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Paranormal Encounters

Page 6

by Carl East

  Aerial looked down and shuddered. The sensation of her appendages as she lowered them to her side felt so odd and she stopped short when she saw the split between her legs. She became frozen in place.

  “By the Holy Order of Central City I hate this form,” she said stumbling out of the machine.

  Trying, to coordinate her side appendages, with the longer legs and what she knew as feet, was taking all of her concentration and knowhow. The first minutes were tense as she focused on mastering the skills of remaining upright in the human movement process. The distribution of weight in this new body on her bottom half and top half as it swayed side-to-side took great concentration in order not to topple over in disgrace.

  “I understand Colonel, but remember it won’t be for long and afterwards we will know all there is to know about the species of Earth,” said Grog.

  Aerial took solace in that information and decided there and then that the sooner she got on with this mission the sooner it would be over and she could return to her own form. With determination, she was eventually able to walk out of the room and down the corridor, eliciting quite a few stares from other Lybrians as she did so. When she reached the departure hanger General Dran was waiting for her.

  “So this is what a human female looks like close up, I must say Colonel it isn’t as bad as you said it was. I mean I can understand why you might think that those things on your chest would look hideous, as if they were malformed growths of some kind, but if this is the norm on planet Earth, I’m sure you’ll blend in seamlessly,” said the General in an attempt to bolster her determination in acquiring the needed information.

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Oh and Grog said you would need these, apparently Earthlings have a need to clothe themselves and without this uniform you’d receive unwanted attention,” said the General as he handed her a small bundle.

  Aerial took it graciously, and then stepped into the Matter Transport.

  “We expect your first transmission to be sent during this planet’s rising sun cycle tomorrow Colonel, good luck and be careful,” said the General.

  “Thank you Sir, I will.”

  Moments later Aerial’s matter was appearing on the surface of the Planet Earth in a wooded area. Her first experience was the feeling of gravity as it pulled parts of her body downward and the second was of the feeling of cold upon the skin layer she now wore. Something was trying to pierce the bottom layer of her appendages and she immediately began to open the bundle of cloth she’d been given. The briefing notes had given details on how the layers were placed on the human form but several pieces were abandoned because of the constricting limits it placed on her movements.

  The strap type device to hold her front appendages was left on the dirt surface because of her inability to operate the fastenings and the covering called panties was discarded because of her inability to put it on while standing up. The tee shirt covering was maneuvered over her head and her arms were placed in the appropriate slots so that its stretchy length covered the abnormal appendages on her front. At first, it had felt odd but once the bottom had fallen in place she had to admit it felt comfortable. After getting the short material of something called a skirt to fit down over the front and back split where her leg appendages were she just had the odd-looking foot wear to put on and she was ready. She’d been told to head toward the sun that was setting on the horizon as there was a human settlement there, and she was to approach the male of her choosing to elicit sex.

  Aerial moved out slowly at first finding that the feel of gravity on the limbs was quite challenging. She’d been moving now for several units of distance with greater dexterity and enjoying the motion of movement when she climbed a large hill. Reaching the top, she saw directly in front of her the lights of the settlement for the first time. It appeared to be a large city, but was still a distance away. Aerial paced herself, until she came to a hard surface that wasn’t familiar to her. It had white strips down the middle, but the rest was all black. She then heard a voice coming from her right, and upon turning, she saw a vehicle approaching on the track in front of her.

  “This must be an example of the highways I was told about. This species travels mostly on the surface,” she said to herself.

  The vehicle passed her and the driver honked his horn, and she could swear she heard the words “hi there babe,” as he passed by. Of course, she had no way of knowing what that meant, and continued on her journey. She was almost upon the city when another larger vehicle slowed to a stop and two men climbed out and approached her.

  “You looking for a ride gorgeous?” said one of them.

  “A ride…do you mean in that vehicle?” she replied pointing behind them.

  “Yes babe, we could give you a ride into town if you’d like,” said the other one.

  Aerial thought about it for a moment and then decided it would be quicker if she accepted.

  “Thank you, yes I will take a ride with you,” she replied walking passed them and towards the vehicle.

  “Holy cow Jed, did you see the rack on her?”

  “Brian, you’d have to be blind not to see them,” laughed Jed.

  They both walked to the van and opened the door for Aerial to climb into the back and take a seat. Aerial watched the driver intently as he started the engine up and pushed a stick forward in the middle of the vehicle, before they began to move off in the direction of the city.

  “So what’s your name babe?” said Jed.

  “Why do you keep calling me babe, what does it mean?” replied Aerial.

  “Oh it’s just a nickname, a compliment if you like. Mainly because you are a serious head turner,” replied Jed.

  “A head turner, I’m sorry can you explain that?”

  “You have a gorgeous body, and those things are going to turn heads,” said Jed pointing to her breasts.

  “So these things are quite popular here, are they?” she replied lifting up her tee shirt and giving them a flash.

