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The Gift of a Legacy

Page 11

by Jim Stovall

  A few tears were wiped away as we settled in to enjoy a magnificent dinner.

  After Claudia’s dessert had been consumed and everyone assured her they couldn’t eat another bite, Jason asked for everyone’s attention and said, “I thought this would be an appropriate time to share the last lesson my grandfather gave me.”

  Hawthorne lowered the lights, and Jason pushed the remote control for the DVD player and the large screen on the side wall of the community area.

  I eagerly watched my friend appear before our eyes to share his final lesson.

  “Jason, in this last month, I’m going to introduce you to the one part of my ultimate gift that encompasses all of the other gifts as well as everything good you will ever do, have, or know in your life. That is the gift of love.

  “Anything good, honorable, and desirable in life is based on love. Anything bad or evil is simply life without the love involved. Love is a misused and overused term in our society. It is applied to any number of frivolous things and pursuits, but the love I am talking about in the gift of love is the goodness that comes only from God. Not everyone believes or acknowledges that. And that’s okay. I still know that real love comes from Him—whether or not we know it.

  “Jason, we’ve come a long way in this ultimate gift. I want you to know, above all, that in spite of all the mistakes I made and the many times I failed you, that Jason Stevens, your grandfather loved you.”

  The room fell silent, and Jason spoke through the tears that had formed in his eyes. “I want to thank you all for sharing that very special lesson with me, and I want to express my love to each of you for making my life all that it is.”

  We enjoyed the fireworks that Disney World presents each night over the lake, and we shared thoughts, dreams, and gratitude about the love that surrounded this whole enterprise far into the night.

  Eventually, everyone drifted off to their accommodations to enjoy a good night’s rest.

  The next morning, we gathered around the table for breakfast. I was eagerly anticipating the surprise that Miss Hastings had arranged for Stephanie. I hoped that it would be a special memory she would hold on to for the rest of her life. Little did I know it would be so much more than that for all of us.

  Claudia prepared and served a culinary masterpiece, as she did every day at Anderson House. I wasn’t sure how she had made arrangements to re-create the special dishes she prepared in her own kitchen when she was hundreds of miles from home.

  As everyone finished breakfast and I enjoyed my second or possibly third cup of coffee, Miss Hastings gave me a clandestine signal.

  I tapped my spoon against my water glass to get everyone’s attention and proclaimed, “Many years ago, my friend Red Stevens and Sally May Anderson introduced me to Walt Disney. One need look no further than this incredible place to understand what kind of magical person he truly was. That fertile mind created many special characters that have become an indelible part of our lives. One of them is here this morning and asked if he could meet Stephanie.”

  Stephanie’s eyes grew wide, and she glanced around the room eagerly.

  I offered a formal introduction. “Friends, loved ones, and especially Miss Stephanie, please welcome Mickey Mouse.”

  The world’s most famous rodent bounded into the room, greeting everyone around the table amidst laughter, cheers, and applause. He stopped in front of Stephanie and bowed.

  Without thinking, and before anyone else realized what was happening, Stephanie rose from her wheelchair, took two halting steps, and fell into the welcoming arms of Mickey Mouse for a long-awaited and never-to-be-forgotten hug.

  I remembered her brief prayer the night before, expressing her thanks for the first part of her dream coming true, and I remembered the remainder of her dream, which had seemed unimaginable and unattainable, was simply to walk again.

  I silently offered my own thanks to heaven for making the remainder of her dream come true.

  As tears of joy streamed down everyone’s face, I was left with the inescapable conclusion that dreams are more powerful than a diagnosis, and love conquers all.


  The Ultimate Legacy

  Who we are is a tribute to those who have left us a legacy.

  Who we help others become will be our legacy.

