In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance Page 12

by J. L. Ostle

  “Yeah, I heard all their stuff and it’s awesome. I can’t believe we’ll be working next to people who are going to be legends.” He smiles brightly, I guess he’s a fan of theirs then.

  “You never know; it could be us one day. Touring as headliners with a new band being the opening act, thinking how awesome it is playing along with us.” I wink at him.

  “Yes, that’s the dream. I would love for us to be that big. Having that many hear our music and wanting more. What else could a guy like me ask for?” Hmm, nothing I suppose.

  Leon drives us to Delta Records and we head straight to the elevator that leads up to Robert’s office. I groan inwardly when I see Carly sitting behind her desk and realize I must have accidently let it slip when Dominic gives me a funny look. I just shrug at him, acting like I don’t know what he’s giving me that look for.

  We’re asked to sit and after a few minutes we are guided into the office. My eyes pop open when I see the band, acting like they own the place. I watch as the drummer, Kym, helps herself to some alcoholic drink. The guitarist, Lloyd, lies on the far couch with his arm over his face. Robert is talking to someone who is slouched down in the chair, his back to me, and I assume it’s the lead singer, Jensen. Travis, the bassist, is leaning his arm against the window looking down.

  “Holy shit,” I hear Lake say quietly beside me. Yeah, they scream sex. We look like puppies compared to them.

  “Risen Knight, welcome. Come meet the band you’ll be working with.” He smiles at us but looks down at Jensen, giving him a stern look.

  “Holy fuck, I just want to say I’m a huge fan of your music and I’m looking forward to working with you,” Chris basically fan girls at them. Kym chuckles and shakes her head.

  “Jensen, Travis, Kym, Lloyd; don’t be so rude, come and meet the band you’ll be working with,” Robert says sternly and the band groans as they stand up and walk towards us. But my eyes are stuck on Jensen. He’s about the same height as Dominic but has longer hair, and the eyes that are staring at me are a very light green. They look unreal.

  “So you’re the opening act? Think you can handle it?” Travis asks.

  “Yeah, we can. Music is our life, we know what we’re doing,” Leon speaks up and I notice he’s put his arm over Lake’s shoulder, showing that she’s his.

  “So, who does what?” Kym asks, taking a sip from the glass.

  “I’m the drummer,” Leon says first.

  “Guitarist,” Dominic answers next.

  “Bassist,” Chris winks.

  “I’m...” I don’t get to finish when Jensen cuts me off.

  “Let me guess sweets, you’re the cheerleader? The groupie?” He looks me up and down and I take a step back, feeling a little uncomfortable. “I swear sweets; you look good enough to eat. Want to take a turn on a real band?” He licks his bottom lip. Did he just say that?

  “She’s our lead singer.” Dominic stands in front of me, shielding me. They all laugh.

  “She’s your lead singer?” Kym laughs, pointing at me and I feel the heat on my cheeks.

  “Come on, be serious, who’s the singer?” Travis butts in, chuckling.

  “She is. I swear if you make her feel like shit, I will gut you like a fish. You hear me?” Lake pushes Jensen’s chest but he just chuckles at her.

  “So this goody, goody is the lead singer of a rock band? Well. This should be interesting,” Jensen says and sits back down in the seat he had been occupying.

  “Guys be nice. Their first song reached number one on the charts. Did you do that?” Robert pauses. “No, you didn’t, so shut the hell up. They’re going to be the opening act so grow the hell up and accept it.” He looks at each member.

  “Whatever,” Kym says downing the rest of her drink.

  “You know how rock stars can be,” Robert says, trying to comfort us, but I feel like crying. They were laughing at me. I know I don’t look like a rock star, but it’s my voice, not my appearance, that matters. “They let fame get to their heads and think they’re all that. When they aren’t!” Robert yells out the last part.

  “If you say so!” Lloyd yells back.

  “Anyway, glad you all met. Let’s talk details of the tour.” Robert walks around his desk and sits down. Lake holds my hand and takes me to a chair on the side of the room away from the band and when I look up, Jensen is looking at me. I mean really looking at me.

