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The Wedding Belle (Colorado Billionaires Book 4)

Page 16

by Regina Duke

  And he was gone.

  Belle felt a tingle at the base of her neck. It was the same tingle she got when she’d read Zivo’s orders. It was her instincts telling her something was wrong. But then again, she didn’t really know anything about Uly’s business life. Maybe there was a hot oil decision waiting to be made. She was disappointed, but he was right. She had promised to call Ashley. And seeing her new sister-in-law would give her an opportunity to send Polly’s five grand back to her. That money was still in her purse. She picked up her phone and dialed.

  Ashley, it turned out, was already in Eagle’s Toe. “I’m so glad you called. I’m having breakfast at The Muffin Man. Do you know where that is?”

  “Yes,” said Belle. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Great! I have lots to tell you.”

  Belle collected her purse. Lots? Since last night? One thing about the Garrison family, they all seemed to act on impulse, just like Lulamae told her. Even the ones who married into the family.

  By the time Belle got to The Muffin Man, the early morning rush was over. She spotted Ashley in the corner, away from the windows. Baby Odin was in his car seat carrier on the chair next to Ashley. Belle took it as a good sign that Ashley was beaming.

  They hugged briefly, then sat.

  “Where’s Uly? I thought he’d be coming with you.”

  Belle pretended it was no big deal. “Oh, he had some business problem come up. He’ll find us later.”

  She felt Ashley’s gaze still on her, but she didn’t want to say anything else. Instead, she stood up. “I’ll go order. Would you like a refill on your coffee?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  Belle collected herself while she waited for the coffees and a platter of pastries she would never normally consume. She found herself secretly glad she hadn’t gone running that morning because if she had, she would never indulge in sweet treats for breakfast.

  Back at the table, Ashley exclaimed, “Chocolate eclairs! My favorite.” She reached for one eagerly.

  Belle smiled. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”

  “I didn’t. I already had one, but I can’t pass up the chance for another.” She bit into the eclair. “Mmmm.”

  Belle nibbled at hers, then pushed it away and sipped at her coffee instead. “Does Thor ever behave...irrationally?”

  Ashley licked chocolate off her thumb. “Of course. He’s a man.”

  Belle blinked at her. “That’s it? That’s the explanation?”

  Ashley rearranged the blanket covering little Odin and shrugged. “Men and women are really different. But when they’re good, they’re very, very good.” She wagged her eyebrows up and down.

  Belle laughed.

  Ashley grew serious. “Don’t worry, Belle. I’m sure it has nothing to do with you or your relationship. Garrison men are hard-wired to think about business. Even when Thor rebelled to become a fireman, he was thinking nonstop about starting his own company. They have a talent for making money. We’ll just have to live with it.”

  Belle picked up her eclair again. “I guess so. Thanks for easing my mind.” She took a big bite. “Oh my, these are spectacular.” She chewed and wiggled her fingers at Ashley. “Come on, tell me the big news while I eat the rest of this.”

  “I’m so excited and so relieved,” said Ashley. “I talked to Thor last night in bed, and he agreed that I should have help. He gave me carte blanche on calling a hiring agency. You’ll love this part. When he told Polly about it this morning, she said she was so glad because she was missing her Dobermans and wanted to go home to Texas.”

  “High five me, girlfriend!”

  Ashley did. “Thor wants the best of everything for little Odin. He’s so excited to be a father. And frankly, I’m surprised. Thor was never really one to want children right away.”

  Belle fell quiet.

  Ashley said, “Let’s go to Mina’s Boutique. They haven’t seen the baby yet.”

  “Okay.” Belle wondered if she’d always feel uncomfortable when it came to the Garrisons and children. She tried to shake it off. After all, Uly told her they could adopt.

  Mina and Madz were crazy for little Odin, and Mina gave Ashley a new baby outfit as a gift. It was a lovely visit, but after forty-five minutes, Ashley looked very tired.

  Belle touched her arm. “Are you okay? You look wiped out.”

  “I am. I was up at four with the baby, which is why he’s sleeping peacefully now. By the time he got to sleep, it was too late to go back to bed. I’d better head home and see if Polly can watch him while I take a nap.”

