Jada’s spirit was so beautiful. He noticed she wore his favorite leopard dress. The one she’d had on when they met. When the bartender announced last call, Wellington walked over to Jada’s table. Everyone stopped laughing and stared. He felt like he was on display or trial.
“Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time?” Wellington asked Jada.
“I thought you would never ask,” said Raymond. Everyone started laughing. Wellington figured if you can’t beat them, join them. Since the odds were not in his favor, he laughed too.
“I’m so glad I had a chance to see you guys before leaving,” Jada said. She hugged each of her friends.
“We’ll be in L.A. to visit you,” Raymond said. “Jada?”
“Yes, Raymond.”
“You can have your diva card back, girl, but if you need some help”—Raymond nodded in Wellington’s direction—“I’m only a diva wink away.” Raymond snapped his finger.
“I love you too, Raymond,”Jada said.
Wellington knew Raymond was dead serious.
“How did you know I was here?” asked Jada as they walked outside.
“I didn’t. I hoped I would see you one last time before you left. Do you mind if we go to my place? I need to talk with you,” asked Wellington. So much had changed between them over the past four months, but his feelings for Jada hadn’t changed at all.
“Actually, I do mind,”Jada responded.” Wellington, I’ve moved on with my life.”
“Are you seeing someone?” Wellington asked.
“Not yet.”
Wellington was relieved.” Please, Diamond, I really need to talk with you. There are so many things I need to say.”
“All right. We can talk, but not at your place. You can come over to mine.”
When Wellington walked into Jada’s penthouse, he noticed everything was packed in boxes.” Damn, you really are moving?” Reality hit him below the belt once more.
“I leave tomorrow.” Jada walked around the boxes and sat in the living room.” The movers will be here at noon.”
Wellington looked around the room.” Are you selling your penthouse?”
“No. I have a renter moving in next weekend. So, what did you want to talk about?”
“I really don’t know where to start, but let me say I was foolish to let you go.” Wellington paused and took a deep breath.” You know I believe everything happens for a reason,” he continued.
“Yes. I remember,”Jada said. Her face was beau tiful, but expressionless. Her hazel eyes stared at him.
“I realize the reason we’re not together is because I allowed my decisions to be influenced by others. I’m wiser for the experience, but it cost me a price I couldn’t afford to pay. It cost me you.” Wellington stroked the side of Jada’s face. Softly. Gently.
“You were right in your letter.” Wellington paused.” But you didn’t mean if you never saw me again it would be too soon. Did you?”
Jada held Wellington’s hand next to her heart.” Those were my feelings at the time. Wellington, I lost a part of me trying to hold on to you. You hurt me. But the biggest lesson I learned was that I hurt myself.”
“I thought about you every single day.” The feel of Jada’s breasts was distracting. Wellington moved Jada’s hands next to his heart.” And each day you weren’t there, I was in pain. I was so confused then, but I’m not anymore. Jazzmyne told me she had talked with you about my past.” Wellington desperately sought Jada’s affection.
Jada went into her bedroom and returned with a small black box. “This is for you.” She handed it to Wellington.
Wellington held it. His eyebrows locked together.
“It’s your soulmate ring. I was going to give it to you on our honeymoon.” Jada placed the ring on Wellington’s right ring finger.
“I want you to know I’ll always cherish it.” Then he French-kissed Jada’s hand the way he did the night they met. Jada closed her eyes.
“I need you, Diamond. Please let me hold you just one more night.”
“Do you have any protection?”
“No. Do I need it?” Wellington asked. He rubbed his head and frowned.
“For more reasons than one,” Jada responded.” I stopped taking my contraceptives, and you have a wife, remember.”
Wellington licked his lips and kissed Jada. He was thrilled she returned the passion. He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Jada stopped.” Wait. That’s not fair.”
“Life isn’t fair,” Wellington responded and smiled. He tossed the pillows on the floor. Leaned Jada against them. She welcomed him into her world once more.
Wellington stood. His pants fell to the floor. Jada tasted his rich caramel cream that oozed to the tip of his head. She braced herself on her knees and devoured him. Tears streamed down her face. Wellington couldn’t tell which was harder, the lump in his throat or the one in Jada’s. Wellington carried Jada to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed. “I’m thirsty.”
Jada’s chocolate thighs parted like a blooming flower. Wellington couldn’t seem to quench his thirst. He drank for hours. Jada never dried out.
“I want you to penetrate me.”
Wellington moved methodically. He entered Jada’s welcoming walls of wonder. She pulled him in like a strong pulsating current on the ocean shore. Damn!
He stroked as deep as he could. Just the way she liked it.
Jada whispered in Wellington’s ear, “I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” Her nails began to dig deep into his flesh.
“I’m cumming with you, baby.”
Wellington held Jada’s firm chocolate ass in the palms of his hands and continued to rock deeper. Her pulsating walls pulled him in closer.
