Love Is An Action (What Love Is #1)

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Love Is An Action (What Love Is #1) Page 24

by Bry Foster

  “Khloe.” He says my name like a prayer and it makes me even hotter.

  “Oh God.” I groan as I start to build up again. Reaching around me, he rubs me until I light up for him again. I’m breathless, sweaty and tired but I never want this to end. A few thrusts later, Cash comes and pulls out of me. I collapse on the bed. I hear Cash breathing harshly behind me for a few moments before he starts moving around behind me. He cleans me off and then disappears again. I must drift off a bit because the next thing I know he’s moving me back to where we started. Cash pulls me onto his chest and I throw a leg over his. My eyes won’t open to look at him but for now the feel and smell of him is enough.

  “I love you.” I whisper before dosing off.

  “And I love you, Khloe.”


  I really tried everything I could to get out of this. I swear.

  “I don't have anything to wear.”

  “You have like six racks of designer clothes. You mean to tell me none of them are evening gowns?”

  “I can’t do my hair or make up.”

  “My mother and I have been dying to do something about this mess.” Liz said gesturing to my hair.

  “I don’t have money for the tickets.”

  “Cash bought them. Are you going to say you don’t have a date either? This is prom, Khloe. This is it. Next to graduation, this symbolizes the end of our high school experience. You have to go.”

  Clearly she was hell bent on me going. She and Cash were once again in cahoots behind my back and since I live with Liz now, I couldn’t hide from her. So I suffered through being plucked and flat ironed and mascara-d and then shoved into a navy blue gown by a designer I couldn’t pronounce. Jasmine cried big fat tears when she saw Liz and me together and cried so much when Tyler and Cash showed that Tomas had to take the rest of our pictures.

  Now we’re all here and I must say, the prom isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We all take the stock pictures and then dance and eat the pretty great appetizers. The only downer at the moment is the fact that people keep flocking to us, asking us questions, and catching us in candid pictures as we just try to keep to ourselves. It seems like the impending wedding has made everyone a lot more chatty. People who wouldn’t give me the time of day when I first got to the Academy are now trying to be my best friend.

  It’s actually kind of cute watching Liz get jealous.

  “Okay everyone, let’s let the happy couple have some room, huh?” Liz demands. No one listens.

  “So have you already found a dress?” A girl that may or may not be in my art class asks me.

  “Uhm, it’s being designed.” That makes everyone get louder with their questions.

  “Who’s the designer?”

  “She’s probably lying.” Marley sneers, pushing her way to the forefront of the group. People quiet down as they watch the drama unfold. “She probably had to get her wedding dress from the same place she got that cheap prom dress from.”

  “I don’t know; that’s an Arnoldo Iman dress, Marley.” Leah says earning her a piercing glare. I guess he’s a good designer.

  “Whatever. I don’t buy for a minute that any of this is real.” Anthony Raider comes up and puts an arm around her. I’d heard they were dating but obviously she still enjoys sticking her nose in other relationships.

  “You mean to tell me you’re dating someone and you still won’t leave me alone? Clearly your obsession knows no bounds. How is it knowing that you’re playing second fiddle?” The last part I say to Anthony and he grinds his teeth as his nostrils flare.

  “Mind your own you little-“ Cash steps in front of me.

  “I would watch what you’re about to say. The pair of you came to us. Va te faire enculer.” His voice is so menacing it takes me by surprise. Apparently I’m not the only one because after a brief stare off Anthony and Marley actually begin to back off.

  Always needing to have the last word, Marley says, “I just think you should know what kind of person you’re committing to.”

  “I think you should watch what your next words are. I heard about the application that you sent to Institut Brillante Façonoff. My mother happens to have a dear friend there that may reconsider your acceptance if she finds that you’ve harassed an important member of our family.”

  Marley gasps. “No! I have been planning to go to that school since grade school. I will be there if it kills me.”

