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In Plain Sight

Page 9

by R E Gauthier

  “Well I need to talk to her and by plane...? I don’t think so. You know how I hate flying. When is she getting here, did she say? Gawd I don’t even know these people. This whole thing is a mess I am quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  “She said she was flying out when she spoke to me, I have no idea, just call and leave her a message and I’m sure she will call you when she arrives in Montreal. Kelsey said she won’t take no for an answer so she sounded pretty determined to see this through.”

  “Oh really, so when did you become so chummy with Kelsey and her grandma Isla? She felt anger boiling up and she knew it wouldn’t do her any good yelling at her best friend.

  “Okay but I will make sure she understands just how tenacious I can be too.” She sounded more confident than she felt. She only hoped that her words would spur her mind into action and not dwelling on the shock and fear that were gripping her at the moment.

  “Yes you are a veritable pit bull. I think she’s as against this happening as you are. Her grandmother sounds like a force to be reckoned with and maybe she’s a tad afraid of her. I’d feel more relaxed knowing you’ll be with someone right now.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you go and leave her a message but I’ll be sure to find out all the plans before I get ready to go anywhere with her. I’m fine now and can be by myself and get to Baltimore all on my own for Monday morning.”

  “Please, just hear her out. I think she’s trying to right a wrong here. I’m sorry if my worrying and meddling may have caused all this. Although I do think it’s odd that two total strangers are concerned for your welfare, I am glad that they do, so that I can ease my mind and know you’ll be taken care of. I mean a FBI agent and her grandmother... what better hands could you be in?”

  A FBI Agent and her grandmother, what better hands could you be in, rang in her head as she left the message on the agent’s phone. She told her she was fine now but she had said nothing of being ready to leave the hotel. She had learned that there was a direct shuttle to the airport and it would only take a mere twenty minutes but she had only done that because she had a compulsion to be always prepared just in case. She had decided to do everything to convince the agent that she was capable of taking care of herself and it wasn’t necessary to go with her back to wherever she planned on taking her. She would leave for Baltimore on her own time and volition.


  Waiting for the agent to call her back she had time to think about when she found out about Kate’s death and had read that the FBI were investigating a serial murder case involving four victims. She had known all four and had been living next to Cynthia and Jeremy and with Kate. She had been so close to the murderer; did she know who it was? Maybe I even saw this person.

  Her buzzing phone alerted her she was getting a call. The number displayed was the one that she had called and left a message with earlier.

  “Hello,” Miranda said, before she was interrupted by a deep, husky voice.

  “I’m sorry how this all happened...I wish I had handled it differently, but I had no idea you were in fact the Miranda who had been dating Katherine Montgomery...then my grandmother demanded I make it right and preparing a guest room for you...I really didn’t have a choice.” Kelsey stammered, and she never stammered.

  She wanted to make things right and for some reason she was frantic to make sure Miranda Gauthier, a woman she had never met, was safe and prepared to fly back with her to Nanna’s house. She only heard silence at the other end of the phone and fear gripped her; scared that Miranda may be having another panic attack again, she rushed into another explanation.

  “Please believe me when I say this is totally out of character for me, but I’m visiting my grandmother just outside of Pittsburgh so when your literary agent called and upset Nanna I didn’t have a choice.” She heard a soft chuckle and then a sigh. The sound was music to her ears; at least the author wasn’t panicking again.

  “Well your grandmother and Jess should compare notes because they certainly sound like a pair. Jess railed me hard for not answering the phone and worrying her. It is not in my nature to worry people; I can assure you. It’s the first time I have learned online that someone I once cared about is dead and that her murder is being investigated by the FBI because she was killed by a serial murderer.” Miranda tried her best to sound calm and hoped that it would convince the agent she was capable of taking care of herself.

