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Lady Amelia's Secret Lover

Page 4

by Victoria Alexander

  “Passion?” She swallowed hard. Well, this was definitely the way to go about it.

  “And excitement.”

  “Excitement?” she murmured. Her eyes drifted closed to better savor the distinct sense of excitement growing within her. Dear Lord, when had they let this slip away from them?

  “I want your life to be filled with adventure.” His lips drifted over the hollow of her neck. “And delight.”

  “Yes, yes, delight.” And desire. Hers, and she hadn’t a doubt, at this moment, his as well. Mistress be damned. She’d worry about that later. For now…“Robert?”


  “How do you intend to…to…”

  “Why, I intend to help you find a lover.”

  Her eyes snapped open. “What?”

  “It is the least I can do.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then straightened. “After all, this is entirely my fault.”

  She stared at him. “You’re going to help me find a lover? You? You can’t possibly be serious.”

  “Oh, but I am.” He picked up her glass. “More brandy?”

  She nodded in stunned silence.

  He moved to the cabinet. “I know you probably think I’m mad—”

  “Something like that,” she muttered.

  “And I definitely don’t want you to have a lover—”

  “Then why—”

  “I do, however, want you to be happy.” He again refilled her glass. “And if a lover will make you happy, well, then it’s my responsibility to see you get the most appropriate lover available.”

  “Appropriate?” She could barely choke out the word.

  “You want someone handsome, I assume?”

  She stared.

  “Yes, I thought so.” He nodded. “It would be pointless to have a lover who wasn’t. And someone of a suitable social position.” He grimaced. “Those affairs with women involved with men of a lower social class have always struck me as somewhat sordid and rather desperate.” He stepped back to her and held out her glass. “Don’t you agree?”

  “I suppose.” She took the glass and downed nearly half its contents. It didn’t help. “Sordid and desperate.”

  “In addition, you need a lover your age or older. A liaison with a younger man would as well appear sordid and desperate.” Robert paced the room in a thoughtful manner. “Thus far we have appearance, social position, age—” He stopped and glanced at her. “Are you keeping a list?”

  She nodded weakly.

  “I should think charm would be important. After all, you will wish to have stimulating conversations as well.” He resumed pacing. “And then there’s skill to consider.”

  “Skill?” she squeaked.

  “Darling Amelia, you wouldn’t want a lover who was inept.” He scoffed. “As comfortable as you and I have become, you cannot deny we have had a great deal of satisfaction, as it were, in this area.”

  “No, I suppose I can’t,” she murmured. Who was this man? What had happened to her husband? Her jealous, competitive husband was just going to hand her over to another man? Perhaps not hand her over exactly, but he was definitely willing to share her.

  “Therefore we need a candidate with an accomplished reputation in this area. I do have one request, however.”

  “I can hardly wait to hear it.”

  “I should prefer that you keep your dalliance discreet. Secret, I think. After all, a man in my position, well, it wouldn’t look at all good.”

  “So I should have a secret lover then?”

  “Exactly.” He beamed. “I can begin the search at Mrs. Amherst’s ball. The day after tomorrow, isn’t it?”


  “Unless you wish me to begin before that?” There was entirely too much enthusiasm in his voice.

  “No, no,” she said quickly. “That will do.”

  “Excellent.” He nodded. “Harry can help me find the proper man.”


  “Given his sizable reputation, I have no doubt he knows any number of lovers you would find more than acceptable.” Robert cast her a pleasant smile. “I shall speak to him as soon as possible.”

  She stared for a long moment. This was not the Robert she had known for six years. He couldn’t possibly be the least bit sincere about finding her a lover. It wasn’t in his nature. She wasn’t sure what game he was playing—what with his helpfulness and his refusal to continue to deny a mistress—but if he wanted to play, she would do so. It had been a long time since they’d played any kind of game at all. It might well be fun. After all, the stakes were high enough.

  “I think…” she said slowly.

  “Yes?” A slight hint of eagerness sounded in his voice, and the tiniest gleam of triumph sparked in his eye.

  Oh no, my dearest Robert, it’s entirely too soon to declare victory.

  “I think.” She tossed back the rest of her drink and rose unsteadily to her feet. “It’s a splendid idea.”

  His smile faded just a touch. “You do?”

  “Absolutely. Who better to know exactly what I need in a lover than the very man who has been my only lover?”

  “Who better indeed,” he muttered.

  “You’ve given me a great deal to think about, Robert, and I am most grateful. I believe I shall retire for the evening now.”

  He strode to her, took her hand, raised it to his lips, and gazed into her eyes. “Perhaps I shall retire as well.”

  “As you wish, although I am confident I shall be asleep the moment my head hits the pillow. And nothing”—she leveled him a pointed look—“will awaken me.”

  “Pity.” He shrugged and released her hand.

  Indeed it is. She wanted Robert at the moment more than she had wanted him in a long time. Oh, she always welcomed his attentions, but not with the exquisite need he had aroused tonight. Still, allowing him to share her bed would not be wise at this point.

