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Strictly Confidential

Page 11

by Terri Reed

  Alessandro crouched down in front of her and took her hands. His warm palms sent ripples of sensation up her arms. “Cara mia, you must understand how sensitive this information is. If Escalante realizes we are on to him, there’s no telling what he’ll do. We must find him before he discovers Manuel Vance is his son.”

  She’d forgotten about little Manuel’s parentage. The child had become such a part of Peter and Emily’s life that it didn’t seem there was a time when Manuel hadn’t been their child. Colleen swallowed. “I wouldn’t do anything to put Manuel in danger.”

  “Good.” His eyes held hers for a only a second, as if he didn’t need to search for her trustworthiness, as if there was no doubt. Then his gaze drifted across her face to her mouth.

  Colleen struggled to stay focused when all she wanted to do was lean forward and press her lips to his. She swallowed. “So…so how does Dahlia Sainsbury figure in all this?”

  One side of his generous mouth lifted in a crooked smile before he moved to sit beside her. “Thanks to Interpol’s extensive network, we know Dahlia is Alistair Barclay’s half sister, and, we believe, Escalante’s accomplice. Alistair used his hotels as a cover for the drug activity. Dahlia may be using the museum for the same purposes.”

  Colleen stared. “But Sam said the authorities were convinced Escalante ordered the hit on Barclay.”

  “Sì. La Mano Oscura, the drug cartel, has long arms, even ones that can penetrate prison walls.”

  “And she’s his…ugh, that’s gross. Obviously, she didn’t have much regard for Alistair.” If anyone were to hurt someone she loved, Colleen knew she’d stop at nothing to bring that person down.

  “Perhaps she does not know. Or she could be as evil as he is. Escalante’s charisma is very strong. He’s a powerful man in many ways. He uses manipulation and blackmail freely, without remorse. I do not know yet what motivates Dahlia, but I do know she finds you a threat and will pay in the end for trying to hurt you.”

  Surprised at the heat in his gaze and the raw determination in his voice, her pulse skipped a jagged jig. “What are you talking about?”

  “The night of the museum gala, Dahlia tainted your punch with what I believe was poison.”

  Colleen’s heart thumped in her chest. “So that’s why you knocked the glass from my hand.”

  He caressed her cheek. “Sì, I could not let her hurt you.”

  Deep warmth invaded her like sun breaking through an oppressive cloud. “You saved my life.”

  He smiled slightly. “Your investigations must have been getting too close to the truth. Escalante had Neil O’Brien murdered and tried to frame you. If Dahlia had succeeded in killing you, then she and Escalante would have mistakenly believed they would have been safe from further scrutiny.”

  He could rationalize all he wanted. The fact remained that he’d acted unselfishly and bravely when he hadn’t needed to. “I thank you for saving my life as well as Jake’s and Holly’s.”

  He arched a dark brow. “You know?”

  She touched his arm, needing to reach out to him, to convey the growing feelings inside that she declined to put names to. “Yes. Holly told me the night of the gala. She refused to believe the rumors that you had anything to do with Mayor Vance’s shooting. But she told only me and I promised her I wouldn’t say anything until I could confirm for myself that you weren’t involved. I know now that you weren’t.”

  “Bella, you must not tell anyone of my life.”

  A rock landed in the hollow of her stomach. “This is a story that people will want to know. That people deserve to know. You’re a hero.”

  A pained, dark expression crossed his face. “I’m no one’s hero.” He stood. “I understand your need for a story, but not before La Mano Oscura is completely wiped out.”

  “Agreed. I wouldn’t do anything to compromise your investigation. But after…” She shook her head, making no promises.

  He gave a resigned sigh.

  “Why are you so passionate about this?”

  His jaw tensed. “It’s personal.”

  “Does this have to do with your wife and daughter?”

  A shuttered look entered his eyes. “I—”

  “Bad news,” Tomas said as he entered the living room and cut off what Alessandro had started to say.

  Frustration arched through Colleen. She so wanted to know more about this man who could very well be a modern-day knight in shining armor.

