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Cheap Thrills (6 Thrilling reads)

Page 41

by Luis Samways

  An image of four separate shots overlooking the train station appear on the TV. Nothing happens for a moment and then a train makes its way into shot. It slows to a crawl and finally stops. Four different camera angles capture the front of the train, the side, the rear and a wide angle of the whole train.

  The ticker on the bottom right of the TV reads the exact time and date. Shaw picks up his mobile and dials as he watches the idle train. Someone answers.

  ‘I need some units at the train station. Something is about to…’ A massive explosion at the front end of the train engulfs it in flames. A mushroom cloud of smoke bellows out and debris floats to the ground. The impact of the explosion knocks out the front camera and rear camera shots. The long angle shot and middle angle are all that remain as smoke and fire fill the platform.

  ‘Make that rescue units,’ Shaw says, ‘We have an explosion at the train station, probably casualties.’ Shaw flips the phone shut and puts it in his pocket, staring in shock at the TV image.


  Frank opens the door to his apartment and rests his head against the firm wooden grain of it as it closes him in. He hears the hum of the light fixtures in the hall on the other side. He slouches against it for a while.

  He reaches in for his pill container, unscrews the top and pours a few dozen pills into his mouth. He rattles the container. It’s nearly empty. He listens at the door again. The hallway is silent.

  He turns and surveys his apartment. Scattered folders and clothes define the decor. The empty bottle of Jack he so willingly guzzled a few days ago clutters the open plan living area. He makes his way to the fridge and peers in.

  The cold refrigerator warms his face as he rummages through it. His hand finds a long neck cold bottle and he pulls it out. He smiles as he unscrews the chilled whiskey.

  ‘I wondered where you got to.’ He lifts the heavy brown bottle to his lips and lets the liquid gush down his throat, down his front in true McKenzie style. His face drips as he finishes the bottle off and chucks the empty container on the floor. The thud sounds right in the dark room. He stumbles to his couch and plonks himself down. The familiar cushions welcome him. He grabs the remote and flicks on the TV. The first channel it is on shows the carnage at the downtown Boston train station. Frank quickly sits and watches the disturbing images.

  The TV then flicks to a live picture of Connor Chase, standing firm and proud in his white tuxedo. Frank shakes his head and hurls the remote towards the television. It cracks the widescreen. Frank grabs his keys and walks out the door, slamming it firmly behind him.

  Ninety One

  ‘I hope I have made myself clear.’ Chase looks scornfully at the camera. ‘I am serious about this.’

  Chief Shaw stares at Chase and turns to see Eddie with an empty glass in his hands. Chase’s tirade continues in the background. Shaw turns to the screen as he grips the desk in front of him. His fingers dig into the wood as the horror of what he just saw washes across his face.

  ‘So now that I have your attention again, I’m up for a little game. I did, in fact, blow up the train you just saw. If this was a game of poker, we would all be on the flop. Three cards down, two to go. I will reveal two things now. Obviously, the train is card one. Card two is about to be turned. Bang, it’s a good one!

  Half of the passengers were taken off the train and to safety before the other half blew to hell. That’s right. One hundred gone, one hundred saved. Now let’s move to card three.

  I have a special V.I.P guest on that train. That person will play an integral part as card three. The person is Crystal Smith. Boya!

  Now if you don’t know who Crystal Smith is, let me enlighten you. She is the Boston District Attorney’s daughter and a wild card. Before you assume I killed her to make a statement, please Mr DA, give me a call. He knows my number. It’s that eight digit number he ignores. Contact me, Mr DA, in the next minute so we can further discuss this most fascinating game. Do you think I killed your daughter in the explosion? Or did I save her sweet ass. To make things even more enthralling, I’m going to bring on a female to the stage, so to speak. Her identity will be concealed, but I’m hoping that her presence will sway the DA in the right direction. If the DA answers wrong, this girl gets a bullet in her head. If he gets the answer right, she lives. Time starts now. You better get dialling, Eddie.’

