In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance Page 6

by J. L. Ostle

  That’s why you keep thinking about it? I just want to bang my head against the wall.

  Dominic invited Sherry over the following day to tell her about Robert. You think she would have been happy that they’re finally getting a deal, but no. What she focused on was me singing in her spot.

  “What the fuck, you let her sing? You let her sing in my fucking spot? That whore?” She points to me.

  “Watch what you’re fucking talking about. The only whore in this house is you. At least she doesn’t spread her legs to any willing dick that will enter her!” Lake screams back.

  “Will everyone calm the fuck down? You fucked up Sherry. You were drunk off your face. Sky was nice enough to step up and sing. Because she did, Robert has shown an interest. That’s the point of all this. We are going to get signed. So shut the fuck up and sit down,” Dominic seethes at her. “You okay Sky?” He looks at me with concern and I nod, what else could I do?

  “She’s trying to steal my spot! I want her kicked out of this fucking house. She is trying to ‘single white female’ me. She wants my fucking life.” Her eyes never leave mine and I’m fearing for my life right now. If Lake wasn’t blocking the door I would leave.

  “Fucking hell, you’re such a drama queen. She doesn’t want your life. She even said she doesn’t want your spot. It was a one off okay? Get the fuck over it. I’m sick of this. This is supposed to be an amazing moment in my life and you’re fucking ruining it with your dramatics.” Chris lies on the couch, pressing his hand to his forehead.

  “Why can’t she live somewhere else though? I don’t feel comfortable with her living here.” She walks to Dominic trying to act all wounded and upset.

  “For the last time, this is MY FUCKING HOUSE! It’s not Dominic’s. It is mine. No, let me correct that. It is mine and Sky’s. If she ever wants to kick your ass out, she can. You know why? Because this is her house too. Don’t like it? Tough shit.” Leon has to walk to Lake and put his arms around her waist, probably to stop her from attacking Sherry.

  “What the hell? I’m an important member of this band. You should be nice to me, or else.”

  “Or else what? You’ll leave? Go ahead. I am begging you. Once you do, I will plead with my sister to take your spot. So don’t you dare threaten me. My sister is too nice to take it from you, but if you ever fuck up, I swear I will make her lead singer. She is so much better than you anyway.” That comment truly pisses Sherry off.

  “I will gut that bitch before she ever takes my spot. This is my band.”

  “No it’s not. It’s Dominic’s. Stop thinking everything is yours. It’s not.”

  “Will everyone calm the fuck down? I’m starting to get a fucking headache with you two bitching at each other. Sky isn’t moving out. No buts,” Dominic says when Sherry tries to interrupt. “This is Lake’s house and it’s up to her who stays. Second of all, Sky did say she didn’t want your spot so stop thinking that she does. Lake, please don’t wind her up about the lead singer role. We are meeting Robert tomorrow, so let’s have a goodnight sleep and start the next chapter of our lives,” he finishes but stops before walking out the door. “By the way Sherry, stop being a spiteful bitch when it comes to Sky, it’s not a good look on you.” He winks at me and leaves.

  I walk past Sherry to go upstairs but I can feel her eyes on me. I just want tomorrow to come so she can be happy that she got what she wanted. I just want her to see I’m not in the way. I’m a nice person, and could be a good friend if she let me. I get ready for bed and hope sleep can take me away.

  I’m standing in front of a huge building with glass windows and doors. A huge sign on top of the door says Delta Records. I didn’t want to come this morning but Lake wanted me to be here when the band celebrates their huge deal. They’re going to continue using Lake as their manager, as they should. She was the one who has been there for them since day one and booked the gig that even got them noticed.

  I knew Sherry wasn’t impressed I was tagging along but she didn’t say anything. She’s probably too busy thinking about becoming a famous rock star. But who wouldn’t? Their lives are about to change forever.

  I walk in last with Lake and can’t help but look around. The walls are pure white while the floors are a shiny black marble. I notice posters of bands and singers in frames hanging on the walls. Gold and platinum albums everywhere.