  Alessandro ran a hand through his hair. “What now?”

  Tomas grimaced. “Falcon agrees we need to seize the warehouse. He wants you to stay here with Colleen and keep her out of sight until we find Escalante.”

  “Perché?” Alessandro’s frown changed his countenance to dark and dangerous.

  Colleen drew back slightly. Could she really trust this man with her heart or her life? His obsession with Escalante and the drug cartel went beyond his work with Interpol. Personal, he’d said. In what way?

  Tomas’s dark eyes regarded Colleen steadily. “An arrest warrant has been issued for you.”

  Colleen jerked to her feet. “Why?”

  “Falcon is looking into the matter. But for now you must stay here or you both will be arrested.”

  Flustered, Colleen looked at Alessandro. “The guard at the museum.”

  Alessandro nodded. “Perhaps. Falcon will let us know.”

  “Who is this Falcon person? How do you know you can trust him?” Colleen asked.

  Tomas and Alessandro exchanged glances. Alessandro spoke. “Falcon is our CIA contact here in the States. Extremely trustworthy.”

  Colleen rubbed at her temples. “So now what?”

  “We will, as you say, hang out for a while. It has been a vigorous day. You should rest,” Alessandro said, concern evident in his dark gaze.

  A pleasant warmth grew inside her. How did he do that? Fill her with doubts one minute and then send her pulse rocketing toward the sky the next.

  “I’m too keyed up for resting. But I am hungry. Can we at least order room service?” she asked.

  Much to her amusement, both brothers became very solicitous. Tomas offered to order their meal, while Alessandro prepared Colleen a cold club soda with a slice of lime. They then ushered her out to the balcony.

  The sun was just beginning to set on the horizon. The golden glow bounced off the Rocky Mountains, painting the sky with vivid swirling hues of pink, orange and purple. A light breeze brought freshness to the air and seemed to lift the tension from her body as she sank down onto a comfortable chair.

  Alessandro placed their glasses on the small square glass-topped table between them before folding himself into an identical chair. His presence sent little sparks of excitement running up her spine. They were alone in a romantic setting. She should have been nervous or at least a little anxious, but she felt alive. And it was a good feeling.

  In the background, Colleen heard Tomas on the phone ordering a scrumptious-sounding meal. Her stomach growled at the thought of food. She smiled sheepishly to Alessandro.

  “Food will arrive soon. The kitchen is fast,” he commented as he took a sip of his soda.

  Colleen took a drink from her glass. The refreshing bite of the bubbly soda went down smoothly. “This is nice out here.”

  “Hmm,” he murmured.

  They sat in companionable silence for a moment. With a sigh of contentment, Colleen closed her eyes and rested her head against the cushion of the chair. She shouldn’t feel so relaxed and comfortable. So safe.

  Life was spinning out of control around her. People were trying to kill her, the police wanted to arrest her and Alessandro had kidnapped her. Yet here she was, totally at ease with the handsome man beside her, a glass of refreshing soda and a meal on the way.

  She could get used to this.

  Relaxation was a luxury she rarely allowed herself. Staying on top of the news required total commitment of time and energy.

  Opening her eyes, she found Alessandro watching her.
  The tender expression in his gaze froze the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth and made her heart pound.

  I could not let her hurt you.

  His earlier words played themselves over in her mind. Not being one to dance around any subject, she asked, “What did you mean when you said you couldn’t let Dahlia hurt me?”

  One side of his sensuous mouth curved upward into a crooked smile. “I’ve grown rather fond of you.”

  She blinked. “Fond?”

  He reached out and encased her hand in his big, strong grip. Slowly, he turned her palm up and placed a gentle kiss in the center, setting off a delightful shiver that tightened her scalp and heated her cheeks. “Cara mia, you are a beautiful, courageous and admirable woman.”

  His words spread pleasure through her, blanketing all the lonely and insecure places like melted butter on toast. Her gaze dropped to his mouth and she found herself tilting forward, drawn by an invisible thread toward something that seemed at once forbidden and yet seemed so natural.