  I was seated in the familiar chair behind my desk in the corner office of the ornate law building of Hamilton, Hamilton & Hamilton. I gazed across the room at my Wall of Fame, which held mementos that represented treasured memories from throughout my personal and professional life. There had been some new additions to the Wall of Fame recently, including Miss Stephanie’s portrait of Mickey Mouse on my invitation to accompany her to Disney World. This framed masterpiece was surrounded by a montage of photos that included Jason and Alexia standing arm in arm in front of the entrance to the Magic Kingdom; Hawthorne, a bit overdressed for an amusement park, standing beside Goofy; Oscar disembarking from his fourth ride into Space Mountain; Claudia sampling the baked goods and pastries prepared by Disney’s finest chefs; Miss Hastings and me on a leisurely boat ride on the lake; Gus, dressed up in his standard western garb, with one of the many tourists who assumed he was one of the attractions; and—in what has become my favorite photo on the entire Wall of Fame—Stephanie standing with both her family and Joey beside the one and only Mickey Mouse.

  Stephanie still spent a significant amount of each day in her wheelchair, but day by day and step by step, she grew stronger. The doctors were astounded, and we all knew it was only a matter of time until she would be running, jumping, and playing like every seven-year-old in the world should.

  Everyone was still enjoying the afterglow of the Disney World trip as we gathered for what would be our final formal breakfast meeting dealing with the lessons of legacy that had been left to Joey by his great-grandmother.

  We all stood as the last breakfast guest walked into the room. It was Stephanie wearing her Mickey Mouse T-shirt and ears. I marveled at her attitude and the rapid recovery she had experienced since the Disney World trip.

  Joey helped Stephanie with her chair, and everyone took their seats.

  Breakfast was served by Claudia and enjoyed by everyone. I began the session by welcoming everyone to what would be the final official meeting regarding Joey’s legacy, which Miss Sally had planned for him.

  I thanked Jason and, of course, his grandfather Red Stevens for making this odyssey possible. I thanked Hawthorne, Oscar, and Claudia for everything they had done throughout the proceedings, and I expressed my gratitude to Miss Hastings for her efforts on this project and everything she makes possible in my world.

  Finally, I turned to Joey and stated for the record, “Joey, over the past months, throughout each of these lessons, I know there have been struggles and frustrations amidst the joy and triumph. I want to congratulate you for persevering to the end.

  “Your great-grandmother did, indeed, prepare an amazing inheritance and wonderful legacy for you. The ordeal you have gone through was to ensure you were ready, willing, and able to receive the legacy, understand its value, and make it grow as a part of your own legacy.

  “I believe I’ll let Miss Sally express it in her own words.”

  I nodded to Hawthorne, who lowered the lights, and then Jason pushed Play on the remote control.

  Miss Sally appeared on the video screen, seated at the conference table in my office. She appeared hopeful, if a bit tentative, as she began.

  “Joey and my friends and loved ones gathered there, I want to thank and congratulate each of you on a successful journey. If you’re watching this video, which I hope and pray you are, it means that my life’s work and intentions for my legacy have not been in vain.

  “Joey, in the coming days, Mr. Hamilton and his staff will be taking care of all the legal details involved with transferring the control of Anderson House to you.
This will include everything on the property itself, as well as some significant reserve funds held in trust for the maintenance and further development of the property, along with special projects of your own in the future.

  “By this time, I hope you have come to understand that Anderson House is more than just a bed-and-breakfast where people come. It is, instead, a place of healing, hope, and destiny. Throughout your life, it will continue to be a destination where people can come in order to become great, and great people can come to become greater.

  “As you take over the leadership of Anderson House, you will deal with some of the most famous, successful, and prominent people of your generation. You will, also, deal with many common people who just want to make a difference in their own world. You will need to find the balance that will allow you to treat great people as if they were common, and common people as if they were great.

  “You will need to always grow and learn, as Anderson House will be a reflection of your energy and spirit.

  “I know my staff as well as or better than they know themselves, so I can virtually assure you that Hawthorne, Oscar, and Claudia, along with the rest of the staff, will be at your side every step of the way. You, no doubt, have also become aware of the fact that Mr. Hamilton and Miss Hastings are tremendous friends and allies that you can call on at any time.

