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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

Page 54

by Summer Lee


  “It’s probably better if I show you.” He went to his computer, and she followed him. He typed in the info as he searched the internet. Once he found what he was looking for, he showed Achava.

  She saw something with four wooden legs. It almost looked like a giant stool. Instead of a flat round seat though, it had a pyramid shaped seat. Sam said, “It’s sexual torture.”

  Achava realized what it was used for when she saw the seat and gasped. She leaned closer to the computer and read, “The peak of this wooden pyramid found itself in the. . .” She looked at Sam. “It describes all the male and female private parts that were tortured. It goes on to say that metal belt was wrapped around the victim and then he or she was hoisted atop the point of the pyramid. The torturer could modify the pressure upon their tender areas by raising or lowering the victim.” She bit her lip. “That is barbaric.”

  “Yeah,” Sam said. “I guess I should have guessed why you didn’t know anything about the Judas Cradle. It’s also called the Judas Chair. That explains its use better.”

  “It should be called savage!” she exclaimed. “How horrible.”

  “If my suspicions are correct and sometimes they are, I think that the Judas Cradle in the Pera Museum in Istanbul, Turkey, may be our best bet. They have a traveling exhibition that includes the Judas Chair. The exhibition started on the 1st.”

  “It sounds like you are probably right, Sam,” Achava replied, still unsure. “Why that particular one? Are there no other museums that would have the cradle?”

  Sam knew that he had to try to change the subject.

  “Yes, there are,” Sam answered. “But this museum happens to be the only one in Turkey with the cradle. Before you ask, I picked Turkey because Noah’s Ark is rumored to be on top of Mt. Ararat in Turkey. That’s where I originally thought we were, when we appeared from Noah’s time line. It’s a stretch, but it kind of makes sense.”

  “I agree, Sam.”

  “Do you want to check on that one, Achava?”

  “Yes. Pack your back pack. Let’s go to Istanbul and the Pera Museum.”

  Achava did not feel totally confident in what they were going to do, but she had to trust Sam. She, also, had to leave room for him to make mistakes.

  There was something about teaming up with Sam that energized her, and made her feel feminine. Strangely, he completed her. It was like he was a glove and she was the hand inside the glove.

  She brushed her hair and dressed for a long trip. With her hands folded under her chin, she asked God to fill her with His power. “I want to do exploits for you,” she prayed.

  Sam came back into the room with his back pack on. “I’m ready to go,” he said.

  They clasped hands. She said, “Close your eyes so you won’t get air sick.

  Chapter the Seventh

  The Beginning of Day Three

  SAM GLARED AT THE JUDAS CRADLE in the Pera Museum. Achava looked about to make sure no one was around.

  “Please tell me, that we’re not going to steal it,” Sam quietly asked, even though he already knew the answer.

  “If you have another way to examine it, I am open to hear your thoughts,” she answered. “We’re not stealing it, Sam. Just borrowing it. We will return it, after we have completed our search.”

  “Where are we going to take it?” he queried.

  “Not too far away. We’ll have it back before anyone notices it is gone.”

  Sam started to appear as nervous as he felt. “Why didn’t we do this when the museum was closed?”

  Achava smiled as she grabbed his hand. “We do not know what kind of security system they have. It would have been detrimental to our mission, if we got caught.”

  Sam forced a smile for the benefit of the museum’s cameras. “I don’t know if being on camera, is going to be any better, but I trust you.”

  “Trust is faith, Sam. I understand your lack of faith, due to the fact that your eyes see only a couple of possible consequences. Don’t have faith in the circumstances or the plan. Have faith in God and have faith in me.”

  He nodded, as she walked over the velvet rope separating the cradle from the public. Since she still held his hand, he had no choice but to go with her. She immediately touched the cradle with her free hand and Soul Merged out of the museum.

  Sam and Achava appeared with the cradle in an abandoned building. It looked like it used to be a restaurant with old booths and tables.

