Off Limits: A Stepbrother MMA Romance
Page 19
I couldn’t resist asking, shyly, “Did it feel good? I’ve never done that before.”
He groaned. “Any better and I think my head would have exploded.” I giggled, pleased with myself. He pulled me to him, close, rubbing my back, my legs, running a hand up my thigh to my soaked lace panties. Drawing a finger across my slick folds, he groaned again. “Jewel,” he panted. “You’re wet.”
“Yes,” I sighed into his lap, pressing my petals into his thick finger.
He licked my throat, up to my ear, then asked in a husky whisper, “Did sucking me off make you wet?”
“Yes,” I sighed again, moaning slightly as he pushed my panties aside and stroked my drenched sex.
“That’s very naughty, Jewel.” His voice low and dark, he pet me as he spoke. “What am I going to do about that?”
Wrapping my hands around his neck, I kissed the hollow of his throat, pressed my breasts to his chest, wanting him to do absolutely anything he wanted.
“You make me want to be naughty, Tuck,” I whispered. My nipples strained tight against my shirt, aching for his touch.
“Is that right?” he asked, bringing his large hands to my breasts, kneading them, squeezing them, pinching my nipples so hard I cried out.
From the front entryway, my mother’s voice called, “Hello! We’re back!”
“Fuck!” Tuck swore, pulling his shorts back up and into place. I barely knew what was happening as he leapt to his feet, took my hand and pulled me out of the room.
“Tuck, are you home?” Leland’s booming voice echoed through the hallway.
Oh shit. I felt like vomiting. Our parents were home. How had that even happened? They hadn’t seen us, had they?
“They might not be home,” I heard my mother say from the living room. They were probably standing right over at the couch where I’d just been going down on my stepbrother.
“Tuck, are you here?” Leland’s voice sounded over by the stairwell. We were just at the top, around the corner in the hallway.
“I’ll go downstairs and keep him there,” Tuck whispered to me. “You go to your bedroom.”
I did a fast tiptoe into my room and shut the door. After I locked it, I started crying pretty fast. What had just happened?
Hot shame engulfed me. What was I doing? I felt like I’d woken up from sleepwalking and found myself in my underwear at my high school. Only this was worse. I couldn’t undo this. No alarm would go off and wake me up, leaving me shaken but grateful for reality.
This was my reality. I’d just gone down on my stepbrother, a hot, crazy, wild mess nearly creaming in my panties, getting off on serving his needs. And our parents had come home right after he’d come deep down my throat. They’d almost caught us. Words couldn’t even begin to describe this shitstorm.
So fucking close. That’s where I was right now, with Jewel, with going pro. Tension roiled through me morning, noon and night. Almost. Not quite.
I’d dominated that fight. No one seemed to argue with that. A couple of reps from the smaller clubs approached me afterwards, followed up in the subsequent days, courting me. A few agents were sniffing around. They’d like to have me go pro with them. They’d help me grow as a fighter, hook me up with the best competitors, get me the best venues.
The thing was, the better you performed as an amateur fighter, the more you demonstrated your skills, the better you’d be set up when you went pro. I could do it now, step out and try to be the big fish in a small pond. But that wasn’t me. I wanted the big pond, the UFC. The premier league ran the best fights. I wanted the best manager, the top sponsors, the most experienced badass trainer I could pull. One more win like I’d shown I could do last weekend and I’d get it, the brass ring. I knew I could, I just had to keep at it, keep battering down the doors like a fucking ram.
With all the pent-up frustration hurtling through my veins, that was no problem. I couldn’t believe our parents had shown up Saturday night. I guessed I should be glad they hadn’t come home ten minutes sooner. I didn’t feel glad about it. Just a few weeks more and I’d be able to go pro, start making my own money, get my own place. I could be my own man for the first time in my life, away from my father, away from the Helmsworth name.
I’d never wanted to be further away from it than now.
Monday night we all had dinner together as one big happy family, Leland and son, Candice and daughter. Fucked. Up.
