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Page 5

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “I like you all tied up like this. I’m sure you’ll find a way out.”

  “Cece, this isn’t funny. Get your ass over here and untie me.”

  I waved my fingers at him and headed downstairs. I wasn’t actually that mean. I went to the kitchen and then headed back upstairs. I saw a look of relief cross over his face as I approached him. I took the coffee filter and opened it up to make a teepee and then stuck it over his cock.

  “Now you won’t be embarrassed when someone comes to help you.”

  I kissed his cheek and he turned his head quickly to bite my lip. I tasted blood and kissed him deeply. My hand trailed down to his cock and I felt him thicken under my touch. When I had him good and hard, I pulled back and replaced the teepee.

  “I have to get going, but I’ll see you soon, lover.”

  “Cece, the next time I see you, I’m gonna spank that ass raw.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  I turned and walked out the door, sending Vira a text that she needed to send Sean over to release Logan. I laughed the whole way to my cab and all the way home. I had never had such a fun night or left a man so satisfied. This was going to be a lot of fun.


  When I walked in the door to my apartment, Vira bombarded me with questions.

  “What do you mean, release Logan? Sean was hounding me with questions this morning. Please tell me this was something kinky and I don’t need to worry about finding a place to bury a body.”

  “Relax, Vira. I just tied Logan up with a cord and left him naked on his bed.”

  Vira burst out laughing, covering her eyes with her hands as tears leaked out. “Oh my gosh. Sean is going to walk in on him naked and have to get him untied. That’s hilarious.”

  “I didn’t leave him totally naked. I left a coffee filter covering his dick.”

  Vida’s phone started pinging with messages. She went over to check them and read them off to me.

  Tell Cece I said thanks.

  That was definitely not the way I wanted to see my friend.

  What did they do to the bedroom? It’s trashed.

  Then she started laughing.

  “What? What does it say?”

  “Nope. The last text is just for me.”

  I walked over to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup and added cream and sugar. “So I take it last night went well with Sean?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s yummy. I think he could be my new fuck buddy.”

  “You don’t want to replace Kyle?”

  “Hell no. He’s definitely gone, but I have no desire to find another man to start clinging onto me. I like my life the way it is, but Sean is definitely good enough for seconds and thirds.”

  “Well, you’re gonna have to keep him around longer than that. We need him to be our ears, so don’t screw him over yet. You have to keep him in your good graces for a little bit longer.”

  “No problem there. I can take one for the team on this one. It’s definitely beneficial for me also.”

  “Aww. I love you more than my luggage.”

  “I’d dodge a bullet for you.”

  “I’d bury a body for you.”

  “You may need to by the time our plan is finished. So come on. Tell me all about your night and what you found out about your new main squeeze.”

  I walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. “Well, I didn’t really find out a whole lot about him. He doesn’t have any personal items laying around and his paperwork is all locked up in his filing cabinets. I didn’t have the time to snoop properly. I did, however, get a copy of his house key.”


  “I have a few ideas of things I’d like to do.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, I was thinking of flooding his house. I could sneak in and clog his drains or something and run the kitchen faucet. When he gets home from work, he’ll have a big surprise. I’ll find a way to do it so it looks like an accident, and since I have a spare key, there will be no need to break in. Plus, he doesn’t have a security system, so that’s one more thing I don’t have to worry about.”

  “Make sure you don’t park on his street. Park a few streets over and sneak through his neighbor’s yards.”


  “What else you got?”

  “He has this really nice car. It’s a Mustang Boss 429. It’s quite special to him. When he and I were dating ten years ago, I remember his dad was thinking of buying it for him so they could restore the car. Anyway, they did and it’s his baby. I don’t want to destroy it, but it’s something special to him, so I need to find out something to do to his precious baby.”

  “Man, you’re going for the throat. Isn’t that car worth a lot of money?”

  “Yep. By the time I’m done with him, he’s gonna wish he had never messed with me.”

  Vira raised her coffee mug in the air and I did the same, clinking my cup against hers.

  “To revenge on cruel men,” she said with a smile.

  “To revenge.”


  I hadn’t heard from Logan the rest of the weekend, which was fine with me because I didn’t need him taking up all my thoughts. If I thought about him too much or saw him too much, I might end up going down the same path I had gone down before with him and there was no way I could allow that to happen. He was a part of my past and my new version of Cecelia didn’t allow shit like that to happen to her. I was stronger and I needed this to help me move past the memories he left behind.

  I decided that the next phase in my plan would go into effect Tuesday. I didn’t hear from him yesterday, which didn’t surprise me because I hadn’t given him my number, but I had no doubt he would have Sean get it from Vira. I told her that she could give it to Sean, so it was no shock when Vira told me on Monday that he had asked for it. I really wasn’t expecting a call from him until the weekend or at least later in the week. I knew he was busy at work, so I didn’t even bother thinking about him other than to plan my attack.

