In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance

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In The Spotlight: A Rockstar Romance Page 19

by J. L. Ostle

  “I’ve actually seen that movie, I really enjoyed it,” I speak up.

  “Well, that’s good. Now we have to record a song for it. I was thinking something along the lines of what you’re already doing, something raw and sexy.” I roll my eyes at him. Why does everything have to be sexy? Why can’t songs just be powerful and moving?

  “What about the tour?” Lake asks, taking notes.

  “Well the tour for you guys is going to end a week early so we can get this under wraps. Don’t worry, the remaining venues have been informed and have readjusted. So, back to the song, have any of you written any new songs or are there any you wouldn’t mind doing a cover of?” I bite my lip and raise my hand like I’m back at school. “Sky?” Robert smiles at me.

  “Well, like I said, I like the movie and at the beginning of the original there is a song that is really good. Maybe we could sing that? Change it up to make it sound more like us. I think putting an original song to the remake would be a good thing.” I fumble with my fingers. Why is it that when I need to speak up, I feel like a child?

  “Do you have the song so I can listen to it?” he asks me. I quickly go to my room and grab my laptop and wait as it loads up. I go to YouTube and enter the name of the song and press play as I wait for everyone to hear it.

  “I like it,” Leon speaks up.

  “Me too,” Lake adds, smiling at me.

  “Well okay, we’ll do this one, then. Lake, email me the singer and song title so I can get the copyrights and we’ll start recording in a week. Start practicing in your spare time.” With that he stands up and leaves.

  “So, what is the song called?” Lake asks me.

  “It’s called Never Going to be the Same Again by Lori Ruso.” I can’t wait to sing this song. I love that movie.

  “I can’t believe, out of all those movies out there, they chose a film you made me watch.” Dominic is smiling, shaking his head.

  “What can I say? Just lucky I guess.” I stand up and head back to my room and start learning the words, even though I’m sure I know them by heart already.

  I must have fallen asleep as I wake up to see it’s dark outside. I look at the time and it’s after one in the morning. I grab my laptop and see ten more emails from Jensen. I must be glutton for punishment since I read them all. At first, they are him apologizing and promising to make me happy but then they start to sound like gibberish. Has he been drinking? Then I remember hearing Kym say how messed up he is and not to be too hard on him.

  I sit there contemplating on what to do and I know I won’t be able to get back to sleep anytime soon so I quickly brush my teeth and hair and muster as much confidence as I can. I head to the elevator and push the button for the top floor. I get to the door and wonder how I’m going to get inside without a key but then notice it’s a little ajar. I poke my head through and it’s dark and quiet. Maybe they’re all sleeping.

  I walk further in and notice bottles of alcohol everywhere and start to get a bad feeling in my stomach. I’m wondering which one of the rooms Jensen’s in when I hear some noises and head that way, my heart feeling like it’s in my throat.

  I push the door open that I heard the noises coming from and my eyes blur with tears. A girl with platinum blonde hair is completely naked, standing up bent over the bed with her ass sticking out as Jensen rams inside her. Groans of pleasure echo throughout the room. Jensen is completely naked, his hair and body covered in sweat.

  I should be running but I’m stuck to the spot. He was messaging me, asking for another chance, and he’s here with this girl? I take a step back to leave and knock over some empty bottles. Jensen turns his head and when he sees me, he stops fucking the girl, causing her to whimper, begging him for more.

  We both stand there staring at each other and when I’m finally able to take a step back, I run out but can hear Jensen running after me, calling out my name. I get to the door and Jensen slams it shut, his body pressed against my back. I almost throw up when I smell that girls’ perfume all over him.

  “What are you doing here?” he asks me.

  “I came here because I was worried about you. I shouldn’t have bothered; you seem fine to me.” I try to open the door and he shuts it once again. “Let me go,” I spit out.

  “What did you expect from me?” he slurs. “You’ve completely ignored me, haven’t answered my emails. I would have called you if you had a fucking phone,” he raises his voice. I turn around and shove him as hard as I can and see the girl walk out, wrapping herself in a sheet.

