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Dance with the Devil

Page 12

by Angela Dennis

  She sank into one of the wooden chairs, more than a little stunned. “But what happens to you, Lucas?” she asked again.

  “Best-case scenario is you cut me loose and I find my true mate during this Claiming, and we swear allegiance to you and Carrick. Once the fight is over, we’ll go our separate ways. Me staying here would undermine Carrick’s authority with the pure-bloods. They were raised to believe I should be their Alpha.”

  “Do you really think the Prides can co-exist peacefully?” She wanted to believe, but it seemed like a pipe dream.

  “It’ll be bloody. But with two powerful Alphas, it’s possible. Lions respect strong leaders. These dominants followed our fathers blindly. They’ll do the same to you if you prove you’re strong enough to protect them.” Lucas pushed off his chair. “You’ve already made your decision. I can see it in your eyes.”

  She started to stand, then froze, startled.

  He shook his head with a soft laugh. “I’m not as strong as my brother, but I do have some talents. And reading people is one of them. I’m scary good at it.”

  “Then get out of my head.”

  “When are you going to tell him?” he continued, ignoring her. “You’re going to give him a coronary.”

  “It’s good for him.” She took a long breath. “I’m still not sure it’s the right thing. I was going to talk to you about it later, after we track down this lunatic who’s after my Pride.”

  “I don’t know you that well, Jillian. But you seem like the kind of person who runs on instinct. Listen to your gut.”

  “My gut might get us all killed.” Uncertain, she searched the room for Carrick. “It’s not going to be easy. And we don’t know each other that well. Our relationship could implode before it even gets started.”


  “Thanks.” She glanced back at him. “You’re making me feel so much better.”

  “I’m not trying to. Don’t make the decision until you’re one hundred percent sure you can live with it, because it’s forever.”

  “And there are huge consequences either way.”


  She watched him for a moment, feeling a sudden kinship with the pure-blood. Unable to resist, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. You’re a good man, Lucas. I hope you stick around. You’re a good brother, and Carrick’s going to need you.”

  He grinned, peering at something over her shoulder. “I’m not going to abandon him, at least not until he’s settled.”

  “Good. I’ll hold you to that.”

  “The two of you look way too serious,” Abbey said. She stopped beside them, Carrick beside her.

  “Nice to know you were cuddling up, kissing, when you should have been tracking a murderer.” Carrick moved closer to Jillian and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “What are you, twelve?” She pulled away, but a part of her enjoyed his over-the-top reaction to her kissing Lucas. In fact, it may have just made her night.

  “Don’t start with me, Jillian. Not right now.” She could feel his cat near the surface, itching to get out. His possessive instincts were in hyperdrive, and she was his catnip.

  “Did you find anything?” Abbey interrupted.

  Lucas shook his head. “A faint scent, but nothing substantial. You?”

  “Wait.” Jillian turned to Carrick. “Do you smell that?” It was faint, but it was definitely the same shifter she’d smelled in the cave.

  Carrick nodded. “It’s moving, but it’s close. That doesn’t make sense. If he passed us, the smell would be strong.”

  “I know.” She grabbed Lucas and hurried in the direction of the scent. Carrick and Abbey circled around, so they could trap him between them. They were almost to the bar on the far side of the room when the scent started to get stronger. They were getting close.

  “Get ready,” she murmured. She leaned against the narrow bar and focused. Something wasn’t right. She moved closer to the crowd, pushing her way to the center of the bar to order a drink. While she waited for the bartender to pour her beer from the tap, she tried to narrow down where the scent was coming from. It wasn’t any of the cats pressed in around her.

  “Anything?” Lucas moved to her side.

  “No.” She sipped her beer, searching the crowd. Just then, a young pure-blood lioness walked past. The scent moved with her.

  Jillian and Lucas subtly herded her into the hall where Carrick and Abbey waited. It didn’t take the woman long to realize what they were about. She stopped near the doorway and turned to face them. “What’s going on? Am I in trouble?”

  “Zoe.” Lucas stepped closer. “I didn’t recognize you.”