Their orgasms created a wave of love. Emotions. Unspoken devotion. It traveled until it slammed against the ocean shore. They froze. They were locked into one another at the peak of their climax. Wellington held Jada close to his sweaty caramel chest. He inhaled her favorite fragrance.
“Diamond is Forever.” Wellington paused. He felt Jada’s spiritual energy.” Where do we go from here?”
Jada kissed Wellington’s lips. She wrapped her arms around him. He felt their souls gel.” I’m still in love with you, Wellington. You will always have a place in my heart. I don’t know where we go from here.” She spoke softly. Jada looked Wellington in his eyes.” But I do know I’ve renewed my lease on life. I have a business to start and a plane to catch to Los Angeles. Maybe I’ll call you. Maybe I won’t.”
It’s funny how deception
Will mask
Its own perception
And justification
Begins manifestation
So you hold and mold
Someone else’s soul
It dominates the conscious
‘Til you can no longer see
The pain killer
Is now the thriller
I use to kill you
You used to kill me
Our Spirits—they die
Our subconscious multiplies
Because I’ve contaminated your soul
So now you hold—a grudge
Against the world
Faceless strangers
You will meet
Their spirits will trample
Under your feet
Because deception
Was the perception
And now justification
Is the contagious—subconscious
Break the cycle that kills
Be true to yourself
And the others will heal
The art finding
your soulmate
Finding your soulmate is an art. Understand that art is created through the mind, body, soul, and spirit of the artist. And once you have read The Art of Finding Your Soulmate, you will be equipped with the necessary tools to assist you with identifying your soulmate (s) based upon your awareness. Be
cause soulmates are spiritually connected, you may discover that you have more than one. Also, realize that sacred connections are neither gender nor race oriented.
Take time to learn the five key elements:
Understand Your Spirit—Be true to yourself
Spiritually Connect with the Universe—Take time to smell the roses
Stop Suppressing Your Spiritual Energy—Let go of the negative energy
See What You Hear, Hear What You See—Eliminate the psychological noise
Think With Your Head, Feel with Your Heart—Release your inner spirit
The underlying concepts are a challenge because you must first comprehend your inner spirit.
When you find your soulmate (if you haven’t done so already), your souls will gel together as one. Only you will truly know. While you may question and/or doubt your spiritual bond, don’t deny it. Accept it. Also understand external influences may have physically separated you from your soulmate, but the spiritual link cannot be broken. Denied. Yes. Ignored. Absolutely. Broken. Never.
At the end of each element you will find a reflective moment that relates to my novel Soulmates Dissipate. The main characters in Soulmates Dissipate, Jada Diamond Tanner, Wellington Jones, and Melanie Marie Thompson, exemplify real life situations in an unexpected twisted taste of fiction and faith that may help you to better understand why The Art of Finding Your Soulmate is intangible. Your soulmate holds the ultimate key to your highest level of spiritual relationship awareness. Remember, love is never what you want. Love, is what you make it.
Understand Your Spirit
Be true to yourself
In this world, we are surrounded by deception. The words I love you, often rolls off the tongue for inappropriate reasons. Lust. Greed. Security. Fear. Sometimes the deceit is so deeply rooted you begin to believe what’s wrong, is right. Whenever you find yourself justifying your actions based upon those of another, stop. Be true to yourself.
Don’t tell your mate what you think he/she wants to hear. Remember, the first person you lie to is yourself. You sacrifice your spirit. If you are in love, accept it. If you’re not, acknowledge your feelings. That doesn’t suggest you need to dissolve your union. People fall in and out of love all the time. However, it does mean you can grow with honesty as a basis for a lifelong friendship whether the two of you stay together, or part. If you haven’t found your soulmate, you won’t if you’re preoccupied exhausting your spiritual energy in an unful-filling relationship.
If you’re not in a relationship, take a moment and ask yourself why. Whatever the basis, do not say there’s a shortage of men. What really exists are too many women with excessive limitations and a profusion of men who are reluctant to make a commitment. So what’s the real deal? Are you too busy for love? Perhaps you’re waiting for Mr. or Mrs. Right? Or have you lost faith in finding your soulmate? Think about your reasons as you continue to read. Now let’s look at some of the reasons why soulmates dissipate. It’s equally important to learn how to maintain a relationship with your soulmate.
One of the most common examples of treachery is when you think, say, or feel two can play that game. When you discover your lover, husband, wife, or soulmate has been unfaithful, you feel betrayed. Used. Abused. Hurt. Angry. Vindictive. Here’s a word of advice. Get off of the roller coaster. It will immediately kill your spirit and eventually you’ll become resentful. Your misdirected anger can unconsciously manifest into revenge. You engage in emotional warfare with your mate and a physical affair with an innocent party as a desperate attempt to gain attention and inflict pain. You’ll probably succeed, but the blameless victim becomes bitter and the vicious cycle never ends. Give up the dreadful thrills. Don’t keep taking the same ride. You’ve already seen the view. Search your soul and do what’s healthiest for you.
