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Dance with the Devil

Page 14

by Angela Dennis

Quinn motioned for the music to stop. He didn’t have a microphone, but he didn’t need one. “Everyone having fun?” He put a hand to his eyes in an exaggerated attempt to look into the crowd. “Nice to see most of you listened and chose a partner. The rest of you have until I get off this stage to do the same, or I’ll deal with you. To show her support, one of your Alpha candidates has an announcement.” Jillian took his outstretched hand, letting him pull her closer. She’d never been this nervous, but she knew it was now or never.

  She looked at Carrick. She couldn’t stop herself. The sight of him gave her the strength she needed to face the crowd. “Quinn’s right. I’d never make you do anything I wouldn’t do myself.” She grinned. “And since I know who my mate is, I might as well share it with you now. You deserve to know. After all, he’ll be your Alpha.”

  Her jeans rode so low on her hips, she only had to shimmy them down a few more inches so the mark was visible. She turned her back on the crowd so they could see. The longer she’d been around Carrick, the darker the mark had become. Now it was almost black; there was no way they could miss it.

  She hadn’t known what to expect, but in her wildest dreams, it hadn’t been raucous applause. Her Pride had never stood behind her, much less embraced her as one of their own. Yet here they were, on their feet, clapping their hands like it was going out of style. Shaking with so many unimaginable emotions, she turned to face them. “So, I’m guessing you want to know who it is?”

  She reveled in the hoots and hollers, finally feeling like she belonged. She turned to motion Carrick and Lucas forward, but they were almost at her side. They pushed her back, putting their bodies between her and Quinn. The Regulator’s eyes widened as she turned to Carrick, slipping her arms around his waist to pull him to her. Carrick cupped her chin in his hand as he lowered his mouth to give her a hard kiss. Before their lips met, Jillian caught a glimpse of Quinn’s face, but it was relief she saw there, not anger. She made a mental note of it as she pressed tighter against Carrick and accepted his kiss.

  Carrick was trembling when she slipped her hand under the edge of his shirt, pulling it up his torso and over his head. Catcalls and cheers filled the hall as the crowd caught sight of the matching mark on his chest. Their response was a little too enthusiastic. They didn’t realize who he was. She stepped away from Carrick and turned back to the crowd. “Meet your new Alpha: Carrick Granger, Anthony’s son.”

  The room went silent.

  “Don’t worry, there’s more. By dictate of the Conclave, our Prides will be combining. Otherwise they’ll kill us, and I’d like to avoid that. I’m sure you would as well. So, Lucas will be stepping down as Alpha and serving as our first enforcer.”

  Still more silence; the crowd was drowning in shock. But when Lucas stepped forward, the pure-bloods began to stir, and some of the words that came out of their mouths were shocking, even to Jillian.

  “Enough.” Lucas stared them down. “My brother is your Alpha now. And, in case you’ve lived under a rock for the past thirty-seven years, you know why. He’s stronger, and the Pride needs strength now more than ever. When this Claiming ends, the Conclave is going to come down on all of our heads.” He glared at Quinn. “They wanted to kill you. The actions of our former Alphas made us vulnerable to human detection. The Conclave is fed up with our feud. We bought some time by agreeing to combine the Prides. But that change makes us the same as a half-blood Pride.”

  Jillian could pick out the pure-bloods in the crowd. They were the ones cursing and pacing. But they didn’t dare to speak aloud. To back-talk an Alpha during a ceremony was an automatic challenge, and they knew they couldn’t win.

  “Combining the Prides is only a Band-Aid,” Carrick said, moving forward. “The Conclave thinks we’re a threat to our kind, but they also think we’re too powerful. If we combine and play nice, when the Conclave comes after us we’ll wipe the floor with them. And they will come after us. I guarantee it. The other Prides will back us,” Carrick continued. “We just have to get the word out.”

  Carrick grabbed Jillian’s hands and pulled her beside him. “With mates, we’re stronger. So find your mates and enjoy the Claiming.”

