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Page 6

by Kelly Elliott

  A knock at the door startled me as Lola barked and Johnny ran over and answered it. Throwing the door open, he said, “Hey there, Mom!”

  Kate stepped up into the bus and ran her hand over the top of Johnny’s head. “Hey, Adaline! Great seeing you again. I’ve got to run, but I hope we can catch up sometime if you happen to come to another race.”

  With a wave, I somehow managed to smile and act like her son hadn’t just rattled my whole entire world. I nodded and said, “Yeah. I’d love that.”

  “See ya!” Kate called out as she shut the door, leaving me standing in the middle of Emmit’s bus with his dog looking at me like she was judging my every move.

  I picked up the heavy cream and pointed to her. “Don’t look at me like that, Lola. I loved him first.”

  Barking, she laid down and watched me as I moved about the tiny kitchen, making Emmit what I hoped was still his favorite dish.

  WALDO GAVE ME A SLAP on the back as he said, “Job well done, Emmit. I’m proud of you, son.”

  Waldo was the closest thing I had to a father. My own father had left when I was twelve and he never looked back. Of course, last year when I was named second-highest paid NASCAR driver, the old man took it upon himself to look me up. It didn’t take me long to tell him to fuck off.

  I’d bought my mother a house in North Carolina not far from my place. For my sister, Ashley, I was paying for her to go to college and I also bought her a new Toyota 4-Runner. My brother Chris refused to take anything from me at first. He finally agreed to let me pay off his house and buy his wife Nancy a new car.

  I nodded my head as I smiled. “Appreciate that, Waldo. I’m exhausted and that lasted longer than I thought.”

  Waldo tossed his head back and laughed as he walked off but not before he said, “Texas loves you.”

  Letting out a chuckle, I mumbled, “Yeah.”

  As I made my way back to my bus, I got stopped a couple of times by fans asking for me to sign stuff. I always agreed to. After all, if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be doing this. “Emmit! Will you please sign my shirt?”

  Looking down at the young boy in front of me, I gave him a wink and said, “Sure. What’s your name?”

  He smiled so big I couldn’t help but smile myself. “My name is Emmit also, sir. I’m gonna grow up and be a NASCAR driver like you.”

  “Is that so? Well, Emmit, you’re starting off with the right name.”

  His eyes lit up as he nodded his head. Glancing over to his parents, I asked, “Y’all live in the area?”

  The father cleared his throat and stumbled upon his words at first. “Um . . . we ah . . . yes sir . . . Mr. Lewis, we do.”

  “Call me Emmit.” Pointing toward a notebook he was holding for me to sign, I asked, “Need me to sign that as well?”

  With a grin from ear to ear, the father said, “Yes please!”

  As I signed, I flipped the page and wrote down the number to my assistant, Stephanie. “This is my assistant’s direct number. Why don’t y’all give her a call sometime after tomorrow. I think we can arrange a little meeting so that I can give Emmit here some pointers.”

  The little boys mouth dropped open as he said, “Shut the front door.”

  With a laugh, I ruffled up his hair and gave him a pat then handed the notebook back to the dad. “I like you already kid. Y’all have a great night.”

  “You too, Emmit! You’re the best!” the little boy called out as his parents both said goodnight.

  By the time I made it to my bus, I was sure poor Lola had to piss like a racehorse. Johnny’s mom would have come and picked him up over an hour ago.

  The door to my bus was unlocked as I let out a frustrated sigh. Fuck, I hoped there is no one in there waiting in my bed like the last time Johnny forgot to lock up before he left.

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath as I pulled the door open and jumped up inside the bus.

  “Holy fuck!” Adaline screamed as she jumped backward and tripped over something. Sending her straight to the floor.

  “Addie!” I said as I ran over to her. “Shit, what in the hell are you doing in my bus?”