If you want to date outside your relationship, say so. You’ll be consciously free to live your life and the other person can make an informed decision to do the same or call it quits. This doesn’t mean your life has to be an open book and you must divulge every single thought. You must learn to be true to yourself. Your spirit must be free before you can find your soulmate. In reality, you may already be with your soulmate and not know it. If you’re not in tune with your spirit, you won’t be receptive to his/her spiritual energy.
Here is a simple test on how you can feel your spirit die when you lie to yourself.
STEP 1: Take a deep breath. Think about your soulmate or someone you’re in love with.
STEP 2: Allow yourself to remember all the good times you’ve shared together.
STEP 3: Now, take another deep breath. Silently tell yourself … I truly love … use the person’s name. Feel the love?
STEP 4: Keep thinking about that person.
STEP 5: Inhale. Exhale. Silently tell yourself… 7 donotlove… use the same person’s name. Do you feel the difference?
You kill a piece of your spirit each time you lie to yourself. Positive energy lifts your spirit up and you actually feel the movement inside your body. Negative energy does the exact opposite. If you didn’t notice it the first time, it may help if you close your eyes and focus from within. It is important that you understand your spirit.
Soulmates Dissipate
Chapter 4
“Are you the type of man who will commit to one woman? And before you answer, let me say fidelity is extremely important to me.”
At least this was an easy question.” Well, I had a wife once but her husband came and got her.” Wellington slapped his leg and nudged Jada’s shoulder. She laughed too.” I’m happy you have a sense of humor. You just passed your first test.”
“What do you mean?” Jada inquired.
“If you had taken me serious, I would have known you weren’t comfortable with the subject even though you asked the question. Therefore, I wouldn’t have discussed any of my personal relationships with you. It’s a major turnoff when women get defensive about my past experiences. I’m not perfect, and I don’t try to be.” Wellington glanced down at Jada’s thighs. The front flap of her skirt had formed into a V at her crotch.
Spiritually Connect with
the Universe
Take time to smell the roses
Where is your universal energy source? God? Ocean? Moon? Stars? Flowers? Sun? Birds? Trees? Air? Rain? There is no limit on the number of connections you may have. You should not ostracize other forms of spiritual existence. Take time to discover where your connections are. Then embrace them. They are powerful energizers when you need or want spiritual uplifting and they’re essential if you strive to reach cosmic ecstasy. Some people love water. It can be the ocean, the sea, a stream, or a river. It doesn’t matter. The connectedness fuels their spiritual energy.
Just as humans cannot exist without oxygen and trees cannot survive without carbon dioxide; if you are not in tune with your spiritual synergy, you are not complete. It’s like being alive on life support. You should start seeking your natural companions today.
As you journey to smell the roses, remember everyone does not connect everywhere. For example, you may discover that you enjoy still water, but you do not like the rain. You may bond with both, but fear thunder and lightning. That’s okay. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. It’s like love and hate. Both are very real and both have varying degrees. Positive and negative energy balances us within the universe.
Understand that everyone creates and hold good and bad spiritual energy—sometimes called vibes. You cannot avoid being affected by a person sending you despondent messages if you’re listening to him/her. Fortunately, you can detach yourself from most of it by telling the person you’re not interested in hearing their redundant complaints … especially if they haven’t sought a solution to their problem. It’s okay to let others lean on your shoulder. Just don’t allow them to leech.
Habits are difficult to break. Know
that the human brain is a conditioning tool. You can do whatever you want! If you are a pessimistic person, try being optimistic. Improve your way of thinking about others and yourself and you will open doors that will allow you to tap into your universal sources. Take time and notice all of the external energy forces surrounding you.
Soulmates Dissipate
Chapter 4
Wellington unwrapped the back of Jada’s scarf. “What are you—?”
“Ssssshhh. Don’t speak. Just listen and bond spiritually with the sounds of the ocean, and the setting of the sun. Soon will come the full moon and the twinkling of the stars.” Wellington turned the volume low and popped in a CD with all the songs played from the night they met.” This is the ideal time to be on the beach. Within a few hours, we’ll experience it all.”
Jada turned her head to the side and closed her eyes. Wellington pulled out the oil and began to massage her back. Deep, strong strokes glided along her soft skin….
Stop Suppressing Your
Spiritual Energy
Let go of the negative energy
Do you suppress your spiritual energy? Before you answer, think for a moment. Do you hold in your feelings? Do you say yes, when you really want to say no? Do you try not to hurt people’s feelings? Do you pretend to like or love someone when you actually don’t? Do you find yourself taking relationship advice from your friends who haven’t had a relationship in so long even they can’t remember?
Soulmates Dissipate Page 21