Kept (Bound Book 1)
Page 6
Autumn scowled at him and he chuckled at her before snapping his fingers. When the waiter came over Cage ordered her a chocolate sundae with extra peanuts. Autumn doubted she’d eat it. When the Sunday arrived Cage excused himself from the table, getting up to use the restroom.
Fredric was quick to stand up to follow him but Cage waved him off. He went to the restroom by himself. It was common for two women to go to the restroom together, but Autumn found it a little funny that two men would go together. She knew it was for protection, but she couldn’t help imagine Cage and Fredric gossiping in the front of the mirrors or giving each other fashion tips.
Fredric sat back down, ordering a second plate of rocky mountain oysters. They already had it ready for him and it was delivered within seconds. Autumn looked at her ice cream for a moment before she took a spoonful in her mouth. It tasted good as the salty peanuts mixed with the chocolate and cool vanilla ice cream. She decided to have some more after all, eating a few spoonfuls.
After the fifth spoonful Lane looked up at Autumn, watching her eat. She looked like she longed to have some and Autumn offered to share hers. Lane quickly shook her head before she turned to look away. Fredric noticed this and laughed at the fact that Autumn had offered her some. Lane was always on a constant diet. Autumn knew Lane didn’t eat a lot and figured she could be dieting, but she didn’t think it hurt to offer. After all, if Autumn ate like Lane she thought she’d be starving all the time.
Lane drank some of her fruit juice, mixing the straw around before she started up a conversation. “The other day I was at a nature park in the Martols. I saw the most beautiful birds. Robins, I think, because they had beautiful red breasts that were just wonderful in the sunlight.”
“Really?” said Autumn, deciding she‘d had enough ice cream. “I didn’t know you were into birds.” To be fair, Autumn didn’t know if Lane was into anything.
“Well, I like them some of the time. I used to watch them with my dad when I was a little girl.” She smiled wistfully. “Are there any birds that you like? I always liked doves, croons, and swans.”
“I used to like woodpeckers when I was a kid. I like blue birds too. They seem magical to me.”
“Hmm... I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a wood pecker in the park. I think I saw some blue birds. There were tons of flowers there. I think they even had hummingbirds.”
“Hummingbirds? Really?” said Autumn, “Those are amazing, but I’ve never seen one in person. They're so fast. I‘ve seen some pictures and videos though, and they remind me of fairies.”
“I could see how they would. The park I went to had these feeders and they would all gather around them.”
“Wow.” said Autumn.
“Yes, it was a really lovely park. They had these roses and daffodils that were just beautiful.” Lane looked down into her drink. “I just loved the roses there. What kind of flowers do you like?”
“Oh, I love daisies.” said Autumn. For a moment she was silent as she remembered the ones that used to grow near her house as a child and how she used to keep some in the apartment she'd had. She sighed gloomily. “I really love the different colored ones. The purple ones were my favorite.”
“I don’t think I saw any of those. Maybe the white ones, but not the purple. They had some growing on a tree, I think.”
“Really?” said Autumn. “I didn’t think flowers could grow on trees. I mean, I know like fruit trees and stuff. Like, I love the flowers on the cherry blossom tree. But I didn’t think daisies could grow on trees.”
“Well, they were mostly around the roots. I think it was an oak tree, or maybe birch. I can’t be sure."
“Hmm,” said Autumn as Cage came back to the table and sat down. One of Lane’s phones rang and she answered it, ending her conversation with Autumn. Cage started to eat his meal once more and Autumn felt sad. She messed with her ice cream a bit, watching it melt as she thought about the conversation she’d just had.
She wished she could have seen the park Lane was talking about. She missed being able to just go to one and sit in it. She used to love reading books on a sunny day. How the breeze would feel on her skin. When she was a kid her father would take her to feed the ducks in the park near their house. Now she didn’t know when she would ever get to enjoy a sunny day at the park again. Or if she would ever get to feed ducks again. She couldn’t help but glare at Cage as she thought of all the things he’d never let her do.
