In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance Page 7

by J. L. Ostle

  “She’s going to be fine; it’s a bad cut but not deep. It’s very badly bruised but she’ll be fine,” Dominic says and walks away. I accidentally let a tear fall and quickly swipe it away.

  “Does it hurt that bad?” Lake strokes the bandage on my forehead.

  “A little, definitely need some painkillers.” She helps me up and Leon is on my other side.

  We walk back into the office and Robert is leaning against a huge, black, glass desk; Chris and Dominic are talking quietly, sitting down. Lake sits me down next to her. I look at the ground, not wanting to see anyone. I just want to go back home.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Sky. You okay?” Chris asks me with concern as Dominic looks anywhere but at me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just a headache.”

  “Here, I got you these.” Robert walks towards me and kneels down, giving me some tablets and water. I take them, wanting anything to ease this pain.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He smiles at me and I notice he doesn’t stand back up. I look at him, really look at him, and notice he is actually quite attractive for someone much older than I. He must be in his early thirties. He has some stubble on his strong jaw. His light brown hair is short on the sides but long on top. His light brown eyes seem so warm. I notice that we are still looking at each other when someone coughs, causing me to feel even more embarrassed, and he finally stands. I look around and see Lake is trying not to smile but I feel eyes on me again and turn to see Dominic glaring at Robert. Why is he looking at him like that?

  “Back to business,” Robert clears his throat and once again he has a serious tone. “Even after all that, I’m still interested in you as a band but as long as we have Sky as the lead singer.”

  “Wait, what?” I interrupt and look up.

  “Yeah, he wants you as the lead singer. He was telling Sherry that he wouldn’t take the band if you’re not in it, that’s why she went all psycho on you. They want you, Sky,” Lake beams at me. Maybe it was my head being bashed in but I can’t understand how he wants me. I just sang one song. I have no experience in performing.

  “You can’t have me. I don’t even act or look like a rock star. You have to reconsider, I don’t think I can do it,” I mumble out quickly. I can’t do this. They can’t rely on me. Lead singer is the front person. The person everyone looks at. God, I would pass out before I even got a word out of my mouth if I was on stage in front of thousands.

  “Sky, they want you, which means they think you are amazing. You can do this. You wanted to find your path; this could be it. You’ll be working alongside me. I’ll be there every step of the way.” Lake is holding my hand but I can’t seem to digest all this.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in, but you are a brilliant singer. You have such a good girl appeal. The fans will love you. The good girl with the sex appeal. This will be big for you and your friends.” Just hearing him say the word sex makes my face turn red. “Think it over. If you agree, then we can set up another meeting and we can talk about the contract,” Robert goes on.

  I sit there and listen to him go on and on about what will follow next, but the words that repeat in my head is that they won’t sign the band if I’m not in it. I look over to Lake and she gives me a bright smile. She is excited for this. I think about the guys bouncing off the walls as we were on our way here; they wanted me to celebrate with them. They wanted something to celebrate. How can I take their dream away from them? Maybe this could be my dream.

  “I’ll do it,” I blurt out, and Robert stops talking.


  “You will?”

  “Fuck yeah!” They all say at once.

  “Yeah, I’ll do it. You’ll have to be patient with me, but yes I will join your band.” Before I have a chance to finish my sentence, Leon and Chris are picking me up onto their shoulders, cheering. I laugh at them as Lake starts doing a crazy dance next to them.

  “You won’t regret this. We’ll take it slow. I can’t believe it. We’re going to be big, baby.” Chris hugs me and I wince, still sore. He apologizes but still laughs in excitement.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Dominic looks at me. I can’t look him in the eye. I still feel hurt that he regrets that one special moment that I will treasure always.

  “Yeah I do,” I say softly.

  “Welcome on board. Now let us talk about the contract. I brought a lawyer for you to talk it out with so you know what you’re signing and they are here as a witness,” he continues on. I can’t believe I’m the lead singer of a band. But not just any band.

  I am now a member of Risen Knights.

  We went through the contract with the lawyer that was provided for us and I knew I shouldn’t have signed. Deep down I knew that this couldn’t last, but I wanted a piece of happiness, and maybe this could be it. I signed on the dotted line and that was it. My new life is about to start.

  We have two weeks till we need to start recording, which means I have two weeks to learn all the songs and for the bruising to heal. I knew some, but others I needed to remember. Lake was nice enough to give me videos she filmed when Sherry was in the band. I still feel bad that I took her spot but then I remember what she did to me. My head still has some light bruising, but it’s going down.

  I have been stuck either in my room or in the basement with the band helping me. They even rearranged some of the music to suit my voice. I hardly even sleep, wanting to make sure I know this stuff by heart. I don’t want to let anyone down.

  Dominic has been nice to me but distant at the same time. I’m letting him have his space. I have no idea when it comes to men but, I do know if they are putting distance between you, it’s best to just follow. I just hope we can get past this.

  It’s the first day of recording and I’m nervous as hell. We walk back in the glass building and are lead to a recording room that looks three times the size of the one in the basement. Instruments are in a room with a microphone in the middle. This seems even more real now that we are here.

