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Discovering Harmony (Wishing Well, Texas #3)

Page 14

by Melanie Shawn

  “Oh.” Her shoulders slumped before she took in a deep breath, straightened her back and pushed off the couch, standing with a forced smile on her face. “Well, thanks for dropping these off. Looks like you’re finally rid of me. I would say I’ll see you Monday, but I guess—”

  “Is that what you think? That I wanted to get rid of you?”

  “All evidence does point in that direction.” She said with too much cheeriness as she held the papers up. “See: exhibit A.”

  I stood. “Harmon—”

  “Can we talk about this later?” Her false smile grew even bigger. “I have a glass of wine with my name on it.”

  When she started to turn, I grabbed her wrist. “The reason I pushed the paperwork through was because these past few weeks have been torture.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” She huffed and tried to pull out of my grasp, but I tightened my fingers around her delicate wrist. Her pulse increased in rhythm beneath my fingertips and her eyes shot to mine.

  “They’ve been torture because I couldn’t tell you how beautiful you are. Or how fucking crazy you make me when you lick your lips. Or how your smile is the only thing that keeps me going some nights. How it’s my beacon back to goodness, to light, when the darkness in the job tries to swallow me whole.” I cleared my throat, trying to unblock the emotion clogging it as I thought about all the times just picturing her face had saved me from the pits of depravity that I’d witnessed.

  “Hud…” Dropping the paperwork to the ground, she reached up and touched my face with the hand I wasn’t holding, empathy and compassion filling her gaze.

  I leaned into her touch as I continued, “I had Patterson sign off because I couldn’t do it anymore. It was torture. I couldn’t be so close to you and not be able to touch you, to kiss you, to strip you down as naked as the day I came home and found you in my apartment. I wanted to memorize every inch of your body before burying myself in you. And getting you cleared was the only way I could act on those desires.”

  Harmony’s lips parted, her breathing growing heavier as her pulse continued to speed. With my free hand I threaded my fingers through her hair and tilted her head even farther up. “For years I’ve stayed away from you, knowing that this, that we, could never be all that I wanted. I tried to ignore you. I tried to avoid you. I tried to deny what I felt about you. None of it worked.

  “I’m done ignoring, avoiding, and denying. I want you, I need you, Harmony. I want tonight. Just one night. Give me one night.” I’d never done it before, but if I had to I would beg. I would do whatever it took. When she didn’t answer I flexed my fingers at the nape of her neck and rested my forehead against hers as I breathed, “Please.”

  She pulled back slightly and looked up at me with her brow knitted. “Oh…were you waiting for a…I thought you were just…”

  “I need to hear you say yes,” I spoke through a clenched jaw.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. All the yeses.”

  Before she finished her enthusiastic agreement, I let go of her wrist and scooped her up and off her feet. She let out a little squeal as her legs and arms wrapped around me just like they had on the side of the road when she’d rear-ended me. This time I didn’t hold back and dug my fingers into her hips, pulling her closer to me. The commotion got Romeo barking and I looked down.

  “Okay. Get it,” I instructed.

  Without a moment’s hesitation Romeo had his face in the bag and pulled out a jumbo-sized dog bone. One that the clerk at the pet store said would keep him entertained for hours. He immediately dropped it to the ground and started going to town.

  “You got him a dog bone?” Harmony asked as if it was the most romantic gesture she’d ever witnessed.

  “It’s extra-large. It should keep him busy for a while.”

  “You are the sweetest—”

  Dipping her hips slightly, I pressed my rock hard length between her legs and she inhaled sharply.

  “I’m not that sweet,” I gritted out. “Especially in the bedroom.”

  “Thank god.” Harmony licked her lips and the moan it inspired had her eyes sparking with arousal.

  Not wasting any time, I gripped her tighter and stalked back to the bedroom. On the short trip, Harmony leaned forward and started kissing, licking, and sucking my neck. The sensation of her sweet mouth and tongue on my skin sent a shot of pleasure, so sharp it almost buckled my knees, straight to my dick. My shaft was already painfully hard and ready to pop. Her vampire move combined with her soft, full breasts brushing up and down my chest with every step I took was about to push me up and over the edge.