  “That’s probably a good thing.” Zoe laughed. “I had pigtails the last time you saw me.”

  Lucas grinned. “But you were still unforgettable.”

  “I hate to interrupt, but we’re kind of on a timeline here.” Jillian turned to Zoe. “I don’t want to freak you out, but you smell like a male cat we’ve been tracking. He’s marked you, and we really need to find him.” She glanced at Lucas. “Would you be more comfortable if we talked alone?”

  Zoe shook her head. “No. I haven’t hooked up with anyone, if that’s what you mean. I’m here because I have to be, not because I want a mate. But when I was at the bar earlier, there was a guy who wouldn’t leave me alone. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. Some of the other dominants stepped in, but I left before I saw what happened. He was really aggressive, and he grabbed me a couple times. I’m wearing the same clothes, so I probably still smell like him. Could he be the guy you’re looking for?”

  “Maybe. Do you remember what he looked like?” Lucas asked.

  “Yeah. He never stood up, so I don’t know how tall he was, but he was big, muscular. He had blond hair tied in a ponytail, and he had this mark on his neck. It looked like a rune.” She glanced around, then grabbed a napkin from a nearby table. Jillian handed her a pen and she started to draw. As the details came into focus, Jillian cursed.

  Zoe glanced up. “What’s wrong?”

  “Hopefully nothing.” Picking up the napkin, she held it to the light.

  “You know who it is, don’t you?” Carrick moved behind her, peering at the drawing.

  Damn it. She had the worst poker face in the Pride.

  “I have an idea,” she replied. “My father’s enforcers wear similar marks.” She tossed the napkin back on the table. “They tattoo runes on their neck to celebrate surviving the initiation process.”

  “Initiation process?” Lucas raised a brow. “Our enforcers fight their way through the ranks for the honor.”

  “So do ours.” She paused, not sure how to explain. “That wasn’t enough for my father. They had to survive a fight with at least three enforcers at the same time in order to join their ranks.”

  “He expected them to win?” Lucas asked.

  “No.” She shook her head. “All they had to do was live.”

  “I see,” Lucas replied.

  But he didn’t. He really didn’t. Her father’s level of insanity you had to see to believe. Words couldn’t explain it. “Anyway,” she continued, “when I left, he had six enforcers. Turnover is almost nonexistent, so it’s probably one of them.” She scrawled the names on the back of the napkin and handed it to Lucas. “Know any of them?”

  He glanced at the list. “Yeah. I’ve dealt with all of them.”

  “Meaning they’ve all attacked the Pride.” Carrick took the list from his hand. “Yeah. I remember them too. Not exactly boy scouts.”

  She shrugged. “What did you expect? My father didn’t tolerate any form of weakness. You got it beaten out of you, or you left the Pride.”

  “It could be any of them.” Carrick returned to his pacing. “Are they all here?”

  “No idea.” She rose to her feet. “But Quinn would know. And he’d know where to find them. We’d better find him fast. If the murderer has seen us with Zoe, he may know we’re on to him. He’ll be cove
ring his tracks.”

  “What about Zoe?” Lucas asked. “This guy could still come after her.”

  Before Zoe could respond, Jillian replied, “You’re absolutely right.” She shoved a hand in her pocket. Pulling out her room keys, she handed a set to Zoe. “Please stay with me. There’s an extra room in our suite, and I’d feel a lot better if you were in it.”


  “Lucas is right. I don’t want to scare you, but this guy’s murdered at least one person, maybe more. Let us protect you.”

  “How big a threat is he?” Zoe asked. “I’m not weak. I can handle myself.”

  “He almost killed me. Carrick saved my life.”

  Zoe froze. “But you’re a—”

  “Abnormally strong half-blood who shifts into a black lion and can kick all of your asses,” Jillian finished. “Yeah. So you should probably take me up on my offer.”

  “Sounds like a good idea to me. Where do I go?”

  “I’ll show you.” Abbey pushed past Carrick. “I need to find Anna anyway. I promised Gareth I’d look after her.”

  “Go ahead,” Jillian replied. “I’ll fill you in later. But be careful. Avoid anyone who seems a little off. He may not be working alone.”