I played footsie with Jewel under the table. I couldn’t resist. She’d avoided me all Sunday, all that day Monday until we were forced to share a dinner table together. I hadn’t seen her since she’d sucked my cock so good I’d thought my mind had exploded. When she took her pink lips to her water glass, all I could see was them wrapped around my dick. All the experience in the world didn’t match up to a girl as into it as Jewel. And she’d been into it. Those low moans in her throat, the way she’d looked up at me as she’d kneeled between my legs, taken me in her mouth, deep down. Shit, it made me hard every time I thought about. I thought about it a lot.
So when I sat there at the dinner table with my father and her mother playing house, I couldn’t not bring my foot over to hers. She glared at me with those outrageously sexy green eyes, her temper flaring as hot as her red hair. I gave her an innocent, “What?” She scowled and I brought my hand over the next time, creeping it along her knee, her inner thigh. Her lips parted in surprise and she clasped her thighs together, making a big show of enjoying her meal as she shoved me away under the table. God she was fun to play with. We just needed our own place where we could play.
“What are you wearing?” Mid-dinner, Candice turned on Jewel. She sounded exactly like the bitchy, rich girls from boarding school. I’d never heard that particular question asked in a good way.
“I don’t know.” Jewel looked down as if just noticing her own clothes. She had on a baggy sweatshirt and athletic shorts. Only now I’d seen her naked I didn’t even notice, just counted the seconds until I could rip it off.
“I thought you were cleaning yourself up, making more of an effort.”
“It’s not like I’m not showering.” Jewel seemed to shrink into herself in front of my eyes.
“Honestly, why you choose to dress like a homeless person—”
“Those marine mammals can be pretty hard on stuff,” I offered, forking a bite of grilled steak into my mouth. Candice looked up at me like she had no idea what I was talking about. I realized she’d probably forgotten where her daughter was working this summer. “You know, Jewel’s internship.” Still nothing. “At the Marine Mammal Center.”
“Oh, well, that.” Candice batted it away as if annoyed by a gnat. “You can’t let something like that get in your way.”
“You wouldn’t want to wear something nice like you have on, for instance.” I buttered her up. It always worked with my dad and the two of them seemed like peas in a pod. She plumped up her feathers, looking down at her blouse with satisfaction. It was a nice blouse, I could almost hear her thinking. “Wouldn’t want to get sea lion vomit or dolphin shit all over it.”
“OK now, Tuck,” my father entered the conversation, his hand up in a “simmer down” gesture.
Jewel giggled. That’s all I wanted. I gave her a quick wink, then ate the rest of my steak in silence.
In a few weeks, I’d finally be on my own, finally gain my independence. And she’d be back at college. I didn’t like to think about it, but it would happen. We’d spin off into completely different worlds. With any luck I’d head into the spotlight with brawlers, promoters and sponsors. She’d go back to her ivy-covered tower with kids who played harpsichord and studied physics while wearing corduroy, tweed and glasses.
I needed her now. Instead, I endured a long dinner, tension radiating off of everyone, including the love birds. Had the timer already reached countdown phase? Candice seemed to hit the cocktails pretty hard. Leland’s blindingly-white smile seemed slightly forced. Trouble in
I didn’t want to know, didn’t want any part of it. I just wanted Jewel.
By Saturday, I’d had it. I’d kept my head down all week, my shoulder to the grindstone. I hadn’t wanted to be around the house with my parents in town. Plus, Jewel wasn’t around much at all. Wednesday night she’d had her dorky little friend with her like a chaperone keeping me from busting her chastity belt. Last night I’d done an extra session at the gym, sparring with a couple of guys as driven as me, and when I’d finally come home to crash at 10 p.m. I saw no sign of her. The light was out in her room when I walked past it in the hallway.
I was a ticking time bomb and I was about to explode.
Saturday morning I woke up and ran ten miles. I’d brought my conditioning to the level where ten at an easy, jogging pace felt like a warm up. It was an ice breaker, the prelude to the real work on strategy, speed and strength that went down with my coaches at the gym.