  Sam released her hand, and reached for the cradle. He turned the cradle upside down. “This is actually fairly small for a Judas Cradle. I heard that some can be really big.”

  Achava grimaced. “Thank you for painting that portrait, Sam, but I can do without the picture.” She pulled out a small knife and started to pry the pyramid seat off of the wooden legs.

  “What are you doing?” Sam exclaimed. “This is a priceless artifact!”

  “I do not see how something that was used the way this was used, could be of value to anyone anymore.” She continued to work, as Sam saw the muscles in her arms tightening. He knew that the seat must have been cemented on there for good.

  The knife’s blade broke, much to Sam’s relief.

  Achava glared at the seat. Her golden eyes grew brighter and lit up the abandoned building. She placed one hand on the stool part and the other hand on the seat. One deep breath later and she tore the seat off with one pull.

  Sam shook his head. “You’re good.”

  Achava laughed. “Do not worry, Sam. I have no desire to destroy this thing. I would not have taken the seat off, if I did not know how to restore it.” She handed the seat to Sam.

  He looked it over carefully. On the underneath side of the bottom, a Shekel of Tyre was embedded deep into it. “Look. We got one!”

  He showed her. “Can you get it out?”

  Achava took the seat and studied the placement of the Shekel. “She waved one hand over the Shekel, as the golden glow surrounded it.”

  Sam stood in awe. “Amazing.”

  She continued to pry it out. “I think I’m getting it.”

  Sam raised his eyebrows. “Does that mean that we couldn’t have gotten the Shekels, without your new golden power?”

  She shrugged, as she continued prying. The Shekel snapped out. It was seemingly a miracle how it was removed from the pyramid and flew into her hand. When she closed her hand around it, the glow faded. She handed the Shekel to Sam and put the pyramid seat back onto the stool part of the cradle. The golden glow returned around her hands as she pressed the two pieces together. She concentrated for a few moments. When the glow faded, the Judas Cradle was whole again.

  “Impressive,” Sam said, as he examined the Shekel. It was in the same pristine condition as the other two. He placed it in a small sandwich bag and sealed it.

  Achava disappeared with the cradle and returned a few seconds later. She looked discouraged.

  “They knew it was gone. Didn’t they?” Sam asked, with his arms folded.

  “Yes, but I was in and out so fast. They were all so shocked to see me Soul Merge that they forgot to check out the cradle.”

  Sam laughed and gave her a big hug. When he tried to back up, she hugged him again. “Say, thank you.”

  “How about a thank you kiss?”

  The two embraced again as their lips interlocked.

  They both turned and looked at the Shekel. Sam said, “Is it just me, or does it seem like this was fairly easy to get?”

  Achava looked puzzled. “I’m not sure I understand. You had to figure out that it would be on the Judas Cradle.” She frowned. “I thought that was extremely smart, by the way.”

  “But it was too easy,” Sam answered, showing his concern.

  She put her hands on her hips. “If a person had never heard of the Judas Cradle, he would be clueless.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s nothing, but it almost fell in our laps.”

  “And I almost got arrested. I saw the police c
oming through the door as I disappeared.”

  “I can never win an argument with you.”

  “Forget it. Do you have any clues, as to the next location of the Shekels?” Achava asked, trying to keep Sam’s mind focused on the task at hand.

  “Don’t you? Achava, the clue was way too obvious. “Since we found the cradle in Turkey, then the next clue leads us to something else here—right in Turkey. Well, not specifically here, but you know what I mean. The Göbekli Tepe Temple is in the southeastern Anatolia region here in Turkey.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, it’s assumed to be a temple, because of the way it’s structured. It predates the Pyramids of Giza and it’s believed that it was an attempt at building a pyramid. That plan was believed to be discarded in favor of the plans for the temple.”

  “I know of this place,” Achava added. I knew nothing of the idea of making it a pyramid, though. I know that your sources are usually correct. Are you sure the ones who gave you that information, can be trusted?”