  “It’s a Claiming. The males are spilling testosterone from their pores. They’re all acting nuts. But I’ll keep a lookout for extra-special crazy,” Abbey said before disappearing with Zoe into the main hall.

  “I want to nail this bastard.” Lucas’s low rumbling growl sent chills dancing across Jillian’s skin. She could feel his beast churning beneath the surface, roaring to get out. “I watched Zoe grow up. Her brother’s my best friend.”

  She squeezed his arm, ignoring Carrick’s hissed warning. “We’ll get him, Lucas. He won’t hurt her. Trust me to take care of her in the meantime. Once she gets settled, you need to talk to her, explain things so she’s careful. Carrick and I will go find Quinn.” They shared a knowing gaze.

  “Don’t go after the bastard without me.”

  “We won’t,” Carrick replied. “I promise.”

  Chapter Nine

  As Carrick and Jillian moved past the party in the main hall, the smell of booze, sex and adrenaline hung in the air. But she didn’t sense the unrest that came before an outbreak of violence. They found Quinn in an area affectionately called the pub. It was a small room on the far side of the compound, the walls fashioned from wooden planks and the floor made of gray cement. A wide bar stretched across one side of the room, and there was enough liquor stacked behind it to make an army of lions happy. At the moment, the room was empty except for Quinn and his empty glass.

  “You hiding out?” Carrick slid onto the barstool beside the Regulator. “And you’re not even drinking,” he said, motioning to the well-stocked bar.

  “No. But I should be.” Quinn rubbed his hand across his face. “Apparently, I’m looking for a mate.” He turned to face Jillian. “Care to tell me who started that rumor?”

  Jillian grinned. She owed Abbey, big time. He’d never be able to keep tabs on them with hoards of female lions chasing him around the compound. “Poor Quinn. Are the ladies after you?” She ran her gaze down his body. “They must be desperate.”

  He snorted. Quinn had no illusions about his self-worth. He was rich, gorgeous and completely aware of it. But the Regulator walked a fine line. Eventually he’d take a mate, and when he did, he wouldn’t be able to hide the truth of his heritage. The magic that flowed through his blood wouldn’t be satisfied by a pure-blood. A lion like Quinn would need a woman who could match him stride for stride. He’d need a half-blood. Something the Conclave would never allow.

  Quinn shoved himself off the stool and moved behind the bar. His lean body moved like silk, all innate power and masculinity. He’d tied back his thick golden hair, but the humidity had it curling in tendrils around his chiseled face. He was, as Abbey would say, the finest piece of man candy imaginable. It was too bad there was poison inside.

  “Where’s Lucas?” Quinn grabbed a bottle of bourbon and three glasses.

  “Two of his enforcers were fighting over a lioness. He had to put them in line,” Carrick lied. “I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.”

  “Fine.” Quinn poured them each a generous glass. “He can join us later. What have you found out?”

  “We traced the murderer’s scent to a female lion named Zoe. She’s one of Lucas’s pure-bloods. When we questioned her, she said the guy who accosted her had a mark on his neck like this.” Jillian handed him the napkin. “It’s identical to the one my father’s enforcers wear.”

  Quinn flipped the paper over and scanned the list on the back. “That’ll make it easy then, since only two of them are down here. I banished the others with your father. They were too unstable.” He handed her back the paper.

  “Looks like you missed one,” Carrick said.

  Quinn tossed back his drink. “We’ll find out soon enough. You fought Leo and didn’t recognize his scent, so that leaves Aiden. I’ll go find him. If it’s him, I’ll take him down, and we wash our hands of this.”

  “Right. ’Cause it’s that easy.” Jillian plopped onto the stool. “If it was him, you’d already know his scent. This person isn’t working alone. He’d know better. I’m not an easy kill.”

  “Modest, aren’t we?” Quinn poured them another round. “Regardless, it gives us a place to start. I’ve never met a lion I couldn’t break, even the unstable ones.”

  “It creeps me out that I’m reassured by that,” Jillian said. “I want in on the interrogation. As Alpha, it’s my right.”