  I needed to get control of this situation. If not, one look, one touch, one kiss and this would be over before it started. Somehow I managed to get down the hall and into her room. When I did, I kicked the door shut with my foot and set her in front of the bed, her body sliding against mine, her curves teasing me, testing my willpower.

  Three LED candles sat on Harmony’s dresser and lit the entire space with an ethereal, seductive glow. My chest rose and fell in heavy breaths as I took one step back. She stared up at me, her breathing as choppy as mine. Her plump lips were damp, beckoning me like a lighthouse in a storm. I knew if I kissed her now, I’d lose myself in her. And that couldn’t happen.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  Her brows lifted and her mouth curved in a grin. “Bossy, huh?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “I think I’m going to like finding out.” Her smile grew, but she remained fully clothed.

  “Princess, take off your clothes.”

  I saw something flash in her eyes; I wasn’t sure if it was a challenge or her just being stubborn. Either way, I needed to see if she wanted the same thing I did, because if she did, we played by my rules. Normally, I wouldn’t be so determined to maintain control, but this wasn’t just any encounter with any woman. This was Harmony. I needed to get her out of my system while at the same time being careful not to let my guard down.

  This wasn’t forever. This was one night. I needed to be able to walk away in the morning without feeling like my heart had been put through the shredder.

  “I want you naked. In that bed. The same way you were when you snuck into my house five years ago. Now.” My harsh tone left no room for argument.

  Thankfully, she didn’t seem to have any objection. The pink tint on her cheeks deepened as she lifted her shirt up and over her head. Her hands shook slightly as she did, and I didn’t know if it was from nerves or arousal, or maybe even a combination of both. My eyes hungrily roamed over the curves of her full breasts. Her nipples pebbled under my visual scrutiny. I loved how responsive she was without me even touching her.

  My eyes tracked her movement as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and pushed them down her legs. When she stepped out of both her shorts and panties, she stood back up, gloriously naked. I drank her in, taking my time to visually explore her body, unlike the first time I’d seen her naked, or that night I’d spent taking care of her and seen much more than I’d bargained for. Both of those times, I’d gotten a glimpse, but this was the real deal. The entire picture. And she was perfect.

  She sat down on the bed and slowly laid back. Her hair fanned out beneath her and her chest rose and fell rapidly. When she started to scoot back, I stopped her.

  “Wait.” I took two steps and kneeled down in front of her.

  When she rose up on her elbows, so she could see me, the motion caused her breasts to jiggle, and my mouth watered with desire to shower attention on them. I would. Soon. But first I needed to taste her.

  My eyes lifted to hers. “Spread your legs.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and I could see her battling with indecision.

  She wasn’t shy and I knew from her enthusiastic agreement that she wanted this to happen. The only thing I could think that would cause her to pause was that she didn’t like being pleasured like this. If that was the case, I knew I could change her mind.
Some girls I’d dated hadn’t been fans either before they’d been with me. After…well, that was a completely different story.

  “What is it?”

  “We haven’t even kissed,” her voice was small. “Not really.”

  Shit. I’d gotten so carried away with taking what I wanted, and keeping up an emotional wall, I hadn’t even thought about the fact that I’d never even properly kissed her.

  Time to fix that.

  I pushed up and moved over her as she laid back down flat. Resting my elbows on either side of her, I cupped her face in my hands. My thumbs brushed along her jawline as I lowered slowly, our eyes remained locked until I covered my mouth with hers. Her lips parted and I slid my tongue between them. I swept inside, exploring her slowly, languidly. After a few sweeps she started meeting me lick for lick. Soon our kiss turned desperate. Our tongues tangled and she began writhing beneath me. I poured all of the passion I had into that kiss, ignoring my own body throbbing painfully in need.

