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Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 3

by Paige Cameron

Samantha saw the shock on Mr. Greenlee’s face, but he hid it quickly. “Congratulations, Sir and Ms. Riley.” He nodded his head and smiled at her.

  “Thanks, Oliver. We’re going to be shopping part of the day,” Jackson said. “Any business that needs my attention before we leave?”

  “There’s a problem in Singapore.”

  A slight frown crossed Jackson’s face. “We’ll talk in my office. Mrs. Haverty can get Sam a cup of coffee while she waits.”

  The elevator opened to a luxurious lounge with carpet that Samantha’s shoes sank into and large leather chairs in a deep gold color. An older woman, short and plump with a wide smile, came around her desk and greeted them. Jackson did a quick introduction and headed for the door marked with his name in gold letters.

  “I’ll be just a few minutes, Samantha. Mrs. Haverty, will you get her coffee and a roll, if you can find one? My fiancée skipped breakfast.”

  With those words, he disappeared into his office, followed by Oliver. While Mrs. Haverty went for her coffee, Samantha speed-dialed Janice at her office.

  “The law offices of Black, Simmons, and Dedrick,” the receptionist announced.

  “May I speak to Ms. Dedrick?”

  “One minute please.”

  “Janice Dedrick, may I help you?”

  “Yes, help me.”

  “Ah, I know that voice. You’re in town?”

  “Waiting for Jackson. He’s meeting with one of his associates. Did you know he owns this building?”

  Janice chuckled. “He owns a lot more than that building. I’ve always been surprised how you’ve never inquired about any of his concerns but the ranch.”

  “And you didn’t tell me.”

  “You didn’t seem interested and didn’t ask.”

  “Can we get together for lunch?”

  “I thought you were picking out an engagement ring?”

  “We are sometime today. I don’t intend to sit around too long waiting for him to remember me.”

  “Check with Jackson. If you’re free, how about meeting at our favorite Italian place?”

  “Great. Unless I call back, plan on seeing me at noon.”

  “It’s a date.” Janice hung up just as Jackson came striding through his door.

  “This is going to take longer than I’d thought. I’ve called my housekeeper, Anna Murphy. She’ll be waiting for you at my townhouse. My chauffeur will drive you there.”

  “Whoa. Housekeeper and chauffeur? What’s wrong with me taking a taxi?”

  “Why?” Jackson gave her a puzzled look.

  “Because I’m not used to all of this.” She spread her hands to encompass the lovely room. “I’m a plain cowgirl, remember?”

  He ignored her comment. “I have one more surprise. You have an appointment at the spa, downstairs from my condo apartment, to have a massage and facial in an hour.”

  “I’m meeting Janice for lunch at twelve.”

  Jackson raised an eyebrow, but the arrival of his secretary stopped him from whatever he planned to say. Mrs. Haverty had a tray with coffee, juice, and toast.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Haverty. See that she eats and then have the car brought around front for her.” He turned back to Samantha. “We’re going to a fancy party tonight. If you didn’t bring a gown with you, go shopping and put it on my card.” He went to hand her his credit card.

  Samantha backed away. “We aren’t married yet. I can buy my own clothes.” She found herself frowning at his back and listening to his laugh as he strode quickly into his office and closed the door.

  The coffee and food did make her feel more like herself. Mrs. Haverty very efficiently had her in the car and headed to Jackson’s townhouse in no time. The car slowed and parked in front of another impressive, tall building. The front double doors had elaborate etching on the glass panels. Her chauffeur opened the car door, and she stepped out. Glancing at her watch, she saw it had only taken fifteen minutes to get here.

  The doorman greeted her by name and opened the doors to the lobby. Mrs. Haverty must have called ahead. Samantha’s head spun with all this attention. She’d never suspected Jackson had such prominence in the business world. She had always been single-minded concerning ranching and living in the country. Even if she did begin to have feelings for Jackson, she doubted she’d ever get used to or like living in the city.

  Large vases of mixed flowers and some of orchids were scattered around the palatial lobby, sending a sweet fragrance into the air. The doorman directed her to a separate elevator.