  Sam lowered his head. “That was one of the theories that Professor was working on, when… You know, when he passed. The people of the time built the temple, then the city. He never stopped theorizing, even after he ended his expeditions. He didn’t stop teaching either, as you well know. Professor Salinger greatly admired the work of Klaus Schmidt, the archeologist who led the excavation at the temple.”

  “Perhaps we should talk with Klaus Schmidt,” she said. “I’m sorry for doubting your source. If it came from Dr. Salinger, then I believe it to be true.”

  “Thank you, Achava, but Professor Schmidt recently passed away. We won’t get any information from his notes either, because they have never been found. No one knows where they are. His family searched his home in Urfa, to no avail. His house in under lock down, until the notes can be found, at the request of his family. They won’t even open the home up for fans of his work to see how he lived.

  “Sam. Don’t you think, that’s where we should be going, instead of the temple?”

  Sam shook his head. “No. I truly believe that each clue is linked to the next one. The Judas Cradle has to be leading us to the temple. Maybe from there, we go to Professor Schmidt’s home, but we have to take one item at a time.”

  Achava nodded. “Is there possibly a pattern in how many Shekels we find at each location? We found two in the robe and one on the Judas Cradle.”

  Sam perked up. “That’s an amazing concept, Achava!”

  “Except for one thing. Counting backward, we just ran out of clues.”

  “I believe that there is merit to your hypothesis, but until we have retrieved more Shekels, we won’t be able to test it out. That’s definitely something we should keep on the back burner though.”

  He leaned into her and gave her a quick kiss. She smiled. “Are you ready to take us to the temple?” he asked.

  “Of course.” She clasped his hand and they disappeared.


  They both appeared at the excavation site of the temple. The most recognizable aspect of the temple, were the circles of massive T-shaped pillars. There was a brisk wind, which caused Sam concern.

  “I guess I should have brought the robe,” he said, with disgust at himself.

  Achava shook her head. “The less we have with us, the better. Just in case we are ambushed.”

  “Is that a hint of paranoia coming from my future bride?” Sam could not help but smile. “Who would we be ambushed by, anyway?”

  “Well, Kieleg for one,” she replied, with a serious tone. “The person who gave you the robe, for another.”

  “If MAN is going to attack us, I’m sure that it will be after we’ve retrieved all of the Shekels.” Sam had a swagger he didn’t have before. His confidence impressed Achava.

  “What are you doing here?” A male voice with a strong Turkish accent, came from behind them. They looked around to see a young man with black curly hair, dressed in a loose fitting long sleeved shirt and matching pants. He had a dark complexion and a panicked look.

  “We mean no harm,” Achava volunteered.

  “There is no reason for you to be here!” the man insisted. He kept looking around, as if he expected someone else to show up.

  Achava and Sam raised their hands, as the young man pulled a nine milometer gun from the back of his pants.

  “Put down the gun. We’re friends,” Sam said, while smiling. “We’re not here to loot anything.”

  “Actually, we’re just on a scavenger hunt, looking for rare items. Technically, we are searching for the Shekels of Tyre right now,” Achava added, without thinking of the consequences .

  Sam lowered his head and sighed.

  “Shekels of Tyre?” The man seemed even more upset with the mention. “Who sent you? Why do you want the Shekels?”

  Sam and Achava gave each other a knowing look, as they both realized that the man inadvertently told them that the Shekels were there. Somewhere.

  “What do you know of the Shekels?” The man asked, while breathing heavier.

  “We know that if they’re not all joined together by the 30th of this month, then something catastrophic will happen.” Sam talked in a soft and calm voice, while still maintaining the smile. He made no movements toward the man.

  That was Achava’s job.

  The man glanced back and forth, between Achava and Sam, until he became entranced by Achava’s eyes. “You. I was told about you.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “Beware of the one with the golden eyes.”

  Sam shook his head. “Was the person who told you, a German man named Kieleg?”