  Eddie watches Chase drag a girl into the shot. Her head is concealed under a white knapsack like the previous hostages. She is visibly shaking as Chase whispers something into her ear. Eddie’s hands tremble as he drops his empty glass on the floor.

  Shaw faces him. ‘Look you need to ring him or the girl will die.’ Shaw holds out a phone.

  ‘I…Don’t know his number.’ ‘The number is in this Phone. I put Frank’s SIM card into it so we could hit redial and call Chase back. You’ll get through.’

  Chase’s image fills the room from the ominous TV screen.

  ‘I…I…I,’ ‘Ring him!’ Shaw commands and hands the phone to Eddie.

  Eddie’s fingers stumble as he attempts to press the green button. Shaw mashes the button and holds the phone close to Eddie’s ear. The dial tone starts as a ringing sound echoes from the TV. Chase smiles as he looks down at the ringing phone on the stool next to him. The girl starts to cry as Chase picks up the phone.

  ‘I’m glad you did not fold, Eddie,’ says Chase in a chilling tone.

  Eddie watches the TV in shock and horror. His blood like ice coursing through his veins.

  ‘Speak up, Eddie, I could swear you’re not talking. That doesn’t bode well for this foxy lady.’ Chase grabs the girl’s arm. She lets out a terrifying scream.

  ‘Crystal?’ Eddie shouts.

  Chase laughs and red raw mark shines on her arm in the dim light. Connor squeezes harder.

  ‘The bitch can’t hear you, Mr DA. I’d play my hand if I was you. Or all bets are off. Did I kill your daughter on the train or is she standing here next to me?’

  Eddie stutters. ‘I don’t believe you ever had her,’ he finally says.

  Chase laughs and lets the girl go. He scratches his face with the shiny metallic barrel of his Desert Eagle.

  ‘I had a feeling you would play your cards like that. You have a terrible poker face. I’ll see you to that bet. Roll the footage,’ Connor orders.

  Crystal stands in the middle of the train’s cabin holding a newspaper. The camera zooms into her face and then down to the newspaper. The date is today’s morning’s issue.

  Chase’s face replaces the clip. ‘Did you like the little video of your daughter on board the train? Now, I want to know, was she placed at the front of the train with those unlucky souls or did she get a second chance and is she standing next to me? What’s your answer? Make it snappy, DA Smith.’

  Eddie freezes and studies the girl on the screen. ‘You killed her, didn’t you, you son of a bitch?’ Eddie clenches his fist in anger.

  Ninety Two

  Sandra’s ears ring as she lies flat on her back, looking up at the sky. White clouds disappear as black smoke bellows out into the crisp air. She turns her head slightly and sees Mike lying unconscious nearby. She heaves herself up, the ringing in her ear still gnawing at her. She finally manages to balance on her feet and looks at the devastation around her.

  Debris floats in the air like pollen. Smoke fogs the air. She struggles to breath and coughs violently. She moves away from the searing inferno. The train in front of her is in pieces. Fire chars the sides of the platform and engulfs the tracks.

  People are screaming in pain and Sandra spots someone trapped between the train and platform. She rushes over and finds a woman in distress. She bends to try and help.

  The dark woman looks at Sandra with pleading eyes. ‘Please help me.’ ‘Everything is going to be alright,’ Sandra assures her.

  ‘Hurry. I’m pregnant.’

  Sandra sees a pair of disembodied legs and realises who they belong to.

  Sandra grabs her hand. ‘I’m here,�
�� she says softly.

  The woman chokes on blood oozing from her mouth. Her eyes roll back in her head. Sandra grips her hand harder.

  ‘Stay with me.’ Sandra pleads.

  The woman’s grip loosens and her hand drops to her side.

  Sandra lets go as the woman’s breathing ceases.

  Ninety Three

  ‘I guess you will never know.’ Chase places the gun on the terrified girls head and pulls the trigger. His laughter blends with the sound of the shot and the girl’s skull explodes on screen.

  Eddie and Shaw watch in shock. Connor smiles with satisfaction and holsters his weapon. ‘I’m sure we will meet again at some point. Maybe you’ll learn to play your cards right. Till then, I bid you farewell.’