  I didn’t have to be into the office until nine, so I headed over to Logan’s around eight-fifteen, since he usually left about seven-thirty. I drove past his house once and saw his truck was gone. He always parked his car in the garage, but his truck was what he drove to work. I parked a few blocks over and walked to his house, slipping in the back door. His neighborhood was very quiet and I didn’t see a lot of prying eyes. I made sure to wear a hat so no one could recognize my hair color and I wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I looked like I was out for a morning walk.

  I made quick work of setting my plan in motion. Lucky for me, Logan had left his dishes in the sink this morning. I made sure the drain stopper was pushed all the way down and saw that his plate was already covering the drain. I used my sleeve to push the faucet handle up and let the water run. It wouldn’t take long to fill and soon it would be overflowing onto his floors. I smiled in satisfaction. It didn’t take long, but it would be a bitch to clean up.

  I let myself back out, making sure to lock the door and headed back to my car. I brought a change of clothes with me and I changed in my car on a side road before heading to work. I didn’t want to show up to work dressed like that because I would stand out. Maybe I was being overly cautious, but I wasn’t going to take any chances.

  When I got to work, I gave Vira a call.


  “Hey. It’s me. I did it.”

  “Everything went okay? You’re sure you weren’t seen?”

  “Well, I might have been seen, but I was dressed like I was out for a morning walk. I don’t think anyone would suspect anything. I was in and out in under five minutes.”

  “Good. I talked to Eric this morning and told him that you had an ex-boyfriend harassing you. I told him you didn’t want to press charges, but maybe we could have a little fun with him. I gave him Logan’s name and asked him to keep an eye out for him. He said that he and a few of his fri
ends can keep an extra close eye on him.”

  “Perfect. Thanks for your help, Vira. I gotta get to work. See ya later, chica.”

  I got back to work and happily worked the rest of the day on all my projects. There was a lot of work to do and I needed to make a good impression on my boss, so when I was asked to go above and beyond, I did it willingly. I ended up working late that night so I could finish some research on a few marketing ads I was looking into.

  The next morning, I decided that a cup of coffee at the cafe sounded like an awfully good idea. I probably should stay away, but I was desperate to find out what happened with Logan’s house yesterday. I wanted to drive past several times, but if he saw me, he could get suspicious. I parked down the road from the cafe and waited for his car to arrive. When I saw him get out, I casually got out of my own car and headed towards the cafe, looking at my phone.

  I strolled into the cafe and waited in line behind him, still looking at my phone. After a minute he turned and did a double take when he saw me. Gotcha! He turned all the way around and crowded my space, pulling my phone from my hands. I feigned indignation so it appeared I didn’t recognize him.

  “Hey! Excuse me, that’s my phone. Give it back.”

  I looked up at him, masking my face in shock. Then I let a slow smirk spread across my face. He was still the sexiest man I knew and I wished that things had been different between us because we could have had something great. However, if things hadn’t gone the way they had, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today and we wouldn’t have the explosive chemistry that we do.

  When he finds out who I am, we’ll lose everything that gives us that spark. All I want is revenge and he’ll see me as the woman who played him. I’m okay with that because making him suffer is all I care about at the moment. He’s still the cocky asshole that I used to know. Although, back then I didn’t consider him an asshole. Well, at least, not until he broke my heart.

  I leaned into him and slipped my finger slightly inside his pants and ran my finger along the band.

  “I see you were able to free yourself. I hope it didn’t take too long to get loose.”

  “A friend stopped by and helped me out.”

  He ran his hand up the back of my neck, under my hair and grasped my neck tightly. His mouth brushed against my ear and my pulse quickened in excitement. Even if I was having my revenge, I could still have some fun in the meantime.

  “Next time I’m going to tie you to the bed and I’m gonna make good on my promise to spank your ass raw.”

  His tongue darted out and licked the shell of my ear. A shiver ran down my spine at the promise in his threat. I clenched my thighs together to control the throbbing in my pussy. I turned my head, brushing my lips over his, and nipped at his lip.

  “I’ll be waiting. Don’t disappoint me.”

  Then I stepped back and snatched my phone, ignoring the smoldering glare that he gave me. The barista called for him to step forward and after a beat, he finally turned and ordered his drink. He gave the woman a twenty and told her to pay for my drink also and then keep the change. He stepped to the pick up area and snagged his coffee, shooting me a sexy grin, before heading out the door.

  I stepped up to the counter and ordered my drink, then headed back to my car once I got my coffee. As I stepped out of the cafe, I placed my sunglasses back on my face and sauntered back to my car. I had him right where I wanted him. Revenge was sweet.



  Seeing Cece in the cafe this morning had my pulse skyrocketing. She was so confident when she talked to me and didn’t seem the least bit concerned that I might be upset over the way she left me the other night. Her sultry voice drew me in and had me begging for more. I was going to get payback next weekend and I had a whole week to plan out what I would do to her. I didn’t have time to think about it now with all the new projects in development at work, so it would have to wait until I got home.

  I headed to work after I left the cafe and my thoughts drifted to her leaving me tied up on my bed. The little minx had turned me on and then left me completely naked. Well, she did leave a coffee filter covering my dick. Thank God because Sean let himself into my house a half hour later.

