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Mother of the Bride

Page 7

by Marita Conlon-McKenna

  ‘You’re so good, Helen!’ praised Fran. ‘My mother nearly drove me cracked!’

  Helen smiled, remembering the hours Fran spent in her kitchen ranting about her mother, who’d had the family all demented with her demands – up until she’d died ten years ago.

  ‘Do you want to have lunch in my place on Friday?’ Helen asked.

  ‘Great. I’ll see you then, MOB.’

  ‘MOB?’ What was Fran on about?

  ‘Mother of the Bride!’ Fran waved. ‘Enjoy it.’

  Helen smiled. She was really going to enjoy it. It wasn’t every day a daughter got married, and she was going to revel in the whole experience.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Helen parked her car outside the old house, bracing herself to go inside. Three times a week she visited her mother, conscious that it must be lonely for her still living here in the old house, with so many of her old neighbours and friends gone or living in retirement or nursing homes. As Sheila grew older the demands were greater, and she relied on Helen more and more for everything. Helen did her best, and brought her out shopping and for drives and walks, and often had her to stay at the weekends. Getting old was no fun, but Sheila Hennessy was still full of spirit and determined to be independent and live in her own home.

  The family home where Helen had grown up looked run-down and unkempt, the grass long and covered with fallen leaves. The front windows and front door were both in need of repainting. She remembered a time when this house had been one of the finest on the street. Her mother had always insisted on having a border of colourful seasonal bedding plants running to the front door, the lawn immaculately clipped and the hedge trimmed.

  This house on Willow Grove had been home for so long to Helen and her three brothers. They’d had a great childhood, and she must have swung on the rusting gate thousands of times. Along with her brothers, Tim and David and Brendan, she’d raced and chased up and down the road here, and played rounders and football with the rest of the kids, and endless games of elastics and hopscotch with her best friends, Marianne and Claire. It had always seemed safe, and she could never have imagined a better place to live. Her bedroom was the one up over the garage, with the Virginia creeper rambling beneath the window sill. Number thirty-two looked shabby and neglected now, a complete contrast to the neighbours’ houses, many of which had been sold to be gutted and transformed by their new owners.

  Billy Maguire’s one next door was being extended now. The builders were giving it expensive wooden windows and ceiling-height glass doors that ran the length of the back of the house and opened on to an immaculate paved garden with box hedging, borders of French lavender, and outside silver lighting.

  Helen locked the car and went to the front door. She rang the bell two or three times, waiting for her mother’s footsteps to sound in the hall. Her mother’s hearing was bad; she could see through the patterned glass that Sheila wasn’t coming and opened the hall door with her own key.

  ‘Mum, it’s me!’ she called loudly, not wanting to scare her as she walked around downstairs. There were newspapers all over the living room, and the curtains were only half-pulled. Passing through the dining room, she noted the table was covered in books and magazines and odds and ends of things. Her mother had become a hoarder of late, unwilling to throw anything out, and even at a quick glance Helen could see some of the papers were months old. The kitchen was worse, with pots and pans atop the cooker and the draining board covered with dirty plates and saucers and cups. Nothing looked clean, and the bin in the corner was overflowing. What was Sylvie, the home help they had hired, doing to have the place in this state? She was meant to help Sheila twice a week with simple household cleaning and washing.

  ‘Mum!’ Helen yelled again, hearing movement from upstairs.

  Her mother was sitting in front of the dressing table in the bedroom in her dressing gown, trying to dry her damp hair. Helen stifled her annoyance, as her mother was supposed to have been ready to be collected and brought out to lunch and to the shops.

  ‘Mum, what are you up to? You told me that you were ready when I phoned you earlier this morning.’

  ‘I didn’t realize the time, love,’ Sheila apologized, as she tried to manoeuvre the hairdryer.

  ‘Here, let me do that,’ offered Helen, taking the brush from her mother’s hands.

  Sheila Hennessy might have grey hair but it was still thick and full, with a slight curl to it. She was eighty-four, but was still a very attractive woman. She had great skin and a good figure, with only a touch of arthritis in her hands and trouble with her knee.

  ‘What happened to Sylvie?’ Helen asked, as she dried the hair.