  “This one goes straight to the penthouse. Mrs. Murphy is expecting you.”

  “Thank you...” She glanced at his name tag. “Harold.”

  She stepped into the mirrored elevator, and it shot smoothly to the top, leaving her stomach behind. She really didn’t like all these high buildings. The doors slid open to a large foyer. Highly polished dark wood covered the walls. Another vase filled with long-stemmed red roses sat on a small table by the double doors, which stood open. A tall, broad-shouldered woman with gray hair and friendly brown eyes stood at the entrance, smiling at her.

  “You must be Miss Riley. Come in. Mrs. Haverty called ahead to tell me to expect you.” She opened the door wider, and Samantha moved inside. The living room looked like something out of one of the house and garden magazines. A soft blend of yellows and blues welcomed her. To the left, a long line of patio doors stood open to a wide balcony.

  “Why don’t you look around while I get you some tea?” Mrs. Murphy looked at her watch. “You have about a half hour before your massage appointment.” She walked briskly along a hallway and turned right.

  Samantha followed her and saw a gleaming white kitchen. She continued to stroll along the hall, noticing a study on the left and two bedrooms on the right. At the end were another set of double doors. This must be the master bedroom. Her hand hesitated on the door knob, but curiosity got the better of her.

  The doors opened into a cozy sitting room. One wall lined with books, and on the other side a large television. A single door on the left led into the enormous bedroom. Shades of gray and blue color were integrated into the walls, the curtains, and the bedspread, giving a soothing ambiance.

  Drapes covered the right wall. When she pushed a round, silver button located right beside them, they slid back, exposing another set of doors which opened to a smaller balcony. From here, a wide, expansive view of the city spread out before her. She stepped outside. Wind blew her hair wildly around her. Cautiously, she moved forward. It really was a wonderful panoramic view.

  “Your tea, Miss Riley.” Anna had stepped out behind her. “Perhaps you’d like to sit here for a few minutes.” She motioned to a chair by a small table. “Jackson likes to start his morning reading his paper out here.” She smiled, in a motherly fashion, each time she spoke of Jackson.

  “No. I’ll be right back inside.”

  “Take your time.”

  Samantha started to follow her when she saw another door on the other side of the room. She walked across the deep, plush carpet and pushed the door open, exposing a luxurious bath. The tile was a dark green and white. In one corner was a large shower with mirrors all around and several showerheads set at different angles. Across the room, a long vanity held two sinks and to the right, opposite the shower, was a huge, sunken, jetted tub. It was really quite decadent and nothing she would have expected of Jackson. She’d begun to wonder if she knew him at all.

  She glanced at her watch. She barely had time to drink her tea and get downstairs to the spa. Hurriedly, she retraced her steps to the lounge area.

  * * * *

  Samantha stepped out of the black limousine in front of the small Italian restaurant she and Janice had found several years ago. It was tucked away on the outskirts of town. Several people glanced at her and the shiny, long car. Tempting smells of pizza and other Italian delights drifted out to the street. Taking off her sunglasses, she strolled into the dining room searching for her friend. She saw Janice wav
e from their favorite corner booth and headed her way.

  “You look great,” Janice said.

  “I feel pretty great. I just had a massage and facial which included new makeup for my face.”

  “Whoever did the job knew their business. The right colors with a light touch. But you’ve never cared for anything but powder and a light blush.”

  “Jackson arranged it. Well, I didn’t know about the makeup part, but we’re going to a party. I guess he didn’t want me embarrassing him as the country cousin, so to speak.”

  “I doubt that. You always look beautiful. Still, the light colors do bring out your eyes.”

  “Enough, please. Tell me how I’m going to get out of this mess. He’s apparently terribly rich. I’ll never fit in.”

  The waiter stepped up to their table. “Would you ladies like to order?” They ordered their favorite, a supreme, thick-crust pizza and side salad. Once he left, Samantha stared at her friend, trying to get Janice to give her an answer to the predicament she’d gotten herself into.

  “He is very rich and well-respected. I’m not sure if you realize the busy social life he has in town. Women flock to him.”