  Her breasts were exquisite, large and perfectly rounded with protruding nipples. Brian turned to see why Jed had suddenly gone quiet and almost lost control of the van upon seeing the sight behind him.

  “You’d have to be an alien not to know that,” said Jed.

  “How did you know?” replied Ariel.

  Jed and Brian laughed at that as Ariel pulled her tee shirt back down. She didn’t know why they were laughing, but guessed that she’d averted recognition.

  “So what’s your name gorgeous?” said Jed.

  “Ariel is my name. I’ve come to your city seeking help from the male of your species.”

  “The male of my species; what kind of help do you require?” replied Jed going along with it.

  “I am here to discover what your fascination is with sex and experience it for myself.”

  Brian turned to look at Jed and they both smiled.

  “Look no further babe, we can show you what the fascination is with sex. In fact we can take you to a place where you’ll get all the answers you need,” replied Jed.

  “You can? That would be wonderful. Are you sure this is convenient, as I was supposed to find my own mate. Although thinking about it, one male is as good as another,” she said.

  “Oh we don’t mind, in fact if Brian here helps us as well, you’ll get all the information that you’re looking for quicker,” replied Jed with a smile.

  “That is wonderful, thank you both so much. So, where do we go?” said Ariel.

  Just as she asked that question, Brian pulled up at a motel and parked the van.

  “We’re here already,” said Jed opening the door of the vehicle.

  Brian quickly got a room and showed the key card to Jed as they walked over to where the room was located. Upon entering, they ushered Ariel inside and closed the door behind them.

  “Now what exactly would you like to learn?” said Jed fully intending to play her game.

  “I want to experience sex, so that when I go back I can explain why yo
u are so preoccupied with it and how it feels,” replied Ariel.

  “Ok, well I think the best way to start then is to all get undressed and we’ll show you all you need to know,” replied Jed.

  Ariel quickly removed her clothes and watched as they removed theirs.

  “Is this chick for real?” whispered Brian.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure as hell going to find out,” replied Jed.

  Once naked they all stood facing one another.

  “Right, now Brian and I are going to play with you for a while. This is called foreplay and it is supposed to get you aroused for the main part of the act.”

  “Ok, I’m ready,” said a nervous Ariel.

  The men stood on either side of her and both reached up to fondle her breasts. Ariel looked down to watch them and a funny feeling started to come over her. She could feel her nipples hardening, it felt strangely pleasant as she watched the men lean over to place a nipple into their mouths and suck on them. In fact, it was more than pleasant, she began to feel her skin rippling in shivers and hot sensations flood her new body. It was then that she noticed the dampness between her legs and a slight musky smell emanating from the folds, which also aroused her senses.

  Then she watched as Jed’s finger began moving through the folds of skin between her legs and a new sensation struck her. She involuntarily moved her hips forward, as if to feel more of his probing. Jed pushed his finger into her and she let out a soft moan. She now noticed that both her nipples were standing out and fully erect and couldn’t believe the sensations this body was able to feel.

  She also noticed when she looked down between the men’s legs that their sex organs had grown considerably. ‘Was this part of the act of coupling,’ she thought. Then Jed tapped Brian on the shoulder and they both stopped what they were doing.

  “Ok Ariel, now the next part is very important. I want you to bend over, take my cock into your mouth and suck in as much as you can. While you’re doing that, Brian will be behind you making you feel good,” said Jed.

  Ariel didn’t question it; she simply leaned forward and allowed Jed to move his sex organ in the fleshy opening of her new mouth. Listening closely to his verbal instructions she began to move her face opening on his organ and using the slick end piece in her mouth began to move it back and forth over the end. Meanwhile, Brian was positioning himself behind her and once in place he pushed his hardened cock passed her now moist lips.

  “Mmm…oh that feels so good,” said Ariel as she allowed Jed’s cock out of her mouth for a moment.

  Jed quickly slipped it back in and Ariel tried to see how much she could get inside her mouth. Much to Jed’s surprise, when he looked down to watch her in action he saw his cock disappearing and could feel the end touching the back of her throat. He began to move it in and out until it almost felt like he was fucking her. Ariel meanwhile couldn’t believe how much pleasure she was receiving from between her legs. She could feel the sex organ sliding in and out of her tight opening and then a new sensation struck her.

  Brian started to ejaculate inside her and she could feel it spurting out. She could also feel her muscles tightening around his appendage and it felt strangely wonderful. Her first orgasm was approaching and she didn’t know how to respond. Then she gagged for the first time as Jed was coming in her mouth. She tasted his salty semen and when she found it wasn’t unpleasant, she sucked him harder, until he stopped coming and motioned her to stop.

  They both pulled away shortly after that to let her get her breath back. She looked up, to see them rubbing their cocks in front of her.

  “Was that sex?” she said.

  “No, that was just the beginning. Are you ready for more?” replied Jed.

  “Oh yes, I want to feel that again. So what do we do next?” she said.

  “Right, well this time I’m going to lie on my back and you’re going to lower yourself onto my cock. When you’ve done that and my cock is inside you, Brian here is going to enter your other hole.”