  Her mother didn’t answer, and Helen made a mental note to phone the home help later and find out what was going on. Her mother had already gone through three other home helps, but with Sylvie – the gentle, calm Filipina who had come to work in Ireland – Helen had thought they had found someone who would stay.

  ‘She stole my ring,’ her mother whispered.

  ‘Which ring?’

  ‘The sapphire one that your father gave me,’ her mother insisted. ‘She was a thief.’

  ‘Mum, I don’t think Sylvie was a thief,’ Helen protested, searching for her mother’s gold-coloured jewel box. Four rings sat snug on the top layer in their velvet slits, the sapphire among them.

  ‘Mum!’ She pointed it out. ‘You are wrong. Sylvie’s a lovely girl!’

  ‘I never liked her.’

  There was no point arguing and Helen concentrated on drying her mother’s hair. ‘You get dressed, while I go down and tidy the place a bit before we leave,’ she bossed.

  In the kitchen she put on the kettle and filled the sink with hot soapy water, lowering the filthy plates and cups into it. Why her mother had refused to get a dishwasher was beyond her, and she vowed to club together with her brothers and buy her one for Christmas, whether she liked it or not.

  ‘I’m ready.’ Her mother appeared, smiling, wearing a soft pink pastel twinset and a grey check skirt.

  ‘You look lovely,’ said Helen, giving her a kiss. ‘The hair looks great.’

  ‘Where are we going?’ asked her mother. ‘Is Lar coming, too?’

  Helen nearly dropped the cup she was drying with a tea towel. Her dad, Larry Hennessy, had died ten years ago.

  ‘Mammy, you know Daddy’s not coming,’ she said gently. ‘We are going to lunch in Poppies, and then we’ll do a bit of shopping. We’ll get a few groceries, and see if there are a few things you want for Christmas.’

  Her mother gave a little smile as Helen helped her to put on her blue wool jacket. Helen tried to hide her concern as she buckled her mother into the front seat of her car.

  Poppies restaurant was busy, but the waitress managed to find them a table for two near the back. It was a regular haunt, and there were lots of women friends and mothers and daughters having lunch there. Helen and Sheila ordered Poppies’ chicken special and a pot of tea.

  ‘How are you?’ asked Sheila, patting Helen’s hand. ‘You look a bit tired.’

  ‘I am tired,’ Helen admitted. ‘There’s a lot to be done with the wedding. I always seem to be rushing around checking things and phoning people and getting prices. I mean, it’s lovely, but there is a lot of work, and I’m trying to give Amy a hand with it all.’

  ‘Will I be going to the wedding?’ her mother asked hesitantly.

  ‘Mum, of course you’re coming to Amy and Dan’s wedding! You’re her granny.’

  ‘I love weddings,’ smiled her mother, as the waitress put the plates of creamy chicken with crunchy topping and salad down in front of them. ‘I’ll get my hair done and wear something nice.’

  ‘Of course you will,’ laughed Helen, wondering what the hell had got into her mother. She normally demanded a blow-by-blow account of her grandchildren’s doings and love lives, and here she was, acting as if she didn’t remember about Amy’s wedding. She knew old people could be forgetful, but usually her mum w
as as sharp as they came. She hoped Sheila wasn’t coming down with something.

  ‘Mum, are you feeling OK?’

  ‘I’m fine, Helen. My knee is acting up a bit, but I have those tablets Doctor Shaw gave me. Still, I can’t complain at my age about a bit of stiffness when I get up in the morning.’

  ‘I get stiff myself,’ confessed Helen, wondering what she was going to be like when she was her mother’s age.

  ‘Are we having a dessert?’

  ‘You have one, Mum. I’m cutting back for the wedding.’

  ‘I’ll have a meringue, then.’

  Watching her mother tuck into the huge meringue shell filled with cream, Helen dismissed the nagging sense of worry she had about the old woman.

