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The Unexpected Bride

Page 23

by Debra Ullrick


  Before Rainee had left Little Rock, she and Jenetta had hidden her mother’s beautiful silk wedding gown, long white gloves, single-strand necklace with matching earrings and one other precious treasure in her trunk, her mother’s wedding ring. Soon to be hers.

  Mother would not be here today to witness her marriage, but wearing her dress would help Rainee feel as if she were.

  Sitting in front of Leah’s bedroom mirror, Rainee watched Katherine remove the last cloth strip from her hair.

  “Oh, Rainee, you look so beautiful.” With her hands on Rainee’s arms Katherine locked gazes with her in the mirror. “My dear, I know I can never take the place of your mother. No one can. But I want you to know I love you like a daughter, and I would be honored if you would call me Mother.”

  “You mean that?” Rainee swallowed the tears clogging her throat.

  “Of course I do.”

  Rainee’s heart could scarcely contain one more exciting thing. But contain it, it must. For she had something even more exciting awaiting her—a compassionate, loving, handsome mail-order groom.

  After a bath and a shave, Haydon dressed. The formal black jacket and pants looked out of place in the rugged Idaho Territory, but he wanted Rainee to have the wedding she deserved. Although she cared nothing about the high-society frippery, he knew this one time she would appreciate it.

  On the way to the backyard where the guests were already gathering, he met Jesse.

  His brother whistled. “Don’t you look nice?” Jess fell in step with him.

  “So do you.” Haydon glanced at Jesse’s scar. Even though he’d asked Jess’s forgiveness, every time he saw it remorse and shame for his stubborn selfishness knifed his spirit. He turned, stopping them both.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to thank you for sending for Rainee. If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t be getting married today. Thanks, Jess.” He grabbed his brother in a bear hug.

  “You’re welcome. Now let me go. I have a special job to perform, and I don’t want to be late. I’m giving the bride away, remember?”

  Rainee slowly descended the stairs like a proper young lady, knowing her mother would be so proud.

  At the bottom step, Jesse reached for her hand and looped her arm through his. “You ready?”

  She nodded. “Jess. Thank you for answering my advertisement. If you had not, I would have never met Haydon.”

  Jesse chuckled. “I heard those same words from Haydon a few minutes ago.” He patted her hand. “You’re welcome.”

  She looked at her mother’s long white gloves and marveled at how they covered her hideous scars. Scars that were a sign of what God’s great mercy had delivered her from.

  “Now, let’s go get you two hitched,” Jesse said.

  Outside, Rainee’s gaze locked on Haydon already standing by the preacher.

  She and Jesse strolled down the aisle between the rows of benches, smiling. Her smile grew as she gazed on Katherine, Leah, Abby, Hannah and her newborn baby Tomas, Michael and Smokey. When they reached Haydon, Jesse handed her over to him and with a wink whispered, “Here’s your order.”

  “Best one I ever got too,” Haydon whispered for her ears only.

  Her heart and lips grinned.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together to join this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony. If there be any just cause why these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  A loud grunt came from the barn area. Rainee’s gaze swung that way. A hearty laugh rose from her. Good thing Mother was not here to witness it. But then again, even Mother might laugh at the sight before Rainee.

  Ears flapping like an upset hen, Kitty headed straight for them at a fast trot.

  Michael and Smokey leapt up and tried heading her off, but Kitty dodged them, racing around the festivities until the sweet little beast ended up at Rainee’s side. Without touching Rainee’s gown, Kitty sat, ooooing with contentment.

  Laughter filled the ranch yard.

  Rainee looked at Haydon and laughed.

  His mouth hung open, his eyes were fixed on the pig and he was shaking his head.

  He looked at Rainee. “Sorry about that, sweetheart.”

  Her shrug was accompanied by another laugh. “Do not be sorry. Kitty is family, and now she is an honorary bridesmaid.” She winked at Haydon, then faced the preacher. “Please continue, Pastor James. Kitty has no objections and neither do I.”

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed reading The Unexpected Bride as much as I enjoyed writing it. When I discovered there was literally a place informally called Hog Heaven, I had to write a story about it. I’ve always enjoyed pigs and their cute, loveable, inquisitive personalities. Also, because I’m a huge Jane Austen fan and a lover of Southern culture, I wondered what it would be like to combine the two. The result was Rainee—a woman who prayed and followed the Holy Spirit’s guidance and did not allow her faith to waver even in the midst of adverse, questionable circumstances. Haydon, however, had his own agenda and wasn’t open to what God was trying to do in his life. I think of how many times I, too, have done that and missed out on a blessing because of it. My hope is that all of us will see the importance of seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and that we’ll trust Him even when it’s the hardest thing to do, and even when things make no sense, we’ll trust Him anyway. I love hearing from my readers. You can write me at or you can visit my website at God bless you and yours.

  Debra Ullrick


  When faced with life’s challenges, what is the first thing you do?

  Rainee prayed and earnestly sought the Lord about her decision to place an advertisement and whose response she should accept. Yet, when she arrived at her destination and nothing went as planned, it appeared she hadn’t heard from the Lord. Have you ever had this happen? Did you continue to trust God in spite of the circumstances?

  Haydon blamed himself for Melanie’s death and used that as a shield from ever falling in love again. So when love came to him, he turned it away. Have you ever blamed yourself and carried the guilt of another’s actions? If so, how did you overcome it?

  Was Haydon wrong to carry the guilt of Melanie’s poor choices? What should he have done instead?

  Holding on to unforgiveness, even against ourselves, keeps us from moving forward. Can you think of an example of this in your own life? Explain.

  The Bible says that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Rainee was taught a lot of rigid rules based mostly on outward appearances, and she rebelled against them. Do you think she was wrong? Why or why not?

  Haydon judged Rainee based on her outward appearance, her apparel, and compared her to Melanie because of it. He almost let the love of a sweet, generous-spirited woman slip away because of it. Have you ever avoided getting to know someone because of their outward appearance? What was the result?

  Rainee risks her life to save a fellow human being. Would you? Why or why not?

  Rainee is told that no one would want her because of her scars. Do you know anyone who feels this way either from physical or emotional scars? What would you tell them?

  Jesse prayed about answering Rainee’s advertisement. He sent for her without Haydon’s knowledge. Do you think he should have consulted Haydon first? Or was Jesse right to go ahead with his plan even though he knew it would make his brother angry? Explain.

  Have you ever had to do something you knew the Lord was asking you to do, knowing it would probably stir up a hornet’s nest? What was the result?

  Ferrin held bitterness and jealousy in his heart against Rainee for years. Who do you think suffered the most, Rainee or Ferrin? Why?

  Was Rainee right to forgive Ferrin and continue to love him even though he abused her and showed no remorse for his actions? What would you do if you were Rainee, an
d why?

  Haydon’s acceptance of Rainee’s scars helped her to heal. Do you know anyone who has inward or outward scars that are in need of healing? What would you say to them if you got the chance?

  What lesson did you take away the most from this story and why?

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0258-0


  Copyright © 2011 by Debra Ullrick

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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