  She nodded a good evening and started toward the door. She did indeed have a great deal to think about. Top on that list was determining exactly what her husband was up to and whether he did indeed have a mistress. The fact that he refused to continue to deny it meant nothing at all. Harry would know. And, as Harry was as much a part of her plan as he was of Robert’s, it was time to talk to Harry.

  She opened the door and glanced back at her husband. “Oh, and Robert.”


  “The next time we chat in the library”—she cast him a blinding smile—“I should like a cigar.”

  Chapter 5

  Robert swirled the brandy in his half-empty glass in an absent manner. He sat in the overstuffed chair that he’d had since before his marriage and now kept in his bedchamber, and stared at the door that connected his rooms to a dressing room and beyond to Amelia’s private domain. He wanted nothing more than to push through those doors and take his wife in his arms. To take what rightfully was his. Given the look in Amelia’s eye tonight, she would welcome him. He hadn’t seen that look in some time. Still, demanding his husbandly rights was perhaps not the best way to go about regaining his wife’s affections.

  No, he needed to seduce his wife back into his bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he had considered Amelia and seduction in the same thought. Seduction required a certain amount of effort, and he had no idea when he’d last exerted any seductive effort whatsoever. She was his wife, after all. It was her duty to accommodate him in his bed.

  Accommodate? He winced at the word and took a swallow of the brandy. If he thought about it, and admittedly he hadn’t given it any thought at all for a very long time, the last thing he wanted from Amelia was accommodation. Certainly, as his wife, there were responsibilities that accompanied that position, but he didn’t want making love to be a duty but a delight. It was always pleasurable, but, as much as he hated to admit it, the sheer passion they had once shared had indeed faded. It was an unsettling realization.

  As was the nagging thought he had tried and failed to dismiss that she had at last di
scovered he was not the man she’d fallen in love with. It was, in a rational sense, probably not a valid concern. After all, Harry had taken his place only a handful of times at the start of a courtship that had lasted several months. If Harry was the brother she’d wanted, she surely would have recognized that before their marriage. Still, it was a bothersome idea made all the worse by the fact of its annoying persistence.

  His head was full of bothersome thoughts this evening and had been since her announcement this morning about taking a lover. Still, they hadn’t verbally fenced with each other for a long time, and tonight’s exchange had brought about a spark of optimism that all would turn out well. That he could—that he would—make it so. Furthermore, sparring with Amelia was the most fun he had had in quite some time. It swept him back to the past and those days when they were just beginning to know each other. Other men might disagree with him, but there was much to be said for a woman—for a wife—who was every bit as clever as her husband. It made life a challenge and, more, an adventure. An adventure that could last a lifetime if one was intelligent enough not to let that slip away in the wake of comfort and contentment. Now Robert was going to have to work to regain what was lost. Tonight he had seized control; tomorrow he would do something about her notion of acquiring a lover.

  In the meantime, he chuckled to himself, yes, indeed, he was going to have to seduce Amelia. This morning he hadn’t been entirely sure he remembered how. Tonight, however…He raised his glass to the door and grinned. Some things one never forgot.

  Chapter 6

  “I do appreciate you calling on me today, Harry.” Amelia watched Robert’s brother prowl restlessly around the parlor. Her brother-in-law was obviously ill at ease. Perhaps Harry was wiser than she’d thought.

  The similarity between the two men never failed to amaze her. The broad shoulders, dark hair, blue eyes were virtually indistinguishable from one brother to the next. They even shared a certain similarity of taste in the manner in which they dressed. The identical aspect of their appearance was tempered by the differences in their natures, but if one did not know them well, it would be impossible to tell Robert from Harry, even though she had never had a problem doing so.

  “I did not call on you; you summoned me.” He glared at her. “I am not used to being summoned.”

  “Nonsense. I suspect women summon you all the time.” She waved at the tea service set up on a table beside her. “Tea?”

  “I’d prefer something stronger.”

  “Perhaps later.”

  His brow rose. “Will I need all my wits about me, then?”

  She smiled in a pleasant manner and poured a cup of tea for herself and one for him.

  “What do you want, Amelia?”

  “I need your assistance. Your insight. Possibly even your wisdom, as it were.”

  “My wisdom?” He cautiously seated himself in a nearby chair. “You’ve never considered me particularly wise.”

  “On some subjects I consider you quite knowledgeable.” She offered him a cup.

  He grimaced but accepted it. “I am almost afraid to ask which subjects those might be.”

  “Any number I would imagine, most of them quite unsavory.”

  “No doubt.” He chuckled. “And on which unsavory subject do you require my assistance?”

  “This particular subject is not the least bit unsavory,” she said coolly. “It’s your brother.”

  “Robert?” He studied her. “I can’t imagine why you would need my help with Robert.”

  “It does seem far-fetched but…” She paused to find the right words. “Are you aware that he has a mistress?”


  “No, you are not aware, or no, he doesn’t have a mistress?”

  Harry chose his words with care. “I am not aware of Robert’s having a mistress, and as I assume I would indeed know of such a circumstance, I can say no. To my knowledge Robert does not have a mistress.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I can be.” He took a sip of tea, whether to give himself a moment to think or to distract her from the topic at hand, she couldn’t tell. Probably both. Harry had always been a crafty sort. “Obviously you have reason to believe otherwise. Why do you think he has a mistress?”