  Their lips met tentatively and somewhere in her mind she wondered if he were as nervous about the meaning of this kiss as she was.

  A knock on the outer door pulled them apart.

  In the waning evening light, Alessandro’s dark eyes reflected stunned confusion mingled with yearning. Her lips tingled and restlessness washed through her, making her wish the kiss had lasted longer.

  He rose and extended his hand to help her to her feet. His big palm firmly and securely embraced her smaller hand. They stood toe to toe, gazing into each other’s eyes, and a flutter of sensation expanded in her chest. “I’m fond of you, too,” she admitted softly.

  The expression in his dark eyes weakened her knees. Affection blossomed in her chest. She tried to temper the feeling. This man challenged her, thrilled her and made her feel special enough to let him in. But letting him in would open her up to the vulnerability of loss. To the scary proposition of risking her heart. She wasn’t sure she was capable of ever doing that. Not even for Alessandro.

  Alessandro forced his feet to move forward toward the dining area where Tomas and the waiter were setting up their meal. All he wanted to do was pull Colleen to him and continue the kiss they’d shared.

  He’d told her he was fond of her. But fond was too mild a word for the feelings rocketing through his system. These feelings and emotions were more than he could handle with Colleen beside him talking to his brother.

  Alessandro needed space and time to sort out this mess he’d allowed to happen. Colleen shouldn’t be here. He should have kept a distance from her, should have realized he was too emotionally involved with her to keep her at arm’s length.

  But he didn’t want her at arm’s length. He wanted her beside him; he wanted to protect her, cherish her. Love her.

  His mind rebelled against that thought. He’d sworn that after Paola he’d never lay his heart bare for any woman to crush again. Paola’s use of drugs was a choice she’d made, a choice that had cut him to the quick, permanently scarring his soul. And though he ultimately held Escalante and his drug cartel responsible, Alessandro’s heart had been brutally betrayed by Paola, his wife.

  Alessandro had to remember his purpose; he had to continue on his mission to seek justice, for Mia’s sake. He would never be able to be the father he should be until he could look his daughter in the eye and know that he’d avenged her mother’s death.

  Colleen could only distract him from that goal.

  But now he felt a guilt weighing on him for letting the relationship with Colleen move in a direction he had no intention of going.

  After they ate and could once again find a moment alone, he would explain to Colleen why a relationship between them could never work.

  No matter how much he wished otherwise.


  “What about the time you slipped a toad into Mama’s bed?” Tomas’s eyes twinkled with humor as he regarded his brother. To Colleen he said, “You should have seen the way Mama flew out of the house screaming.”

  “Ha! What about when Papa found you stuck in a tree with a skunk standing guard? Now, that was funny. Even after the skunk left you refused to come down. Papa had to climb up and get you and nearly fell out of the tree when he smelled you.”

  Tomas shrugged. “I was six. I thought it was a cat at first.”

  Colleen laughed until tears seeped from her eyes. She so enjoyed the friendly bantering between the two Donato brothers. For the whole course of their meal, they’d regaled her with stories of their childhood in Italy.

  She in turn had shared a few of her childhood’s most colorful adventures and relished the laughter and camaraderie of the time spent with Alessandro and Tomas.

  A loud beeping came from the bedroom off to the right. Tomas pushed back his chair. “The fax.”

  He strode from the room, leaving Colleen and Alessandro alone.

  “You and your brother have a good relationship,” she commented.

  Alessandro nodded. “Sì. I can always count on Tomas to cover my back.”

  “That’s how my brothers and I are. We could fight like the dickens, but we always watched out for each other.”

  Colleen smiled as they shared the moment. Her gaze dropped to his lips and her breathing quickened as she remembered the feel of his lips on hers. She had half a mind to move around the table and plant herself in his lap and beg for another kiss just to prove that his kiss really wasn’t all that spectacular.

  Or maybe to prove that his kiss was that spectacular?

