedrooms.
“What if she doesn’t show?” Finally saying it out loud wedges a brick in the bottom of my stomach.
“Dude, my sister loves you and has for a long-ass time. She’ll be there. Stop freaking the hell out and man the fuck up.”
He’s right. I blow out the breath I was holding. She loves me and she’s going to be my wife by the end of today.
Out of the shower and dressed, I’m wearing a white button-up, cream pants and vest, a baby blue tie, and my cowboy boots. Josh is dressed the same, but his tie is blue and white striped.
A knock on the door has me calling out, “Yeah?”
“Oh, baby! You look so handsome. I’ve come to pin your flower and give you this.” My mom holds up a gift wrapped in blue. I sent Josh off with Gabby’s present a few minutes ago.
“Thanks, Mom. You look beautiful too.” She’s wearing a powder blue dress with a white short-sleeve jacket over top. I know she just came from Gabby’s room so I have to ask, “How is she?”
“Oh, honey. She’s so excited, but nervous just like every other bride on their big day.”
Finally, the brick in my gut dissolves and I take my first full breath.
“How are you holding up?” She starts pinning my boutonniere made up of small flowers with a blue ribbon wrapped around the bottom and a button at the top.
“Better now that I know Gabby isn’t going to run.” I let out a chuckle.
“That girl loves you. She isn’t going anywhere. I’m so proud of you, Cam. I love you.” She puts her hand on my face, the emotion of the day showing on hers.
“I love you too, Ma.” I bend down and kiss her forehead.
“Okay, I’ll give you a minute to open your gift. She said for you to read the note first.” She turns and walks out the door.
I sit down on the bed and pull the box onto my lap. The envelope is taped to the top. My fingers tremble slightly as I pull out the note inside.
My Future Husband
Finally, the day I’ve waited so long for. A day I’ve dreamed about since I was eleven years old. I prayed over and over to have your love. Now that I have it, I promise you I’ll never take it for granted and thank you every day for loving me. You make me the happiest girl in the world and I am so damn lucky to have you. Today I’m marrying my ten-year crush, my best friend, soul mate, and love of my life. This is really a gift for the both of us, but I think it will make our day even more special. See you at the altar. I’ll be the one in white. I love you, cowboy. Now and forever. Xoxo
Your Future Wife
I rip through the paper and open the box. Nestled in blue tissue paper is a picture frame. My breath catches and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I cry.
The fragile wooden frame contains a black and white picture and the word “Daddy” is written in black letters at the bottom. Gabby’s pregnant. I’m going to be a dad. We’re going to have a baby together! I close my eyes and flashes of a dark-haired little girl with blue eyes dances around in circles, her wavy hair bouncing around her shoulders.
Josh pulls me out of my daydream when he opens the door and unceremoniously says, “Dude, are you fucking crying?”
“Shut your damn mouth. Now let’s go so I can marry my girl.” I’m ready for this to be done and for her to finally have my last name.
Dressed and ready, sitting and waiting. I’m so nervous, I’m sweating and afraid I’ll have to re-do my makeup. What if I fall on my face in front of all those people? What if Cam changes his mind or gets cold feet? I get up and pace the room for the millionth time.
“Would you calm the hell down? Everything is going to be fine.” Tiff huffs and flops down on the bed.
Someone knocks on the door and I jump.
Tiff struts over to the door in her pink strapless dress that ends right above her knees, her brown cowboy boots glide across the carpet.
Opening the door, Josh peaks his head around and a huge smile spreads across his face. “Wow, Gabby, you look beautiful. Cam is one lucky bastard.” He leans down and kisses my cheek.
I stand and twirl in my dress for him. I can’t help it. I love my dress. It’s a simple, but beautiful strapless sweetheart gown with rhinestones lining the top and under my bust, and a larger diamond-shaped stone in the center. The skirt flows with raised flowers down the skirt and cover the short train. My hair is pulled into a loose bun at the side of my head with small pieces of hair framing my face.
“I’ll give y’all a minute.” Tiff closes the door behind her.
“Thanks, Josh. I’m lucky too. He’s a good man.”
“He wouldn’t be marrying you today if he wasn’t.” He winks.
“Shut up. You love him too.” I giggle. I love that they are best friends. Josh and I have always being so close so I love that we all get together and hang out, always having a good time, no matter what.