  “I don’t like that guy,” Dominic says as he sits down next to me. I look away from Jensen and turn to Dominic who is glaring at him.

  “I thought you did. You said you thought they were amazing.” I nudge my shoulder with his.

  “I guess when you see them in person they aren’t what you expect them to be. I just hope we stay down to earth. I don’t want to ever think I’m too good for someone.” I nod, agreeing with him.

  “You won’t.” I smile at him and he smiles back. I look back at Robert, who is still talking, but feel eyes on me. When I look out of the corner of my eye, Jensen is still drilling holes into me. Why the hell does he keep looking at me?

  We’ve been rehearsing for the last five days and for the first time since I’ve been in the band, I’m enjoying myself. Robert liked the idea of having dancers join us. He liked how I danced the night he first saw me. I have an amazing choreographer who constantly praises me, telling me how flawlessly I move. I’m dancing with five guys to Poison but there are both men and women for the rest of the set.

  I’ve worked my ass off, giving my all to my performances. Singing and dancing is what I can do. All the way through, I made sure I danced my heart out. It’s been drummed in me to do better, be better, and I think I’m accomplishing that. I guess certain habits are hard to break.

  We’re playing our first gig tonight in our home town at a stadium, on an actual stage, live in front of thousands, and the thought alone makes my heart plummet with fear. I just hope nothing goes wrong. I’m standing in the middle of the stage, watching crew members set up lights and instruments, and I look out at all the empty seats that will soon be packed full of people. I can hardly even see the ones at the far back. I wonder why people would pay so much money to see a band if they just see them as ants.

  I’m wearing yoga pants with a long tank, waiting for the signal that we can start rehearsal. This will be the first time we’ll be doing this on stage. There is one bit during the song Poison, that I do something that’s a little dangerous. I just hope nothing bad happens. We’ve rehearsed that single move over and over, but it’s still a little scary. I watch workers sort out the long stairway that Dominic will be playing on top of.

  “Aww, don’t you look cute up there,” I hear Kym’s voice and my eyes look for her. I find her walking down one of the aisles with the rest of her band. “I hope you’re not getting stage fright?” She fake pouts at me then smiles. They all sit down a few rows away from the stage. Why are they even here? We’re scheduled to have the place first. They’re just trying to spook me.

  “Sky!” Dominic shouts over and I turn to him walking towards me. “Don’t listen to them. Ignore it, you got this. Show them what you’re made of.” He winks at me and I nod, taking in a deep breath.

  A couple of minutes later we’re told we can start. Dominic gives me a nod and walks over to the stairs and I walk away from the main stage over to the wing. The five male dancers, Martin, Dale, Graham, Adam and Bryan, give me a quick hug wishing us all luck and I take in another deep breath before sliding the head piece into place. I hear the intro of the first song and start to sing.

  I sing a few lines before starting a slow walk to the middle of the stage just like I did the first time I sang this song. I ignore everyone around me; I just let the music and words take over. I stop and keep my eyes on Dominic as I sway my hips slowly to the music. The drums kick in and I sing my heart out.

  The song goes slower and I start to walk towards him again. I pick up my tank a little, showing off my midsection and releasing it, teasing him. I walk closer to Dominic,
he walks back playing his guitar, walking up the stairs and I follow him. I stop at the bottom as he goes to the top.

  I take my first step up but then the dancers come out and one grabs my hand, twirling me out, before another grabs my other hand. I’m lifted then thrown in the air, landing in another man’s arms as he swings me around before lowering me to the ground, his hand still in mine. I feel a set of hands pick me and swing me under his legs. I’m swung back up and dipped backwards, so much adrenaline rushing through me that I don’t have time to think, but just do.

  The dancers finally let me go and I sing the last bit of the song walking up the stairs slowly, keeping my eyes on Dominic as I get close to him. I pull his shirt towards me, singing to him. My hand glides up and I grip his hair, pulling his head near mine. He keeps playing and I keep singing. I lean my mouth close to his. I let go and take a step back, giving him a wink, then splay my arms out and fall on the last word. I feel such a high as I fall, feeling butterflies in my stomach, then I’m caught by the dancers.