  “I ignored you for one day, one day, and you’re already sleeping with someone. It just shows you how much time I’m worth until you move on.” I glare at him.

  “Sky, come on.” He tries to touch me but I step back. If he touches me I swear I will hit him. I’ve never felt so embarrassed and small.

  “Don’t you Sky come on. I came here for you and you fucked up again. Listen to me, I’m fucking swearing. You bring out a dark side of me that I don’t like. This time, leave me the hell alone.” I try and leave but he blocks the door again.

  “Don’t you start blaming me for the girl you’re turning into. You always had that side in you. Do you know what? I can’t handle living on this pedestal you have me on, wanting me to be damn perfect and for what? You don’t even let me fucking touch you. No wonder I grabbed a girl who was willing to open her legs.” God he makes me sick.

  “Well, enjoy your life having meaningless sex, enjoy being alone, because that’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to be alone. These girls only like you because of your title and soon, your looks and the music will stop and you are going to end up with nothing but memories and regrets. At least I have some self-respect,” I spit out every word.

  “Yeah, your self-respect is you being a virginal prude,” he growls.

  “Well I’d rather be that way than some disgusting prick who probably has every sexual transmitted disease out there. You are a worthless piece of shit. I hate you, you mean nothing to…” I don’t even get to finish my sentence when I feel a slap across my face, causing me to tumble to the floor. I look up at him, pressing a hand to my cheek.

  “Sky, I didn’t mean…” He tries to walk towards me but I crawl backwards away from him.

  “You leave me the hell alone.” I stand up and get to the door.

  “Sky, don’t leave me.” I look at him, still standing there naked, like he’s a complete stranger.

  “I don’t even know who you are.” I feel tears that were building up fall once again.

  “Sky…” He walks towards me but I walk backwards until my back hits the wall.

  “I’m leaving,” I hear the girl say who is now dressed in a tight red dress. “Come on, Sky.” She holds my hand and we walk out the room; I don’t look back.

  “Thank you,” I say between my sobs.

  “I should be apologizing; I didn’t know he was yours. I wouldn’t have gone near him. I just saw a rock star and my pussy did the talking. I’m so sorry.” I nod my head, understanding. She walks me to my room and tells me again how sorry she is.

  The suite is the same as when I left, dark and quiet. I’m almost to my room when the light switches on and I see Dominic standing there, looking at me. When he sees my hand pressed against my cheek he comes running over. He removes my hand and his eyes darken when he sees what’s underneath.

  “That mother fucker!” he roars.

  “Dominic,” I try and say his name but it barely comes out.

  “What the hell is going on?” Lake is rubbing her eyes and when she sees me she runs over. She strokes my cheek and I wince in pain. “What happened?”

  “You mean who? I’m going to kill him.” I watch as Dominic puts on his shirt and makes to walk out the door, but I run towards him, jumping on his back to try and stop him. “Sky, get off so I can teach that bastard a lesson.” But I only hold on tighter.

  “Dominic please, don’t leave me,” I whisper in his ear. He stops moving, taking in a fe
w deep breaths. He grabs my leg and turns me so I’m now wrapped around his front. He pushes my hair back and looks at my face.

  “He hurt you,” he whispers.

  “I know.” I hold him, pressing my face to his neck, smelling him. God, how I’ve missed him. I haven’t been this close to him since I started dating Jensen. Dominic sits down on the couch with me on his lap. Lake grabs some ice and puts it in a towel handing it to Dominic to put on my cheek, causing me to wince at the contact. I look into his eyes and can see the anger brewing there but I can also see tenderness towards me.

  “Always my hero,” I whisper and he looks into my eyes, giving me a small smile.


  Dominic slept by my side all night, his body entwined with mine. I wake up to the sun shining through the room. I turn to see Dominic is still fast asleep and I can’t help but smile; always my protector. He warned me about Jensen but I didn’t listen. I told myself I could handle it, that I saw a side of him that I thought was good, but it wasn’t enough.