  “Has he ever had a serious relationship?”

  Janice nodded. “Several over the years, one woman I thought for sure he’d marry, but he took over his parents’ ranch about that time, and soon after they split.”

  “I remember. He brought her to the ranch once. Pretty, blonde, tiny, hung on his every word,” Samantha said.

  “That would be her. I believe since you saw her, you must have seen Jackson and her together. Seeing her and you side by side must have made Jackson realize he still cared for you.”

  “You think he’s cared for me, a long time?”

  “I do. And I don’t think there’s any way he’ll let you out of this deal you made.”

  Samantha’s head spun with all the surprises she’d discovered today. Jackson may have been her friend, but his world encompassed so much more than she’d expected. She’d never fit in. After the party tonight, he’d see how unprepared she was to be the type of wife he needed.

  Their steaming hot pizza and small salads were placed on their table, stopping any further conversation while they savored the delicious food. Samantha took a last bite of her pizza and sat back.

  “How’s your business?” she asked Janice.

  “Good. Actually, Jackson sends work my way quite often.”


  “Don’t be so surprised. I’m a good corporate lawyer. And speaking of Jackson, don’t look now, but he’s headed our way.”

  Samantha glanced around and saw him weaving his way around the crowded room in their direction. In a few long strides, he arrived at their table.

  “Ladies, I hope I’m not interrupting. How are you, Janice?”

  “Busy. I’m glad to see you, but I’ve got to run. You can have my seat.”

  “No, Janice, please stay.” Samantha put out her hand.

  “Wish I could. Call me later.” She turned and walked briskly off.

  Jackson sat and reached across, taking Samantha’s hand. “Hope I didn’t break up your visit. I got finished early and thought I’d grab a bite to eat with you before our appointment.”

  Samantha didn’t reply as the waiter had come to the table to take his order. After deciding on a salad and a small pizza, he glanced across at her.

  “I’m having a glass of merlot. Do you want something besides that tea?” He motioned to her glass. “Be daring and join me in a glass of wine.”

  Against her will, she smiled. “All right, I’ll have a glass of Riesling.” The waiter nodded and hurried off.

  “Did you and Janice have a nice visit?”

  “It was too short. But, I’m glad you came. We need to talk.”

  Again, he enclosed his fingers around her hand. “Talk.”

  She didn’t want to admit she found it difficult to think clearly when he was rubbing his thumb across her palm. Those new jittery feelings swept over her at his touch. She wet her dry lips.

  “You never told me you were rich and owned buildings and lived in a place straight out of a magazine. You have a chauffeur!”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Is it a crime to have someone drive me around? I get a lot of work done while I’m traveling from one end of town to another.”

  “But can’t you see I don’t fit in? I’ll never be the wife you need.”

  He moved quickly from his side of the booth to hers. She slid into the corner. His tall frame hovered over her. His eyes glinted.

  “And what type of wife do I need?”

  “A sophisticated woman. One that likes parties and socializing. That’s not me. I’d make you miserable,” Samantha said. Her breath caught in her throat. He surrounded her with his strong, masculine aura and the spicy male scent he wore. She both wanted to push him away and pull him forward. Her contrary thoughts had her confused.

  He lifted her hand and turned it palm up. His lips brushed across her skin, shooting a needy hunger straight to her core.

  “I want only you.”


  His lip curved into that sexy smile that made her heart trip. “I’ll explain, later.” His husky voice made her toes curl.

  When his food arrived, he moved to the other side and ate quickly. Neither one said anything else. After paying the bill, he took her arm and led her to the car. “We’ll be just in time.

  They stopped in front of a nondescript building. A sign, Matthews and Company, hung on the wooden front door. Jackson rang the bell. Shortly, the door was opened by a burly man in a dark suit.

  “Mr. Matthews is expecting you. Follow me.” He led them down a well-lit, wide corridor and then into a bright room with cases of shiny jewelry. Paintings of nature, wild seas, a sunset over the desert, and other magnificent scenes were hung on the mahogany walls.

  A tall, thin man with an equally thin mustache stepped forward to greet them. He reminded Samantha of an English butler. “It is good to see you, Mr. Stone. This must be your lovely fiancée.”