  Jillian felt like she was going to throw up, but as she looked out into the crowd, the half-bloods were on their feet, cheering. She knew she should speak, but nerves had dried up her voice, and Carrick was speaking enough for them both.

  “Well played,” Quinn murmured beneath his breath. He moved behind them and placed a hand on Carrick’s shoulder. “You had me fooled.” As they turned, he stepped back and crossed his arms with a smug smile. “The price on your heads is going to be high enough to buy a mansion in the Mediterranean. You’d better get ready. Who knows,” he said with a shrug, “you might actually pull it off.”

  Jillian could barely hear him through the roar of the crowd. It amazed the hell out of her, but they were actually cheering. Maybe Lucas was right that the majority of them just needed a leader they could respect, one who was strong enough to make them feel safe. But as she looked back out over the crowd, she felt a strange sense of foreboding. Hatred seeped through her calm, a rotten taint that clouded the emotion in the room.

  She moved closer to Carrick. “He’s here,” she whispered. “Do you feel him?”

  Carrick had tensed. “Yeah. But I can’t tell where it’s coming from.”

  “Me neither, but he’s pissed. We’re going to have to be careful.”

  “Agreed. We need to get off the stage. Being up here makes us easy targets.”

  She glanced around the room. “You really think he’s that ballsy?”


  Quinn stepped in front of them. His anger was gone, and he seemed almost sad. “Since you’re determined to use yourselves as bait, go back to your room and wait. After this, there’s no way he won’t attack. I’ll post guards.”

  “Really? You’re not going to yell, throw your weight around, demand we change our minds?” Jillian pressed.

  “Why would I? You did exactly what I’d hoped you’d do. I had to play my role, and so did you. But it’s only a matter of time before the Conclave finds out. I’d be expecting a fight the second you reach the surface. It’s not going to be pretty.”

  “It was the right thing,” Carrick replied. He grabbed Quinn’s arm. “Join us. We could use you. The hell with the Conclave.”

  Quinn shook him off. “Stay alive, and we’ll talk.” He jumped off the stage and disappeared into the crowd.

  Jillian cursed. Her hands were shaking so bad she couldn’t unlock the door to her suite. This was ridiculous. It wasn’t like she’d never had sex with Carrick. And that wasn’t even why they were here, so what was her problem?

  She dropped her keys for the third time, all too aware of Carrick’s presence at her back. The heat from his body slid across her skin, sending a tremor of awareness swimming inside her blood. She’d always been attracted to him, but this was insane. Maybe it was because she’d claimed him as her mate, but the need to touch him was overwhelming.

  “Here. Let me.” Carrick slipped the keychain from her fingers and made quick work of the lock.

  She followed as he stepped inside, not stopping until she was secure inside her bedroom, the door closed behind her. Her feet were killing her, so she hiked her foot onto the wooden chair beside the bed and began to unzip her leather boots. She kicked the first boot to the floor, then started on the other, but not before she saw Carrick’s face. “Not everything is about sex.” She rolled her eyes. “My feet hurt.”

  “It’s still sexy as hell.”

  She slipped off the other boot and threw it at him. “I’m exhausted, cranky and sweaty, while you’re standing there looking all gorgeous and perfect. It makes me want to hit you.”

  He pulled off his shirt and sank into the chaise. “I’d think you’d like it, since I’m your mate.” Grinning, he leaned back. Her mouth went dry as she watched the firelight play across his abs. She had to touch him. He was too dam
n tempting. She stopped before him and slid her hands across his broad shoulders. Powerful muscles tensed beneath her touch, and he jerked forward, grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her to him. She deepened the kiss, holding on to him for dear life as the fingers of his free hand traced the curve of her neck, tangling in her hair.

  “I need you,” she whispered, her teeth nipping at his lips.

  “You have me.” Pulling her head back, he raked his teeth along the hollow of her throat. She was drowning in heat, so she grabbed his head and pulled him closer.

  “Patience,” he whispered against her lips. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You’d better.” She kissed him hard, sinking into the kiss and pulling him along with her until he was lost. He slid his hands down her back, cupping her ass and pulling her against him until she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist or lose her balance. Once she was secure, he moved them to the bed, tossing her on top of it then settling beside her.