  He laid his hand on me; I wouldn’t let him do it twice. I saw the remorse as soon as he did it but no man should ever lay a hand on a woman. I know I spewed some nasty stuff but I didn’t deserve that, especially not after what I saw him doing. In the past, I used to think I deserved my punishments but, now seeing things in a new light, I know that’s its wrong.

  I get up, desperately needing the bathroom. When I look in the mirror I gasp at my reflection. The left side of my cheek has a dark blue-grey bruise. I touch it and wince. How am I supposed to perform with this on my face? Tears build behind my eyes but I don’t want to let them fall; he doesn’t deserve them.

  I use the bathroom and head out, not wanting to disturb Dominic. I head to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea and sit on the couch, staring off into space. I think about the last five months and how so much has changed. I think about myself and how I’ve changed; I’m not sure if it’s in a good or bad way.

  I’m still sipping my luke-warm tea when Lake joins me. She strokes my cheek with tears in her eyes and I cringe. I place my cup down and hug her. I know she’s blaming herself; she feels responsible for me even though I’m a grown woman. She always blames herself but, in her eyes, I will always be her baby sister.

  “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have let you go anywhere near him. I was so impressed with him being famous that I couldn’t see past it. I feel so self-absorbed.” She holds me tighter.

  “It’s not your fault. I thought he was different behind all that money and fame but I guess a guy so used to that life isn’t easy to change. I just can’t wait to get off this tour and away from him. I just don’t know what to do in the meantime. I can’t go out there with this on my face.” I point to my cheek. Lake holds my chin and guides it side to side, inspecting it.

  “I think with some concealer and foundation we should be able to cover it up. It should heal in a few weeks but will lighten considerably before that. Let’s go play make up.” I smile at her and nod my head. We had just gotten up when there is a banging on the door. I don’t know why, but it causes me to cower. I don’t want to see Jensen. I know he won’t touch me again, but I can’t bear to see him after last night. It’s too fresh in my mind.

  “Leon!” Lake yells, holding me behind her like a shield. Leon, Dominic and Chris all come running out. My eyes go to Dominic who is standing there shirtless with just his boxers on and I scold myself that I was in bed with him all night and didn’t notice.

  For goodness sake woman, your ex just hit you and is banging down your door and you’re thinking about another guy half naked already?

  “What the hell is going on?” Leon walks towards us and his eyes widen when he sees me. “Holy hell, Sky! Lake you didn’t say it was that bad.” Leon comes and hugs me, and I’m surprised at the contact since he has only showed physical affection once towards me and that was when I first met him.

  “It was just red last night; it must have gotten worse while she slept.” Lake looks at us with happy tears in her eyes seeing Leon holding me like this, like family. “Now go kick the dicks ass that is banging on our door. I don’t want him near her or I swear I will be put away for life for murder,” Lake tells him. Leon glares at the door, hoping to hurt the person on the other side with a look alone.

  Leon leaves my side and heads to the door and Dominic comes to me, Lake and him blocking my view. Chris comes over and puts his arm around my shoulders, looking at me with concern, but I give him a small smile to show him that I’m fine. I hear the door knob turn and my body tenses up. I know Chris felt it when he pulls me in closer to him. Leon doesn’t have a chance to say anything before the door bangs open and Travis and Lloyd saunter in.

  “Where is that bitch?” Travis seethes and I flinch. Why is he calling me that? I’ve done nothing wrong.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Leon pushes Travis so he doesn’t enter our suite.

  “Fuck you! That bitch did something last night, the place is trashed and there are empty bottles everywhere. We found him lying in his own vomit. Now where is that whore of a singer?” I jump when I see Leon punch him and watch as they land on the floor, tackling each other. Lloyd joins in, causing Dominic to as well, followed by Chris. Punches are getting thrown everywhere.

  “STOP IT!” I scream, tears flowing down my cheeks and they stop at the loudness of my voice, hearing the pain through them. “Stop it. I’m here okay. Leave them alone.” I manage to get out, the tears blurring my vision. Lake puts her arm around my waist as I face Jensen’s friends. All the guys stand, cuts and bruises covering them. All this over me. I shake my head, thinking that maybe if I never joined this band, this drama wouldn’t be happening.