After a few minutes he wiped his mouth before he finished the last of his wine. Then he turned to Autumn. He drew a finger gently across her cheek, pulling some of her hair behind her ear before he asked, “How was lunch?”
“Like you care.” said Autumn, moving what was left of her ice cream around. “You don’t care about anything I want.”
Cage sighed letting out a low groan before he said, “Not again, Autumn. I believe we already had this conversation. I told you, I’m not in the mood today.”
“Not in the mood? You’re never in the mood when it comes to what I want. And what I have to say. I hate you. I hate that you're forcing me to be with you and that you won't listen to me!”
“I listen to you.” said Cage. “I listen to every damn word that comes out of your mouth, and it's never any good. You can never say anything nice, like thank you for saving my life the other day and thank you for lunch.”
“This again.” said Autumn, rolling her eyes.
“Yes. If you can bitch, so can I. But this isn’t the time or the place.” said Cage as he looked to Fredric. The two nodded to each other. Fredric spoke into the sleeve of his suit, asking for the car to be brought around. Cage scooted out of the booth and grabbed Autumn's coat before he pulled her to him. She pulled free of his grasp, accidentally knocking over several glasses.
Water, leftover ice cream, and fruit juice spilled all over the table as Autumn yelled, “No, I want to talk now! I want to tell you how I feel! I don’t care if this isn’t the time or place! I hate you and I want you to let me go. You keep me trapped in that tower like a prisoner and I’m sick of it! I’m sick of you, and I want to be free. I want to be able to go where I want whenever I want! I’m a person, damn it, AN-”
Cage got up in Autumn's face before she could finish. He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her in to him. Without a word of warning he kissed her. It was deep and long, taking her breath away. When he was done he let go of her head and grasped her hand. He pulled her away from the booth while she was still stunned. Lane quickly grabbed her coat and followed shortly after them.
Autumn went to protest again but this time as she began to speak Cage turned to her and gave her the look. He didn’t hit her, but he might as well have. His icy cold stare pierced deep within her and she cringed back as he said, “Not… another… word.”
Autumn didn’t say anything then. She knew he was serious. It didn’t matter if they were in public. It didn’t matter who saw. Because if Autumn didn’t listen to him, he would punish her. And Autumn knew just how cruel Cage could be. Defeated, Autumn began to whimper. She wanted to cry but stifled her tears as she was dragged out of the restaurant.
When the four got outside, the town car was waiting for them. Fredric quickly switched places with the bodyguard that was driving. Cage didn’t wait for the bodyguard to open his door. He quickly opened it and dragged Autumn towards the car. He practically threw her in as he forced her inside. Once Autumn was inside, she scooted towards the other door. Cage sat down beside her and Lane got in. The bodyguard shut the door and then ran around to the passenger seat next to Fredric. A moment later they pulled away from the restaurant.
She was sure Cage was going to continue the conversation or even yell at her but he didn’t. He just rubbed his forehead, looking even more tired than he had this morning. His phone rang a few seconds later. He dug into his trench coat to get it. He checked the number briefly before answering. “Yes?”
Someone that Autumn couldn’t hear spoke to him. Cage seemed to tighten h
is grip on the phone before he said, “I understand.”
He hung up the phone a second later, slowly putting it away as he was deep in thought. He was silent for a few minutes before he looked to Lane and said, “A time and place has been set.”
Lane pulled away from her phone and nodded. “What do you need?”
“We’ll discuss it in my office.” said Cage, before growing silent once more.
He didn’t say another word the rest of the way back. He seemed distracted as he rested his elbow on his armrest with his chin in his hand. Autumn wrapped her arms around herself as they pulled into the underground parking lot. Fredric pulled up to the elevators before getting out. He quickly opened the car door and Cage got out.
Cage didn’t wait for Autumn to get out like he normally did. He quickly gave Fredric several orders. Autumn and Lane got out of the car and nearly missed the elevator as Cage pushed the buttons to go up. The elevator doors nearly closed on Lane. The ride up was tense. Everyone was quiet. Autumn had the feeling something big was going on, but she had no idea what it was about. In the end she didn’t care. All Autumn cared about right now was getting away from Cage.