  “As I said before I am sorry I didn’t handle this better but we only knew your first name from Baltimore but that a Miranda Gauthier had also been questioned in New Jersey; we couldn’t be certain you were the same person. We wanted to talk to you in person and find out if you knew Katherine Montgomery before notifying you that we were investigating her murder as part of a serial murder case. I have many questions for you of course but I do think we should wait until you have processed it better. I wouldn’t ask you to come with me to my grandmother’s house under these circumstances. You don’t even know me. I would much rather you stay at a hotel but my Nanna won’t even hear of it. ”

  “Thank you SSA...”

  “Please call me Kelsey.” She quickly stopped Miranda from saying her full official title and name. She didn’t want to be too personal with the woman but formalities sounded out of place.

  “Well Kelsey I would like to thank you for being so kind to a total stranger. I was shocked to say the least when I readabout Kate and I have never had a panic attack before today. I’m really a mentally sound and healthy person who is quite capable of taking care of herself. I really don’t think it is necessary for me to go stay with you and your grandmother. I am quite capable of getting to Baltimore for Monday morning as initially planned.”

  “Miranda, can I call you Miranda?” She didn’t wait for the woman on the other end of the phone to answer.

  “You don’t know my grandmother as I do, so don’t ask me to go back to Pittsburgh without you,” she pleaded.

  She then quickly continued before Miranda could argue her case further.

  “I have a chartered flight waiting here at the airport ready to fly us back as soon as you get here. We will be back at Nanna’s place before noon and all will be well with the world. I can make you this promise it will be far more comfortable than a hotel for the weekend. My grandmother Isla MacKenzie has a huge house and you can have all the privacy you could want... Please don’t make me beg.”

  “Do you have horse tranquilizers S...I mean Kelsey?”

  “Ahhh... horse tranquilizers? I don’t understand. Why would I need horse tranquilizers?”

  “Well if you think I will get on a plane and fly somewhere, you had better have some seriously strong sedatives to keep me seated.”

  “Well, Miss Gauthier I can have a doctor prescribe you some valium or something stronger, but that will take time we don’t have. I cannot hold the charter flight for too long...I...”

  Nervous sounding laughter halted her explanation from going any further.

  Miranda laughed but on the inside her heart and head were pounding just thinking about flying. Her brow was covered in sweat and the nauseous feeling had returned.

  “I can take some motion sickness meds that should help, but you may have to carry me to and from the plane, because they seriously do knock me out.” And they’ll settle this horrible case of vertigo too.

  Kelsey smiled. Happy that she had convinced the author to come back with her, she explained to the calm author where to meet her.

  “Well now that we have that settled, could you meet me at gate 11 as soon as possible?”

  “I can be there in twenty-five minutes or less depending on traffic. How will I know you when I see you?” She asked.

  “I’ll be the tall, humble woman with black curly hair and if that doesn’t help I’ll be the one carrying your favorite flowers, but I don’t have many choices. I hope you like lilies, Miss Gauthier.” She said as she looked at the floral shop across from the waiting area, there were very few types of flower
s to choose from.

  “My favorite color is purple and yes you can call me Miranda. I’ll be there soon,” the author said quietly.

  The phone call ended and Kelsey looked down at her smart phone thinking that she had never bought flowers for anyone, not even her grandmother. What had possessed me to tell her I’d buy her favorite flowers?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “The encounter between two souls is planned long before their eyes ever meet.”

  Kelsey paced back and forth across the floor leading to gate 11 where the charter flight back to Pittsburgh waited on the tarmac. Her sweaty right hand clutched a bouquet of purple and white lilies and she glanced around nervously. Her eyes kept darting to the entrance to the small terminal and back to her watch. I’m about to meet her. Twenty-five minutes. She should be here.