  This kiss was how I’d always fantasized kissing Harmony would be like. Her hands frantically roamed up and down my body, pulling me to her like she couldn’t get close enough. It was desperate, ruthless, demanding. I lost myself in it as I claimed her with each pass of my tongue.

  I could’ve stayed there all night. Kissing her suddenly felt like oxygen to me. Like it was a basic need for survival. But when I felt her legs wrap around my waist and she began rolling her hips, grinding against me while her soft moans and whimpers increased, it spurred me to action.

  My hand traveled down her body and my fingers curved around her hip, holding it in place. She jerked against my grip, but I held strong. I’d be damned if the first time I got Harmony off, it was going to be thanks to dry humping. Summoning restraint I didn’t even know I possessed, I tamed her frenzied passion with slow, deliberate licks.

  When I finally ended our drugging kiss, I saw that her lids were heavy as she tried to open them. By the time she was able to, I was seated on the back of my heels in front of her.

  “Spread your legs.” This time the command came out harsher than the first.

  Her knees were already slightly open from my body settling between them. But she separated them even further, revealing her sex, slick with desire.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered reverently as my hands covered her thighs.

  They inched up until my thumbs brushed her petal soft folds. Her body contracted at the contact and my dick jumped at the sight. I took my time, running the pads of my thumbs up and down her sex, spreading her juices along the path.

  “Is this what you fantasized about? Me touching you?” It had taken me days to silence her confession that played in a constant loop in my head.

  “Yes,” she panted.

  Using my index finger, I traced the seam of her opening, paying special attention to the base. Her body clenched, trying to suck the tip of my finger inside as I teased it. She audibly gasped.

  “Like this?”

  Instead of answering, she nodded. Her blinks grew slower, longer. I continued my intimate massage, her arousal coating my finger as she grew wetter and wetter.

  “Please…more…” she begged between ragged breaths.

  “Like this?” I asked as I pushed my middle finger into her tight canal while my thumb grazed softly back and forth over her swollen clit.

  “Yes!” she cried out as her head fell back against the bed with a thud.

  Her inner muscles clamped around my finger and the sensation shot straight to my straining shaft. I worked her body with my hand as need like I’d never known before raged through me with tsunami strength. After only a few strokes in and out I began flicking my thumb over her pleasure button. Her walls spasmed around my digit as her entire body shook with release.

  I stayed with her, keeping my pace steady. Not changing the tempo. I couldn’t count the number of times I’d pictured this, dreamed of this happening, but the reality was so much…more.

  Giving women pleasure, making sure they were satisfied, had always been my main focus when it came to sex. But with Harmony, it wasn’t about giving pleasure. What she felt, I experienced, not in the same way, but I felt it. Her pleasure was my pleasure.

  Just as her body began relaxing, I replaced my thumb with my mouth and circled it with my tongue, tracing her sensitive nub as I held my finger completely still inside of her. I took my time, gently licking everywhere but her clit. The first sign that her body was resurging with heat was when I heard her breaths start growing shallow. The next was her sex pulsing, squeezing my finger that was coated in her sweet release.

  “Oh, yes, yes, yes,” she whispered as her hips began rocking into my mouth and her body sucked my finger deeper inside.

  I slipped another finger inside of her as I flattened my tongue and licked over the hood of her sex. Pushing in and out, I began stretching her walls with each stroke.

  “Yes, just like that.” Her back arched off the bed as her hands gripped my head holding me in place. “Your fingers feel so good. Your tongue…oh…lick me just like that. Yes, yes, yes, yes…”

  She continued repeating yes, peppered with colorful four letter, descriptive words. When her body started convulsing again, her hands fisted in my hair and the sting only intensified the experience. I opened my eyes in time to see the ecstasy playing on her face. She was so fucking beautiful. As I watched her come undone only one word came to mind, mine.

  Chapter 19


  “Men are like barbed wire, they have their good points.”

