Kiss of a Stranger (Lost Coast Harbor, Book 1)
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When she reached him, she swung one leg over his, straddling his thighs. She squirmed a little, settling onto his lap, then placed her fingers against his chest and traced each muscle. Every touch was slow, deliberate, maddening. She was trying to kill him.
She tugged on his neckline, exposing the top of one tattoo. “Will you tell me about these?”
Gabe was already hard. They’d talked enough for one afternoon. “Later.”
He wrapped his hands around her waist, moving her into a better position and tilting his hips to meet hers. Her skirt rose up, and he slid his hands down her slim thighs, still covered in a thick pair of winter tights.
“There’s one thing you need to know.” His voice came out in a rasp.
Maddie was still touching him, running her hands across the breadth of his shoulders. “Mmm?” she asked.
“I’m not your ex,” Gabe growled. He claimed her lips. The kiss started rough, and he fought to temper it. No way in hell was he losing control the way he did before. The next time he came, it was going to be inside Maddie.
There was no uncertainty in Maddie’s response. She returned his kiss with confidence, sliding her tongue along his, exploring his mouth as greedily as he explored hers. She made a noise somewhere between a sigh and a whimper, and he groaned at the sound.
Maddie tugged at his shirt. “I want to feel your skin.”
He sure as hell wasn’t going to argue with that. Gabe ripped it off and threw it across the room.
“Your turn.”
For the first time, she hesitated. He ran soft kisses along her jaw until she arched her neck. At the party, she wore a delicate perfume, floral and pretty, but all he smelled now was Maddie. It was better than anything he could find in a bottle. Warm and sweet, with just a hint of green, like she carried her plants with her.
Gabe whispered against her skin. “You’re so ordered, Maddie. Every button on your blouse is done up, and your hair is so tightly wound. I want to rip those buttons off. I want to watch your hair fall around your face. I’m going to wrap my hands in it and hold you tight, and I’ll kiss you until you can barely breathe. You’re going to be naked and messy and begging for me, and you’re going to start by taking off your shirt.”
She stared at him, eyes enormous and dark, the color of the ocean at twilight. He longed to stroke her and find out if his words made her wet.
Maddie undid the top button. Agonizingly slow, she moved to the second and third. She paused when she hit the fourth and held his gaze, her own coy.
Like that, was it? Gabe yanked her toward him and dropped his mouth onto the swell of one breast, exposed by the gaping blouse. He nipped the soft flesh, then slid a hand inside her shirt, cupping the delicate weight. One thumb flicked across her nipple, already hard beneath the lace of her bra.
He kept his promise and ripped the fourth button free, shoving the material aside until he could reach the pink nipple with his mouth. Gabe sucked on it through the thin fabric, loving the way it puckered in his mouth. Maddie ground against him in pleasure.
So much for going slow. If she kept that movement up, he wouldn’t make it another minute.
“Stand up,” he told her.
Maddie stared at him. “Why?”
Just the sight of her, eyes glazed with lust, her lips soft and bruised from their kisses, was almost enough to push him over the edge.
“Trust me.”
She rose above him and began to adjust her skirt.
“Don’t do that. Take off your tights.”
She paused, but she didn’t argue. Instead, she slid her hands up her thighs, touching herself the way he longed to touch her. He’d dreamed this wanton creature lived beneath her controlled exterior, but this was better than anything he imagined. Maddie eased the tights down an inch at a time. The movement shouldn’t have been that arousing—it wasn’t like she was removing a stocking from a garter belt—but the slow reveal of her creamy thighs was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. At last she stepped out of them and stood before him, bare-legged.
“Now your underwear.”
Her tongue darted out, licking the corner of her mouth, then she reached underneath her skirt. A pair of lacy panties followed her tights.
Gabe stood in a single movement. He grabbed her for one hard kiss, then wrapped his hands around her waist. It was nothing to pick her and move her to her desk. He set her on the edge, her perfect legs dangling. Gabe shoved her skirt up her thighs.