  Connor hangs the phone up.

  Eddie shakes uncontrollably. Chief Shaw gently pushes Eddie into a seat and grabs a flask from his jacket, He hands it to a wide-eyed and speechless Eddie.

  Connor paces on screen and he addresses the camera.

  ‘Now we have that out of the way.’ He brushes his hands together. ‘I look forward to phone calls from the people in charge of this show. I will continue to do things my way until I get what I want. The authorities know where I am and how to contact me. If they don’t get in touch with me in the next hour, I will kill every single person in this building. Then I’ll be out of here. Let the government explain why more than three hundred people had to die. This whole “we won’t negotiate with terrorists” thing hasn’t panned out well so far. You’ll be hearing from me soon’

  The broadcast ends. The screen goes dark. The officer’s in the room remain in shock.

  Shaw pats Eddie on the shoulder. Eddie slowly walks towards the door and a sea of officer’s part the way for him. At the door, he turns around and gives Shaw an apologetic look. The room goes sour with dismayed silence.

  Ninety Four

  Officer Mullins hears another knock on the passenger window as he taps his fingers nervously on the steering wheel. He turns, expecting to see his partner and sees Frank McKenzie patiently waiting instead.

  Mullins quickly unlocks the door.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Mullins asks as Frank gets in.

  ‘I was going to ask you the same thing.’

  ‘I’m just sitting here doing nothing while the world goes to shit.’

  Frank laughs and lights a cigarette.

  ‘Truth is I don’t like sitting on my ass doing nothing,’ Mullins admits.

  ‘We don’t have to.’ Frank opens the ashtray on the dashboard and taps the end of his cigarette.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You may have noticed that I don’t necessarily follow orders in some situations.’

  Mullins smiles and checks his rear view mirror. ‘I can’t say I’ve noticed that, Frank.’

  ‘Take notice now. You can either be with me or against me. I trust you. You’re a good kid with a bright future, a future that won’t exist if we don’t stop this madness. If you would start the ignition and get us out of here, I’d appreciate it.’

  Ninety Five

  ‘His men have moved hostages to the make-shift studio and one guard is placing white sacks on the hostage’s heads. Connor moves to the camera and looks through the viewfinder. ‘I want a polished wide view. This shot is too crammed. Not all of the hostages will be in the shot. Someone move the camera back so we can get them all in.’

  One of his men obeys and moves the bulky tripod a few meters back. He bends and looks in the viewfinder, giving Connor a thumbs up.

  Connor nods and moves to the mass of hostages. Twenty or so people kneel with their heads down as white sacks are put on their heads. The material rustles loudly as the men and women struggle in different ways to come to terms with their situation.

  ‘If everyone does what I say and stays quiet, no one is going to get hurt,’ Connor promises as he watches the last bag being put on the hostage’s head.

  Connor moves over to the camera. ‘We are going live in ten minutes. I want complete silence. If anyone screams or says a damn word, we will have problems.’

  Connor stares into the camera lens. The room with its sea of bodies feels tense with an eerie anticipation of events to come.

  Ninety Six

  ‘What do you mean you don’t know where they are?’ Shaw stares daggers at the officer in front of him.

  ‘I don’t know, Sir. I went down to see what was happening and the convoy was gone. Not one patrol car or squad truck to be seen. ‘The officer brushes his hands nervously on his sides.

  ‘A parking lot full of officers can’t just go missing. And our SWAT?’

  ‘I don’t know Sir.’

  ‘Fuck it. Get me Frank.’

  ‘I can’t find him either, Sir.’

  ‘Just follow the destruction and misery. Frank won’t be too far from it all!’

  ‘I’m sure your right, Sir.’

  ‘Just get me the DA. I need to talk to someone with half a brain.’

  ‘Sir…’ ‘Let me fucking guess. No DA either?’

  ‘Sir...’ the officer stutters again.

  “Fucking dandy!’ Shaw thumps his desk.

  Ninety Seven

  ‘Are you sure this is a good idea, Frank?’ Asks Mullins as he pulls hard on the steering wheel, swerving around a corner.