  Looking up at me, she had a confused look on her face. “You . . . you told me not to leave so . . . well, I thought you wanted to—”

  Adaline quickly stood up. “I’m sorry, I guess I misunderstood and then I walked over to your bus by mistake thinking it was Dad’s, and Kristin suggested I make you dinner . . . and then I thought maybe we were both going to apologize for fighting earlier and little Johnny was here . . . we went shopping. Oh, and um . . . I think Lola hates me because she won’t stop staring at me so I tried to take her for a walk, she got loose, but I got her! She actually listens really well, but she did give me a run for my money out there around some of the buses. She actually came back to me when I fell and she even licked my knee, so maybe she does like me after all. I’m not really sure.”

  My eyes widened as I tried to keep up with what Adaline was saying. Putting my finger up to her lips, I shook my head. “What in the hell are you trying to say?”

  Adaline pulled her lip in between her teeth as she shook her head and said, “I don’t know. I’m nervous as hell for some reason.”

  My eyes landed on her soft lush lips. I’d give anything to kiss them. “Why are you nervous, Addie?”

  Adaline’s eyes lit up as she licked her lips and narrowed in on mine.

  I leaned closer to her as her chest rose and fell a little more. “I made you dinner.”

  Lifting my eyebrows, I took in a deep breath through my nose and let out a low moan. “Holy living hell. Is that alfredo sauce I smell?”

  Adaline’s smile about knocked me off my feet. “Yep!”

  Tilting my head, I wondered if Adaline felt the pull as much as I did. “You made me my favorite. Why?”

  Adaline’s chest heaved as her breathing increased. Oh yeah. She felt it just as much as I did.

  “I love y—I mean I know it’s your favorite.”

  I swallowed hard as I tried to control my breathing. I didn’t dare dream she was about say she loved me. Letting her go, I turned and lifted the lid off the sauce and groaned. “Damn that smells good.”

  “Um, why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll get everything ready for you.”

  I gently took a hold of her arm and asked, “You’re eating with me, right?”

  With a saucy smile, she nodded. “Well I cooked it, I’m sure as hell gonna enjoy it.” She moved and started getting everything ready.

  “Give me two minutes to shower.”

  “Don’t rush. I need to heat up the bread some.”

  My heart felt light in my chest and I dared to dream of what it would be like to have Adaline with me always. To finish a race and come back to her each time would be better than heaven.

  A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. “Interviews are over,” I said as I made my way to the door.

  Opening the door, my assistant Stephanie was standing there. “Steph? What in the hell are you doing here? I thought you’d be heading back by now.”

  Stephanie started to climb up the steps, but I didn’t move out of her way. She quickly stopped and said, “Oh . . . I was helping Mr. Elliot with a project for you, Doug and a new sponsor. I’ve been working most of today up in the box. I was just making sure you didn’t need anything before you pulled out.”

  “Oh,” I said. Motioning for her to come in, I quickly glanced over to Adaline who was smiling politely.

  Stephanie saw Adaline and said, “Crap, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had someone with you.”

  I looked between Adaline and Stephanie and said, “Stephanie, this is Adaline.”

  Stephanie wore an expression that confused me as she extended her hand to Adaline. She appeared to be trying to smile as she took every inch of Adaline in like she was under inspection. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Adaline.”

  “Stephanie is my assistant. She pretty much makes sure shit gets do

  Adaline nodded her head and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  As I turned back to Stephanie, I went into business mode like I always did. She was the one person I never ever flirted with. Besides, she was married to her high school sweetheart. “So, I met this little boy tonight, believe it or not his name is Emmit. He wants to be a NASCAR driver. I gave his father your cell number. They’re going to be calling you in two days. I told them I’d come back through town and spend the day with them. I’m thinking maybe we can get the track for a day. Take the kid out on it and show him a good time.”

  Stephanie pulled out a small notebook and took notes. “Got it. They’re gonna call after tomorrow?”


  She glanced back up at me. “I’ll look through your schedule and see if there is a day you can fly in and spend the day with them.”

  Smiling, I nodded as I thought about how happy that kid was going to be. “No press. Just a fun day for this family.”

  “I’ll take care of it all. Sooner the better?” Stephanie asked.


  Stephanie kept writing as she said, “Is there anything else before I take off?”