He swallowed when the fabric reached the top of her thighs and the delicate lips of her pussy peeked out below the hem. She’d waxed between the party and now.
Whatever primal beast lived within him, it released a howl of triumph at the sight. He didn’t much care whether she was waxed or not. He’d take Maddie any way he could get her. What mattered was she hadn’t done this for her date with Declan. This was for him. Because even when she was mad at him, even when she was demanding he leave town…on some level, she’d wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Grasping her knees with both hands, he eased her legs apart. Maddie’s eyes dropped to his straining erection, and once again she licked her lips.
That almost undid him. Just unzip his jeans, grab the condom out of his wallet, and he’d be inside Maddie’s tight warmth in seconds. His cock throbbed at the thought.
But it was too much, too fast. Maddie deserved everything he could give her. Weeks ago, he said he’d make it worth her time if she felt like taking a risk, and he was going to keep that promise.
Gabe fell to his knees. He placed both hands on her thighs, spreading them wide so he could see her. For a long moment, he only looked, and she made no effort to close her legs. If anything, she dropped them open wider, inviting him in. He moved toward those beautiful lips and blew lightly across her pink flesh. She jumped with a gasp.
That was all the restraint he could offer. Gabe buried his face between her thighs. He gave one long lick, groaning as her musky scent hit him. Nothing had ever tasted so fucking good.
Gabe slid his tongue inside, swirling it around her hot walls and letting her taste fill his mouth. He licked upwards, finding her swollen clit and wrapping his lips around it. He sucked lightly at first, but when Maddie tilted her hips toward him, he stopped trying to take it slow.
Gabe flicked his tongue faster, then slid a finger inside. She was dripping, so wet and ready for him.
“I want you,” Maddie begged. “I want you inside me.”
Gabe shook his head. Not yet. He added a second finger and fucked her with his hand, using long, steady strokes. Maddie pressed against him, demanding more. She wanted everything he could give her.
He closed his mouth around her and sucked harder. Her legs shook, and she dug one heel into his back as she came. He watched her throw her head back, her eyes closed as pleasure coursed through her body. Her inner muscles spasmed again and again around his fingers. He was so ready to feel that around his cock.
Gabe stood and dragged her relaxed body toward him. He kissed her, letting her taste herself, then licked inside her mouth and bit her lip, stoking the flames again. Tension returned to her body.
One of her hands traced his hard-on, so damn thick he was amazed it hadn’t ripped his jeans, and he reached for his wallet in the back pocket.
The doorknob rattled.
For a second, their eyes met in shock, then Gabe sprung back with a muffled curse.
Keys jangled.
Maddie hopped off the desk, eyes wide with panic. She grabbed her tights and shoved them into a drawer. There wasn’t time to put on her shoes, so she chucked them under her desk.
Gabe tugged his shirt over his head, then pushed her chair toward her and urged her into it. He took a second they didn’t have to tuck her hair behind her ears. He didn’t want to stop touching her. Not yet. “Don’t forget your blouse,” he murmured. She raised shaking hands to the buttons.
A key slid into the lock. Gabe rolled across the desk, landing in the opposite chair just a
s the door opened and Oliver Hastings walked in.
Chapter Sixteen
“Oliver! You’re back early!” Maddie didn’t so much talk as squeak.
Her boss didn’t notice. There were dark circles under Oliver’s eyes, and for the first time since she’d known him, he wasn’t perfectly put together. His suit was rumpled and his hair looked uncombed.
“What’s wrong?” She began to push herself back from the desk before remembering she was barefoot.
Oliver looked at her, but it took a few seconds before she believed he really saw her. “Everything’s fine.”
Maddie raised her eyebrows. She wouldn’t push, but neither would she pretend to believe his obvious lie.
Finally, Oliver managed a smile. “Really. There were a few more surprises on this trip than I expected, but I’ve got it all in hand.” He glanced at the man sitting across from her and blinked, a little taken aback. “Everything okay here?”