  We walk to reception and I hear Dominic say who they are and we are instructed to go up the far elevator to the top floor. Waiting in the confined space with so many of us, I can feel the excitement radiating from each member.

  The doors open and we walk towards another reception desk and a woman who looks like she is in her thirties smiles at us. She is very attractive with her sleek blonde hair tied up and wearing an immaculate grey pants suit.

  Another blonde.

  “Hi can I help you?” she asks warmly. I see Dominic smile at her. I think it’s more than a smile. I’m not surprised; in the short time I have known him, I have seen him charm more blondes than any other. I see her name plate, Carly Renucci, PA.

  “We are here to see Robert Daniels. He’s expecting us.” He leans his arms on the desk and the woman gives him a sultry smile.

  “Yes of course. Take a seat and he will see you in a moment.” She licks her lips and I quickly turn away and take a seat.

  “You okay?” Lake sits next to me, putting her arm around my shoulder.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. This is it for you guys. I’m so proud of you. You’ve made so much of your life in such a short time. I hope I can be like you one day.”

  “You did help get us here. You’ll find your path. I can feel it in my bones.” I can’t help but laugh at her.

  “I love you,” I giggle at her.

  “Love you too,” she replies, pulling me towards her.

  “Mr. Daniels is ready to see you now.” I look up at Carly and she is opening the main door to which I presume is the office.

  “You coming?” Lake asks me.

  “Nah, I’ll be fine here. You go do your thing.” I try and give her a warm smile but I’m sure she knows it’s forced.

  “You sure...”

  “She said she’s fine so come on.” Sherry stands and walks through the door with the guys following. Dominic looks at me, looking hesitant, but Chris pushes him forward. Lake gives me one quick smile and follows. I sit there and wait.

  I don’t know why, but I feel a little out of it. I can’t explain it, but I feel like they are taking this huge step forward and I am getting left behind, which is stupid. I’m not in the band. I sang one song. But why does it feel like I’m the one who is missing out?

  Fuck this is awesome.

  I enter the office and see Robert sitting behind a huge, black, glass desk. I guess these people like glass. This place is head to toe with it. Robert is on the phone and signals us all to take a seat. This is it. This is where my life will change. This is day one of the rest of my life. Music is my life and I’m going to let the world know who we are.

  “Sorry to keep you.” He hangs up and walks around his desk and sits in front of us. “So you thought over what we talked about the other night? We want to sign you. We’ve been looking for that special something; something raw but powerful. I think that’s you. I hope you will let us help you further your career.” Fuck this is it.

  “Yeah, we’re ready. We were born ready to do this. We work hard and we know we can go all the way.” I look at Chris and shake my head. God he sounds cheesy.

  “I’m sure you will,” Robert chuckles at him. “Okay but first off, where is the singer from that night? Shouldn’t she be here?” Fuck, fuck, fuck. He wants Sky?

  “That girl was just covering for me. I’m the lead singer of the band. I’m Sherry.” She licks her lips and sits forward, showing off her legs and tits.

  “Could she be any more obvious?” Lake whispers to Leon, but I can hear her.

  “I’m sorry, but I liked the other girl. No offense Sherry,” he says her
name mildly. “When I saw her up on that stage, she was mesmerizing. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Judging by the other people there, and their reactions, the music world will love her. I want her as lead singer. I’m sorry to be blunt, but either she’s in or I can’t move this forward.” With that I feel my heart plummet to the ground. He wants Sky. He wants fucking Sky. I don’t blame him. Even though I hate how he mentioned that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her, she said she wouldn’t take the spot.

  Shit. Mother fucker. We were so close.

  “I can have a word with her. She’s right outside.” Lake stands but Sherry stands too, looking pissed off.

  “What the hell? I’m the lead singer. This is my band. If you don’t accept me, we all walk. Right guys?” She turns and looks at each of us but none of us says a word. This is fucked up but I think about her missing rehearsals, bossing us around. Telling us that we aren’t playing our instruments right when she misses a line of a song. She’s only been coming to our house more since Sky moved in.