  “Then maybe you should watch your mouth and leave well enough alone.” Is all Cash says before leading me away from her. We stay awhile longer before calling it quits and Cash takes me back to his house where we shower. I don’t have any pajamas at his house so he gives me a pair of boxer briefs and a t-shirt.

  “I have something for you.” Cash tells me before passing me an envelope. My eyebrows furrow as I take it. I eye him but, he gives away nothing so I sigh and open it. My eyes nearly fall out of my head when I read it. “Before you curse me and tell me all the reasons this isn’t appropriate I would just like to remind you that we did have a deal. I am just holding up my end.” I look back down at the hospital bill.

  “I just…I can’t believe you paid this. I was sure I would have to strip well into my forties.” I say in disbelief.

  “Well I certainly don’t mind that. The dances will just be private ones. Think of me as your sugar daddy.”

  “Who taught you that word? Liz? Sugar daddies are older men spending money on younger women.”

  “I’m nearly a year older than you.” I roll my eyes.

  “Is that a no? Because I have your favorite ice cream somewhere in this house and you won’t get until I get my payment. Now…strip wench.” He tells me making me double over in laughter. I stand up strip off his t-shirt and run in circles around his room.

  “Is this sexy enough for you?” I ask. He leans back.

  “You think you’re being funny but I am incredibly turned on by your effronté.”

  “And I’m turned on with the fact that you think my silliness is sexy.” I say as I climb on top of him. I feel him harden beneath me. “So you were serious?” I ask. Cash gives me a serious look.

  “Ma bite is never a joke.”

  “Your…bite?” I repeat making him laugh. It sounds like beat.

  “My prick.” I guffaw in surprise.

  “Teach me more.” I demand.

  “Dirty words? All the time you’ve known me, you’ve never showed an interest in French and now?”

  “Well, it would be nice to know what you’re saying to me when we’re screwing.” I quip.

  He sighs. “I suppose I will no longer be able to tell you your hair looks like a bird’s nest.” He teases. I tackle him to the bed and he rolls me underneath him as he laughs. I try to give him a stern face but it doesn’t hold. Once again, we get lost in each other.

  I’m not sure what I ever expected from graduation. The monumental weight I feel that lifts off of my chest as I cross that stage is a feeling I am not used to. Relief. Happiness. Pride. I am so proud of myself, for making it to this point. I know that I had, and have, the strength of my small, non-biological family, Liz, Jasmine, Cash and Mrs. Bailey. I know that, ultimately, I got me here. I just wish that my father was there to express his pride and joy for me as well.

  After the festivities my slightly dull mood worsens. Everything seems so bitter sweet. I’m excited to embark on this new journey for my life, but I am concerned about how far that journey will lead me away from all of the people I love. Liz, Jas, my dad…Cash. What will I do with my father? He still refuses to get into a rehabilitation program and seems content to mooch off of Pat.

  None of my college acceptance letters have come from any place remotely close to the Glamazon fashion school that Liz wants to attend. Does that mean we are finally going our separate ways?

  Corisande, Delano, and Angel are Cash’s only family members to attend the graduation. They congratulate all of us, envelope Cash in hugs and kisses and leave when Cas
h says he’d like to join us and go out to dinner with Jasmine.

  Jasmine gives each of us gifts for our graduation. I am lucky enough to be gifted my, “Swear Jar! Aw! You shouldn’t have!” I say in excitement as I throw my arms around her. My eyes grow wide as I look at the amount of change and crumbled up dollars in the pickle jar. “Wow that’s a lot of money.”

  “That’s a lot of swearing.” Jas and Liz say at the same time causing all of us to laugh. We quiet down as we start to dig into our food again. I take a deep breath and look around the table at all of them.

  “I just wanted to thank all of you, for the support that you have offered me. I know that I’m not the easiest person to handle and still all of you have played such a tremendous role in getting me this far. I could never tell you how much that means to me.”

  “Flower pot, you are as much my daughter as Liz. Family helps family, that’s what we do.”