  “Naps are good,” said Belle. She helped Ashley carry Odin back to her car and hugged her goodbye.

  “I’m so glad you’re part of the family now,” said Ashley. “One piece of unsolicited advice. Don’t let Uly go back to Kuwait. He doesn’t do well over there.”

  “Cross my heart,” said Belle. She waved goodbye as Ashley pulled away from the curb. Too late, she remembered Polly’s money. “Rats. Too bad. I guess it will just have to warm my wallet for a while longer.”

  She headed back to the Cattleman’s in a somber mood. She hadn’t heard from Uly yet. Maybe she should text him. On the other hand, the hotel was only a couple of blocks away. She’d go back to the suite first.

  On her way, she walked through the parking lot to check on her car. It was fine, but it felt like she hadn’t driven it in months. And today was the day she was supposed to visit the unemployment office in Denver. She felt a twinge of nostalgia for the mess her life was a week ago. Then she shook her head. Nostalgia? Was she crazy? She was married to a rich man, an incredibly handsome rich man, and she should start looking at her little car as a trade-in on the new one she was going to ask Uly for. She chuckled at herself and headed for the lobby.

  The Cattleman’s had a secondary entrance on the parking lot side and she decided to go in that way. It was closer to the elevators. Once inside, the air conditioning gave her a sudden chill. She shifted her purse to her other shoulder and glanced at the registration desk before turning the corner to the elevators.

  She stopped short, and it felt like her heart stopped, too.

  Uly was embracing a woman. A very pretty woman, blond, with a baby bump. It wasn’t very big, but she was definitely pregnant. The woman wrapped her arms around Uly’s neck and planted a kiss on his lips. Belle’s heart kickstarted into overdrive.

  Her first instinct was to confront them both. But she remembered how uncomfortable Reese McAvoy had been last night about having a ruckus in the lobby. She waited a few agonizing moments for Uly to wave a casual goodbye or to tell her about his wife. Something. Anything. Instead, they sat down on an upholstered bench, still cozying up to each other. Then she saw Uly reach for his wallet, and the next thing she knew, he was pulling out bills and handing them over.

  Just like he’d done with her that first day!

  Belle felt her heart turn to ice and sink to the pit of her stomach. It couldn’t be true. Is this why he wasn’t worried about her inability to have a baby? Was he already having a baby with this other woman?

  Belle realized she was hyperventilating. She had to get away. She needed to think. She couldn’t go out there right now. She knew she’d start screaming or crying or both. She turned around and went back out into the parking lot.

  Her car was right there. She should drive it around a while, make sure it was okay. That was a very good plan. It would keep her from killing her new husband, or at the very least bringing on an assault charge when she ripped the blond hair off that hussy’s head.

  She got in her car and started the engine. She couldn’t believe she was thinking about doing them harm. But she also knew that when human beings are hurt, they lash out. And at that moment, she hurt worse than she ever thought possible. How could the human body hurt so bad without bleeding or broken bones? She wondered if she was having a heart attack. But she knew the signs, and she didn’t have any of them. None, except for that horrible pain. The
image of Uly kissing another woman had destroyed her world, and shards from the destruction were ripping through her heart.

  She pulled the car out of the parking lot and drove. She wasn’t sure what direction she was going. She just had to get away and think. For a moment she thought it was raining. Then she realized she was crying. Tears were falling freely and splashing on her bare legs. Somehow she found the highway. A sign read, “Now leaving Eagle’s Toe.” She didn’t think she would ever be coming back.


  Uly felt like the world’s biggest jerk for leaving Belle so abruptly, especially after making love to her all night. The memory of their closeness made him pause at the elevator. He wanted to go back to her so badly. Maybe he could blow off Ahmed’s cry for help and return to his bride.

  But if he did, Ahmed would hold a grudge, and Uly was weary of the lies and deception they had cooked up together. He had a chance to be free of all that if he dealt with it now. No more waiting.

  Downstairs at lobby level, he turned toward the row of boutiques that had opened up at the base of the high-rise tower. Among them was a small coffee shop, and that’s where Ahmed was waiting for him.