  “And, finally, I hope that you and Jason have somehow found the basis for a friendship, as you are, in a way, kindred spirits. The most daunting journey is made easier simply by traveling with another or drawing strength from those who have traveled before you.

  “And if you ever need to talk with an old lady who loves you and cares about you, I’ll be waiting at the top of the hill.

  “I leave you all with my thanks, my best wishes, and my love.”

  I was so caught up in the moment that I was not ready for Miss Sally’s image to fade away. It had almost felt like she was in the room with us.

  I turned to Joey, whose expression was etched with the emotion we all felt. I congratulated him again and confirmed Miss Sally’s assertion that he need only call on me anytime I could be of service to him or the work at Anderson House.

  Before we adjourned for the last time, I offered Joey the chance to speak.

  He rose to his feet and declared, “I want to thank each of you for helping me understand and become worthy of accepting my legacy. I also want to apologize to each of you for the disrespect I demonstrated throughout these months. I simply didn’t know what I didn’t know. I guess the root of all strife, disagreement, and evil is simple ignorance. There are times we just don’t know what we are doing to others around us.”

  Joey reached for a box that was on the floor beside his chair and continued.

  “As a small token of my thanks and on behalf of Anderson House and my great-grandmother, I would like you each to have a gift that I prepared for you.”

  Joey had prepared identical plaques for everyone who had been on the Disney World trip. It showed the entrance to the park and had a poem etched across the image. It read:

  Hold on to your dreams and stand tall,

  Even when those around you would force you to crawl.

  Hold on to your dreams as a race you must run,

  Even when reality whispers you’ll never be done.

  Hold on to your dreams and wait for the magic to come,

  Because on that magical day,

  Your dreams and your reality will merge into one.

  We all thanked Joey for the special gift, which we would each treasure for the rest of our lives.

  Everyone exchanged hugs and well-wishes, and as Joey was saying his final good-byes, I inquired, “Son, I’m not familiar with the poet you immortalized here on my plaque.”

  I held the plaque in front of me.

  Joey laughed heartily and declared, “That was actually written by a distant relative of Miss Sally’s.”

  I was baffled, as I had never known that there was a poet in the Anderson family. I asked, “Who might that be?”

  Joey stopped in the doorway and turned briefly, saying, “Oh, it was written by Sally May Anderson’s great-grandson. He’s discovering all kinds of new things about himself.”

  As evening began to envelop the Anderson House grounds, I found myself beside Miss Sally’s grave. I felt a brief visit might provide closure to all that had gone before. I said what was on my mind and in my heart: “Well, old girl, I did my best. I know you would expect nothing more and accept nothing less. You can rest well, knowing that Anderson House is in good hands, and your legacy lives on.”


  Published by David C Cook

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  This story is a work of fiction. Characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is coincidental.

  LCCN 2013934367

  ISBN 978-1-4347-0577-8

  eISBN 978-0-7814-1081-6

  © 2013 Jim Stovall

  The Team: Don Pape, John Blase, Nick Lee, Caitlyn Carlson, Tonya Osterhouse, Karen Athen.

  Cover Design: Amy Konyndyk

  Cover Photo: iStockPhoto

  First Edition 2013

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  Praise for Jim Stovall’s

  The Ultimate Gift

  “The Ultimate Gift provides us all with a marvelous glimpse of life as it is and as it can be when we change our attitudes. Jim Stovall delivers an important message of hope and possibility.”

  Dr. Robert Schuller, ret. senior pastor, speaker, and author

  “A wonderful story. Needed wisdom for young and old alike. Written by one of the most extraordinary men of our era.”

  Steve Forbes, president, CEO, and

  editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine

  “The Ultimate Gift was fabulous! Margie and I just loved it. This is going to make a major difference in our company.”

  Ken Blanchard, coauthor of

  The One Minute Manager

  “I love this book. It touches my heart and soul deeply, profoundly, and permanently, and will yours too. Happy reading of The Ultimate Gift.”

  Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the

  #1 New York Times bestselling series

  Chicken Soup for the Soul




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