  “This is sweet,” Chris almost shrieks and heads to the bass guitar. I watch Leon go to the drums, patting it like it’s an animal. I walk cautiously to my mic.

  “Hi guys. Welcome to day one of the rest of your lives.” Robert joins us, rubbing his hands together. “We’re going to record as a band then you just by yourselves to make sure we have the perfect sound. So let’s get this show on the road.” He walks out of the room and enters behind the glass window where a few men already are waiting. I assume they’re the ones that record the songs. “You ready?” I hear Roberts voice boom through the room.


  “Hell yeah.”

  “Let’s do this,” they all say and I just nod.

  Robert points to us to start and I feel those butterflies in my stomach again big time. I close my eyes and take in a few deep breaths. Leon starts the drums and after a second, Dominic and Chris join in, then I start. I let the music guide me. Letting it take over. I don’t think, I just do. After the song, I finally open my eyes and the guys are high fiving each other.

  “That rocked,” Chris says excitedly.

  “Guys, that was awesome. We’re going to go through it a couple of more times, but keep doing what you’re doing?” Roberts voice flows in the room again. I stand, waiting to start again, when he talks directly to me. “You okay, Sky?” I look up and he is smiling at me. It’s such a nice smile.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just a little nervous,” I chuckle.

  “Don’t be, your voice is amazing. Just keep going, if you need a break, just say.” I nod. “Okay guys, from the top.” With that we start again. We sing it three more times till we are ready for the next song.

  It’s three weeks later and twelve songs have been recorded to perfection. Robert even wanted Poison, the song I sang at Mitch’s, to be on the album. We all did our best and now we’re waiting to hear the final product. We are in the dining room eating breakfast when Lake’s phon
e rings and I watch her go to answer it. The guys are talking amongst themselves but I’m in my own world. I had another nightmare last night. This one was different. It felt so real. I was dragged away from the band as well as my sister. I’m just happy it wasn’t real. But why do I feel like it’s all going to get snatched away from me?

  “Guys turn on the radio!” Lake screams before entering the room again. Leon stands and turns on the radio and we listen for just a second before I hear us.

  Us playing.

  We are good.

  “Holy shit,” Leon says as he turns up the volume. It’s Poison. It’s so surreal hearing us play. Hearing my voice. We are quiet until the song ends then the DJ’s voice comes on.

  “That was Poison by a new, upcoming band, Risen Knights. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.” Leon turns the volume back down and I hear Lake scream as she bounces up and down.

  “Fuck, we were good. That was awesome. Holy fuck.” I am still sitting there looking at the radio. This is it. Our first song is out there.

  “Robert just called to say he was able to put the songs on some radio shows early. He wants to meet us in a few hours to discuss what’s next.” Lake looks like she is ready to burst.

  We all get up and start to get ready. I take a quick shower and get dressed. When I come back down, I see the guys also showered and changed their clothes. We talk about the song until it’s time to go. Heading back to the place we’ve hardly left is starting to feel normal. The people here know who we are and wave and say hello as we head to the elevator.

  The blonde, Carly, Robert’s PA, is waiting for us and guides us in but I notice she checks out Dominic up and down. I feel myself blush just by how she is looking at him. Robert is standing near the windows when we enter and he is all smiles like normal.

  “Hi guy’s, thanks for coming. Please, take a seat.” We all do. “Okay as you heard, the first song, which is going to be your first single, is out virally. Now we need to get you guys out there physically. Let people know who you are. So the next step is a music video.”

  “Holy shit,” Chris says and I think that’s becoming his motto as he keeps saying it.

  “I’ve booked out a set and we start filming in a couple of days. I have a great idea on how I want to lead this. Sky and Dominic, you two looked hot together on the stage when I first saw you, so I think we should keep the fans wanting to know more. Are they, aren’t they? That type of thing. So I suggest we start with a bar, Sky with friends having fun until she lands eyes on you,” he points to Dominic, “we take it to a date shot then end it with you tying her up. BDSM type of thing since women are all over that Fifty Shades franchise. It will suit the music and has that sex appeal that people want these days.

  “We get flashes of you being a normal couple but flashes back into the BDSM thing. What do you guys think?” I’m sure my eyes are bugging out. BDSM is like whips and stuff. I know the words in the song are whips and chains, but to film something like that? Filming me for thousands, even millions to see? Me, half naked?

  “I don’t think I can do that. You know what I’m like. I’m shy, quiet; how am I supposed to be able to do that?” I think I’m hyperventilating.

  “You can do this. It’s all going to be professional. Tasteful. It will be only a few minutes at a time, but I really do think this video will do great things getting your name out there. Sex sells in this industry.” Robert kneels down in front of me, his hand on mine. “Trust me.” I hardly know him, but I know he knows what he’s doing. He is the professional.

  “Sky, no one is going to judge or look at this distastefully. You can do this. I think this will help you get out of your shell a bit more.” Lake puts her arm around me, pulling my head towards her so I’m lying on her shoulder. I know I’m being stupid but it’s out of my comfort zone.

  “You can do this,” Dominic speaks up and, I don’t know if it’s his voice that gives me strength or that he has faith that I can actually do this, but I agree.