“This is for you.” He places a letter and small box in my hands. “I love you, Gabs. I’m so happy for you and Cam.” He leans in and gives me his trademark serious look w
ith his arched eyebrows, “but, I’ll still kill him if he ever hurts you.”
I laugh at my over-protective big brother. “I love you too, Josh.”
“I’ll let you open that. See ya in a bit.”
“Wait. How is he?,” I have to know. Maybe it will put my rolling stomach at ease.
“He’s ready to marry you and scared shitless that you’re going to bail.”
“Tell him I’ll be there and I love him.” My heart soars with love. He’s afraid I won’t be there. I’ve waited for this day for half my life. He can’t get rid of me now.
“Will do.” He shuts the door quietly behind him.
I sit on the bed and place the box beside me, opening the letter first.
I can’t believe the day is finally here. You are finally going to be my wife. Never in my life did I dream I could be this happy or that my life could be this complete. You do that. You complete me —mind, body, and soul—my missing puzzle piece. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it, but now that I have you, I’ll never let you go. I love you more than words can describe. I can’t wait to start our lives together as Mr. and Mrs. and grow old with you by my side. I’ll always love and support you in everything that you do. Thank you for the best gift of my life…YOU! Can’t wait to see you in your dress, and then take you out of it!! Sorry, had to. This gift says most of it for me. You are my everything and I’ll love you forever and always, Thumper.
P.S. I have one more gift for you later, but I want to give it to you in person.
Your future Husband
I love that man. He can make me cry and laugh at the same time. I slowly lift the lid on the box and a gasp slips past my lips. Lying inside is a diamond infinity necklace. How does he always do this? I’m the luckiest woman in the world and I’m ready to claim my man and take his last name.
A knock sounds on the door and Tiff pokes her head in, “You ready?”
“Hell yeah I am!” I jump up. “Will you help me with this first?” I hand her the necklace.
“Is this what he got you?”
I nod and bite my lip, can’t help the smile trying to escape.
“It’s beautiful.”
I have everything I need now. My cowboy boots are brown and blue. My mom let me borrow her pearl bracelet for my something old and borrowed, because my grandmother did the same for her on her wedding day. Now, my necklace completes it with my something new.
“Let’s go get you hitched.” Tiff swats me on the butt.
I laugh and shake my head, following her out of the room and to the love of my life.
All of the guests have arrived and have been seated for ten minutes. I’m slowly unraveling. She should have been here by now. Where is she? Did something happen?
“Man, if you don’t cool your shit, I’m going to knock you out. She’ll be here in a minute.” Josh pulls back and raises his brow.
I nod and try to swallow the knot in my throat.
Thank Christ. I hear the roar of the tractor and a few minutes later, it comes into view. I can see Gabby’s dad and one of her cousins holding up the white silk drape blocking Gabby from my view. I bite back the growl. I’m beyond ready to lay my eyes on her sweet face. I shift on my feet, ready to take off at a dead run. I’ve wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms ever since I opened that picture.
I hear the tractor pull to a stop. My eyes are glued to that drape, waiting for them to drop it. I need to see my girl.
“Bless The Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts starts to play and Gabby’s little cousins, the ring bearer and flower girl, make their way down the aisle first. Next, Tiffany begins her walk, carrying three big sunflowers.
At the moment I don’t think my heart can wait another second without my girl, the drape finally drops. The sight before me is one I’ll never forget and more beautiful than I could have imagined. Gabby has a huge smile on her face, beaming right at me. Her green eyes are shining with love and happiness. I can’t breathe. Just looking at her sucks the breath right out of me. A million fireflies dance in my stomach and I feel as if I’m floating in the air.
Slowly making her way to me on her dad’s arm, my muscles are strung tight with the urge to run to her. Patience, dude.
They make it to the last row of people and I can’t take it any longer. My long legs eat up the distance between us and I grab her face in my hands and kiss her full, soft lips.
“I’m so damn happy. When I opened that box… God, Gabby, I love you so much.”
Gabby giggles quietly and whispers, “I love you too. I can’t wait.”
“You look so beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone as amazing as you.”
The preacher clears his throat behind me, “Can we have a wedding now?”
Everyone erupts into laughter and cheers.
After the ceremony and pictures are done, we head back up to the house.
The DJ announces us as we walk into the tent filled with our friends and family, “I’d like to introduce to you Mr. And Mrs. Camron Taylor.”