  Liz wipes her eyes at the same time I do, we catch the action and laugh through our tears.

  “This is only the beginning Koko. We stick together, always. Promise?”

  “Promise.” I say thickly, but I’m not sure I have the heart to tell her it may never be that easy.


  “Hold still, Ms. Hudson. I just need to add a few more pins. I think you’ve gained a bit of weight since the last fitting.”

  I huff, blowing hair away from my face. “Khloe, please.” I correct Amelia. I’m undergoing yet another fitting before our wedding. I’m a jittery, nervous wreck and I’ve been eating more than I probably should before trying to squeeze into my wedding dress. A dress that will likely be splashed across many different tabloids, articles and news stations the day after the wedding; which is only a few days away.

  Liz, Jasmine, Cash and I flew back out to Paris two days after graduation. Doom’s day is officially upon us. I have been in constant contact with Pat. Surprisingly, we are repairing our acquaintance-ship. My father still refuses to go to rehab and we haven’t been on the best of terms anyways so, it’s no surprise that he won’t be at the wedding. I’m unsure if that is a blessing or a curse that he won’t make it seeing as he is still on the fence about how he feels about Cash. He cannot deny that Cash is a great guy but he still thinks we are too young and is very insecure about how our relationship will fair with this new dynamic.

  I started to tell him about the arrangement between Cash and I but one, I am unsure if this is still fake or not and two, I am not sure if it will help or hurt my father’s feelings towards Cash. I know that Cash and I’s relationship is real but…is the marriage? If you fake marry your real boyfriend, what does that mean?

  After I finish this final fitting I am supposed to be getting dressed to prepare for my bridal shower. Meanwhile, Noa is getting some friends together to have a bachelor party for Cash. The papz here have been relentless in trying to find out where the exclusive affair will be held and trying to find out where Cash and I will be having our final night out as ‘singles’.

  “Khloe. Hold still.” Amelia repeats around a mouth full of pins.

  Jasmine comes up behind me. “The dress really is beautiful Amelia, you’ve done a lovely job.”

  “Oh, thank you. It is not yet finished, I still have tons of detail to add to it.” Amelia sighs, again around a few pins.

  “Will it be finished in time? The wedding is in two days.” Lena says from her perch in the corner of the room. She twirls the pearls of her necklace around her fingers as she gestures for Francesca to refill her tea cup.

  “Yes, of course, of course. I just want it to be perfect.” Amelia pauses as she looks at me in the mirror. “There. Anna.” She calls to her assistant who brings a clip board with her. She scribbles down some things and they talk amongst themselves.

  Liz comes up on the other side of me and snatches my fingers away from my mouth. I hadn’t even noticed I was chewing on my fingernails. “We will definitely have to get a manicure before the wedding.” Liz tsks.

  “Yes, I believe Clara arranged for a manicurist to come to the manner during the bridal shower.” Lena says absentmindedly. She continues to look over me with a curled lip that shows her slight distaste for me. I think she has been nicer to me than she was during the New York trip, but they may just be because she has not gotten to see much of me. Cash has been trying to keep us out of each other’s paths for fear of one of us not making it to the occasion. I feel a little guilty that he and his mom seem to have a relationship that is strained with my being here.

  Lena still feels like Cash should marry someone of more significance to help maintain their family’s relevance. It is a lot of pressure.

  With the rabid nature of the paparazzi, my bridesmaids decided that it would be best to have my bridal shower at the manor. That would be fine if I felt at all comfortable with these people.

  “Ladies, this is Marcus, he and his assistant, Jenny, will be giving the manicures tonight. Anton the masseuse is on the way.” Clara announces as she walks amongst the room.

  “I thought you were the maid of honor?” Wyatt asks as she leans over to Liz. Liz rolls her eyes.

  “I thought so too. But, all of my plans were shot down like flaming arrows in 300.” I raise an eyebrow.

  “What ideas did you have?”

