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ALEX HUNT and the Chase for Rhapta_A Relic Chaser Adventure

Page 7

by Urcelia Teixeira

  I can't help but giggle at his coin phrase again. Somehow, through all the years though, his bones have never lied.

  "Oh my gosh! That's it! I got it!!!! Dad! I think I actually got it!!"

  We drop our tools and rush over to where Alexandra is jumping up and down.

  "Blistering fiddlestix my girlie! Are you sure? Open it! Your mother can't bear the suspense," throwing me a flanking wink.

  A slow pull-back of a wedge flicks up a matchbox-sized pillar setting off, in turn, a click, which releases the bottom of the box.

  The air, thick with anticipation has us all silent as we poise over the box watching something drop out from the drawer onto the table.

  "What's THAT?" Eric speaks for the first time after having been silently hovering in the background with his camera for days.

  "A sort of papyrus scroll I think. We're going to have to be very careful with this one Alexandra. The paper is quite brittle. Look. There seems to be a seal of some kind on the box."

  The question lies thick on all our minds as we simultaneously look up at each other.

  "Bugger that. I say we do it."

  "Charles! Have you lost your marbles? It will there and then destroy any value it might hold."

  "Where's your sense of adventure Izzy? Come on my love. How long haven't we been at this? Whatever that scroll has written could lead us straight to Rhapta."

  "Or not! We should only open it in the lab Charles. We don't know if the writing is well preserved or not."

  "I agree. Open it." Once again spurred on by a slightly overly eager Eric which causes all of us to look at him with suspicion.

  "Just saying boss." stepping back half a foot before he snaps away at the photos again.

  "Izzy. Think about it. If we go at it with care, it should be just fine. We can't leave it now. That makes no sense?"

  He has a point. We've come too far.

  "Fine. I guess you're right, I suppose. I mean this is what we've been after isn't it? A solid clue or trail to follow."

  "Open it, Alexandra! Just be careful with the seal. Try slicing it off rather."

  With the precision of a brain surgeon, she uses the scalpel and slices underneath the seal. It comes off with ease and remains flawlessly intact. She unrolls the yellowed paper scroll and stretches it open.

  "Blimey. It's another bloody riddle. Go on, my girl. Read it."

  What has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps, Can run but never walks, has a bank but no money?

  "Bloody hell! What uncanny twister is this one?" Charles exclaims.

  "...'has a bed but never sleeps'... perhaps a kind of animal?"

  "No, that doesn't sound right Charles. Let's just think about this for a second. Running down a mountain... running thin...Run fast. Perhaps it is an animal. Like a cheetah or something. They run fast?"

  "Nah, Mum. Any animal can walk. See it says 'can run but never walk.' Can't be anything with visible legs. Besides, they all have beds too. We're looking at something figuratively. Like running for cover. But then it also says it has a head. Very confusing."

  "I think you're on the right track Alexandra. It could be parables. Nothing literal. We need to think beyond the physical here. No actual objects. '...has a bank but no money...' "

  "It's on the tip of my tongue I tell you. I can feel it in my bones."

  "Dad!" and we all bellow another laughing session.

  After another hour goes by, I jubilantly exclaim. "It's a RIVER!"

  "Look! It has a river head, a river bed, a river runs and it has river banks. It's a RIVER!"

  "Izzy my old darling! See this is why I married you!"

  Charles comes straight at me just short of constricting me like a boa would his prey.

  "Blistering Blazers. You're right. It's a bloody river. Okay great. So we know it's by a river or perhaps in a river but which one though? There are a gazillion rivers in Tanzania. We're missing something here. Alex, my pet. Look for another hidden drawer or something."

  "There's nothing Dad. I've looked."

  "Where is that seal, Alexandra? Let me have another look."

  With safety, I take the seal from her gloved hand and inspect it with the magnifying glass.

  "It looks like a strange kind of cipher or something. Written in Greek, I think."


  "A combination perhaps to a lock?" Eric chirps from the back.

