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Easy Fortune: A Boudreaux Series Novella (The Boudreaux Series)

Page 6

by Kristen Proby

  But I’m not. I can’t.

  Because he isn’t going to stay.

  We’re quiet as Mason drives us back to the airport and we board the plane. Our bags are taken care of.

  “I’m going to miss being pampered like this.” I grin and grab a bottle of water on my way to my seat. “A girl doesn’t get to fly in a private plane every day.”

  He smiles softly as he watches me uncap the bottle and take a sip.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the summer?” he asks as we begin to taxi to the runway.

  “Mallory’s talked me into using her husband’s home in Italy for about a month.”

  He cocks a brow. “Who is Mallory married to?”

  “Beau Boudreaux. His family owns Bayou Enterprises.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard of them. You’ll love Italy.”

  “I’ve never been off of North America,” I reply with a smile. “So it’ll be fun to explore somewhere new. How about you? What are your plans?”

  “I left a job in Chile to come here and take care of Aunt Claudia’s things. I’ll head back down there to finish the job.”

  “How much longer until that one’s finished?” I ask.

  “About two years,” he replies and laughs when I cough, choking on the sip of water I just took.

  “Two years?”

  “Yes. We’ve discovered a new Mayan burial place, and we’ve found several mummies. I’m quite sure there’s more to discover in the caves, but it’s a process, and it takes a while to get permission from the government. Every time we want to explore a new cave we have to apply for a permit.”

  “Wow.” Two fucking years. “And then what?”

  “The next dig,” he says with a shrug. “There’s always something new to find.”

  I nod, feeling defeated. Now that I know our trip is almost over, I feel overwhelming melancholy. The trip to Italy was absolutely the right decision. I’ll need the distraction from missing Mason all over again.

  “Get comfortable, folks,” the pilot says over the loud speaker, “we have a four and a half hour flight ahead of us.”

  I kick my shoes off, and reach for my carry on bag. I packed some yoga pants in case we had a long trip ahead of us today.

  I stand and shimmy out of my jeans, then slide the yoga pants on and settle in my seat again.

  “You’re prepared,” Mason says.

  “Hell yes. Jeans are not comfortable to travel in.”

  He nods and pulls his iPad out of his bag, but before he can wake it up and do whatever it was he was going to do, I climb into his lap and lean my head on his shoulder.

  “You okay?” he asks softly.

  “Yeah. I’m just going to enjoy you while you’re here.”

  He sighs and brushes his fingers up and down my arm.

  “You can sit here for as long as you need.”

  I can’t reply. I simply nod and settle in closer, listening to his heartbeat.

  Chapter Eight


  She fell asleep on me, and I didn’t have the heart to wake her and move her. She doesn’t weigh much, and she smells like fucking heaven.

  My time with her is short. I didn’t factor in the fact that I’d enjoy her so much during this trip. Getting to know her again has been intriguing and her body is every fucking fantasy I’ve ever had in my life.

  We fit well together. I know how rare that is, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’ll be leaving for South America soon, and she’ll go back to her life too.

  “We’ll be landing in about thirty minutes,” the pilot says, waking Lena.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, looking around. She has a mark on her cheek from my shirt. “How long did I sleep?”

  “A few hours.” Her pretty blue eyes widen, making me smile.

  She slides off of my lap and onto the seat beside me and rubs her hands over her face.

  “I was knocked out,” she says. “Dreaming and everything.”

  “I could tell.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says again, but I take her hand in mine and kiss it.

  “Don’t apologize. I enjoy having you in my arms.”

  The wheels touch down, and the pilots come out of the cockpit.

  “This is our last stop. We’re in Montana. A car is here to pick you up and you’ll be taken to where you’ll be staying.”

  “Are there really no more clues?” Lena asks, disappointment heavy in her voice.

  “No more clues,” he replies. “Have a good visit.”

  Our bags are already being loaded into the car, which isn’t a rental car, but one with a driver.

  “Fancy,” Lena says with a wink and slides over the black leather seat, giving me room to scoot in next to her.

  “Good evening,” the driver says with a nod. “We’re in Missoula, and our destination is Philipsburg. It’s only about an hour away.”

  Lena settles in next to me and leans her head on my arm. I love her touch. Her hands are small, but strong, and when she reaches for me it’s not to barely brush her fingertips over my skin. She touches me, firmly. Purposefully.

  God, I want her.

  We’re quiet on the drive, watching the mountains and green pastures until the car turns into a driveway with a bed and breakfast sign arched over the road.

  “Here we are,” the driver says and steps out to gather our bags.

  A woman opens the front door with a smile and waves at us.

  “Hello, there,” she says. “I’m Sandra. You’ve had quite the day.”

  “It’s been a long one,” Lena agrees.

  “Well, not to worry, dear. Your room is ready, and I’ve made dinner for you.”

  “You’re my new best friend,” Lena says.

  “Would you mind if we took our dinner in our room?” I ask. “I think we’d like some quiet time this evening.”

  “I was going to suggest that,” Sandra says with a wink. “Just follow me.”