In the kitchen I fixed myself one of my usual shakes with protein powders, green shit that stank like a stagnant pond and a raw egg just for fun. My father walked in and, of course, started in on me.
“Why don’t you eat food like a normal person?”
“Good morning to you, too.”
“What’s wrong with a piece of toast and coffee?
I shrugged. I wasn’t going to get into it with him. Three more weeks until my next fight—my last one as an amateur if I played my cards right. I wasn’t going to let his desire to get into a pissing contest with me fuck that up.
“And why all the cuts?” He gestured to my face. “Did you get in some kind of a drunk fight at a club last night?”
Ha. Funny. “You should see the other guy,” I played along. Let him think what he wanted of me, it didn’t matter. I was done trying to impress this guy.
“You don’t want the guys around the office to think you’re some sort of a street fighter. You’re got to look the part. The Helmsworth name opens doors, but you’ve got to sell them on the rest of it.”
Thank you, Dad, for the words of wisdom: use your family name, then sell people by looking good. I needed a notepad to write this shit down and study it. He was like a wise man on a mountaintop speaking pearls of truth.
“Is that another tattoo you have on your back?”
“Yup.” Actually, I’d gotten it a year ago, when I’d earned my black belt in jujutsu.
“You do know you’re not Chinese?”
I didn’t tell him it was a Japanese character, and I certainly didn’t try to explain what it meant to me, how it stood for everything I’d learned after devoting years to practicing the martial art, both the Brazilian and original Japanese forms.
Jewel breezed in from the hallway, fresh and pretty with her hair pulled up into a simple ponytail. She wore a long, flowing skirt and a soft, loose scoopneck tee, the kind perfect for reaching right down and grabbing her tits. The sway as she moved, the perky jiggle, I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. My cock responded, hardening at her nearness. Clearing my throat, I shifted my weight, turning slightly toward the stovetop. Huge morning wood for my stepsister might not go over so well with my father.
“Morning!” Jewel spoke up brightly. “I was over doing some laundry and thought I’d get a glass of water. Don’t mind me.”
The laundry room was around the corner. She’d probably heard us talking.
“We have people to take care of that, Jewel,” my father reprimanded her. “You don’t have to spend your weekend slaving away.”
“I like doing my own laundry,” she retorted, still sweet. Maybe only I heard the edge. I fucking loved that girl.
Glancing at me, she asked, “How far did you run today, Tuck?”
“That’s amazing.” She filled up her water glass at the kitchen sink. “Isn’t that amazing?” she asked my father as she sauntered past us again back to the laundry room. “I am so impressed by anyone who wakes up early on a Saturday morning and goes for a run, let alone ten miles!”
My father poured himself a cup of coffee and left the room without another word.
I headed for the laundry room and closed the door behind me.
“He really pisses me off,” Jewel said, her eyes flashing in anger as she glanced at me over her shoulder and continued forcefully stuffing a handful of clothes into the washing machine. “Why does he launch into you like that? I’d like to see him run ten miles.”
In an instant, I pressed my body against her, my groin against her soft ass. Dropping the clothes she held in her hands, she gripped the edge of the countertop. My cock stood out hard and long, pressing against my nylon shorts and I ground it into her ass. She gasped, arching her lower back slightly and I felt her pushing back, mashing her plush ass cheeks into my shaft.
Lowering my head to her neck, I found her bare flesh and first just breathed on her, watching how she responded to that alone, her nipples tightening up and her breathing growing jagged. Then I licked, slow and long, exploring her skin. Like an animal marking its mate, I sucked her as she quivered against me, my cock pressed against her. Then I bit.
“Tuck,” she hissed, her knuckles going white as she gripped the counter tight. Licking, sucking, I didn’t stop, I lapped her up, driven on by the noises she made as I staked my claim. She arched her neck back, making herself vulnerable, yearning for my assault, her instinct to submit as prey to my predator.
“Tuck,” she tried again, trying to shake off this lust between us, the power of its grip on both of us heavy. “My mother’s in the other room!”
“Then you’d better keep quiet when I do this.” Reaching down the wide neck of her t-shirt, I took her nipple between my fingers and rolled it, giving it some pressure as she panted.