  She slipped her phone out to call Miranda when in her peripheral vision she saw a woman enter the terminal through the front doors. Kelsey turned to watch a petite woman carrying only a backpack, a small satchel type laptop bag and a purple long tube-like bag on her shoulders. She hadn’t seen any pictures that could definitively describe what the author looked like. The sketch-artist’s rendition didn’t come close. Even her imagination couldn’t have prepared her for what she saw. She stared at a tiny woman, likely five feet, four inches and maybe weighing one hundred and five pounds, walk with amazingly long strides towards her. Her FBI training had come into play as she mentally took in the soft brown hair and blue-gray eyes as the woman came closer. On closer inspection she saw that her hair was cut to above the shoulders and pulled behind the ears. A small brown mole was on the right cheek of a rather plain yet compelling face. The eyes were so expressive and even though she had only just met her, she felt like they had known each other for a very long time. Looking closer at Miranda’s eyes she knew now why the witnesses couldn’t describe their color, they seemed to change with the lighting and with the woman’s emotions. Her mental notes about this woman’s characteristic were cut short when she heard her speak.

  “Wow. You must be the honorable Senior Special Agent Kelsey MacGregor and those are the most beautiful purple lilies I have ever seen.” Miranda’s brain felt foggy as she looked at one very beautiful woman. The photos of the FBI agent didn’t come close to aptly showing how her tall, imposing features were both alluring and frightening. The word fierce came to mind but then she smiled and Miranda thought she may faint when the force of that brilliant smile sent a shockwave through her body. The agent’s face transformed from fierce to almost childlike as her perfectly straight white teeth showed themselves between full naturally red lips.

  “Well I had hoped that I picked the right purple, who knew there was several shades of purple lilies.” The tall agent dipped her head shyly.

  Seriously; could this woman be any more of a contradiction? Fierce, innocent and shy; I’m in such trouble. Miranda shook her head to try and clear away the drugged feeling but she knew it was pointless. She realized that Kelsey MacGregor must be at least six feet tall and although she was slim she looked powerfully strong and athletic. She looked up the long lean body and felt dwarfed and almost insignificant before a woman who looked to be a cross between actresses Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Connelly. Her short almost jet-black hair was curly and unruly although it was clear that she did try to tame its wildness. Dark brown almost black eyes were framed with long lashes and arching dark brows on the most flawless skin she had ever seen. Even her slight crooked mouth was perfect. Miranda felt like a mere mortal in front of a woman that was exquisite in every way possible. Her brain maybe addled by drugs but she could see that her open appraisal of this woman’s features had unsettled her so she smiled and looked into the most expressive brown eyes.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to stare but really your photos never did you justice, you are quite remarkably the most breathtaking woman I have ever seen,” she said without realizing she had actually said the words out loud until she saw the dark crimson color rise up from the base of the agent’s throat to her hairline.

  “I...ah...well I don’t think ...” Kelsey babbled and covered her heated face behind a hand with long, tapered fingers.

  Is there no part of this woman that isn’t stunning? Miranda bemoaned her luck for meeting, who must be, the best looking FBI agent on the planet.

  She then tried to alleviate the agent’s obvious embarrassment.

  “Sorry that wasn’t what I wanted to say...I mean I did mean what I said but I didn’t mean to say it out loud... can you tell that the medication makes my mouth spew verbal diarrhea?” Miranda grimaced; she kept saying all the wrong things and she had only met the agent a few minutes ago. She must think I’m a bumbling idiot not an author who uses words to make a living. She had no idea why seeing such a gorgeous woman had affected her so much. Her reaction worried her. I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t do this again.

  Kelsey tried not to laugh, she laughed when she was nervous as a child but for the life of her she could not figure out why she was so nervous. I don’t get nervous; never have my whole adult life.What made this woman any different? Kelsey thought back about the sensually-charged words this woman before her had wrote and she almost choked on her own saliva. Maybe I am just star struck. Yeah that’s it, it’s because she is a famous author. She had met many important people involved in FBI cases through the years; she had never stammered and fumbled with her words and she most certainly didn’t giggle like a little girl.

  Trying to clear her throat she decided it was best they end this awkward meeting and board the plane.

  “Okay... well the plane should be ready for us to board. Is that the only bags you have with you?”

  Miranda shrugged and tried to straighten more and appear taller. Gawd she is tall.