  “What the fuck is going on? Why are you tied up?”

  “Cece thought it would be funny to tie me up and leave me naked. What are you doing here?”

  Sean walked over to the headboard and started undoing the cord wrapped around my wrists. “Cece sent Vira a text that I needed to come release you. I wasn’t exactly expecting this.”

  The blood flowed freely through my hands once again as my hands were untied. Sean threw sweatpants at me and turned around. I was grateful that she had left my dick covered. No man needed to see another man’s junk.

  “She’s a wildcat. I wasn’t expecting it from her, but damn, it was a good night.”

  “A good night? She left you tied to a bed.”

  “Yeah.” I sighed with a smile. “It was well worth it. Don’t worry, I’ll get her back.”

  “I’m not worried. Just don’t involve me in your kinky shit.”

  “So I’m guessing you had a good time with Vira last night?”

  He laughed and ran a hand over his jaw. “Yeah, she’s definitely a good time.”

  “Enough said.” I smacked him on the shoulder and we went downstairs. After he left, I spent the rest of the day trying to get stuff done around the house, but my thoughts kept drifting to the sexy woman that I couldn’t get enough of.

  I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of sirens behind me. I pulled over to the side as I looked down at my speedometer. I didn’t think I was speeding, but honestly, I was lost in my thoughts and wasn’t really paying attention. I stopped the car on the side of the road and got out my license and registration. I rolled down my window and waited for the officer to approach. Fuck. It was the douchebag, Officer Sawyer.

  “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

  “No, officer, I don’t.”

  “You were going forty-two in a forty mile an hour zone.”

  Seriously? He’s pulling me over for going two miles over? I told myself to stay calm. Punching this asshole would only land me in jail.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize I was going that fast.”

  “You didn’t pay attention to how fast you were going?”

  The officer had his hands on his hips and was glaring at me through his sunglasses. This was the dick that had arrested Harper, Jack’s wife, at Thanksgiving. He was a total asshole and I knew it was best not to push him, but my mouth wasn’t getting the message.

  “I just didn’t realize I was going a whole two miles an hour over.”

  “Maybe next time you should pay more attention to your driving and think less about getting your dick wet.”

  “Excuse me? You want to say that again, asshole?”

  Although partially true, there was no way this guy could know what I was thinking about. This guy was all about how many tickets he could get in one month. Sean hated the guy and told all of us to avoid him and his friends at all costs. He would push the law as far as he could and use any excuse to arrest you. Something I found out moments later when my door opened and I was dragged out of my truck.

  I was thrown to the ground on my belly and my arms were yanked behind my back. His knee dug into my back as he wrapped the cuffs tightly around my wrists. That was twice in a matter of days that I was tied up. I didn’t appreciate this one. He hauled me up by my arms as he read me my Miranda rights. I knew better than to open my mouth and say anything further. I knew what this cop was doing wasn’t right, but I would be out in no time. He didn’t have anything to bring me in on.

  I was tossed none to gently into the back of the cruiser while he called for a tow truck to haul away my truck. This was a hell of a way to start my day. I had shit to get done at the office and this was going to put me behind. Not to mention, Ryan was gonna chew me out for getting myself arrested. He was going to
have to come bail me out and it would piss him off.

  An hour later, I was walking out of the police station. Sean had been at his desk when I was brought in and immediately got in Sawyer’s face wanting to know why I was in cuffs. When Sawyer told him that I had mouthed off during a traffic stop, Sean stormed into his boss’ office. I heard his raised voice as he told him exactly what he thought of Sawyer and his abuse of authority. I was tossed in a cell while the chief got the story from Sawyer. Apparently what Sawyer said pissed off the chief because I was released with his sincerest apologies.

  I waved him off because I knew it wasn’t his fault he had an asshole police officer on the force. The chief gave Sean permission to drive me to retrieve my truck.

  “Okay, I heard Sawyer’s version of what happened. How about you tell me what really happened.”

  I relayed what happened and told him I was dragged out of the truck and thrown on the ground. Sean was fuming by the time I was done with the story.

  “Dammit, Logan. I’ve told you that guy’s an asshole. Next time, don’t poke the bear. He’s gonna have it out for you now because you made him look bad in front of the chief.”

  “Seriously, I was going two miles over the speed limit. That was a dick move on his part.”

  “Yeah, it was, but two miles over is still speeding and he can legally pull you over for it. If he pulls you over again, just shut your mouth and only respond with polite statements. He’s gonna look for any reason to get you now.”

  We pulled into the lot of the towing company and I got out of the squad car. “Thanks for the lift. I’ll keep your suggestions in mind.” I shut the door and went inside to get my truck. This day had turned to shit real fast and I was already ready for it to be over.


  I was ready to call it a day. When I got back to the office, the day just got worse. My morning coffee was left in my truck and by the time I got it back, it was cold. The office coffee was crap and I couldn’t be forced to drink it if you poured it down my throat. I seriously needed a good cup of coffee, but as soon as I walked through the door, I was bombarded with problems.


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