  “I’m sorry, but it is how it is.” Robert stands and goes to sit back down in his chair.


  “You three aren’t taking this deal. I fucking forbid it. You wouldn’t be anything without me. You guys only got this far because I’m the front lady. I made us who we are. Now let’s go,” she yells at us. I feel like screaming at her. Who the hell does she think she is?

  Forbid us?

  Wouldn’t be anything without her?

  We worked fucking hard on the songs and music.

  “You are a two faced mother fucker. You only want to be in this band because you love the attention. You are a pain in the ass. This isn’t your band. Fuck. I can’t believe this shit. I would have been happy to leave if you weren’t a stuck up bitch. You think we aren’t good enough huh? Well this guy, who is willing to make us famous and rich, thinks we are. You know what the funny thing is?” Chris walks to her and I can see her biting her lip in frustration. “He doesn’t think you are good enough to be a part of it. He wants Sky. That’s what you’re upset about. Because she is better than you and you can’t handle it.” I’m shocked when I hear a slap. She slapped him.

  “Fuck you! No way in hell she is better than me. And YOU are not taking this deal.”

  “You haven’t even heard her sing. She is worth one hundred of you. I am taking this deal. I have only put up with your shit because we thought we needed you. We thought you were a part of the team but you only think of yourself. I’m staying. You guys in?” He turns to us.

  “I’m in.” Leon stands up.

  “Me too. Sherry you are one nasty bitch. I know you wouldn’t think twice about throwing this band to the gutter if you got an offer that didn’t include us.” Lake stands and Sherry balls her hands into fists.

  “Dominic? You’re really going to say yes to this? After everything we have been through?” I look at her and at the guys who have been like family to me. When I really think about it, Sherry has changed into someone I don’t even like anymore. I hate what I’m about to do but I need to stand by my band, even if it doesn’t include her anymore.

  “I’m sorry, Sherry, but I go where they go. You’ve changed and I don’t think it’s good for the band. You don’t work as hard as you used to. You are either late or not showing up at all. We’ve worked hard on this. We can’t pass it up. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? YOU’RE SORRY?” she yells at me. “I am the fucking band. You will fail. I know you will. Especially with that prude sitting outside. I knew she would fuck this up for me. Well fuck that. She isn’t going to get away with it.” She walks out the door and Lake quickly follows.

  “Nigel, call security,” Robert says to someone and we all quickly run out to stop her from doing anything stupid.

  I’m flipping through a magazine when the office door slams open. I look up and see Sherry breathing hard, her face bright red. She is glaring at me as she runs towards me. I quickly stand and try to run, but she grabs my hair, pulling me towards her. I feel pain shoot through me.

  No not this again. Not the hair.

  “I knew you were bad news,” she seethes in my ear before banging my head against the wall. The impact is so hard I feel lightheaded. “Like hell I’m going to let you take my spot. It’s mine. Not yours.” She bangs my head again and I scream out in pain. I feel liquid slide down my forehead to my eyes.

  “Leave her the fuck alone!” I hear Dominic roar somewhere from behind but I can’t see him. “I swear to God Sherry, let her go!”

  “Fuck off!” I hear Lake yell. I’m being pulled back by my roots, causing me to groan in agony.

  “Get the fuck off me slut. She is going to pay for this.” I turn my head, my vision a little blurry, and see Lake is trying to pull Sherry off me but she holds onto me in a tight grip. Dominic holds her at the waist, trying to pull her away from me.

  “Fuck, Sherry, stop!” I hear Chris shout. Sherry finally let’s go and I fall to the floor, pressing my hand against my head. I pull my hand away and see some blood.

  “I’m so sorry, Sky. I’m here.” Lake grabs my face and I see a few tears slide down her face. Oh my God, is it that bad?

  “Gentlemen, please escort this lady out. If you ever come back here, I will call the police.” I hear a voice say that I’m sure belongs to Robert.