  “I travel light, only taking what I need most that way if I ever have to get out of dodge fast; all I have to do is run.” Miranda shook her head. Why had she said that? “Never mind anything that comes out of my mouth until I have slept off this medication, but if you ever wanted to hear what a complete idiot sounds like then keep me talking.”

  “Well let’s get on the plane and you can sleep all you want.” She then whispered to herself; “If I have to carry you, that won’t be a problem.”

  “What was that?” Miranda asked drowsily.

  “Oh I was just thinking aloud that I should call my grandmother and tell her that we’re on our way.” Kelsey lied but knew that the sleepy woman would never know it.

  Driving her car away from the airport; the sleeping woman beside her slowly roused and looked at her with drooping eyes.

  “ did I get in the car?” Miranda asked between yawns and her eyes heavily closing.

  “I carried you from the plane to the gate and then the flight attendants got me a wheelchair to bring you to the car. We’ve been driving for about half an hour, we’ll be at my grandmother’s house in ten minutes or so.” She saw the author’s face contort to attempt to understand what she was hearing then the dark gray eyes closed and Miranda’s head nodded over and her driving companion slept once more.

  “She wasn’t kidding about the drugs. I hope she didn’t take more than she should have,” Kelsey said softly as she smiled and recalled how the author mumbled in her sleep about being scared to fly. She had tried to allay Miranda’s fear about flying by promising to hold her hand but she ended up holding her head in her lap and stroking her hair instead. Her recollections brought back those strong protective feelings and she reached across the car’s console to gently grasp the author’s limp hand.

  Miranda mumbled something almost imperceptible but Kelsey’s keen hearing heard what sounded like; “You’re sexy and cuddly.” Those words made Kelsey feel self conscious of her actions and wondered when she had changed from being a person who shrank away from human contact to someone who cuddled and held hands with a total stranger? For the life of her she couldn’t figure it out. She withdrew her hand and resumed the two and ten hold on
the steering wheel. She thinks I’m sexy. That made her smile.

  She drove as her companion slept soundly the rest of the way to Nanna’s house. When she pulled into the driveway she wasn’t surprised to see her grandmother waiting for them.

  “What have you done to her? Did you have to drug her to get her to come with you? Kelsey she isn’t sick is she?” Nanna fired the rapid questions at her as she attempted to rouse the sleeping author.

  “Nanna, she is just sleeping. She took some kind of motion sickness pills and has been out like a light since we were seated on the plane. She mumbled and half woke up a couple of times but she warned me not to listen to anything she says until she sleeps off the meds,” Kelsey said chuckling.

  “Well take her right up to her room. I put her in the room adjoining yours. Maybe she’ll wake up so you can help her get more comfortable” Nanna put her hand on the small of her back to coax her.

  “More comfortable...what do you mean by that?” She looked at her grandmother confused.

  “Well I don’t want her sleeping in her clothes. I can do it if you don’t think you can.”

  “Um...I think I can manage,” she said awkwardly. Her face was starting to feel hot, imagining removing the author’s clothes. She felt like a silly girl worried about seeing a naked person for the first time. She shook her head and frowned deeply. Well this will be the first time I have seen a live body naked.

  She carried Miranda upstairs to the room her Nanna had indicated would be ready for her. She went over the threshold and carefully depositing her precious cargo on the bed. Okay that wasn’t so bad. Now to get her undressed. Her hands shook and perspiration broke out across her brow as she slowly undid one button after the other. The shirt fell open to expose a lacy bra. Kelsey breathed a sign of relieve when she saw the front closure. Closing her eyes she fumbled to release the clasp and kept them closed as she gently lifted the woman and removed the bra and shirt in one quick motion. Her eyes popped open when she heard Miranda mumble in her sleep. She kept her eyes on the author’s face as she thought of what she should do next. Without even giving it another thought she reached down for the light quilt at the foot of the bed and drew it up to cover the half naked woman. With her torso covered, Kelsey felt confident she could unbutton the shorts and slide them down off of the author’s hips.


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