  Where did Charles find this buffoon? The Uni insisted we bring a photographer for the project for 'publicity,' but he has been deathly quiet for weeks, never saying a single word. Now all of a sudden he's bubbling with interest. I smell a rat if ever there was one. I've always had a sharp gut instinct. Charles feels it in his bones but I, on the other hand, perpetually sense that something is wrong in the very pit of my stomach.

  "They didn't have locks back then. Certainly not like we have them at least." Alexandra quickly spits at him.

  You tell him sweets. Put him back in his box. I converse in my head.

  "I am convinced we need a key of some sorts yes. A key that will open up a whole other existence."

  Chapter Seven


  "We are going to have to find some water soon Quinn. This bottle is our last."

  "How far do you reckon till we get to the river?"

  "Not sure. We've been walking for hours, and we're in the heat of the day, which means, what? Six hours or so of walking? It could be just on the other side of this tree for all we know, or we could have been walking in circles."

  Not sure if this compass even works, I shake it and whack it against my palm.

  " I have been following some animal tracks. If we're lucky, it will lead us to their watering hole, and then we can follow it to the river. The problem is, it could be quite dangerous. Lions aren't the only animals out here you know. We'd be facing hippos and crocs, and in the muddy banks, the crocs camouflage themselves completely. We won't necessarily see them until it is too late. That's how they catch their prey."

  It doesn't help that it is almost nighttime either. Most African Crocs are nocturnal, so they are even more on high alert than during the day. And if the pack of lions from last night are out on the prowl again, we are as good as dinner.

  "It's all a bloody gamble then isn't it? But for now, we're going to have to rest for a bit Alex. I need to get Jelani in the shade. This heat isn't good for him."

  We find a nearby tree again and slump down against it. The African bushveld is not a place to hang around for too long. Usually, the animals spot you long before you even know of their existence. For all, we know they are following us, so sitting still means we are open targets.

  Jelani's breathing is extremely shallow. I use most of our last bottle of water wetting my hankie in an attempt to cool his face down a bit. It isn't any use though. His fever is out of control. Quinn examines his abdomen with great focus. Look at him. Care, empathy and seeing the lighter side of life. The perfect blueprint. But seeing him here now, in the middle of Africa in his black T-shirt and matching combat pants, looking more like a rookie S.W.A.T member, he at least somewhat resembles someone who would have the makings of a great chaser.

  "What are you doing?" observing him cutting open his previously worn jeans and shirt with his knife.

  "I need to try make a shade net to keep him in the shade. His fever is dangerously high and this sweltering sun, is bound to make it worse."

  "So you're cutting up your clothes? How is that going to help?"

  He looks over at me with a humorous smirk and then winks.

  "Just you wait and see Miss Hunt. I told you. I'm a Bear Grylls fan. Watch and learn."

  I can't help but laugh at him as I wait and observe his concoction come to life.

  "You know? You should tune your telly to an episode or three when we get back. You might learn a thing or two."

  "Yeah, thanks. I cannot sit through even one episode of this man chewing live worms and scorpions with their guts splashing all ov
er the place. Too disgusting and gross for words. I'll leave this stuff up to you. Speaking of, what's for dinner?"

  He folds double with laughter. I've got him in stitches now.

  " Good one Alex. Even here in the middle of the bush you still have some laughing left in you somewhere."

  As for him. Savvy might just be his middle name.

  "Okay fine. I'll satisfy your craving for credit. This invention has me a little bit intrigued!"

  He had to a tee plaited his shards of clothing in a criss-cross sheet and perched a roof over four sticks to form a square umbrella over Jelani. It is unbelievable; I won't lie.

  "Intrigued? I'm a bloody genius!"

  " Well, I won't go that far. The criss-cross reminds me a little of my mum's famous caramel apple pie though.”

  I do miss her pies.

  " She wasn't much of a cook and all told couldn't care much for preparing meals either but her baked goods? Quite the treat I assure you. The uni faculty went ape for her pies. Practically fist fought each other over a slice during their monthly staff meetings."

  I look around across the vast grassland.

  " One thing is for sure though. Africa is a beautiful country and knowing mum, she wouldn't have wanted to die anywhere else than here. "

  I giggle as I recall dad jokingly tell her she'd had some ancestral roots in Africa because of her frizzy hair.