  The man’s attention, turned back to Sam. “What do you know of Kieleg?”

  “He’s not after the Shekels, or he would have taken the ones from here,” Sam added.

  Achava sent Sam a mind to mind message. Sam. Perhaps it is best that you do all the talking. He is afraid of me and I do not want to aggravate the situation.

  Sam nodded to Achava. “Sir? My name is Samuel Godfrey and this is Achava. She won’t hurt you. Whoever told you to beware of her, was wrong. Don’t worry though. You can talk to me.”

  Achava? I have to take a chance here. Back me up in case anything goes wrong.

  She nodded.

  Sam pulled out the Shekel they retrieved from the Judas Cradle. He held it out in front of him. “See? This should prove to you that we’re telling the truth. We need to find the rest of these. Will you help us?” Sam took in a deep breath and tossed the Shekel on the ground in front of the man, as he slowly let the air out again. The man’s eyes bugged out in astonishment.

  Sam then glanced at Achava, but could not read her eyes or mind. He tightened his lips and gritted his teeth. And waited.

  The man couldn’t take his eyes off of the Shekel. He started to smile, as he dropped his gun on the ground and went for the coin. He fell to his knees and picked up the ancient Shekel. He started to laugh hysterically as he raised it in the air.

  “Does that mean you’ll help us?” Sam asked, with some hesitation.

  The man stood up and finally stopped his laughter. He then walked casually over to Sam and held out his hand.

  Sam shook the man’s hand, as he looked at Achava. He expected her to know what had just happened, but she appeared to be as much in the dark, as he was.

  “My name is Jaleel Sahd Muhammad.” He became quite cooperative and seemed sincere. “I am an Iraqi. I was placed here to guard not only the excavation, but the Shekels as well.” He gripped the Shekel, tightly.

  “What about Kieleg?” Sam queried.

  Jaleel spit on the ground. “Kieleg pays me nothing! I have no loyalties to him.”

  Achava looked suspiciously at Jaleel, but decided to keep her comments to herself, until she and Sam could be alone.

  “Come, my friends!” Jaleel exclaimed. “Let me show you where the other Shekels are! Ha ha! What a day for Christianity!”


  Neither Sam, nor A
chava, knew what his last statement meant, but Sam decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Jaleel led them to the largest of pillars. He then pressed one hand against one of the symbols on it. It was the symbol of some type of bird. There was a clicking sound, as the pillar started to descend into the ground. Jaleel didn’t seem to care if anyone else saw what was happening.

  Achava looked around the area. “I will stay here to make sure there are no prying eyes.”

  Jaleel had a silly smile. “Okay young lady. We’ll be right back! Ha ha!” He started to appear inebriated, as his movements were more fluid and carefree. He even bumped into Sam a couple of times, as they walked down into the now revealed underground passageway. “I am sorry my friend,” is what he said, every time he accidentally made contact with Sam.

  They entered what appeared to be a small burial chamber. The midday Sun was enough to light up the area.

  Underground. Humph!

  Jaleel led Sam to a small alter, where there was a pillar about five feet high and made of polished lime. It was the same substance that the floors of the temple were made from. There was a slab on top of the pillar that Jaleel pushed away, with some manner of difficulty. It revealed a hollowed out area, what had several items wrapped in an old cloth and tied with some kind of rope.

  He removed each one, until the hollowed out area was empty.

  Sam remained quiet, so as not to disturb the process.

  Jaleel handed the items to Sam. They resembled rolled up napkins. Jaleel then replaced the top and took the items back. He placed them all on the pillar top.

  Sam counted five.

  Jaleel then rubbed his hands together in excitement and proceed to untie the rope on one of the items. He unrolled it completely. There was another Shekel of Tyre in pristine condition. “Huh?” He repeated himself. “Huh?” Jaleel questioned, as if he expected Sam to be as excited as he was.

  Sam smiled. “What a wonderful thing you have done today. To give us these…”


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