  The song ends and they set me on my feet. We hug each other happily and I have a huge smile on my face. We did it. Nothing went wrong. Dominic runs down the stairs and picks me up, twirling me around in a circle and I feel so good I let out a huge laugh.

  “You were amazing.” He beams at me.

  “No, we all were. We were perfect.” I push his shoulder.

  “That was fucking awesome.” Chris says, rushing over.

  We’re all talking over each other, so full of excitement that our first song went smoothly and that we can go straight to the next. Absolute Addiction walks up the few steps to the stage, looking shocked.

  Yeah, eat that, I think to myself.

  “Wow,” Is all Kym manages to say, looking at me like I have two heads. “I was not expecting that. Your voice. I have chills.” I shrug at her then look at the ground.

  “You did awesome. If that’s just with one song, I can’t wait to see and hear the rest,” Travis adds in.

  “We were wrong. We shouldn’t have judged so quickly. We just saw you,” he points at me, “looking like a good girl. A nun. Who would have thought you would have a voice like that? Your voice definitely suits the music. You were brill. Congrats.” Travis walks towards me with his fist out. I look at Dominic and he has a huge smile on his face, looking at me with so much pride. I walk towards Travis and give him a fist bump and giggle after.

  “We’re thrilled you’ll be opening up for us.” Lloyd walks over and shakes our hands. I swear I think Chris is going to pass out at any second.

  We all start talking and they keep going on and on about my voice. I like that they like me and have finally crawled out of their stuck up asses, but I am not all that. There are people who can sing just as good as me or even better. Adelle comes to mind. I look around and see Jensen leaning against a wall near the wing of the stage looking at me. He’s in the shadows, looking like a fallen angel. His angelic face is hidden in the dark, not wanting to be with us in the light. He screams stereotype bad boy.

  He lifts his hand and gives a come here signal with his finger. I look behind me and everyone is distracted, talking to each other, but I don’t know. I turn my head back around and bite my lip. I hate that I’m tempted to follow him. I hate how my body is screaming for me to just do it. I feel like someone has a rope around me, pulling me towards him. I look back at Jensen again and he’s still standing there, his eyes still trained on me.

  I give one final glance behind me and walk away. Jensen walks further into the shadows. We should be rehearsing the next song but I’m curious as to what he wants. I walk past the curtain and only see darkness. I can’t see him. I walk further in before my arm is being pulled and I’m being pinned against a wall. Jensen leans his body against mine.

  “I knew there was something about you.” He strokes my cheek. “I couldn’t put my finger on it but I felt it,” he whispers near my ear and I feel my body shiver. “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. Seeing that tight ass move across the floor. Hearing your voice… I felt like it was piercing through me. I got so fucking hard seeing you up there.” I look into his black eyes, the only light coming through is from the stage. “You really are a good girl aren’t you?” He rubs his nose against my neck smelling me.

  “Jensen,” I say softly. Why am I not pushing him away?

  “I want you, Sky. I want to be so far inside you that you scream my name.” His stubble is scratching my neck. “You smell so good. Fuck, I want to taste you.” He presses his erection against me and I feel that similar ache build inside me. I shouldn’t feel like this. I only ever felt like this towards Dominic. Why is my body acting like this?

  Remember, he was a dick when he first met you. He just wants to screw you and leave you like he probably does to every single girl he meets. With that thought, I push him as hard as I can. He looks shocked. Good. I’m not one of those girls who spread their legs for anyone.

  “Yes, I am a good girl, which means I don’t just sleep with anyone.” He doesn’t know I’m a virgin and I don’t plan on announcing it. “You’ll need to find some other easy lay.” I try and walk away but he grabs onto my elbow and pulls me into his chest.

  “Is that a challenge?” he huskily asks into my ear.

  “No, it’s a promise. I’m not a whore and you’re an asshole; I don’t get with assholes. Enjoy the rest of the show.” I turn and give him a wink before walking back onto the stage. Everyone is still talking but Dominic notices me coming back. He looks pissed when he sees Jensen walk out behind me.