When the elevator stopped on the top floor Cage was the first person out. He went straight to his office. Fredric followed only a few seconds behind, and Lane had to practically run to keep up with them. For a moment Autumn really did wonder what was going on. Then she saw Penna.
Penna asked her how lunch went and Autumn only had to look at her to convey just how miserable it was. Penna wrapped an arm around her and together they walked to the library. They each picked out a book to read and spent nearly an hour reading. Autumn found it hard to concentrate as she moved in her seat, frustrated by everything.
She felt powerless, and trapped. More than anything she wanted to break free but she knew there was nothing she could do. She knew in the long run it was better if she settled down and accepted things as they were. Yet being kidnapped had been a break in her routine. It had brought her back into the world. She had seen that Cage couldn’t control everything, that he was not the master of all, and that had given her hope. And now it was as if the fire inside her was reignited once more and she wanted to fight.
Cage sat at a steel table, waiting. The table had been brought to this warehouse specifically for him and another to sit at. Cage was eager to get some answers. He’d been tense ever since he’d learned all of his investment buildings had been bombed. Somehow, someone had caught him off guard. Someone had invaded his territory, attacked his business, and killed his people. And now it was time for him to learn just who this someone was so he could crush them.
He was tempted to look at his watch, though he knew what the time was. He resisted the impulse. He also wanted to double-check the positions of his guards. But he knew they'd be standing quietly in their corners. Slowly he began to tap his fingers on the table, acting bored, when the truth was he was furious. He was like a volcano, ready to erupt, but he refused to let it show. Instead of angrily pounding his fists on the table or giving his guards the order to open fire on anything that moved, he simply waited, waited…for his answers.
At the other end of the room a door opened quietly. A slight, hooded figure dressed in black walked in, followed by two burly men who took position in the empty corners of the room. Cage evaluated and dismissed the guards before focusing his attention on the person now taking a seat across from him.
Cage knew this person was nothing more than a simple messenger. After opening fire on Cage's family, it would be foolish to present him with a high-value target. But among the families, there were formalities, traditions that were necessary to follow.
The person across the table pulled back his hood, revealing fine, sharp features, raven black hair, and a neatly trimmed goatee. He took a moment to draw and light a long cigarette before meeting Cage's eyes.
"As per the formalities, I have been sent to deliver to you a message, and to return with your response." The messenger paused and took a long draw from his cigarette. "You have personally slighted the head of the Fayngin organization. The black card has been drawn in your name."
Cage's mouth tightened. The Fayngin organization was well known for their covert operations. It explained how they'd been able to plan and carry out such a wide-spread plot. He was interested now in how he’d supposedly personally slighted the head of the organization, a man named Gashen Fayngin. As far as Cage could remember, he hadn't had any direct dealings with him or his organization. It was also interesting to note that, while the black card had been drawn, it hadn't been cast yet. That meant there was a chance he could stave off a full-scale war.
"You accuse me of a slight to the head of your organization, Gashen...Fayngin if I recall. What is the source of the allegation? Just how have I offended him?"
"You don't already know?" asked the messenger, peering at him. "I'm surprised. My understanding was that it was a deliberate, unprovoked attack."
"An attack?" Cage nearly growled. "What did I attack? Where?" He spread his hands. "You must tell me."
The messenger leaned forward slightly thinking before he said. "You shot and killed Gashen Fayngin's nephew, Curtis Knyler. Then you took his woman, Autumn Wrenal, for your own." The messenger's words were cold, emotionless, but they still managed to ignite a memory within Cage. He remembered that night clearly. Her bumping into him, the drinks, the invitation. It had never been about the man. He'd barely even registered in Cage's mind. No, it had been about the woman, Autumn. It still was.