  “Okay, I’ll try,” I whisper. I know this job is going to have harder moments than others but all this is still new to me.

  “You will be great.” Robert strokes my hand and stands back up. “I’ve booked a photo shoot as well for next week and after that we will talk about tours. In this line of business, we need to keep going, keep moving, so I’m going to let you guys be the opening act to a more known band, Absolute Addiction. They’re getting ready for their tour which you will be joining them on, and when we start to get more of a fan base, we will go bigger and start your own tours, but one step at a time.” God this is so much to take in. One step at a time. I’m just going to think of one thing at a time. First thing being this music video.

  After the meeting, we all head to a diner to have something to eat. I’m still so full of nerves that I don’t think I can eat even if I wanted to. We order burgers and fries and the first thing we start talking about is the music video. Just hearing them go on and on about it makes it sound scarier.

  “You okay?” Lake asks me and I just nod. “Come with me.” She stands and tells the guys we’re going to the bathroom. I follow her and once we are inside, Lake hugs me; she knew I needed it. “Talk to me. Is it the video? I know you weren’t happy about it.” She looks at me with concern.

  “I don’t think I can do it. I can do everything he said but it’s the... it’s the...” I can’t even say it.

  “The BDSM bit?” I nod. “It’s not real. Dominic isn’t going to whip you. You know he wouldn’t hurt you.” Yeah physically, but I don’t say that.

  “I know that but it’s the half-naked thing. I know Robert is going to want me to be in less clothing than I’m used to. I’m going to have to stand there wearing probably just my underwear in front of loads of people. Dominic and Chris are going to see me like that. Leon loves you so I know he wouldn’t look, but it’s everyone else. How am I supposed to sing if I’m peeing myself in fright?”

  “Oh honey. I keep telling you this. You are gorgeous and since you’ve been living here you’ve gained weight in all the right places. Your boobs have gotten bigger, you’re curvier and your ass is still amazing. If anyone looks, it’s because of how hot you are. But they are going to be professional. Just think of how many women they see half naked. They aren’t going to make you feel uncomfortable, they’re going to try and make you feel anything but. You are going to rock this video and people all over the world are going to see how brilliant you are. They are going to love the song, the video, and you are going to get the praise you deserve. And I will be there every step of the way.” She hugs me again and hearing her say all this does help.

  I need to grow up and stop with the insecurities. My sister believes in me. She wouldn’t make me do this if she thought I wasn’t good enough. She is protective of me; she wants what is best for me. I need to stop acting like a baby. I need to pull up my big girl panties and grow up. I’m in the big world now and I need to start acting like it.

  “Thank you, Lake. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I return her hug.

  “You’ll never have to. I will always be here.” I hope so, I really do.

  It’s the day of the music video and I’ve been giving myself a pep talk. You can do this. Hundreds of women do this. I watched all kinds of music videos for the last couple of days and women wear hardly anything. Some even go topless, but I will never do that. It’s going to be tasteful. Lake has promised she’s going to be there just a few feet away so, if I need her, she is there.

  A car picked us up from the house and has taken us to a closed up set. I feel like I’m dreaming all this. It was only six weeks ago I showed up at my sister’s door and now I am the new lead singer of a band. A band that is going to be famous.

  The first person I notice when we pull up is Carly. She sways her hips as she walks towards the car and smiles brightly when she sees Dominic. I’m starting to hate how she looks at him. I hate how he smiles at her in return. They are always touching, laug
hing. I think at times I feel a little jealous. Why can’t he be that comfortable around me? The only time we talk is about band stuff, the music; never anything else. I’ve been living with him for six weeks and we act like strangers. The first actual interaction we are really going to have since that kiss is going to be on the music video.

  Oh what fun, I think sarcastically.

  Carly leads us through a building and it’s huge. I see at least a hundred people working away with cameras and equipment. I notice one side is built up to look like a night club and there are people wearing going out clothes. Another set is made up to look like a restaurant, another of a beach, and the one that sticks out the most is the BDSM room. There are whips, chains and belts hanging on the wall. I notice a cross in the middle of the room. I swallow harshly, looking at it.

  Don’t look at it, just keep it out of your head till you have to, my head tries to console me.

  I can do this.

  I’m a big girl, I can do this.

  “Welcome,” Robert greets as he walks towards us.

  He gives me a hug and puts his arm around my shoulder and starts to lead me around the building. I look behind me and notice Dominic is glaring at Roberts arm. Carly is next to him, still talking, but he isn’t paying attention. Like he feels me looking at him, he looks up and I see something in his eyes, but it’s soon gone before I can figure out what it was.

  “This is where the magic happens.” Can this guy be any cheesier? I try not to giggle as I think to myself that he has been in this business for far too long. “The dressing rooms are over on the far side.” He points at some trailers. “Your make-up artist and stylist are ready. We’re starting at the club. You, Sky, will start the song. Look like you’re having fun with your friends. Then start looking around the club and when you see Dominic, you keep his stare. Remember though to keep singing until the director says cut. Just like you would do at the movies.” I nod. He goes on about the other scenes and luckily the last one we will be doing is the BDSM one so I don’t have to think about it till the end. “Any questions?”


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