  “Look at you. I guess you got what you deserved then?” Travis smirks at me and I start to cry harder. “Some bitch hit you for being a two-faced whore?” He looks at me with a look I recognize; disgust.

  “You piece of shit.” Dominic punches Travis again.

  “Stop it!” I yell again.

  “You think she deserved getting hit by Jensen? You are one sick fuck,” Leon spits out.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Lloyd looks at me and back to Leon.

  “Jensen did that.” Leon points to my face. “Not anyone else,” Leon tells him and comes to my side, pulling me into his chest as I cry.

  “You’re lying!” Travis roars.

  “Go ask him; if he’s conscious. She went there last night to give him another chance and she caught him fucking some girl. Some words were said then he hit her,” Dominic adds.

  “He wouldn’t do that, he adores her,” Lloyd says but I can see he’s unsure.

  “Adores her so much he was fucking someone else? Yeah that’s pure adoration,” Dominic says sarcastically.

  “Sky is this true?” I look at Lloyd and nod my head. He puts his hands in his hair and stares up at the ceiling.

  “You don’t believe her, do you?” Travis asks Lloyd.

  “Come on man, look at her. You know as much as I do how much of a good girl she is; she wouldn’t lie.” Lloyd turns to me. “I’m sorry Sky, for what he did. We’ll leave.” Lloyd heads to the door.

  “What, and that’s it? What about Jensen?” Travis glares at me.

  “He did this to himself. She’s done nothing but be herself. Leave her alone,” Lloyd warns him and they both turn and leave. My tears have stopped but I feel like I’ve been in a war. I sit down and the others sit as well, just thinking about everything.

  “Well, at least you all look messed up and not just Sky,” Lake tries to make a joke and I chuckle at her.

  “I’m sorry you all had to get hurt because of me,” I speak out.

  “Don’t be stupid, we’re a family, we look out for one another,” Chris says and I smile at him. My family.

  “Right. Sky, come with me and we’ll cover up the bruise. Guys, try and clean yourselves up, you look like shit.” The guys laugh.

  “I could never look like shi
t. I’m a God,” Chris says before heading back to his room. I follow Sky to the bathroom so she can work her magic.

  When Lake is done with me, you can’t tell there was ever anything wrong unless you really look closely. We went through rehearsals and thankfully never see anyone from Absolute Addiction. We have tonight and two more stops. The next four days can’t come quick enough.

  I’ve kept myself in my room, practicing for the new music video for Teen Witch, letting the music take me to a place where I can forget all the drama that is happening around me. Some of my thoughts today have gotten dark, asking the what-ifs. I just want to clear my head and in no way do I want to leave the comfort of my room for a run, so this is the next best thing.

  After a while, I notice Dominic leaning against the door frame, watching me. I continue singing and when I get to the last words, he comes over and sits next to me on the bed. He looks at my cheek and glides a finger over the covered bruise. It’s still a little sore and I wince slightly, hating that I did. I love how comforting his touch is.

  “I still want to kill him.” He looks into my eyes, showing how serious he is.

  “I know,” I whisper. “Please don’t though.” He entwines his fingers with mine and holds it in his lap.

  “I don’t want him to get away with it.” He shakes his head and lies down on the bed.

  “He won’t. He’ll have to live with this, knowing what he did; he’ll punish himself,” I say and lay down too.

  “I just can’t believe he did it.” He looks up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry he hurt you.”

  “It’s not your fault, and remember, you were the one who warned me about him and I didn’t listen.” I watch him.

  “I wasn’t expecting this, I thought he may try and pressure you into sleeping with him or cheat, never this.” He turns his head so he’s looking at me. “How can anyone want to hurt you? You are so beautiful, caring, sweet, funny and kind. How could he ruin it, knowing he had you?” I look at him and say nothing, lost for words. He’s called me beautiful before but it does something to me that I can’t explain. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”


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