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Page 19

by Kelly Elliott

  “Um . . . Mom I didn’t need that visual of you and Daddy in my head. Gross!”

  Rolling her eyes, my mother sighed. “Adaline, I’m not talking about me and your father right now, although I will say we have a very healthy sex life because of my grandmother’s words of advice.”

  My body shuddered as I made a gagging motion.

  “Stop it!” my mother said with a laugh.

  “Okay, so can we move on to the other bit of advice now?” I asked as I tried to wipe away the mental image of my mother and father getting it on.

  “The last piece of advice she gave me was, your husband should be your best friend, lover, husband, and father of your children. All in that order. Confide in each other and talk. Communication is the key to a long healthy marriage.”

  My heart felt as if it was going to burst in my chest as I smiled at my mother. “That’s wonderful advice, Mom,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

  “Don’t ruin your make-up!” Ashley shouted as I laughed and carefully wiped my tears away. Ashley pulled her phone out and took a selfie of the two of us. “Smile, so I can send it to my friends! I can’t believe my big brother is getting married!”

  After a quick redo of my makeup, I took in a deep breath and slowly blew it out. The soft knock on the door alerted us that it was time. My father walked in as I turned to face him. I’d never seen my father cry. That’s a lie. He cried the first time Emmit won a NASCAR race. According to him, he had something in his eye.

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  Slowly shaking his head, my father walked up to me and placed his hands on my arms as he looked me over. “My God, you are beautiful, Adaline.”

  Tears were started to build up as I smiled and tilted my head. “You kind of have to say that, you’re my dad.”

  “Bull shit. You are stunning and Emmit is one lucky bastard. I made sure he knows it.”

  Lifting my eyebrow, I cocked my head and giggled. “You didn’t, Daddy.”

  Pulling his back, he attempted to look innocent. “What? I just gently reminded him that if he was to ever hurt you, he’d get hurt.”

  Shaking my head, I slapped him lightly on the chest. “Are you ready, Daddy?”

  Tears built in his eyes as he nodded and the words barely came out. “No.” He held his arm out for me to take as I laced my arm through his.

  “I’ll always be yours, Daddy,” I said as we made our way out of the room and to the man of my dreams.

  After getting a kiss from my mother and Candace, they turned and headed out to the beach. Todd was walking around making sure everything was going how it should go. He looked kind of cute with one of those walkie talkie things and an ear piece in. My mind drifted momentarily. What if Stephanie shows up and tries to ruin our wedding.

  I swallowed hard and took in a shaky breath as I waited for the wedding planner to cue my father and I to start walking. The breeze of the ocean caught my dress just right as it blew in the wind. I ended up ditching the Jimmy Choo shoes I had bought and planned on wearing with my other dress. I was barefoot and it felt right.

  Giving the signal, my father placed his hand over mine as we walked. The bouquet in my hand shook as my father said, “Take a deep breath, baby girl, and let it out.”

  Doing like he said, I closed my eyes and let him lead me for a just a bit. At least until we rounded the corner and I could open my eyes to see Emmit.

  “Open your eyes, Adaline,” my father said as we rounded the corner.

  My breath hitched the moment I saw Emmit. He was dressed in tan linen pants and a white cotton shirt that was casually buttoned up but not all the way. The same as my father and Chris.

  “Oh my,” I whispered as I was captivated by Emmit’s smile. I was surrounded by beauty but nothing was more beautiful than the man standing at the end of the aisle. His dark hair blew gently in the ocean breeze as his eyes took all of me in.

  I finally pulled my eyes off of him to see that the aisle had been lined in beautiful flowers. At the end was the new trellis that had been decorated beautifully with tulle and flowers.

  Everything was perfect.


  Stopping right before we reached Emmit and the pastor, my father turned to face me. Placing his hand on the side of my face, he smiled the sweetest smile I’d ever seen.

  “Adaline Rose Morgan. You will forever be my little girl, and no one will love you as much as I do.”