  We rehearse the rest of our songs and everything goes perfectly. We nailed it. It’s time for AA to go up and rehearse so I decide to leave even though Jensen insisted that I stay to hear him play. I can tell by the way he looks at me that he isn’t used to women saying no to him.

  I head back home to grab a shower and a sandwich before I have to go back. I relax into the couch and put on Supernatural, cringing when the first thing I see is the name Jensen. A freaky ghost scene is playing when I’m startled by the front door slamming and Dominic stomping in, glaring at me.

  When I noticed Sky was gone, I was worried, but then I saw her coming from behind the stage with Jensen and my blood boiled. What the fuck did he do to her? She looks fine and the way he is looking at her; she must have knocked him back. At least that’s something, I guess, but all the way through rehearsal I noticed him staring at her. Looking at her like he’s just waiting for his chance to fuck her.

  I know his type; he’ll just use her and throw her away like yesterday’s trash. He even tried to make her stay to watch them play but again she said no and I know he doesn’t like hearing that. Yes, I’m a little jealous that she went with him, but I did tell her we are just friends, and it doesn’t help my case that I fucked some stranger. I’ll look like a dick if I tell her she can’t go near him.

  I went for a walk to try and clear my head but, the more time I spent alone, the angrier I got. I’ve turned into one of those guys. I can’t have her so I don’t want anyone else to have her. I head back home and see her lying on the couch, watching one of her shows, her hair splayed around her.

  She looks like an angel and I’m sure I must be the fucking devil. She’s wearing some short shorts and I hate how comfortable she’s been around here lately. She used to make sure all of her skin was covered, but now it’s like she’s teasing me even though she isn’t aware of it.

  “You okay?” She sits up, looking concerned. I hate that I just want to walk over to her and kiss her; lay my body on top of hers. I feel my dick stirring just thinking about it.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You okay? I saw you were talking to Jensen.” I see her skin blush and jealousy rises again. Fuck my life.

  “Yeah, he was trying to get me to hook up with him but I told him no.” Thank the holy fucking Jesus for that.

  “Good for you. I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all. Sorry I sounded like a whack job just then.” She looks down a
nd nods her head. God, how I wish I could know what she’s thinking. “You ready for tonight?” I ask, sitting next to her.

  “Yeah, after rehearsing today I feel less nervous. I just hope they like us.” She looks up into my eyes. I love how her big dark blue eyes always look straight into mine.

  “They will.” They will love you.

  I’m in one of the dressing rooms and Lake is helping with my hair and makeup. I thought I would be more nervous than what I’m feeling right now but, for some reason, I’m more excited than anything else. Rehearsing today really did help and the feedback from AA, telling me and the guys how amazing we are, made me feel like I can actually do this.

  Dominic and I hung out on the couch, talking about the rehearsal, thankfully never bringing up Jensen again. I know he feels protective of me but I’m starting to think he views me as a sister. Knowing that has finally given me the push I need to try and move on. I’ve been thinking about Jensen, but no way could I go there.

  If I was ever going to let a guy into my heart, I want them to be all in. I want a relationship; well, to work towards one anyway. I’m not going to give up my virginity to a one-night stand. It’s a gift and like hell I’m giving it to just some pretty face with a hot body that makes me feel funny things.

  I’m wearing black skinny jeans and a black top that hangs over one shoulder and is longer on one side, showing a little of my stomach. My hair is wavy and I’m wearing dark makeup to complete the look. I look like the rock star people are expecting and I hope I don’t disappoint them.

  “Sky, I need to tell you something.” Lake puts the hairbrush down finishing off my hair and I look up to her smiling warmly at me. “You have been so amazing these last couple of months. Working so hard with the band, doing things out of your comfort zone. I just want to say I have never been prouder. I feel like each day you are changing into this stronger person. You don’t ask for permission to do things, you do what you want, you’re starting to speak your mind. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done to help this band get where it is. I love you so much.” She grabs my hands, pulling me in for a tight hug.


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