  “Yes, Mr. Matthews. This is Samantha Riley, soon to be Mrs. Stone.”

  “Welcome,” Mr. Matthews greeted her and led them to a corner where two chairs sat on either side of a small Chippendale table.

  Samantha glanced around. All the furniture appeared to be antiques. Soft music played in the background, and a teapot and two cups sat on the table beside a plate of brownies.

  “Please help yourself. I will bring the choices I’ve picked out from your description of what you want. If none of them please Miss Riley, I’m sure we’ll have others that will tempt her.” Smiling, he bowed and walked briskly across the room and behind a long curtain.

  “This is not like any jewelry store I’ve ever been in,” Samantha said.

  “Mr. Matthews has a select clientele,” Jackson said. He was watching her closely.

  “See what I mean. It’s all this.” She swung out her hands.

  “Relax. Believe me, it will work out fine.”

  Samantha started to speak, but Mr. Matthews was back. He laid out a black velvet tray with at least ten rings sparkling against their background. She gasped at their beauty.

  “Is there one specific ring you’d like to try?” Mr. Matthews asked.

  She raised her eyes to Jackson. He studied her expression for a minute and then looked at the rings. “This one with the champagne diamonds and this more traditional one are my favorites. Which do you favor, Samantha?”

  One ring had an oval champagne diamond in the center surrounded by two rows of regular diamonds. The other had a large round diamond surrounded by smaller round diamonds and baguettes on the side.

  “They’re both beautiful. You decide, Jackson.”

  “We’ll take this one.” He slid the champagne diamond ring onto her finger. “A perfect fit.” Looking at her, he held her hand clasped tightly in his. “The color reminds me of your hair.”

  “Thank you,
Mr. Matthews. Please have your assistant show Miss Riley to my car, and we’ll take care of business.”

  “Certainly, this way Miss Riley.”

  “Don’t forget to shop on the way home,” Jackson said softly as she started to walk away. He pulled her to him and stooped to kiss her. “I’ll expect more of a thank-you when I get home.”

  Shaken by his words, she hurried out of the room with the assistant, walking quickly to catch up with her.

  Chapter Four

  Samantha hung the dress she’d found, in a small shop near Jackson’s townhouse, in the closet. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake. The dress caught her eye in the window and had fit perfectly. Still, she knew she was playing with fire. It wasn’t a dress to go unnoticed. Shrugging, she gathered her underclothes and towel and headed to Jackson’s shower. She thought she’d have plenty of time to have a quick wash in that gorgeous bathroom before he arrived.

  She lathered her hair then stood, letting the warm water rinse over her head and flow along her body. A movement caught her eye. She stared as a naked Jackson opened the shower door to join her.

  “I couldn’t resist. You looked so delectable standing here like a water nymph with your back arched and water cascading over those curves.”

  Stunned, Samantha couldn’t say a word. She hadn’t seen him in a bathing suit in years, just jeans and cowboy shirts which hinted at but didn’t show the six-pack, wide shoulders, and lean hips leading to a large cock pointed in her direction.

  “Get out. We’re not married yet.” The low tone of her wavering voice didn’t sound like she really wanted him to get out. In fact, a part of her wanted him to stay very much. Although she’d never given much thought to the idea of being naked with Jackson, suddenly she found herself unable to look away or move back from his enticing body.

  His hands slid through her wet hair and pulled her face closer. “We will be, soon.” His lips descended and ravished her mouth. This was the first intimate kiss they’d ever shared. Pressed wet and naked against Jackson as he kissed her senseless, her body melted against his rock-hard muscles. His tongue tangled with hers, while his arms held her snug. His cock caught between them. There was no doubt to what he had in mind. It was sex. To her surprise, she realized she craved him as much as he appeared to desire her. Perhaps sex with Jackson would be different. He slid one of his hands across her side to her breast, and his thumb rubbed her nipple, while his other hand rubbed across her buttocks. The sheer delight of Jackson’s hands caressing her body made all of Samantha’s thoughts fly straight out of her head.


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