The night passes with dancing, laughter, and mingling. All of the guests come to congratulate us one by one. I’ve not let Gabby out of my sight for longer than a dance with someone.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the bride and groom dance. They’ve each got a song for the other, so clear the floor, and make room for the Mr. and Mrs.” Everyone claps while I lead Gabby to the middle of the dance floor. “This one is from Gabby to her groom.”
The DJ starts playing a song I’ve never heard. “What is this?”
“It’s “All About Us” by He Is We.” She starts singing the lyrics to me.
Swaying back and forth with Gabby in my arms, her head resting against my shoulder as she sings in my ear, and my child growing in her stomach, it doesn’t get better than this. Pure bliss. The song ends and Gabby leans up on her tiptoes, kissing the corner of my mouth.
“I love you, Cam. Thank you so much for loving me and picking me to be your wife.”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Here’s Cam’s song to his bride,” the DJ says as the upbeat “Lovin’ You Is Fun” by Easton Corbin starts playing.
Gabby throws her head back and laughs.
I sing to her and swing her around on the dance floor.
Each time she laughs my heart swells with love. Not a day will go by that I won’t do anything for that laugh. I have so much to make up to her. My years of stupidity almost caused me to lose her. I’ll spend every last breath making her happy.
The song ends and we head off to get a drink.
“You ready for your surprise?” I pull her into my arms and kiss her temple.
“Yes!” There’s that beaming smile that melts me.
“You better pack warm, baby. We leave for Bora-Bora tomorrow.”
“Shut up! No, you didn’t! We’re seriously going to Bora-Bora?”
“Yup. A full two weeks.” Hell yeah, two weeks of Gabby wearing skimpy bathing suits. I got one of those huts on the water so we can have fun scaring the fish away. Making love to Gabby in the ocean, under the stars, sounds like a pretty damn good idea.
“You spoil me, Mr. Taylor.”
“Get used to it, Mrs. Taylor. We’re just starting our lives. I have the rest of my life to spoil you and I plan to do just that each and every day.”
Swaying back and forth under the stars in Cam’s arms, my husband! Today has been everything I imagined it would be, plus some. Guests are slowly starting to leave and I couldn’t be more thankful, ready to be alone with Cam.
“I’m ready to take you to bed, Mrs. Taylor, and make love to my wife.”
Sparks shoot down my spine and a bolt of lust shoots through me and settles in my center. “When are they going to leave?” I whisper in his ear, eyeing the remaining guests that are still gathered and hanging out.
“I think the last of them can find
their way out on their own.” He scoops me into his arms, cradling me to his chest. I giggle out my delight and wrap my arms around his neck.
“Thanks for coming,” Cam yells over his shoulder, jogging to the back porch. The yard erupts with cheers and laughter. “I’ve been dying to get you out of that dress all night.” He nips my ear, followed by a kiss at my nape.
I moan and moisture pools between my thighs. “Wait until you see what’s under it.”
He growls and darts up the stairs, kicking the bedroom door closed behind him.
We’ve been intimate with each other a million times, but this feels different. He’s mine and I’m his for the rest of our lives. And knowing that I’m carrying his child, proof of our love, makes me want him more than ever before.
Without a word, Cam moves behind me and starts to work the buttons free on my dress. His sharp intake of breath lets me know that he’s figured out I’m wearing a white lace corset.
Desire courses through my blood while thousands of fireflies dance in my stomach. It feels like the first time all over again. My dress pools around my feet.
Cam groans, “Dear, God. You’re beautiful.” He runs his finger across my back, along the top of the corset. “You know what these panties do to me.” He cups my ass in both hands and squeezes.
I shiver, warmth spreading through my veins at his approval.
“Turn around.”
I step out of my dress and spin to face him. All of the breath leaves me at the look in Cam’s eyes— ocean blue and swirling with love, lust, and pure happiness. I lick my lips, wanting so bad to kiss him, but not wanting to break this moment.
“Gabby.” He swallows. “You were beautiful before.” He takes a step towards me. “But knowing you’re pregnant with my child.” Another step. “You’re fuckin’ gorgeous.” Closer. “Cheeks glowing.” He reaches me and takes me into his arms. “You and our little one are my damn world. Thank you for giving me you.” He places his hand on stomach. “A family.”