  I glanced over to Adaline, who was moving about getting dinner finished up. “No, that’s all, Steph. Thanks.”

  Moving past me and toward the door, she lifted her hand and said, “Sure thing. Have a safe trip and I’ll check in after I talk to them.”

  I held the door open for her as I lifted my hand and gave Stephanie a quick wave good-bye. “Thanks, see ya next week.”

  Shutting the door, I gave Adaline a wink. “Shower time. Don’t start without me.”

  Adaline giggled and said, “I wouldn’t think of it.”

  I pulled up and stopped in the Marriott hotel. I put the truck I had borrowed from the track into park as Adaline and I sat there for a few moments in silence while we both just stared ahead. “Thank you for dinner, Addie. I can’t tell you when I had a home cooked meal last.”

  Tilting her head, she gave me the sweetest smile. “I really enjoyed myself. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

  “I’m a little tired.”

  Adaline laughed and opened the door as she jumped out and turned back to face me. “Thanks for the ride.”

  “Anytime,” I said with a grin.

  Adaline pursed her lips together. I could tell she wanted to say something. I knew Adaline Morgan well enough to know when she had something on her mind. “I’ll see you around soon.”

  My heart dropped at the idea of seeing her again. “How soon?” I asked with a questioning look.

  Adaline chewed on her lip as she let out a giggle. “Sooner than you think, Mr. Lewis.”

  Adaline took a few steps backward, shut the door and turned on her heels as she made her way into the lobby of the hotel.

  I let out the breath I was holding in as my head dropped against the headrest. “God how I still love that girl.”

  After making my way back to the track, I met up with Lance, one of the security guys from the track. Lance dropped me back off at my bus as I thanked him for letting me borrow his truck. I quickly made my way into the bus. Hank was going to be pissed. We should have pulled out a couple of hours ago.

  Stepping up inside the bus, Hank shook his head. “Are we ready now?”

  With a slap on the side of his arm, I laughed. “I’m headed to bed, dude. Carry on.”

  Hank headed to the front of the bus as he mumbled, “Bastard.”

  The motion of the bus quickly relaxed me as I lay in bed. Every move Adaline made tonight, every smile, giggle, brush of skin against mine, replayed in my mind.

  I closed my eyes as I started to drift off to sleep when my phone went off next to me. Picking it up, her name on my screen caused goose bumps to pop up all over my body. It had been a long time since I’d seen her name flash across my screen.

  Addie: I’ve missed you.

  I grinned from ear to ear.

  Me: Thought you lost your phone pumpkin?

  It was mere seconds and Adaline texted back.

  Addie: It was sitting on my bed. ☹

  I shook my head as I chuckled. Some things never changed. Adaline lost her phone more than anyone I knew.

  Me: I’m glad you found it. And I’ve missed you too, Addie.

  Addie: I regret something.

  Sitting up, I reached over and turned on my light as I positioned myself to sit up in bed. Leaning against the leather headboard, I typed my reply.

  Me: What do you regret?

  My heart was racing. Did she regret spending time with me tonight? Shit. The palms of my hands began to sweat as I closed my eyes and prayed like hell she didn’t regret our evening together. My phone buzzed and I counted to ten before reading her reply.

  Addie: That I didn’t ask you to kiss me.

  My eyes widened as I jumped up on my bed and started yelling out as I pumped my fist. “Yes! Fucking yes! Son-of-a-bitch I should have kissed her! Fuck!” I couldn’t believe how childish I was behaving, jumping on my bed.

  Addie: You’re quiet.

  I dropped back onto my bed and kissed my phone. If anyone ever saw what I just did, I’d be shunned on the circuit.

  Me: Sorry. I was so excited I was jumping on my bed.

  Addie: Seriously? You were jumping on your bed?

  Me: I’d never lie to you, Addie.

  Addie: Emmit . . .

  That one-word response killed me. I wanted more than anything to be standing back in front of her again. This time I would pull her toward me and give her what she wanted.

  Me: I can tell Hank to turn around. He’ll be pissed. But I would do it.