  “Could he not enter the same one, I really liked that?” replied Ariel.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure he’ll try,” smiled Jed.

  Jed then lay down and Ariel did as she was told and allowed his cock into her before leaning forward and waiting for Brian. Brian got in between Jed’s legs behind Ariel and crouched down until his cock was pushing against her already full opening. He pushed forward and Ariel let out a loud moan of satisfaction. Both men were inside her pussy and each began to move as best they could.

  Within seconds, Ariel was screaming in pleasure at the utterly amazing feeling and the way it made her new body feel and silently prayed to the Holy Order that they wouldn’t stop. Jed meanwhile was thanking his lucky stars that they had stumbled onto this wild one and only had one thought, ‘that’s it babe, don’t stop moving,’ and carried on feeding her his cock. Ariel was finding these sensations hard to believe and started to realize why humans enjoyed this thing called sex. Her second orgasm was approaching fast and she wondered why she’d been so reluctant to come to Earth. This was the greatest experience of her life and nothing back home compared to it.

  Back home they placed their palms together and swapped fluids from mating glands, which in itself did not give any sexual gratification. Their only means of enjoying bodily contact was through the hyperlink, a virtual reality program that made them experience God like powers but even that paled in comparison to what she was experiencing here and now. The moistness she felt between her legs was nothing to what was now approaching, for as it hit she couldn’t believe how wet she was getting.

  Their cocks were now finding it easy to penetrate her pussy. It was Jed, who realized that she was gushing all over them. This turned him on so much that he couldn’t hold back any longer and started to cum once again. Ariel couldn’t take these sensations any longer and literally screamed out with pleasure. Brian came shortly after that and everyone collapsed to the floor. Moments later Jed was the first to break the silence.

  “Did you learn enough Ariel?” he said while sitting up.

  “I learned so much more than I thought I would, I am so grateful to you for showing me this thing called sex. Is there any way I can repay you?” she replied.

  “The only thing I can think of is for you to stay with us so that we can do it again, other than that no there’s nothing we need,” said Jed with Brian approving.

  “I can’t stay with you unfortunately, but you could come with me to the ship that awaits me,” she replied.

  “The ship, that awaits you? And where would that be?” said Jed wondering if this woman was sound of mind.

  “Come with me and I will show you,” she replied.

  Jed looked at Brian and they both nodded together.

  “Ok Ariel, you show us this ship of yours and we’ll discuss it.”

  With that, they all left the motel and Ariel showed them where to drive. It turned out to be a little further up the road than where they first picked her up. Ariel led the way through the trees and Jed had to wonder, where in the hell she was taking them. When they arrived at the point, where Ariel had first materialized on earth a glow surrounded them all and Ariel was instantly in contact with her ship.

  “I would like these two earthlings to experience our life style, in fair exchange for what they have taught me,” she said to the General.

  Moments later, they all dematerialized and rematerialized onboard Ariel’s ship.

  “Oh my God, you were serious, you really are an Alien?” said Jed as he frantically looked for a way out.

  Brian’s mouth was moving but he couldn’t seem to get the words out. There in front of them was a view screen and below they could see the Earth in all its glory. Now if that’s not a fair exchange for services rendered I don’t know what is.

  The End

  The Portal

  Chapter 1

  My father worked too much, which was my conclusion as to why he never had time to see me, this time however was goi
ng to be different. I’d tried to see him on three separate occasions during the past two weeks and each time his servants informed me that he was not available. I marched into the study ready for an argument in fact I was looking forward to it.

  “But Madam, your father told me not to let anybody in,” said my father’s butler.

  “You will inform my father that his daughter wishes to see him, and that she is most insistent,” I replied knowing that I sounded like a stuck up bitch.

  “I will try Madam, I will try,” he said walking off towards my father’s laboratory.

  I wasn’t about to let him go in alone, I followed him making sure he didn’t see me, once he had used the combination on the lab door, I pushed past him and yelled ‘Father’!

  “Madam, you can’t...”

  “Forget it Giles, I am going to see my Father whether he wants me to or not.”

  “Cathy, what do you want?”

  I turned to find my Father behind his desk.

  “It’s ok Giles, leave us alone will you,” he said, in his most authoritative voice.

  Giles sighed, and then turned and left the room.

  “Well Cathy, what’s so important it can’t wait a while?” said my Father.

  “If your own daughter cannot see you, then what is the point of having one, I mean it’s not unreasonable for a daughter to want to see her Father on occasion,” I said, ready for any argument he may present.

  “You’re right, I have been thoughtless and for that I am sorry. My work has consumed my every waking moment, in the past few weeks, and I have neglected you in the name of science…”

  “Will you forgive me?”

  I wasn’t expecting that, so for the first time today I was stuck for words. Getting a grip on myself, I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “You’re forgiven,” I finally said.

  “Now what’s so important that you felt it had to take up all your time?” I asked.


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