  Sheila Hennessy was entitled to dislike a home help, and to have a messy kitchen and sitting room. Look at Fran! Some of her other friends had homes like tips, too, and they weren’t near her mother’s age. Old people let things slide. Anyone who ever went to see a house that was up for sale where elderly people lived was usually appalled by the state of it. She and Paddy would probably be the same when they were eighty. No! She was worrying needlessly. There was her mother sitting across the table from her looking pretty in pink and enjoying her favourite dessert. She’d talk to Sylvie. Find out what had happened, and if she couldn’t reconcile the two of them, she’d see if the agency could find Sheila a new home help. Meanwhile, she’d talk to her brothers about getting home help for an extra day a week. Sheila had always treasured her independence and refused to consider moving to a retirement home the way many of her elderly neighbours had done. Helen hoped that her mother would still be able to live alone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jess studied herself in the mirror. Despite heroic efforts, and using all her willpower to stick to her diet, she had only shifted a disappointing three kilos in weight. Her big tummy and plump thighs still stared at her as she tried to camouflage them with long floaty tops and cardigans and leggings. She had taken to walking to school some days, if the weather was in any way dry or good, but usually – faced with winter’s torrential rains and cold – opted for the safety and comfort of her own car. In the New Year she swore that she would join a gym, take up exercise and commit to a healthy eating plan, as thoughts of Amy’s wedding in June in Castle Gregory haunted her.

  Second class was putting on a nativity play, and she was busy rehearsing with them day after day. The melodies of ‘Little Donkey’, ‘Silent Night’ and ‘We Three Kings’ were on a constant loop in her brain as she watched the children run through the play as Christmas grew closer.

  For Dan’s birthday Amy had organized for a crowd to meet up for drinks in Taylor’s on Dame Street after work, and she’d insisted Jess come along, too.

  ‘You’ll never meet anyone sitting at home, Jess, or hanging out with seven- and eight-year-olds,’ Amy reasoned. ‘Dan has loads of nice friends, and a lot of them are single, too.’

  Despite her better judgement, and the fact that she was exhausted from trying to construct a mini-Bethlehem for the play, Jess decided to give in to Amy’s inducements and go along. Looking at herself in the black trousers and black top with little buttons on the front she was glad that she had managed to limit herself to a Cup a Soup for lunch and only a bowl of tomato soup and three rye crackers for dinner.

  Town was thronged with late-night Christmas shoppers and people making their way to work parties. The festive cheer got to Jess as she walked down Grafton Street and listened to a group of buskers belting out ‘White Christmas’. The shop fronts were decorated to entice cash-strapped shoppers inside their doors, offering Christmas bargains for all.

  Taylor’s was busy, and Jess pushed her way through to find that Dan and Colm, Liam, Kev and a gang of his friends were right at the back, drinking. Despite the December cold, Dan was wearing a Musto T-shirt and faded denims, and he gave her a huge hug and a kiss the minute he saw her.

  ‘Hey, Jess, you look beautiful.’ He slurred his words, already a bit drunk. Jess knew that Amy had bought him some new surfing gear for his birthday – an amazing surf camera, new surfing boots and a thermal rash vest – which was to go with the new surfboard she was going to give him for Christmas. Amy was organized like that. All her Christmas presents were probably bought and sorted and wrapped already, while Jess still had no idea what to get most of her family, and would panic at the last minute.

  ‘Happy birthday, Dan,’ Jess said, giving him a big kiss. Amy was off in the corner talking to Dan’s friend Jeremy. Spotting Tara and Aisling, Jess went over to join them.

  ‘Hey, lady!’ they shouted, passing her a glass of Prosecco. Jess suddenly realized that she could kill a drink, and she toasted Dan.

  A whole bunch of Dan’s friends had turned up, and when Amy joined them the girls got her to do a run-through on all their names. Jess spotted Liam Flynn, who looked even more handsome than ever in a body-hugging black shirt and jeans, his six-foot frame tanned after a trip to Morocco. He seemed unencumbered, and Amy confirmed that he was girlfriendless at present. A flicker of hope lit up Jess’s heart as she studied his deep brown eyes and thick dark hair and watched the way he kept up a running banter with a crowd of the lads. She couldn’t help herself: she really liked him.

  As the night went on she realized that she not only liked him, but really fancied him, too. Downing another Prosecco she smiled at him as she passed on her way to the bathroom.

  An hour later the crowd were moving to the Exchange, a nightclub just off Andrews Street. Jess fell into step with Liam as they walked up towards the entrance. He held the door open for her, and then when they got inside, and she was buying Amy and Tara and Dan a drink, he surprised her by asking her if he could get her something.