  Addie: LOL. No! I guess I’ll have to wait until the next time I see you again for that kiss.

  I inhaled a deep breath and then slowly blew it out as I tried to keep my betraying dick from thinking too hard about Adaline’s words.

  Me: Tell me when I’ll see you again.

  I sat there and stared at my phone like a pansy ass. A minute went by, and I was beginning to feel like I wanted to pull my hair out of my head.

  Addie: Sorry, Daddy called. Soon.

  Fucking hell. Why is she torturing me?

  Me: Soon as in a week? Two weeks? Three?

  Her reply was almost instant. As if she knew what I was going to ask.

  Addie: Night, Emmit. Sleep well.

  I couldn’t help but smile. That little brat, she was going to leave me hanging.

  Me: Okay, I’ll play along. Night, Addie. Sweet dreams.

  Setting my phone down, I got back under the covers grinning like a damn fool. If God was giving me a second chance with Adaline Morgan, I was not going to mess it up. I’d do anything to prove to her how much I loved her.


  AS I SAT ON THE tan leather seat, I glanced out the window and took in a deep breath.

  Holy shit. I can’t believe I’m flying on a private jet. Is this my life?

  “Miss Morgan, would you like a glass of champaign before we take off?”

  “No thank you. I will however take a beer if you have one?”

  Giving me a perfect smile, she said, “Bud Light okay with you?”

  “Perfect,” I said.

  Less than two minutes later, the flight attendant returned with a bottle of Bud Light and a chilled glass. Taking the bottle, I said, “I’m a simple girl. I’ll go with the bottle.”

  She let out a chuckle and said, “We’ll be taking off in about ten minutes.”

  My knee bounced as I glanced around the private plane that was owned by Jack Elliot. There were three drivers on the Elliot Racing Team and from what I could tell, this plane was at their disposal any time they wanted it.

  I closed my eyes and dropped my head back against the seat as I rubbed my sweaty hands over my jeans.

  “Are you are a nervous flier?”

  The flight attendant had a soothing voice. I was half tempted to ask her to tell me a story while we flew from Aust
in to Tennessee. Opening my eyes, I gave a somewhat pouty face. “Yes. I’ve always been afraid to fly and being in this small plane is not helping any.”

  Reaching her hand out, the flight attendant sat across from me. “My name is Tara.”

  Instantly, I felt better. I wasn’t sure why, maybe it was her smile. Or her calming voice. Whatever it was, I knew I would be forever grateful for her.

  A ping sounded across the plane. Tara gave me a wink and said, “Let me double check the flight crew doesn’t need anything and I’ll be right back. We are taxing and will be taking off here in a minute.”

  My hands grabbed onto the arms rests as I nodded my head and said, “M’kay.”

  Think something positive, Adaline.

  Emmit’s smile when he saw me.

  Emmit’s dimples.

  Emmit’s gray eyes.

  Emmit’s soft lips.

  Emmit’s hands on my body.

  Emmit’s perfect brown hair.

  “Holy shit. What in the hell?” I whispered as I shook my head. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking of Emmit since he dropped me off at the hotel last weekend. Of course, it didn’t help that we had been texting non-stop since that night.

  “Did you say something?” Tara asked as she sat and buckled up.

  “No. Talking to myself.”

  Tara smiled and began talking. “There are two guys on Mr. Elliot’s race team that are a bit nervous to fly. It’s pretty funny trying to calm them down.”

  With a nervous chuckle, I glanced out the window as I watched everything fly past faster and faster. “Oh yeah? Which drivers?”

  “Doug Adams and Emmit Lewis.”

  My head quickly snapped back to look at Tara. She was looking out the window with a slight smile on her face.

  “Emmit Lewis?”

  Without looking at me, she nodded. “Yeah, he needs to be preoccupied when we take off.”

  My heart dropped as I looked Tara over. Blonde hair pulled up neatly in a bun. Killer legs that went on forever. Blue eyes that sparkled when she looked at you. I quickly looked around the plane.


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