  Uly was instantly on edge. “Where is she? You said she’d be here.”

  Ahmed shrugged. “You’ve known her longer than I have. When has she ever been on time? Come on, sit down. Have some coffee. She’s fixing her hair.”

  Uly was antsy and annoyed. “This is the end of it, Ahmed. I’m sorry if Julie’s friend gets in trouble, but I’m going to tell my dad the whole story.”

  “Man, I can’t believe he maneuvered you into getting married just to placate his business associates.”

  “Really?” Uly’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “You watched him pull my strings all through college and this surprises you?”

  Ahmed held up both hands in surrender. “Sorry. I just feel bad about it.”

  “Yeah? Well, don’t. Rudy doesn’t know it but he did me a favor. Belle is amazing. She’s perfect for me. In fact, I want to get back to her as soon as possible, so call Julie and tell her to get a move on.”

  Ahmed obliged. “She said she’s on her way.”

  But Uly and Ahmed were finishing breakfast before Julie arrived. She was flushed and the color complimented her pale complexion. Her natural blond hair was long and curly, just like she wore it in high school. For many years, the sight of her hair had inflamed Uly, but not anymore. He was delighted to realize he no longer had feelings for Julie. His heart was fully occupied by Belle.

  Julie was effusive, apologetic, and grateful all at once. “I’m so sorry about what happened to you back in Kuwait,” she said. “I didn’t know Sara’s brothers would come after you. I thought she would at least tell them you were not the man she was with.”

  Julie scooted close to Ahmed and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  Uly shook his head. “You think a girl from that family would dare admit she was sneaking out to visit an English boyfriend at a Western-style nightclub? If she told them I was not the guy, she’d have to explain why someone else was wearing her clothes.” He glared at Julie.

  Julie rolled her eyes and thrust her chin forward. “Will you ever let it go? I didn’t know my act of kindness was going to cause you grief. She came to the library and begged me to switch outfits with her one last time. It only worked because the women in her family always cover their hair. And one of her brothers must have been following her. She said she was going to tell the Brit it was over. I was too upset to argue with her. I’d just done that pregnancy test and I wasn’t thinking straight.” She turned a fond smile on Ahmed. “If I’d known Ahmed was going to be so happy about it, I never would have slipped you that note. But he’d just left on a job and I didn’t know what to do.” She turned back to Uly. “And you’ve always helped me when I needed it most. You know I’ll always love you for that.”

  Ahmed buttered his last piece of toast. “It was great of you to give her the money to get home. If I’d been in Kuwait that day, I would have taken care of it. In fact, if she’d texted me about her condition, I would have bought her ticket myself.” He squeezed Julie’s hand. “Remember, honey? I told you I paid him back for you. As it was, she left Kuwait twenty-four hours before I returned to report to Rudy. My impulsive little angel.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I still don’t want your money. I’ve been carrying it around since Tex’s party. Hey, I thought you were working for him?”

  “Days off,” said Ahmed with a toothy grin. “I met Julie in Denver, then we rented a car late yesterday and drove here.”

  Julie took over. “Ahmed needs to get back to Vegas and I’m going with him. We’re getting married!” She held out her hand to show off a large diamond.

  Uly’s brows shot up. He hadn’t known that Ahmed was doing that well. “Tex must pay better than Rudy.”

  “Pretty much,” said Ahmed. “Don’t get me wrong, Uly. I owe my start to you and your father, and I’ll never forget that. Any time he needs my advice, I’m there. In fact, it was Rudy who told me Tex was looking for someone with my combination of skills. International business, knowledge of the Middle East, and the language. He was tired of trusting strangers to report on conversations he couldn’t understand himself. So yeah, Julie and I are going to fly down to Vegas so I can get back to work, and of course there’s no better place to get married.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it.” Uly looked from one to the other. Suspicion dawned like sunrise through the clouds. “So what are doing here? Why didn’t you fly straight from Denver?”

  Julie was surprised. “You didn’t tell him yet?”

  Ahmed shrugged.

  Julie said, “I need a copy of our divorce papers.”