  "What's so funny? This contraption will work I assure you." He assumes I'm laughing at him.

  "Oh, I don't doubt that for a second Mr. Quinn. You're quite something all right."

  Our eyes meet in that one phrase, and I feel a warmth engulf my stomach before I quickly look away and blurt out.

  "What I mean is that you've got great survival skills. Bear Grylls would be proud."

  I jump up quickly before I make an even bigger fool of myself and start pacing around the tree looking out onto the horizon.

  He didn't comment. Luckily. He just kept at braiding his clothes and before long Jelani has the perfect waffled sheet pinned up covering him entirely. Well, what do you know? He surprised me again. A jeep gurney and woven cloth.

  "Do we have any more water?" he breaks my thoughts.

  "Half a bottle. Here, you can have it. We should last until we reach to the river." handing him the last of our water.

  He takes one tiny sip before wetting my hanky on Jelani's head, moistening his dry toothless mouth.

  "Save this last bit for an emergency. You ready?"

  "Yes. I think this should do the trick for now. Let's crack it Alex. I'm not sure how long he's able to hold on."

  We walk West for several more hours without stopping. Spurred on by our goal to get to the river before sunset. Jelani's condition keeps deteriorating fast and somewhere along the way he slipped into a coma. How could it have come to this? How can life be this cruel? I don't think I have ever felt more helpless in my entire life. Incapable of doing anything else but walk as fast we can, given the circumstances.

  Our thoughts and conversations keep us going. The will to survive, I guess, is stronger than ever when you face such adversity. At one stage I look back and see Quinn taking significant strain not being able to pull the stretcher quite at the pace he started with. So I turned again, and I help him. Droplets of blood lie in a trail behind the cot. At first, I thought it was Jelani's, but then gather the blood is coming from Quinn's hands. It is bleeding under the strains of the stretcher.

  "Oh, my gosh Quinn! You're bleeding! Stop! Let me have a look."

  "Nah I'll be all right. It's just superficial abrasions."

  "You can't walk like this. Stop."

  I let go on my side of the stretcher forcing him to stop and turn his palms so I can see.

  "I'm no medical professional, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it is more than 'superficial abrasions.' Why didn't you say anything? Here, we can use my shirt to cover the branches, and if you've got some of the secret stashes of bandages in your backpack, we should wrap your hands too."

  I start unbuttoning my shirt and notice him politely looking away.

  "You honestly don't have to take your shirt of Alex. It's not that bad, I assure you. Besides, I think it might just be a tad too soon in our relationship."

  "Oh, get a hold of yourself, Quinn. I'm not naked under my shirt you know. I'm wearing a tank. Your hands are bleeding and seeing as you don't have any clothes left beside your pants, we can use mine."

  That mischievous smile of his buckled my knees somewhat. He is naughty as hell for sure. Does that mean he has been thinking of me in that way? I feel my cheeks go read at the thought of being with him and I dare not look up for him to see. He has developed this uncanny way of peering deep into my soul; As if he knows my exact thoughts. But even though I busy myself with pouring a couple of drops of water over his hands, my mind keeps drifting to the possibility of there being something between us.

  Moments later, I have both my sleeves ripped off and tied to the poles as padding. Taking heed, I wind the last roll of bandages from his backpack around his bleeding hands.

  "There. That's better. It should do for now right?"

  "I think Bear would be very pleased with our survival skills Miss Hunt, don't you?"

  "I think we're a mess, Quinn. We look like we've been through World War II with all our bandages and ripped clothing."

  We break into a giggle that sets him off into a laughing bout which triggers again an hour later and starts us laughing all over again.

  The sun dips lower towards the horizon as we stop for another three-minute rest and a quick check on Jelani. We have been heading west for almost eight hours straight, so we have to be close. How did the pilgrims do it without Jeeps? I can't imagine getting around like this day in and day out.

  Jelani gives a dull aching moan.

  "Don't move Jelani. Stay still."

  "Jelani? Is he awake Quinn? Jelani? It's Lakicia. Can you hear me?"