  ‘A white wine, please.’ She smiled, reckoning that she was all Proseccoed out.

  Dan and Amy had snuggled into the corner of one of the long leather seats and were engrossed in each other. Tara had got up to dance with Jamie, one of Dan’s friends.

  ‘Jess, do you want to dance?’ she heard Liam ask.

  Jess looked around for a second, wondering if she had imagined it, but as she felt his hand take hers she jumped up to join him.

  He was a good dancer, with a great sense of rhythm, and she found she enjoyed dancing with him as they moved together to the soul set the DJ was playing. Tara gave her a wink, and Jess blushed as she felt Liam’s arms pull her even closer. The music slowed. This was heaven. An hour later they had sought refuge on a long brown leather couch, Jess dizzy as Liam caressed and kissed her. Amy and Dan seemed to have disappeared, and Jeremy confirmed that they had got a taxi home about fifteen minutes earlier.

  ‘I’ll bring you home,’ offered Liam, as his lips reached for hers again.

  Twenty minutes later, they too were in a taxi, and Jess found herself inviting him into her little cottage near the canal.

  ‘Hey, nice place,’ he said, pulling her on to the couch after they’d opened some chilled Coronas she had in the fridge and she had flicked on the gas fire.

  In a haze Jess felt Liam’s hand run up under her top. His fingers lifted her bra and cupped her breasts, and she moaned as he began to touch her nipples. She didn’t want this to stop, and eagerly helped to tug off his shirt. She kissed him, starting at the top and working her way down to where he wanted. The two of them laughed and touched and kissed as they made love frantically in front of the fire. The next time was slower and was in Jess’s bed, with her purring with satisfaction as Liam pulled her on top of him.

  She woke at 4 a.m., confused, and thought that she was dreaming or hallucinating. Seeing Liam’s long, unshaven, handsome face asleep on the pillow beside her, his body against hers, she didn’t know whether to pray for this male apparition to go away or for it to stay.

  At eight o’clock she realized that she had definitely not been dreaming, as Liam Flynn lay stretched out beside her, snoring heavily. She felt rough, and longed to hide under the duvet and stay there for the day. To
wake her bedmate up and get him to repeat last night’s performance, this time with the sun streaming in the bedroom window and the gentle sound of the canal outside and the two of them cold sober.

  But she had fecking work! Twenty-seven kids were waiting for her. Bernadette Carroll, the school principal, would have her guts for garters if she pulled a sickie and didn’t show up. A temporary teacher would have to be assigned to her class, and the department informed. It was all so complicated compared to people who worked in offices and could pull sickies all over the place. She’d never be in on time with the traffic and everything. She’d phone Bernadette to say she wasn’t feeling her best but would struggle in anyway – it was near enough to the truth, and she got out of bed and searched for her phone.

  ‘Get up! Get up!’ she yelled at Liam, as she pulled on her clothes after a scalding hot shower, and clipped her hair up. ‘I have to go to work.’

  Liam worked as an accountant in the same big firm on Harcourt Street as Dan. They were in different departments, and Liam had told her that he specialized in funds, whatever that involved.

  ‘Hey, Jess.’ He yawned, patting the bed beside him.

  ‘Liam, I have to go to work,’ she shouted. ‘You have to get up!’

  ‘Nah.’ He groaned. ‘Come on, Jess. You’re lovely. It was lovely.’

  ‘Are you listening, Liam? I have to go,’ she said, grabbing her handbag and her jacket and car keys.

  He sat up, all rumpled and unshaven; his eyes were bleary and dazed as he looked at her. ‘You’re going?’

  ‘Sorry, but I have to,’ she said, wishing that she was an uncaring self-centred wagon like Cathy Ryan, the fourth-class teacher, who was rumoured to have been so badly hungover last Friday in school that she had fallen asleep at her desk.

  ‘I have a class and I have to be there.’

  He scratched his chin. God, he looked rough! Handsome still, but certainly rough! She gave him the opportunity to say something, anything, about the situation they were in. Instead he grabbed the quilt and rolled over on his side as she stood watching him.


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