  She leads us into a massive log house. The living room has a vaulted ceiling with floor to ceiling windows, showing off a beautiful view of the mountains.

  “Your room is upstairs.”

  There’s a king sized bed, and an adjoining bathroom with a soaking tub and steam shower.

  “It looks so rustic from outside, but it’s been nicely updated,” Lena says with a smile. “Your home is beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Sandra says. “Why don’t the two of you get comfortable and I’ll bring your dinner up in about thirty minutes?”

  “Perfect,” I reply. “Thank you, Sandra.”

  She nods and closes the door behind her. Lena flings herself onto the bed and stares at the ceiling.

  “We’re in Montana.”

  “We’re in the log cabin to prove it,” I reply and pull my shirt out of my pants.

  “Have you ever been here before?”

  “No.” I shake my head and stare out the window. The sun is just beginning to go down, casting the mountains in pink and purple. “And to the best of my knowledge, Aunt Claudia had never been here either.”

  “Interesting,” Lena says. I turn to look at her, and my breath catches in my throat. She’s even more beautiful than the sunset.

  “You’re stunning.”

  Her gaze whips over to mine and she blinks rapidly, which she does often when I say something unexpected.

  “Are you surprised to hear that?”

  “It’s not something I hear every day,” she says and goes back to staring at the ceiling.

  “You should.” I don’t know why I’m suddenly frustrated, but I am. She should be told that she’s stunning every goddamn day.

  There’s a knock on the door.

  “I hope you like fried chicken,” Sandra says with a smile as she carries the tray into the room. “I brought up some waters and a bottle of wine as well. If you’d rather have something else, just call down.”

  “This looks delicious,” Lena says with a smile.

  “And heavy. Here, let me he

  “Oh, I’m fine.” She sets the large tray on the table by the window and gestures to a wooden box also sitting on the table. “This is for you as well. Feel free to open it any time. It’s yours to take.”

  “Thank you.”

  She nods happily and leaves. Lena uncovers the food.

  “I vote for eating first,” she says. “And then open the box.”

  “Sounds good.” The meal is hearty and delicious. We devour the food quickly, hardly talking to each other in the process.

  “I need to get her recipe before I go,” Lena says with a happy sigh. “I’m so full, but I don’t want to stop eating.”

  “Eat as much as you want.”

  She shakes her head and pushes her plate away. “No. I have to stop. I’ll regret it if I don’t.”

  I carry the tray across the room and set it on top of a dresser.

  “Let’s open the box.”

  Lena nods happily and I reach for the beautiful wooden box. The lid flips up, and inside is another box, made of velvet, and a letter.

  “Read the letter aloud,” Lena requests. “I like your voice.”

  “Dearest Mason and Lena,

  “By now you’ve traveled all over the country on a silly treasure hunt that I schemed up some months ago. I want to explain why I sent you to those particular places, and the story behind what’s inside the velvet box.

  “Mason, you asked me many times over the years to tell you what was in the chests in my bedroom, but I wasn’t ready to talk about them. You see, it was a heartbreak too deep to talk about with a small boy. You wouldn’t have understood.

  “When I saw you with Lena six years ago, I knew that you belonged together. You are kindred spirits. You fit together. I know, I know, I’m just the meddling aunt. What do I know? Well, I know what I saw, and that was a light in your eyes when you looked at each other. It’s special. Trust me, you don’t find it very often.

  “I only found it once. Charles was the greatest love of my life, and I cherish every moment we had together, even though it was cut entirely too short. In my early twenties, Charles and I took trips all over the country, very similar to the one you just went on. Of course, we didn’t have a private jet; that’s a perk that I’m happy I was able to throw in for you. Charles and I had the treasure hunting bug, and boy did we ever have some wonderful adventures! Hunting for precious stones was one of our favorite past times, but we also loved searching for dinosaur bones and other fascinating things. As a woman, it was frowned upon for me to go to college for archeology, but I didn’t give a damn. I knew what I wanted, and I went for it. When Charles and I were asked to go on a dig in Mexico, we jumped at the opportunity! But then my mother fell ill, and I had the responsibility of staying home to take care of her in her last few years.

  “Charles went on ahead of me. It was supposed to be a six-month dig, but it turned into two years, then three. We sent letters back and forth, and oh how I missed him so. My heart ached with longing every day that we were separated.

  “My mother passed away, and I was settling her estate, ready to join Charles in Mexico when I received word that he’d been killed in an accident on the job site. It felt as though my heart was ripped from my body, and I bled in grief every day for the rest of my life

  “And now we circle back around to the two of you. As you’ll see in the velvet box, there’s a necklace.”

  I stop reading and open the velvet box, revealing a beautiful necklace made of yellow gold. There are stones; emerald, opal, quartz, jade, and many others in the necklace.

  “That’s gorgeous,” Lena says in awe. She has tears flowing down her cheeks. “Keep reading. This is the best story I’ve ever heard.”

  Me too, love.