  ~ Loretta Reed

  As I floated back to reality from not one, but two of the most earth-shattering orgasms of my life, I tried to summon my inner Faith Hill and just Breathe. Pushing oxygen into my lungs was a chore, since every ounce of energy had drained from my being. I felt like a limp ragdoll, like my bones were made of cotton.

  No one had ever made me feel the things, taken me to the places that Hud just had. If my body was a piano, Hud was Mozart. His masterful technique had gotten me off faster than anyone, including myself, ever had. Not to mention the fact that I had never been a multiple-orgasm girl. In fact, I’d truly believed the entire thing was a myth perpetuated by romance novels and pornos.

  I was wrong.

  When I felt like I could, I tried to open my eyes. The first three attempts proved unsuccessful. Hud induced orgasms should come—pun intended!—with a warning label: May cause eyes to remain closed temporarily.

  Thankfully just as the panic started to rise, and I was about to grab my phone and ask Siri if climax-induced paralysis was a medical condition, I was able to get one eye partially open. The other was following suit, but it was taking its sweet time about it.

  Finally, I was able to get the sucker to open. Lying flat on my back, my entire body drained and sated, I stared up at my ceiling fan spinning. “That was so…just so…”

  I searched for the word as I pushed up on my elbows, which took much more effort than I’d planned for. Apparently my muscles had decided to take a smoke break after they’d put in overtime during my multi-orgasm episode.

  With great struggle, I was able to gain the strength and lift up, and I was rewarded for my effort. In a big way. Hud was standing at the edge of the bed. Naked. I’d had the privilege of getting an up close and personal view of his magnificent chest over the past few weeks so as note-worthy as it was, I skimmed right on past it down south to the big show. And I did mean big.

  “Holy shit.” I could feel a flush rising on my cheeks as I stared. “Looks like Romeo’s not the only one getting an extra-large bone tonight.”

  Hud let out a small puff of amused laughter, but I didn’t take my eyes off of his…his monstrous erection. It was standing tall and proud and it had to be clocking in at ten inches. It wasn’t a long and lean sucker either. Nope, it had some serious girth to it. I couldn’t stop staring. It was like I was looking at the Grand Canyon or the Eiffel Tower for the first time, if either of those things was a
huge dick.

  Then, in what had to defy the laws of gravity, it rose higher and swelled right before my very eyes.

  “Have you ever considered being a body double for Dirk Diggler?” I teased. But, I was actually kind of serious. “Or Ron Jeremy?”

  “Harmony.” My name came out as a warning in his deepest authoritative tone.

  As hot as it was to hear, I wasn’t having it. There was no way his demanding-sexy-alpha shtick was going to work. He’d held the reins to this encounter long enough. Now that I’d broken my one and half year streak of strictly self-administered climaxes, I was feeling much more like myself. I’d been off balance all night—hell I’d been off balance since I tapped Hud’s bumper—but tonight had been particularly shaky.

  The first thing that had knocked me flat on my ass was his surprise appearance at my door with flowers. He’d basically written a love song about my smile, which proceeded to knock the emotional wind out of me. Then he basically sucker punched me when he handed me my walking papers. And before I could gain my footing from that TKO, he was waxing poetic about how being close to me and not being able to touch me was torture, and then went all Richard Gere at the end of Officer and a Gentleman, scooped me up and carried me to the bedroom where he proceeded to rock my world.

  But now, post-world rocking, I was feeling much stronger, invincible even. Like Superman gets charged from the sun, I seemed to derive my power from orgasms. Who knew?

  I sat up, still unable to tear my gaze from his manhood, and reached out my hand. When I wrapped my fingers around his steel rod they didn’t come close to touching and my core clenched as tingles spread through me. I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or excitement. Maybe a little of both.

  Hud hissed as I squeezed my hold, loving the heaviness in my palm. A bead of arousal appeared on his tip and I traced my thumb over it. I ran my hand down, loving the feeling of his velvety soft skin gliding across my palm. When I reached the base, I pulsed my grip and twisted before sliding it back up.


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