Cage let out a breath as he grasped the situation at hand. "I see." It wouldn't matter to the Fayngin organization that he'd had no idea who the piss ant he'd shot had been. The fact that Curtis Knyler was family, blood, made it personal. It was clear Gashen wanted retribution. "And what does the Gashen require in order to withdraw the black card?"
The messenger leaned back in his chair. Perspiration began to bead on his forehead. "I am instructed now to give you the terms, and to inform you that the Fayngin will not bargain. You may accept them all, or not at all." He drew on his cigarette again, and slowly exhaled. "First, for the next five years your organization will provide ours with a quarter of your earned profit. Second, you will remove yourself as head of the Zisgani organization, and then as a member altogether. They are to be as dead to you as the boss's nephew is to him. Third, the woman you took is to be returned to the Fayngin organization at once. As she was engaged to Curtis Knyler at the time of his death, she is our property. Fourth-"
Cage interrupted as he shot out of his chair. "You can't be serious! You had to know there was no way I'd accept those terms! Step down as the head of the Zisgani?! It was only a nephew! It's not like I walked in and cut the balls off the Gashen himself!"
"The nephew was close to the boss."
Cage stared at him for a moment. "Fine. Go tell your boss he'll be getting a lot closer to his nephew." Cage drew a card from his pocket and tossed it down on the steel table. "This offer is an insult. I, head of the Zisgani organization, cast down the black card on the Fayngin organization. Tonight is your last night of peace. Tomorrow, I start killing you all." Without another word, Cage turned and walked out the door behind him. It would be a long night. He had plans to make.
As he entered his car, his thoughts returned to that night. Everything that he desired had a cost. He'd created this organization himself, built it up piece by piece, until it was an empire fit to rival any other. And now, it was possible he'd lose it all because he'd seen something he wanted, and taken it.
The car pulled away from the meeting site, and headed back towards headquarters. Cage poured himself a glass of wine. He swirled the blood-red liquid in his glass, but he did not drink. Instead, his eyes glinted in the light as he lost himself in thought.
Chapter Four
He thrust into her from behind and for a moment a moan escaped her lips…a dirty unforgivable moan, but a moan nonetheless. Autumn hated Cage but she had to admi
t he knew what he was doing.
She had no idea how many women he’d been with or even how long he’d been doing this. It wasn’t really something they talked about and Autumn really didn’t want to know. Yet there were some times when she wondered just how he’d gotten like this. Just how he knew to touch her in a way that would make her cry out in uncontrollable pleasure.
In the beginning things had been very hard for Autumn. After Cage had shot Curtis he’d taken her, and when he was finished he explained how things were going to be from now on. In an instant her life had changed forever. Of course she had refused to accept it, and she had refused to accept Cage.
Over the next few months she'd struggled against him. She did everything in her power to fight him but, in the end, he won. He always won. Over time she came to accept the fact that he would have what he wanted, when he wanted. Just as she came to realize that she would always be trapped here with him whether she liked it or not.
She eventually gave into him, laying still underneath him as he took her. However, just because she’d stopped fighting him didn’t mean she’d participate. Autumn would wait for Cage to finish with a stone cold expression on her face. She’d pretend she was stone, or ice, and close herself off from what was happening. She'd thought she could block him out but she was wrong.
There were times when Cage would fuck her as if he were making love to her. He’d kiss her softly, massage her body with gentle hands. He would take things slowly and caress every inch of her body. Cage found out how her body worked and he used it to his advantage. He’d make her squirm and struggle and no matter what she did she couldn’t ignore the way he made her body feel.
Autumn would find herself clawing at the sheets. She would bury her head into the blankets and pillows so she could stifle the moans. It almost drove her mad that she could get pleasure from what he was doing to her. After what he’d done to her, how she…how she could enjoy anything from him was beyond her.
Sometimes when he came to her, he wanted more than sex. Sometimes he just wanted to have a simple conversation, or to snuggle up in bed or on the couch. He’d watch a movie with her, or fall asleep spooning her. It was confusing how sometimes he could be so cruel, so monstrous, and yet other times he was so gentle and kind.