  “All of the stones you see here are ones we found in the locations that you’ve been to in the past few days. They were our treasure, and Charles had this made for me as a memento from our travels.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re in Montana now. Well, there’s a sapphire mine there that was Charles’s and my favorite place to mine. The mountains there are the most beautiful I’d ever seen, and we went there often. The engagement ring that Charles proposed with was not a diamond ring.

  “It was a Montana sapphire ring, and when you’re ready for it, Mason, it’s yours, just like the rest of my belongings.

  “I would love for the two of you to go find your own sapphires. Enjoy Montana for a few days. It’s unlike anywhere else in the world. I truly believe that it’s a magical place. Lena, you’ll appreciate that.

  “And finally, the point I’m trying to make is this.

  “It’s important to make your way in the world. Traveling and discovering is a part of the human experience that can’t be compared to anything else. But just as important are the relationships you forge in life, and nurturing those relationships.

  “Digging for something or someone who’s been dead for thousands of years is important work.

  “But being with the living and breathing person who loves you is the most important work you’ll ever do. The dead won’t thank you, Mason. They don’t care that you dug them up so you can learn about them.

  “But your love? Well, learning and exploring, growing with each other, that is what life is all about. I wish that Charles and I had learned that lesson before we decided to endure the time apart. We had no idea that six months would turn into forever.

  “I hope that this trip has taught you many new things about each other.

  “With all of my love,

  “Aunt Claudia”

  “Wow,” Lena says with a deep sigh. I let my eyes travel over the words again, picking up key words here and there. “Your aunt was an incredible woman.”

  “She was,” I agree and set the letter back inside of the box. “The necklace is for you.”

  “No.” Her eyes are wide as she shakes her head. “No, Mason, this was your aunt’s, and especially after that story, it belongs with you.”

  “I think you’ve more than earned it, and Aunt Claudia would want you to have it. Trust me.”

  She looks uncertain. “Think it over. This isn’t something you should just give away on a whim.”

  “I don’t do anything on a whim, Lena. You know that.” I set the box on top of her handbag and turn back to smile at her. “It’s yours.”

  “I’ll cherish it, always.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter Nine


  He’s dreaming again.

  After the revelation of Claudia’s letter, we had a quiet evening. Mason didn’t talk much, and he seemed distracted. Distant. So I gave him his space and pretended to read a book.

  I don’t know what’s going through his mind because he was so quiet, but I wanted to ask him about a million questions, starting with what do you think? Did she help him realize that he doesn’t want to be like Charles? Does he think she was just a silly old woman?

  But I didn’t ask, and he didn’t offer.

  He hardly even touched me when we went to sleep. He turned away from me, so I snuggled up behind him, enjoying his warmth. He didn’t sleep for a long time, but he didn’t reach for me in the dark either.

  I’ve already lost him.

  He has been having bad dreams. He murmurs things, and tosses and turns. He’s on his back now, breathing hard and talking, but I don’t understand the words.

  “Hey,” I say softly. “Mason, it’s okay.”

  He scowls and his head thrashes back and forth.

  “Mason.” My voice is louder now. “It’s okay. You’re dreaming.”

  He wakes up and stares at me, then looks around the room as if he’s not sure where he is.

  “It’s okay,” I say again and cup his cheek. “You’re just having a bad dream.”


  “I’m right here.”

  “God.” He rolls toward me and wraps his arms around me, pinning me to the bed. He’s hugging me tightly.


  He lifts up far enough so I can catch my breath, and then he’s kissing me. Urgently, incessantly, kissing me as if his life depends on it. He cups my breast and pinches my nipple roughly.

  “I want you,” he murmurs. “God help me, Lena, I want you.”

  “I’m right here.” He reaches between us, down to my center, and rubs his fingertips over my sex, growling when he finds me already wet. “You’re always ready for me.”

  “I can’t get enough of you,” I reply honestly.

  He shakes his head and leans his forehead against mine. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? You’re a fucking drug, Lena. I can’t say no to you. I can’t fucking stay away from you.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  He sinks inside me and we both sigh in relief and excitement.

  “You feel amazing,” he whispers and sets a rhythm, moving his hips quickly but not fast enough to make us both crazy.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and he grabs my right knee, pushing it back farther, so I’m opened wide.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he growls. He moves faster, as if he’s unable to stop himself, and I’m so damn thankful because I’m chasing the most explosive orgasm of my life.

  I cry out as I come, squeezing him, my body shivering, and he follows me over, calling out my name as he explodes.

  As we come back to Earth, he kisses me lightly and collapses next to me.

  “I don’t know what to do,” he says sleepily.

  “About what?”

  But he’s already sleeping again, as if the past few days have taken a bigger emotional and physical toll than I realized. He’s softly snoring next to me. I brush my fingers through his hair and let my fingertips slip along the light stubble on his chin.

  He’s amazing. Physically, he really could be Captain America. But beneath that, he might be one of the best people I’ve ever met. He’s been kind and accommodating to me. He truly would have understood if I had refused to join him on this trip.

  I’m so relieved that I didn’t refuse. I would have missed out on the adventure of a lifetime.

  I would have missed out on being with Mason again, even for just a few short, wonderful days. And I wouldn’t trade this for anything.


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