  “Technically, you’re not his Alpha yet,” Quinn replied. “Unless you’re agreeing to my terms.”

  “Screw you, Quinn. You do realize this whole thing’s going to blow up in your face. You kill all three of us and the other Prides are going to revolt. You’ll have a war on your hands.” Jillian glanced at the hallway, sure she had heard something, but when she turned back no one else seemed to have noticed. “Don’t think I don’t know your game, Quinn. No matter what I decide, you win.”

  “Stop trying to negotiate with me, Jillian.” Quinn stepped from behind the bar and walked toward her. “You don’t have anything I want.”

  “Live in your dream world, Quinn.” She stepped forward—head lifted and a little too close—physically challenging his dominance. “Like I said, I’m not an easy kill.”

  “You better not be. That’d make you a shitty leader.” He moved into her personal space, daring her to back down. “And I’ve worked too hard to make you Alpha.”

  “You make me want to choose Carrick just so I can tell you to go to hell.”

  “Interesting.” Quinn stepped back, smiling. “I’ll have to remember that.” He winked. “I’m going to the back to get another beer.”

  The man was completely unhinged. He’d known her long enough to know how she reacted to demands. It was almost like he was goading her, verbally herding her into making the wrong decision. Then again, maybe he was. It was an interesting thought.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Carrick came behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “So, all I have to do is get Quinn to piss you off and you’ll choose me?”

  “You know that isn’t true.” She turned in his embrace. “The fact that you’re good in bed helps too.”

  “I’m so going to—”

  “What?” She pushed at his chest. “What are you going to do, Carrick? You’ve got, what?” She glanced at her watch. “Two hours left, and we’ve got to investigate an attack. Sorry about your luck.”

  When Quinn returned, he wasn’t alone. There was a woman at his side. Jillian tasted bile. It had been years since she’d seen Fiona. And, for the millionth time, she wished she’d killed her along with her brother. Rage threatened to overwhelm her common sense, so Jillian forced herself to move beside Carrick. He was strong enough to keep her from doing something stupid. “What is she doing here?” Jillian glared at Qui
nn. “She was banished.”

  “I was invited.” Fiona grinned. “Once I explained our misunderstanding, Anthony let me join his Pride.”

  “You mean the whole ‘drugging me, stripping me and tying me up so your brother could rape me’ misunderstanding?” Jillian took a menacing step forward.

  “Don’t forget you ripped off his head,” she hissed, her face flushed. “I should challenge you myself. I have every right.”

  “Go for it. I’m sure we can find a spot for you right beside your brother.” Jillian fought her beast. The cat’s need for blood was overwhelming. She turned to Quinn. “How could you let her participate? She’s vermin.”

  Fiona smiled, a mere baring of teeth. “Don’t get so bent out of shape, kitten. Despite what you might think, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Besides, I’m surprised you didn’t know. But then, you did run away for three years. Hard to keep up on current events when you’re in St. Louis.”

  “How did you know where I was? No one knew, not even my father.”

  Fiona shrugged, that horrible fake smile plastered across her lips. “I’m sure someone mentioned it after you came back.”

  Jillian ignored her. “Quinn, I asked you a question.”

  “She was part of Anthony’s Pride. The Conclave ordered them to participate.”

  Carrick moved behind Jillian and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her against him. She wasn’t sure if it was for comfort or as a restraint. “If I were you, I’d get out of here,” he warned. “No one would blame her if she kills you.”

  “Is that a threat?” Fiona gave Quinn a pointed look. “If something happens to me, you know where to look.” She turned back to Jillian. “Get the hell out of here. I need a drink before the assembly starts, and I’ll be damned if I’ll have it with you.”

  Faster than light, Quinn moved across the room. Grabbing Fiona by the throat, he lifted her until her feet dangled from the floor. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’ve forgotten who you’re talking to. Jillian is an Alpha elect. By the laws of the Pride, if you disrespect her, you disrespect me.” Fiona still dangling from his grasp, he moved across the room and dropped her in the hallway. “Do it again, and I won’t be so nice.”


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