“There was a problem with his paperwork,” Maddie hurried to answer. “It’s sorted now.”
Gabe had barely moved since her boss entered. He leaned forward, his elbows braced on his knees, and though he stared at her, he wouldn’t meet her eyes.
Oliver looked at Maddie as if there was something he wanted to say, then he shook his head, the moment passing. “I only stopped in to pick up the files from Hastings Properties. Jared swears he finally brought them by.”
Maddie grabbed the documents still sitting in her inbox. Whoever had broken into the office hadn’t touched them. They’d only been interested in the archives. “He was here this morning. Asked what you were doing, too. Is he actually getting involved in the business?”
Oliver grimaced. “That would be too much like work for Jared.” He gestured with the file. “I’ll take these home. And it’s past five, Maddie. I know you’re incapable of leaving work on time, but you can’t make Gabe work late.” Her boss opened the door and gestured for Gabe to precede him down the stairs.
Gabe stood slowly. He gave her a long look, then the two men left.
As soon as she was alone, she began pacing the office. She felt unsteady, her body reeling from Gabe’s touch—and still hungry for more. If Oliver hadn’t interrupted, Gabe would be inside her right now.
Frustrated, she yanked on the heavy tights, creating a long run on the right leg. She threw her black flats into a bag and hauled on the heavy boots she needed for the walk home.
Only when she was pulling on her heavy wool coat did she realize her underwear was missing.
And she’d buttoned her shirt wrong—probably because one of the buttons had rolled under Sharon’s desk.
Maddie winced. No wonder Gabe had been staring at her while Oliver looked uncertain.
There was nothing to do about it now. She went downstairs, locking the outside door behind her, and walked commando through the town.
The winter sun had set almost an hour ago, but the shops were still open and filled with bright lights. She felt bereft as she left the town center and began walking the darker streets that led to her house.
Half a mile from home, she heard them. Footsteps—and when she picked up speed, so did they. Maddie’s heart pounded in double time.
Someone was following her.
Maddie disappeared.
Gabe stared at the empty spot. She’d been right in front of him. He only glanced away for a second, long enough to scan the area and make sure no one else followed her. When he looked back, she was gone.
That woman was going to be the death of him. That would be some irony. He survived prison only to be undone by a slim woman with a librarian’s bun.
This stretch of the road was lined with old redwoods. She could be hiding behind any of them—and so could anyone else.
He crept toward the last spot he’d seen her and peered around the nearest trunk.
His target circled around the other side of the tree and slammed her fist into his shoulder. Gabe grunted in surprise and even a little pain. She might be slim, but she packed a punch.
“You’re following me?” Maddie demanded.
Gabe jutted his chin forward. “Of course I am. Someone ransacked your office. What if they’re coming for your home next?”
“Oh.” Her expression shifted from pissed to worried. “I actually forgot about that, with…everything that happened. Thanks.” She managed a smile.
Gabe narrowed his eyes. “What’s the trick?”
“No trick. It’s kind of nice, having someone worry about me.”
“Then why the hell did you hit me?”
“Because you were following me down a dark road!”
“I wasn’t sure you’d want my company,” Gabe admitted.
Despite everything that passed between them not an hour before, he couldn’t believe she wanted him to walk at her side where all the town could see. If people spotted them together, the gossip would start all over again, whispers that Maddie was looking for trouble. Maybe he shouldn’t have sat with her at Donnelly’s the other night.
Maddie shrugged. “It’s better than being stalked.”
She meant it as a joke, but the words stung. Because normal guys didn’t follow women. He shouldn’t be sneaking around in the shadows, looking for danger that he’d brought into her life.
He could either look like a bad influence or a creeper. The first choice was better.