“Quiet now,” I whispered against her ear as I pinched her sensitive tip. She groaned soft with need, pressing her ass into my solid length.
“Tuck.” My name on her lips came out huskier this time.
“Yes, Jewel?” I asked, low and dangerous as I continued toying with her breasts, both of my large hands now on her bare tits, cupping, kneading, stroking as she came alive underneath me, shaking, moaning. “Was there something you wanted to say to me?”
Before she could answer I tweaked both of her nipples, hard, and sank my mouth down on the sensitive flesh underneath her chin.
“Ah!” she cried out, letting her head fall back in surrender onto my chest, giving me access, asking for more with all of her needy body.
“Do you know what I’ve been thinking about all week, Jewel?” I whispered hot against her skin, licking, blowing on the wetness to make her shiver, then sucking. I circled her small waist with my hands. She fit so good in my grasp, made for me, so curvy and still so slender. She felt so feminine and warm, all softness, yielding, pliant for my body driving down on her.
Grasping her upper thigh, I shoved her back against me, grinding her ass into my steel length. She gripped the countertop, her eyes closed in pleasure.
“I’ve been thinking about your lips around my cock.” She moaned in response and licked her lips as if remembering how I’d felt as I’d fucked her mouth. “You took me in deep, baby. Swallowed all of my come.”
She gasped at my dirty words, my naming it out loud. I loved the contrast in her, the innocence mixed with the sensuality. She’d been a good girl all her life, but deep down she was nasty. She just needed me to bring it out.
My fingers started bunching up the fabric of her long, flowing skirt, pulling it up, exposing her to me. She panted, eyes closed, as I brought my hand to her panties, cupping my hand full around her sex, grabbing it and pulling her rough against me.
“You’re wet for me, Jewel,” I whispered in her ear, my fingers stroking the soaking fabric of her panties. “Like you got wet sucking my cock.” My thumb found her clit and even through the lacy satin I could stroke it she was so drenched. I began to flick and stroke in rhythm. “Did you like sucking my cock?”
�Yes,” she exhaled, always so happy to please me, needing so much to confess her naughtiness. I’d be happy to give her an outlet for all of that.
“Yes, you did, you little slut.” As I called her a slut I pressed hard on her clit. She nearly came. She liked me talking dirty. I moved my fingers away, keeping her orgasm close but not letting her have it, not yet. I knew her body well even in the short amount of time I’d been able to touch her. I could read her perfectly. She didn’t get to come yet. I needed her to anticipate tonight as much as I did.
“You know what else you’re going to like?” Back to stroking her folds, I denied her clit and she whimpered in protest. I pinched her nipple, rolling it and she sucked in her breath, so needy, so desperate for more, just how I wanted her. “You’re going to like it when I fuck you, Jewel.”
She moaned against me like she’d been waiting to hear those words, waiting and wanting. She wanted me to take her. I could do it right now, up against the counter in the laundry room. I could bend her over, pushing her chest down onto the cold granite. I’d love to see her tits mashed against it, know the stone felt cold on her nipples. She’d love it, the cold sensation, the feel of my hand keeping her held down as I parted her sweet, soaking wet petals and pushed my thick, huge shaft full into her in one, long stroke.
But that was for tonight. Tonight, I’d take her. I’d fuck her fast and hard all night long, sweaty and wild until she didn’t even remember her own name. But she was a virgin. The first time, I wanted it to be right for her. The first time, I’d lie her down on a soft bed, work her up until she was panting and parted for me, begging for my cock. Then I’d ease into her slow, making it good for her. I knew I’d stretch her. I knew it would have to hurt, she’d be so tight. But I’d turn that pain into pleasure, make it so she’d never wanted anything so much in her entire life as me pounding into her, deep.
Pushing a finger up into her slick, tight hole, I whispered into her ear, “Tonight, Red, I’m going to fuck you.”
“Oh, yes,” she moaned deep and needy, her head dropping down, her legs spread wide as I worked her pussy.