  “What happened to yours?”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve moved five times since then! Can’t you give me a copy of yours?”

  “They’re in Texas.” Uly mentally shook his head at Julie’s live-in-the-moment attitude. She probably burned hers in some silly New Age ceremony, figuring she’d never need them in the future. That would be just like her. He thought about telling her she didn’t need the documentation to get married. She’d only have to report when and where the divorce was filed. However, providing her a copy would make a physical statement about the end of their history together.

  Julie blinked her big blue eyes at him. “Can’t someone fax them to you?”

  “God Almighty, woman, this is the last time you are getting away with disrupting my life. Ahmed, I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

  “So you’ll do it?” asked Julie.

  Uly sighed heavily. Every time Julie showed, chaos ensued. He would do anything to ensure her marriage to Ahmed. It was his chance to finally cut all ties. For that reason, he surrendered. “Anything to get you two crazy kids out of here. Why can’t I have normal friends?” He was only half joking.

  “Blame the university housing director,” Ahmed said. “Or whichever bureaucrat matched us up in college.” He laughed.

  Julie picked up a menu. “You have friends who are as wild as you are, Uly.”

  “I’m not wild anymore.”

  “Sure you are. Where do you think I got that hundred I wrote my note on? From your wallet after one of those worker parties y’all had in your hotel. You never even missed it.”

  “Well, after Sara’s brothers beat the crap out of me, I swore off that kind of wild. They nearly killed me. If Ahmed and his cousin hadn’t helped me convince Rudy to send me home, they might have succeeded. I can’t have that hanging over my head anymore. I’m going to tell my father everything and leave it up to him to straighten out this mess with Hussein. I’m afraid Sara is on her own.”

  Julie shrugged. “Okay.”

  Uly frowned. “That’s it? Just like that? You don’t care what happens to her? Then why did you let me deceive my father?”

  Julie pouted. “Don’t be mad, baby. She was a fun friend in a strange land. But her family problems are out of my han
ds. Don’t you have to call someone about a fax?”

  Uly exhaled loudly and got up, pulling his cell out of his pocket. “Order your breakfast. I’ll go make a call.”

  He left the table because he wanted privacy, and because he didn’t want Julie to hear his lawyer’s name. You never knew what sort of information she would take advantage of. He found a quiet corner in a jewelry boutique and browsed wedding rings while he waited for the law office back in Texas to locate his paperwork. Like his father, he stored everything with them, except for the items in his safe deposit box. It was times like these that made him glad he did. After fifteen minutes, someone came on the line and asked for his fax number. He moved to the hotel registration desk, got their fax number, and gave it to the secretary.

  He decided he wanted to buy rings for himself and Belle, and that boutique was the perfect place to do it, but first he had to make sure Ahmed and Julie were out of his hair. He paced in front of the registration desk until the fax came. Then he headed back to the coffee shop.

  They were still there. Of course they were, he thought. Julie needed something from him. She wasn’t going to leave until he had jumped through every hoop. Once again, he found himself comparing Julie with Belle, who was so different, so beautiful. He wondered what she was doing and whether she was thinking of him.

  Julie’s strident voice cut through his thoughts like a knife. “I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about us.”

  Uly laid the fax on the table. “Here’s what you need. I’ve got to go.”

  “Too bad we’re in a hurry,” said Julie. “I’d love to say hello to Thor. He’s got a business here now, right? Didn’t you say he just had a baby?”

  “His wife helped,” said Uly.

  Ahmed laughed. “Dude, sit down. I promise we’ll be going soon. I just want to make sure everything’s all right between us. I mean, me marrying your high school sweetheart and all that.”

  Uly sat back down at the booth. “We’re fine. I’m happy for you.” And in reality, he was. Ahmed wasn’t a bad guy. He just had more of the businessman’s cold-hearted focus than Uly did. In fact, there had been times when Uly was jealous of Ahmed, because Rudy was constantly telling Uly he should try to be more like that hustler, Ahmed. At least those comparisons would stop now that Ahmed was working for Tex. “I really am, I’m happy for you both. Are you having a boy or a girl?”


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