  A sob escaped my lips as I felt a single tear escape and make a path down my face. “Daddy,” I said as I leaned closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  With a wink, my father turned to Emmit and held my hand out to him. Emmit walked up and smiled at me and then turned to my father. “I promise to always take care of her.”

  My father was too choked up for words to speak. With a quick nod, he turned and sat down next to my mother as Emmit led me up to the pastor.

  “Addie, you look absolutely beautiful . . . you take my breath away.”

  Butterflies danced in my stomach as my heartbeat kicked up another notch. “Thank you,” I said as I looked into Emmit’s eyes. His love for me seemed to shine in his eyes. Everything about this man was amazing. He was perfect. Beyond perfect. How I ever lucked out winning his heart, I’ll never know.

  Smiling, I said, “You look very handsome.”

  Wiggling his eyebrows up and down, Emmit winked and my stomach clenched with desire as my lips parted and I was pretty sure I made some sort of moaning noise.

  The pastor cleared his throat and began with the ceremony. My mind was going off in a million directions. Emmit stood before me gazing at me with such adoration, I almost wanted to cry. I’d never been so happy in my entire life. I pictured us walking along the beach with a little girl between us as we swung her while she cried out for us to do it again. My lips pressed together in an effort to keep my tears at bay.

  “Emmit will now say his vows.”

  The pastor’s voice pulled me away from my thoughts as I focused back in on Emmit.

  Clearing his throat, Emmit smiled and the entire world around us ceased to exist. Taking my hand in his, Emmit began talking as his eyes pierced mine.

  “Addie, when I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was fall on my knees and thank God for bringing you back into my life. Then I asked him why I couldn’t for the life of me write out my vows.”

  Everyone’s laughter rode along the sound of the waves as I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

  “Then I realized something when you walked toward me just now. One, you left me speechless with your beauty, and the second thing, I could stand here and profess all these amazing things to you, but all I really need to tell you is one thing.”

  I fought like hell to keep from crying as my eyes searched Emmit’s face.

  “I will love you and cherish you until the day I die. If there was ever anything I believed with my whole being, it is that statement. You can take everything else away—the racecars, the big fancy houses, the money . . . all of it, and I’d be perfectly fine. But if you were to be taken away from me—” Emmit’s voice cracked as he closed his eyes briefly before opening them and whispering, “I wouldn’t be able to breathe without you.”

  The moment I saw a single tear fall from his eye, a small sob escaped from my lips.

  Emmit lifted his hand and placed it gently on the side of my face as he smiled brighter than I’ve ever seen him smile before. The force of his touch raced through my body as I stood there trying not to let my legs give out.

  “I can just see our future now, Addie. You pregnant with our first child and both of us scared as hell. The first day we drop her off at Kindergarten, then high school, and then college. Me draping a string of pearls around your neck on their wedding day.” Emmit closed his eyes as I leaned my face into his hand. Opening his eyes, he slowly shook his head. “The two of us walking hand-in-hand on some walking path as our grandchildren race by us on bikes. I want it all, and I don’t want it with anyone but you
, Addie.”

  Tears fell freely from my eyes as I placed my hand over Emmit’s. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. Everything I had wanted to say to him slipped from my mind. I barely said, “Emmit,” as I walked to him and he held me. “How am I going to top that?” I asked into his chest. My body shook as he laughed and held me tighter to him.

  Pulling back, Emmit wiped my tears from my face. “Just tell me you love me and you’re forever mine, Addie. That’s all I’ve ever needed to hear.”

  I lifted my hand and wiped across my nose in the most unladylike fashion as I captured his eyes with mine. “I love you so much, and I’ve been yours since the first time you smiled at me. I gave you my heart back then, and you’ve held it ever since. I will forever be yours.”

  Emmit placed his finger on my chin and lifted my mouth to his. He was about to kiss it when the pastor talked.

  “Oh, we aren’t at that part yet.”

  The naughty smile that spread across Emmit’s face caused me to giggle. “Hurry it up, pastor. I want to kiss my wife.”