  ‘Pretty sure.’ Frank watches the light traffic part around them.

  ‘Are we are going to get fired for this?’

  Frank smiles. ‘Probably.’

  Mullins struggle to keep control of the speeding patrol car.

  ‘Look kid, I’m an expert on getting fired. If you do a good job, truth is, they can’t fire you. They need you if you are one in a million.’

  ‘Well we are undeniably that Frank. I mean there aren’t a million who would disobey orders and take matters into their own hands. Convincing thirty odd officers to come along on the fast track to early retirement is probably rare, too.’

  ‘Who needs a pension, kid?’

  Mullins pushes hard on the accelerator and they speed through Boston’s midtown. Rays of blue and red colour the night traffic and hit the horizon. Frank checks the rear view mirror. Four SWAT trucks struggle to keep up with them. Their radio cracks as an urgent voice comes over the CB.

  ‘Were coming up on the building. Be prepared for heavy resistance. Remember that they have RPGs on the roof.’

  Frank sees the M.I.T building in the distance.

  ‘Time to end this shit once and for all. Frank takes one last long drag on his cigarette and flicks the butt out the window.

  Ninety Eight

  ‘You’re all probably tired of hearing from me. Truth is I’m fed up with addressing all of you. The authorities have yet to take me seriously. What does a guy have to do? Murder the DA’s daughter? Check. Blow up a train? Check. Kill my family and friends? Check. Hold three hundred people hostage? Check. Kill a few on live TV? Check. Kill an undercover cop? Check. ‘

  Chief Shaw looks on as Connor Chase lectures and paces.

  ‘We have twenty five people bound and gagged and ready to take machine gun fire. Would that be a good way to end the proceedings?’

  Chase looks almost sad for a moment. ‘I don’t want to be known as a senseless killer who murdered a lot of people but did not get what he wanted. That would be a travesty.’

  ‘Should all these people die just so the government can put me to death? Shouldn’t they die for something worthy? Would it have been so terrible to change the laws of privacy? To protect our citizens of their information? To protect them from the all-seeing, all-knowing government? Yes, it would be pretty poetic if they died for a reason. Wouldn’t it be nice if they didn’t have to die at all? I’m not to blame here. I will not take responsibility for the lost souls who have perished this week. Events are not in my control so I won’t accept responsibility for the consequences.’

  The camera pans to the hostages who remain silent and still. Chase pulls out his cell phone and dials
a number. The phone next to Shaw rings and his hands tremble as he reaches for the receiver. He raises it to his ear.

  ‘Hello?’ Sweat forms on his brow and trickles down his cheek.

  ‘May I speak to Detective Frank McKenzie? Make it quick. We are on a live broadcast across the nation, after all,’ Chase’s white Tux shines brightly in the harsh light.

  ‘I’m sorry, but he left the station a while ago’

  ‘This little piggy is going to reign down hellfire like a ton of bricks if you don’t get him as soon as possible.’ The phone goes dead. Before Shaw can hang up the phone gunshots echo from the TV.

  Two guards on Chase’s right hit the deck as an assortment of bullets fly. Chase hits the floor as armed men in flak jackets burst onto the scene. The camera falls to the ground to a whooshing sound.

  The camera is still recording, but visibility is down to zero. Smoke has filled Chase’s studio. The sound of gunfire continues. Occasionally, the smoke clears enough to reveals shell casings on the floor.

  People in the incident room can hear people moving but no one can see a thing. Shaw grabs the phone and dials a number. He slams it down in frustration when he gets no answer. Almost immediately the phone rings. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey Chief, it’s Frank.

  I’m sorry for taking the trucks.’

  ‘Did you just shoot up a room full of terrorists filled with hostages?

  ‘What are you on about? We haven’t gone in yet’

  Shaw’s eyes widen in fear. He looks at the TV screen. The smoke is beginning to clear, but all he can see are feet. The sound of gunshots volley through the phone.

  Ninety Nine

  Frank rushes behind the patrol car’s door and cocks the hammer on his weapon. He peers through the window.


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