  She met his gaze. The deep connection that passed between them left her with the distinct impression that somehow he knew what she’d been thinking. Instinctively, she leaned toward him, wishing the barrier of the table would disappear and she could once again feel his arms around her.

  Abruptly, he stood, his expression shifting, closing her out. She drew her eyebrows together in confusion.

  He rounded the table and held out his hand to her. “Come, let us retire to the balcony to watch the stars fill the sky.”

  Fitting her hand into his, she allowed him to lead her out to the balcony. Instead of sitting, she moved to the railing and leaned against the cool metal.

  The rising moon shone brightly in the cloudless, darkening sky. A million diamonds twinkled in the heavens. A soft breeze ruffled her ponytail. She closed her eyes briefly and said a silent prayer of thanksgiving to God for everything. Her family, her safety, Alessandro.

  Awareness slipped over her like a cool satin sheet as Alessandro came to stand beside her. His shoulder bumped against hers and she leaned slightly into him.

  “Cold?” He slipped an arm around her shoulders.

  Taking pleasure in the warmth of his tall stature and his protective embrace, she relaxed against him. “Hmm, not now.”

  “There’s something…something I must say,” Alessandro stated softly, his breath tickling the hair at her temple.

  She turned her face toward him. His lips were so close. “Yes?”

  He cleared his throat. “I must apologize for earlier.”

  She frowned. She couldn’t think of a thing he owed her an apology for. “For what?”

  “For kissing you. I do not want to lead you on. There can never be a future for us,” he said, his voice low and full of regret.

  Stunned by his words and by the hurt and disappointment flooding through her, she stepped back. His arm fell away from her shoulders, taking his warmth and robbing her of every iota of peace she’d been feeling.

  She blinked rapidly against the unnatural stinging in her eyes and went on the offensive. “You think an awful lot of yourself, Mr. Donato. Who said I wanted a future with you? Just because we shared one little kiss doesn’t mean I had fantasies of marrying you. Talk about an ego trip.”

  He gave her a wry smile. “My mistake, bella.” He bowed slightly. “My apologies.”

  “You got that straight.” Colleen paced away, willing the turmoil going on inside her chest to quiet down
. She stopped and turned to face him. “Just for argument’s sake, why wouldn’t a future work for us? Because of your daughter?”

  He stared up at the moon. “There are many reasons. Mia is one of them.”

  Putting aside her own feelings and shifting into investigator mode, she stepped closer and softened her voice to a coaxing tenor. “Tell me about Mia.”

  The faint light of the moon revealed his tender expression. “She’s a sweet child. Bubbly, full of laughter. She has her mother’s smile.”

  Colleen’s heart twisted with a jolt of jealousy, which she quickly subdued. “Her mother was your late wife?”

  Turning away, he stalked to the chair and slowly sat down. With his elbows on his knees, he dropped his head into his hands.

  Concern sliced through Colleen. She went to him. “Alessandro?”

  He lifted his gaze and she sucked in a breath at the torture in his dark eyes reflected in the moon’s glow. “Paola and I were very young when we married. She was a wild girl. Beautiful, full of life, yet a darkness lurked in her soul. I thought I could tame her, that I could bring her into the light of my love. God’s love. I knew her casual use of drugs would lead to addiction and I tried everything I could to keep her away from them. But she loved the high more than she loved me.”

  Sympathy slammed into Colleen’s chest, forcing her to sit in the vacant chair beside Alessandro or fall to the ground. Wincing against the pain emanating from his soul, she laid a hand on his shoulder, offering what comfort she could. “I’m so sorry.”

  “She left without telling me she was carrying my child. I didn’t find out about Mia until after Paola’s overdose.”

  “Oh, no.” Outrage and sympathy on his behalf clogged her throat as tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t imagine how devastating that must have been, to find out his wife had OD’d and then to discover he had a daughter. “Where is Mia now?”

  “With friends.”

  “Why not with your family?”

  “Safer if no one knows about her.”

  “Wait a second.” Colleen shook her head in confusion. “Safer for whom?”


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