  He leaned back, bracing on his elbows. “Take off your corset.”

  “Take it off yourself.”

  She squealed as he tackled her, flipping her onto her stomach. His hands made quick work of the leather straps even as her fingers struggled to find purchase on the thick comforter. The leather hit the floor at their feet with a loud thud. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he flipped her back over, staring at her for only a moment before he took her breast in his mouth. He nipped at the sensitive flesh, and she jerked back, momentarily breathless. His tongue swirled around her hard nipple, tasting and biting until she thought she would go mad. Mindless with pleasure, she tangled her fingers in his hair.

  He slid his hands down the curve of her stomach, flipping open the button on her leather pants. No matter how hard he tried, the zipper wouldn’t move. The pants she’d spent a small fortune on ended up in shreds on the floor.

  “Was that absolutely necessary?” She scooted away, pushing up on her elbows.

  “Definitely.” He cupped her through the tangle of lace between her thighs, and she groaned, falling back against the bed. “You’re so wet,” he said, his breath hot against her stomach. She arched as he slid a finger inside her. At first his touch was gentle, his fingers sliding in and out, his thumb steadily stroking her until her body felt like it would explode. Steadily, his pace increased, faster and faster, until the pleasure was so intense she wanted to scream. She needed more…needed him.

  She was nearly at the brink when he pulled away to join their bodies. He surged inside her, each thrust completing her in a way she had never thought possible. Pleasure enveloped her body, tightening the bond between them. She screamed as the sensations overtook her and she spiraled into oblivion.

  A few seconds later, Carrick cried out, his body going limp as he found his release. He pressed his forehead against hers, his breath hot and quick against her face. “That was incredible. You are incredible.” He rolled to his side, taking her with him and holding her against his body.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she murmured. Her eyes slipped closed as she pressed her body tight against his.

  Their first time together had been amazing—fireworks and rocket blasts. This time, there were no words. It was simply life-changing.

  When Jillian woke, she didn’t know how much time had passed. All she knew was that her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry as vermouth. She rolled onto her stomach, smoothing her hand across Carrick’s side of the bed. The silk was cold beneath her fingers. He’d been gone for some time. She was uneasy as she tried to sit, more so when her body refused to obey. The best she could do was flounder because her muscles felt like jelly. Once she focused, she was able to fling herself off the side of the bed, but she hit the ground with a thud, the room spinning.

  She had almost made it to her hands and knees when she saw Carrick, huddled in a ball and lying on the far side of the room. She crawled to his side, although her body screamed in protest. As she moved, she searched for signs of an intruder. A familiar scent lingered in the air, the smell of their killer.

  Her limbs were going numb as she stumbled across the floor, but she had to get to Carrick. She wasn’t losing him before they could start their lives together. When she reached him, his skin was cold to the touch, so she climbed on top of him. They were both still naked, and she prayed what warmth was left in her body would sink into his. He didn’t look good. He was breathing, but they were short, shallow breaths. He’d be dead if he didn’t get help soon.

  If she could get him to shift, she could save him herself. But right now she wasn’t strong enough to call his beast on her own, and what strength she had was fading fast. She squeezed her eyes closed and tried to clear the fog from her head. The cat within her screamed in frustration, clawing against her skin. She had sensed the threat and wanted free. And there was no stopping her.

  The change ripped through Jillian’s body like a tornado. She writhed in pain as her skin rippled and extended, the lion tearing her way through even though the toxins made it more difficult to change. She lay on her belly, panting, momentarily helpless. But the change had pushed the toxins from her body. Her strength had returned, and her thoughts were finally coherent.

  Rolling over, she nudged Carrick with her nose, licking his cold back until he shivered. He had no visible injuries, and there was no scent of poison or magic. She ran her tongue across his skin, searching. Eventually, she found a puncture wound beneath his arm. Hidden inside the mark was the tiniest dart she had ever seen. So small it was nearly invisible, the barb was still inside his skin. She pulled it out with her teeth, having the presence of mind to set it somewhere safe so they could examine it later.