  It was humiliating enough to admit to her sisters her discovery of the bracelet; she wasn’t about to tell Harry as well. “I confess, I’m not completely certain—”

  “Oh well, then—”

  “He’s changed, Harry. The, well, passion we once shared has dimmed considerably.”

  “You have been married for six years.”

  “Regardless, there’s a rift between us, and it scarcely matters whether it’s due to another woman or some other reason entirely.” She set her cup down and leaned toward her brother-in-law. “I want my husband’s affections back, Harry.”

  “And you think by taking a lover of your own you can accomplish that?”

  She stared at him for a moment. “You’ve been talking to Robert.”

  “Apparently, in this family, when one needs advice on matters of a carnal nature”—he flashed her a wicked grin—“I am the one to turn to.”

  “You are the expert.”

  “It’s my lot in life.” He shrugged.

  “Do you know Robert plans on helping me find a lover?”


  She nodded. “He feels it’s his responsibility.”

  “Robert always has had an overly robust sense of responsibility,” Harry murmured, and sipped his tea.

  She braced herself. “I, however, want you.”

  Harry choked and sputtered. “Me?”

  “Yes, you,” she said firmly.

  “I didn’t think you especially liked me.”

  “I don’t dislike you. Besides, you’re the perfect choice.”

  “I’m flattered, as any man would be, but—”

  “You needn’t be flattered. I want you because you’re safe and I can trust you.”

  “I say, Amelia.” Harry straightened with indignation. “I have been called many things by many women, but safe has never been one of them. And I am universally considered not to be the least bit trustworthy.”

  “And yet.” She waved off his objection. “That doesn’t bother me in the least. Will you do it? Will you be my lover?”

  “Absolutely not.” Harry glared. “I would never betray my brother in such a manner. I can’t believe you think I would even consider such a thing.” He rose to his feet and stared at her in a righteous manner. “Furthermore, Amelia, this discussion is at an end.”

  “This discussion is nowhere near over, Harry. Now sit down.”

  He hesitated.


  “First you command me to come, now you tell me to sit.” Nonetheless, he retook his seat. “I am not a lapdog, and I will not be treated like one.”

  “A lapdog is the last thing I, or any other woman, would consider you, Harry. Now, please, do hear me out.”

  “Very well, but you’ll get no help from me. I have no desire to be in the middle of whatever difficulties my brother and his wife are having.”

  “First of all, you should know I have no intention of acquiring an actual lover. I need an imaginary lover, and you will serve perfectly.”

  “I knew it.” He blew a relieved sigh. “I told Robert you would never do such a thing and were probably simply trying to make him jealous.”

  “I see.” She thought for a moment. This might well change everything. “And did he believe you?”

  Harry hesitated.

  “He did, didn’t he? Damn you, Harry.” Amelia huffed and got to her feet. Harry immediately stood. “Sit down and let me think.” She paced the room. This explained Robert’s offer to help her find a lover. The man probably thought this was all most amusing. No more than a game of cat and mouse. At this point Robert no doubt believed that he was thoroughly in control, and therefore there was no need for him to worry about another man in her life. Well
, she had no intention of being the mouse.

  “This can still work,” she said more to herself than to Harry. How was the question. The whole idea was not merely to make Robert jealous but to make him realize as well what he had and what he didn’t want to lose. To make him understand that she was the one woman in the world for him. To rekindle passion and love and all those things they had once promised each other would last forever. She refused to consider for so much as a moment that she might fail.

  At once the answer struck her. “That’s it. It makes perfect sense.”

  Harry snorted. “Nothing about this makes perfect sense.”

  “I need to act before he does. I need to acquire a lover before he has the chance to so much as present a list of possibilities. If this is a game we are playing, it is obviously my move.” She turned to her brother-in-law. “You will be that lover, Harry. You will pursue me with the same determination and eye toward seduction that you pursue any of your conquests. Flowers, jewelry, and whatever else you use to gain a woman’s affections. You will do so anonymously, and you will not breathe so much as a single word to Robert.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “I won’t do it.”

  “Oh, but you will. For two reasons.” She held up her index finger. “First, because if you don’t, I will find a man who will.”

  He gasped. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Indeed I would.” She shook her head. “I am a desperate woman, Harry, and desperate women do desperate things. I love Robert, and I will not give him up without a fight.”

  “I can understand that,” he said in a grudging manner. “But I don’t think that I—” He frowned. “What’s the second reason?”

  She smiled, sauntered to a side table, and picked up a leather-bound book.

  “What is that?” Unease shone in his eyes.

  “This, my dear brother-in-law, is my journal for the year 1840.” She sat down and paged through the book.

  “I didn’t know you kept a journal.”

  “I have since I was a girl. There are some passages here you might be interested in.”

  “I doubt that.” Again he got to his feet. “I should be on my way.” Amelia cast him a threatening glare, and he sank back into his chair. “Although I always have time for my beloved sister-in-law.”


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