  I didn’t hear a word that was spoken from that point on. The only thing I for sure heard was the pastor saying, “You may now kiss your bride.”

  Emmit pulled my body to his as he kissed me like I’d never been kissed before. Something beautiful and amazing was shared between our bodies and I never wanted to leave that moment. It was exactly how I felt this morning when we were connected as one.

  When our lips finally broke, Emmit whispered, “You’re mine.”

  With a smile, I bit into my lower lip and slowly released it as I softly spoke. “Yours forever.”

  I COULDN’T BELIEVE HOW INCREDIBLY happy I was as I sat in a chair and watched Adaline dance with my brother. The night had been more amazing than I could have ever dreamed of.

  Adaline was mine. Mrs. Emmit Lewis.

  Smiling, I shook my head and looked around. We had moved the party into the bar, and I loved that the other guests were helping us celebrate our marriage. I silently prayed that I would always be able to make Adaline smile like she was right now.

  “She certainly looks beautiful.”

  I lifted my eyes to see my sister standing next to me. Motioning for her to sit, I took another drink of my beer as I nodded my head and said, “She most certainly is.”

  Ashley bumped me with her arm as she asked, “Does it feel different? Being married?”

  As I glanced back out to the dance floor, I let the moments of today run through my mind. “I feel complete. That’s the only way I know how to explain it.”

  Ashley sighed next to me as she wrapped her arm around mine. “I hope I meet a guy like you someday, Emmit.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “No one will ever be good enough for you. I pity the fool who breaks your heart.”

  Laughter shook Ashley’s body. “I’m afraid that’s already happened.”

  Pulling back, I looked at my sister. “What? Who? When did this happen? I’ll kill the little fucker.”

  Ashley hit my chest lightly and shook her head. “Stop it. It was awhile back and doesn’t matter anymore. After these last few weeks of being able to spend time with you and Adaline, I see what real love is. The way you look at Adaline when she walks into a room; it’s as if she lit the entire room up. You can almost feel your love for her.”

  Ashley looked into my eyes and smiled weakly. “I want that, Emmit.”

  I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer to me. With a gently kiss on her forehead, I said, “Wait for it, Ashley. I promise you it will come when you least expect it to.”

  “How will I know?”

  Smiling, I lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Trust me, you’ll know.”

  Ashley settled more into my side as she lifted her feet onto the chair. “Mom said y’all are leaving tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, with everything that happened and the idea of Stephanie lurking around, I think it’s best if we go somewhere else.”

  “Let me know when you get there okay? You don't have to tell me where you are, just that you arrived safely.”

  “I promise I will, Ashley.”

  The music changed and Adaline turned to face me. Using her fingers, she motioned for me to join her.

  “Sorry, baby sister, but my beautiful bride wants to flirt with me.”

  Ashley laughed and pushed me away toward Adaline as she stood up with me.

  The music was sexy and the way Adaline moved her body was even sexier. I walked up to her and pulled her to me as she exhaled a breath of air. My lips quickly found the sensitive area under her ear as she grabbed onto my shirt and fisted her hands.

  “I want to peel this fucking dress off of you right here, Addie.”

  Her body shuddered as she grabbed tighter onto my shirt. The way her chest moved up and down with each labored breath had my dick growing harder by the moment.

  My lips caressed her skin as I moved along her neck. “Emmit,” she panted as I pressed my dick into her stomach.

  I’d never wanted her as much as I did right now. If I didn’t push myself into her soon, I was going to explode. Pulling my head back some, I searched for Todd. He was standing off to the corner and when my eyes found his, he nodded and mouthed, “It’s ready.”

  With a quick smile, I nodded back that I understood. My hand moved lightly down Adaline’s body until I took her hand in mine. “We’re leaving.”

  “Are we going to our cottage?”

  I could hear the concern in Adaline’s voice. Chris and the hotel security had done an entire sweep of the room but I still didn’t trust that someone would be watching us.