  “Fuck this studio. Once I’m a huge rock star, you’re all are going to pay. You haven’t heard the last of me. That I can promise you.” I hear some scuffles and then it’s quiet again.

  “Is she okay?” I see Leon crouch down next to Lake looking me over.

  “I should have gotten here sooner. Look what that bitch did.” Lake hugs me.

  “Sky?” Dominic asks as he crouches down next to me. “Can I have a look?” He is so close to me; I can feel his breath on my skin and my body involuntarily shivers. All I can do is nod. He takes my face in his hands and turns it side to side, checking me over. “Do you have a first aid kit?” he asks out loud to anyone nearby.

  “Yeah, come use my private bathroom.” Dominic stands and I feel two pair of arms pick me up from the floor. I feel a little dizzy by the impact.

  “Come on, let’s go clean you up.”

  “Dominic, maybe I...” Lake tries to interrupt him.

  “I got this. Just give me two minutes.” We stand there for a moment; I’m still looking at the ground but Lake must have given him permission since we start walking again but my legs feel a little wobbly. “Here, let me.” Before I know what that meant, he has me picked up bridal style. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck to get my balance. My heart beats erratically for some reason. I hope he doesn’t notice. He walks into a huge office but I don’t have a chance to look around properly.

  He takes me to a bathroom that has a shower, toilet and sink. Dominic sits me down on the toilet seat and starts looking through drawers and cabinets until he finds a first aid kit. He opens it up and gets on his knees as he looks at my forehead. I can’t help but look into his eyes. He looks down into mine and it feels like time has stopped. The first thought that enters my head is his lips against mine. He looks away first and starts taking things out.

  “This may sting,” he warns before putting some liquid onto a cloth and pressing it against my head. I wince from the sting; hell, that hurts. “I’m sorry she touched you. She’s so unpredictable and obviously threatened by you.” He keeps on dabbing at my head and I see some blood on the cloth. He takes out a wipe and cleans the wound then takes out a bandage and places it on my head.

  “Why would she be threatened by me? Have you seen me?” I try and joke but he looks back into my eyes and I’m sure this time I stopped breathing. His eyes are so intensely on mine; I feel like I’m stuck on the spot.


  “I have,” he says so softly I barely hear the words.

  We stay looking at each other, not moving. I’ve never wanted to be kissed so badly before. I want his lips against mine. Just thinking it, I lick my lips an
d I see his eyes go to my mouth. I gasp lightly. He looks back up and then it happens. His lips land on mine. It’s so soft and gentle. He starts to open his mouth and I follow.

  This is my first kiss.

  I’m actually kissing a boy.

  A man.

  I follow his lead and when I feel his tongue glide against my bottom lip, a whimper leaves my mouth. I hear him growl in the back of his throat and start to feel an ache between my legs. I rub my thighs together to ease it but it seems to intensify it instead. His tongue enters my mouth and I feel like I’m flying. Lost in sensation. I don’t know why, but I put my fingers through his hair like I wanted when I first met him, and pull him closer to me. The kiss turns more urgent.

  I never want this to stop.

  He pulls away from me, breathing hard. I’m wondering why he pulled back when I hear knocking on the door. I didn’t even hear it. I press my fingers against my swollen lips, not believing I finally got my first kiss. I just want him to kiss me again but he is shaking his head and standing.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I shouldn’t have kissed you.” He is still breathing fast, pulling his hair. His words hurt. He regrets kissing me. I have to take in a deep breath to make sure I don’t let the tears that are gathering behind my eyes fall.

  He looks at me one last time and opens the door. Lake and Leon are standing there looking worried. I’m sure I look a mess. I stand up, feeling more steady than what I did before, but my head is now killing me. I look in the mirror and can see a bruise forming under the bandage.


  “Is she okay?” Lake runs to me, squeezing me, and all I want is to cry and tell her what just happened but I know I can’t. I don’t want her to be angry at him. It’s not his fault he feels nothing towards me.


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