  Carrick began to stir almost immediately. Tremors wracked his body, and he moaned, curling into a ball. His beast lurked angrily beneath the surface, desperate to escape. She methodically licked his exposed skin, the coarse heat of her tongue calling to his lion. It answered, but it was still too weak. She tried to coax him to the surface, but neither of them was strong enough for it to work.

  The door behind her burst open and Quinn stepped inside and moved toward them. “What the hell happened?”

  Jillian stepped in front of Carrick, blocking him from view. Fur furled, she growled, ready to protect her mate. She didn’t calm, even when Abbey appeared beside Quinn. Quinn ignored Jillian and reached across her to get to Carrick. She snarled, snapping at him, but he didn’t move back.

  “There’s no reason you should trust me. But if you don’t let me help Carrick, he’s going to die.” He turned to Abbey. “Get Gareth and guard that door. No one comes in,” he ordered as he stripped off his clothes. Naked, he knelt beside Jillian. “Carrick’s been poisoned. I can smell it on both of you. I know how to help him. Let me.”

  She rubbed her body along Carrick’s, a growl rumbling in her throat. Quinn’s words rang true, but she still didn’t trust him. She nuzzled Carrick, trying to stir his beast. He was growing colder by the minute. If Quinn could help them, she didn’t have a choice.

  Jillian hissed, baring her teeth, but stepped aside. Someone was going to die for this, slowly and painfully. No one hurt her mate. She watched Quinn change. It surprised her he would make himself vulnerable to save Carrick.

  As a man, Quinn was intimidating. As a lion, he was downright scary. Had she not known, she would have never imagined he was a half-blood. His magic swirled around them like a hot, tingly blanket of wax, inflaming both her magic and her beast. Carrick reacted immediately. His skin rippled, and his beast slammed to the surface in a whirl of claws and fur.

  She jumped aside, but she wasn’t fast enough. In mid-transition, his claw slashed her shoulder. It stung like the devil, but her pain was lost in the joy of seeing Carrick on four legs. He stumbled toward her, his tongue darting out to lick the blood from her wound. She pushed him aside with her muzzle, letting him know she was okay. Satisfied, he collapsed on the floor between her and Quinn.

  Instinct took over and she climb
ed on top of him, trying to warm him with the heat of her body. Quinn joined her, tangling his body with theirs. The heat of their magic intertwined, sinking into Carrick’s skin. Eventually, they pulled apart and began to shift.

  Jillian slipped into the closet, grabbed a black cotton dress and pulled it on. She felt too vulnerable around Quinn to be comfortable nude. By the time she returned, Carrick and Quinn had pulled on their jeans and settled on the floor around the fire.

  “You’re both lucky to be alive,” Quinn said as she joined them. The firelight cast strange designs on his naked torso, but soon she realized they weren’t shadows but scars. His chest and back were completely covered. He noticed her looking. “There’s a reason I became Regulator at a young age, and it wasn’t because I was nice.”

  Jillian moved to Carrick’s side. She slipped her arms around his waist, needing to feel him against her. “How do you feel?” she asked.

  He buried his face in her hair, breathing her in. “I’ve felt better.” He kissed the top of her head, then pulled away to face her. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No,” she replied. “I was able to shift and heal myself.”

  “I’m still weak.” He stretched to the side, testing his muscles. “How did you call my beast?”

  “I didn’t. Quinn did.”

  Carrick looked over her head at the other man. “I knew you’d switch sides, but I thought it would take some coaxing.”

  “You could start with ‘thank you’,” Quinn said. “I did just save your life. Besides, if anyone has a chance against the Conclave, it’s you two. And it’s not like I have a choice. Once my handler finds out I didn’t follow through on my orders, I’m a dead man. My odds are better with you. After all, you made the right decision. Although it took you long enough. You don’t think it was a coincidence you ended up in the same town, do you?”

  Jillian processed his words. It all made a little too much sense.

  “I wanted to see if I was right,” Quinn continued. “I knew the two of you belonged together, but I couldn’t force it, only prod.”


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