They didn’t speak much as they walked to her house, but there was something unexpectedly nice about being at her side. The rustle of their heavy winter clothes as they moved, the soft footsteps. He could hear her small inhalations and see the white plume when she breathed out. More than once, his gloved hand brushed hers. By the time they reached her house, he almost wished she lived further away.
“Let me go in first and check it out.” Gabe insisted.
Gabe wasn’t surprised to hear the porch stairs creak behind him as he approached the front door.
At least she didn’t argue when he held out his hand for her keys.
He didn’t need them. The door was unlocked.
Maddie’s eyes widened and her breath came faster.
“Now will you stay here?” Gabe asked.
She only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.
He slipped inside. No lights were on. He remembered the layout well enough to find the nearest table lamp. Gabe peered into each room. He looked behind doors and inside closets.
He whistled low to Maddie. “Downstairs is clear. I’m checking the rest. Sit on the couch and don’t move.” To his surprise, she didn’t argue.
Ten minutes later, he joined her. Gabe had examined every room thoroughly, then checked every window. They were all locked, as was the back door, and none showed signs of forced entry. He flipped on all the lights, and Maddie visibly began to relax.
“Any chance Bree stopped by?”
Maddie shook her head. “She’s out of town till tomorrow.”
Gabe sighed and sank onto the sofa next to her. “It doesn’t look like anyone was here. Nothing’s out of order. You’re certain you locked up this morning?”
“Uh-huh.” Maddie’s voice was even. He knew she was scared, but she was doing her best to hide it.
They hadn’t taken anything from the office. Nothing in her home appeared disturbed. What did these assholes want? If it was even the same people. Her tidy home looked nothing like the ransacked office.
At least they’d come while she was out. This time.
“You shouldn’t be alone. Not until we know what’s going on.”
Maddie turned big eyes on him, and for the life of him, he had no idea what she was thinking. But at least she didn’t say no.
Instead, she walked to the kitchen and turned on the faucet. He watched her move around the other room, each gesture so graceful, so self-contained.
If she wanted to avoid the subject, he’d go along with it—for now.
“Were you a dancer?” Gabe could see that. With her long limbs and tight bun, Maddie would have fit r
ight in on a ballet stage.
She gave an indelicate snort as she returned to the living room. She traveled around the room with the watering can, caring for her small jungle. “My mother tried to get me to take dance classes, but I wanted to be a gymnast. I was terrible at it. I couldn’t do a cartwheel, let alone some complicated tumbling pass. But it’s how Bree and I became friends, so it was the right choice.”
“A bad tumbler with the grace of a ballerina and a green thumb. And terrible taste in pajamas.”
Maddie stuck her hand into the water and flicked it at him, showering him with drops.
He relaxed into the couch, grinning.
God, he loved watching her move, but this time her beauty had nothing to do with her body or her grace. It was the care she took with each plant. She tested the soil and examined the leaves, and each plant earned a few words of encouragement. They all mattered to her.
“Have you always kept plants?”
Maddie turned a large ficus so the other side faced the window. “Always. My mom was allergic to most animals, so she decided to keep plants instead. She taught me so much.” A small smile played on her lips, one that disappeared too soon. “I didn’t get out of control until the situation with Charlie. It didn’t seem to matter how tight money was. I still bought a new plant every payday.”
Gabe understood. When everything was destroyed, she needed to make something beautiful grow in its place.
It sounded so wonderful. Almost easy. When his life was ruined, all he’d nurtured was his pain.
For a second, he wondered if he could let it go. Stop fighting. He could take Maddie’s hand, and lead her upstairs, and in the morning he wouldn’t leave. He’d let Maddie care for him the way she cared for those plants. If anyone could bring him back to life, it would be her.
Only a second, and it was gone. Six years. It always came back to that. Six years when he hadn’t been there for Mateo. When he hadn’t been at his ma’s side as she passed. Six years when he’d spent every day fighting instead of giving in.
That wasn’t something you got over because a beautiful woman made you think there might be more to life than revenge. Gabe didn’t know how to stop fighting.