  Faint groans come from his weak body, but he keeps his eyes shut. He looks grey although I'm not sure if it is from the dust kicking up or from his injuries.

  "What's going on Quinn? Is he all right?"

  He ignores me as he raps on his tummy again and lifts his eyelids.

  "Quinn! Is he okay?"

  I see blood coming from Jelani's mouth and draw back a quick breath.

  "Quinn? That doesn't look right."

  My voice is no more than faintly audible, and I feel my hands tremble as I battle to control the flood of emotions that overcome me. I kneel down next to Jelani and wipe his mouth with my hand. Somehow, even though I have no medical training whatsoever, I know this is his end. I look up at Quinn, squatting on his other side who does nothing but look at me with apologetic eyes. My eyes pool up with tears, but I force myself not to show Jelani any weakness.

  "Don't worry Jelani. You are a warrior. I'm here my friend. Right by your side. You're the best friend I have ever had. I'll take care of you."

  I get up abruptly and move to the front of the stretcher.

  "Come Quinn. Hurry! We need to get him to the Sangoma."

  But before Quinn could take his position next to me, we hear a final groan, and the softest breath leaves Jelani's body.

  Aptly, at that very instant, we here the thunder bellow from the grey clouds above and I feel droplets of rain on my face.

  Bittersweet, I think. A couple of days ago I was staring out my window wishing I'd have the courage to go out into the rain again. And now. Here I am, and it's nothing I remembered it should be.

  I drop the stretcher and stare down at Jelani's lifeless body.

  "No! Jelani can't die.

  "Wake up!" But he is gone. I fall to my knees and press my ear to his chest. "Wake up Jelani, wake up please?”

  How many people must die at my hands? Had I not reached for my stupid pills we would have never crashed into that tree. It's all my fault.

  I'm vaguely aware of Quinn holding my hand as I sit frozen staring down at Jelan
i's body while the heavens declare its mighty power over the earth.

  "I'm so sorry Alex. There was nothing more I could do for him."

  Typical. That seems to be the script all doctors use when a patient under their care dies. Someone should tell their lecturers that it doesn't work. Nothing anyone says makes it better. I'm numb except for the sudden uncontrollable angst that pushes my breath up into my throat constricting me. What if I never make it out of here? I could die here too. Just like Jelani and my mother and probably my father also. Eaten by lions or bored by a Rhino. Here in the middle of the bloody African bush.

  "Alex. Look at me."

  Quinn's hands grip my shoulders as he tries to force me to look at him. But all I feel is my body shaking uncontrollably and my air stuck in my throat. I can't seem to get any oxygen into my lungs. It's glued. Wedged in my throat somewhere.

  "Alex. I'm going to inject you with Diazepam. Just a little to calm you down."

  Seconds later the sharp sting of the needle hurts as it pierces my dehydrated skin. Quinn's strong arms come around my shoulders as he pulls me under the shelter of the tree and next to him on the ground. The drugs didn't take long to kick in, and I have the same sound sensation now as I did back home in my apartment. So, Dr. Jones gave him some of the good stuff for the trip, did he? That means he is in on Keating's game plan too. Did he bribe him? My brain is as sharp as a steel trap, but my body limp and paralyzed by Jelani's death.

  "Relax Alex. You'll be fine. Give the meds another couple of minutes. Just breathe."

  He deliberately has my back towards Jelani's dead body on the ground. I see what you're doing Quinn. I know he's there, and I manage to glance back at Jelani before locking with Quinn's eyes. Just so he knows I know. I'm no one's fool.

  "Yeah okay G.I Jane. Just relax. You don't want that image etched in your brain. Focus on your breathing rather."

  The man always has to be right, and I can't stand it. But I find myself following his breathing prompts nevertheless.

  "In... and out. In... and out. Keep going. In... and out."

  How does he manage to control me like this? My body seems to follow his every instruction. Darn it. But the steady inhales and exhales help, and soon I find myself breathing normally again. The rain is wet and cold on my skin. In the midst of my breathing ritual, he takes the shade-net structure off Jelani's stretcher and positions our self-assembled umbrella over us.


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