  “I wanted to hit the town, I mean, it’s freaking Paris, France! We are of legal drinking age and you are marrying into one of the wealthiest families in Europe. We should be partying it up, not sitting around with a bunch of stuffy old people who aren’t even taking the time to get to know you.” Liz points out and I look around the garish sitting room that we are in. The same marble floor and gold trimmed ceiling as the rest of the house greets us but here. An oversized glass chandelier hangs just above us and if it falls the entire room will be decimated. The sofas—if you can call them that— are high backed and lined with stiff pillows and cushions that I cannot imagine have ever been sat on before. Wide windows open up the room and make it look even larger and thick gold curtains are draped like inverse arcs over them.

  The room is so large that the coffee table looks dwarfed in comparison. And there are at least ten other women here, not including the manicurist and his assistant. None of them have really spoken to me other than greeting me upon their arrival. A small section of them speak to Jasmine, though she is still dressed in her hippy attire, she bears a familiar family name. The perfume company that Liz’s family owns is well known. I guess that makes her more acceptable. She chats among them easily, being her eccentric self, which attracts some of them and repels others, yet she is so comfortable in her skin that I have marvel at her.

  “Your plan sounds like so much more fun.” I mumble as I watch Clara guide Marcus to a chair. Of course she made sure she received the first manicure.

  “Hell yeah it does. How about after all of this, we head out?” Wyatt asks with excitement and mischievous intent. I frown.

  “I don’t think that will be possible.”

  “Why not? You underestimate my skill level Khloe. I know you haven’t known me for long but I will tell you this. I am nothing if not astute. We are going out, and you will enjoy yourself.” I cannot argue with a girl threatening me with nothing more than a good time. I have felt so stifled since we’ve been here with putting all of my etiquette training to use, worrying about my father and wanting to ask Cash about our wedding night that I feel like my back is clustered in knots.

  Liz is staring at me waiting for my response. I look back and forth between her and Wyatt’s eager faces and sigh in mock defeat. I put my hands up. “All right, all right, you’ve worn me down. Let’s do it.” The two of them squeal attracting looks of distaste towards us.

  “Girls, this is a bridal shower, not a school lunch yard, let’s be civilized.” Clara reprimands. If we had anything sharp here, other than the triangle sandwiches, she would be wise to fear me. I think to myself.

  “How long do you think we will have to suffer through all of this before we can
sneak off?” I lean over and ask Wyatt. She is the only one in our little group that is familiar with these kinds of stuck up events.

  “I give these old biddies another hour before they start to scatter.”

  “An hour. I can do an hour.”

  “Marcus dear, you may want to get started on our bride. I’ve seen her fingers and toes and let me tell you, you may be here all night.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from speaking out in front of this crowd. But, with my eyes I hope that Clara can see the absolute contempt I feel for her.

  Cash and Noa are nowhere to be found when the bridal shower party disperses. The good news is, they brought gifts. The bad news is, a few of the gifts are outfits that I am not sure Cash would really want to see me in. I sigh heavily as I let Wyatt drag the brush through my hair. I can barely see what she is doing to it because Liz is in front of me trying to poke my eye out with the eyeliner pencil.

  “Ouch, Liz! I need that eye you know.” I yell as pain rocks through my eyeball and it rapidly starts to water.

  “Well sorry, but you keep moving. You will see what Wyatt is doing once we are done.” The girls are already dressed for our little night on the town but, once they saw me walk out in jeans and a t-shirt I was bombarded and forced into a change of clothes.

  “Wyatt, I am really starting to regret you staying here until the day of the wedding.” I mumble.

  “I am so offended by that statement that I may tease your hair Jersey Shore style.”

  “You guys watch Jersey Shore over here?” Liz queries.

  “We view a few shows here that are popular in America.”

  “I don’t care what you watch just please don’t give me the Snooki hump.” I plead with Wyatt.

  “Good, now be quiet I am almost done.” She says. When she finishes Liz moves so that I can see their handiwork. I stand up and look in the huge bathroom mirror.


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