  With a quick wink, I shook my head and led Adaline off the dance floor. “No, to the private plane I rented to take us on our honeymoon.”

  Adaline stopped walking, pulling me to a stop. “What?” With a small chuckle, Adaline looked around and then back at me. “Emmit, this is where we’re spending our honeymoon.”

  As I took a step closer to her, my eyes fell to those soft lips that were begging to be kissed. “There’s been a change of plans, baby. We’re leaving now to go somewhere new.”

  Fire danced in Adaline’s eyes. “Really?” I lifted my hand and pushed a piece of her brown hair behind her ear and smiled. “Yeah baby. No one knows where we are going but me and the pilot.”

  Adaline’s eyes glanced over to Todd and then back to me. “Not even Todd knows where we’re going?”

  “Nope.” I reached for her hand again and walked over to our families. They were sitting around a giant table drinking and having one hell of a good celebration.

  “All right well, we are out of here and headed to our honeymoon.”

  Ashley stood up and said, “What? Wait! I don't have anything ready for us to you know . . . throw at you and all of that.”

  Laughing, I held up my hand and said, “I think we can pass on that tradition, Ashley. We wanted to thank y’all for sharing this day with us.”

  Adaline leaned closer into my body as she spoke. “Yes, thank you so much for being here and helping us start the next chapter of our lives.”

  My mother stood first and kissed me on the cheek and then Adaline. Followed by everyone else. Adaline’s parents were the last to say goodbye.

  Waldo reached his hand out and shook my hand hard and fast. “You take good care of my little girl.”

  I gave him a good hard slap on the arm and nodded. “I promise I will, sir.”

  “Damn right you will.”

  Turning to Adaline, I lifted my eyebrows and said, “Ready Mrs. Lewis?”

  I loved how her face lit up with the mention of her new name. “Never been more ready Mr. Lewis.”

  With one more kiss to my mother and sister, I spoke in Ashley’s ear, “I’ll text you where we are after we get settled in.”

  “Sounds good. Have fun and relax, Emmit. Stephanie won’t be able to do anything now.”

  With a quick nod of my head, I glanced around. I’d had the feeling of being watc
hed all night. The sooner we got the hell out of here the better.

  As I lifted my hand to say goodbye, I called out to everyone in the bar! “Thanks y’all, but it’s time to start the honeymoon!”

  Yells of excitement filled the air as Adaline slapped me playfully on the stomach and we headed toward Todd.

  “Everything’s been packed up in your room and is on the plane, Emmit. The limo is waiting to take you to the airport.”

  We walked outside and to the limo where Todd opened the door and Adaline slid in. Turning to Todd, I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I’ll call you in a few days.”

  Giving me a smile he shook his head. “Just enjoy your honeymoon. I’ve got everything here under control.”

  Letting out a relieved breath, I knew Todd was right as I gave him a slap on the back. “You’re in control, buddy!”

  I quickly slipped into the limo and gave Adaline a sexy grin. I couldn’t wait to be with her, officially making her mine forever.

  The limo started off and I hit the button to raise the privacy glass. Adaline licked her lips and quickly crawled on top of me.

  “You have no idea how much I want you,” she spoke against my lips.

  My hands grabbed onto her hips as I pulled her body down onto my hard dick. “Oh believe me, I have a very good idea.”

  Adaline giggled and looked at me through those beautiful long eyelashes of hers as she began to grind on me. My head dropped back on the seat. “Fuck.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Adaline said as she moved her hand down to unbutton my pants. I took a hold of her hand and shook my head. I quickly moved her onto the seat and dropped down in front of her. “No. I want to be in a bed with you. I want to enjoy every single second of when I push into your body with you as my wife.”

  Adaline bit down on her thumb as she smiled and said, “I like that plan.”

  My hands moved up her legs as Adaline shook with anticipation. “But first, I want to taste my wife.”

  “Yes,” Adaline hissed as I quickly pulled her ass to the edge of the seat, moved her baby-blue thong out of the way and buried my face between her legs.


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