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Ruthless (The Revenge Games Book 2)

Page 6

by MV Kasi

  Over the next few days, Ajay spent most of his time, reading the painfully detailed report that Hari had put together so far. Although there wasn't anything significant to raise red flags, there were some interesting facts about Dr. Kranthi's finances.

  Dr. Kranthi was quite selfless. He did not draw any salary from the hospitals he ran. The hospitals built with the Naidu trust fund. Even Jagadish Naidu, his father, had declared publicly that most of the profits from the estate went towards the development of their village and the surrounding areas. The entire Naidu family seemed to be living off the basic amount allocated to the 'guardian' of the huge trust fund. Almost as if something was stopping them from making use of the money.

  Hari will need to dig in deep to see if there was something stopping them from making use of the trust money in its entirety.


  A month had passed before, they made some kind of progress.

  Hari looked satisfied. "I got some critical details from the private computers and the servers you hacked into. I found a will for the Naidu Estate."

  "What does it say?" Ajay asked.

  "According to that will, if your wife fulfills the conditions stated in the will, then the entire estate, including the hospitals and charitable organizations will be hers."

  Ajay read through the report that had a copy of the will. He was stunned. According to the will, the conditions stated were for the female heir to be married with a child within an age of twenty five. And for a male heir, the age stated was thirty five. Failing to do so would revert back the status of the heir to the next in line.

  Finally he knew why Sia got pregnant in a hurry.

  "So if Sia declares herself as the rightful heir and proves that she has fulfilled the conditions of the will, the Naidu's will be left with no money," Harsha deduced. "At least not enough to afford them the lifestyle they are currently used to."

  "The lifestyle Dr. Kranthi lives is simple enough. At least on the outside," said Hari

  Ajay jumped on that remark. "What do you mean?"

  Hari looked victorious. "I have gone through some of his bank transactions that are allegedly donations."

  Taking the bank statements in hand, Ajay quickly scanned the documents. "These are definitely big amounts. But a lot of people donate to children's charities and hospitals. What is the odd part of it?" he asked.

  "The statement you are holding is from a joint account opened by Dr. Kranthi and his father."


  "The huge transactions you see that were allegedly donations are used towards campaigning. Not towards charities. There are separate accounts for charities that the trust manages."

  Frowning at the implications. "You think Dr. Kranthi has some kind of alternate business or dealings that he is making money from?"

  "I believe so. And the transfers are happening from several people's accounts. I traced those people and I found that the common person they all knew was Judge Sundaram Saini."

  Ajay frowned in thought.

  "You know Judge Sundaram?" Hari asked.

  Ajay nodded. "Not personally. But I met him a couple of times. I might even meet him again next month in a charity event."

  "Will Dr. Kranthi be there as well?" Harsha asked.

  "No," replied Hari. "Although I know that he was invited. But they have a different appointment on that day and are not attending the event."

  "We can change their calendars to put the charity event and send out some messages to remove whatever event they were to attend that day," offered Harsha.

  "No," said Ajay. "I have invited my wife to this charity event. And I don't want her to see any of the Naidu family members in her condition."

  "That should be fine. And besides, I guess it would be easier to speak with Judge Sundaram without the Naidu family around."

  "What about you, Harsha? Will you be able to speak with Judge Sundaram as well?" Hari asked.

  "No. I have a family event that evening. Ajay was invited too. But since the charity event had been planned much before and is important for our business, we decided to divide and conquer."

  "I see."

  "Do you have some kind of inkling as to where the money might be coming from?" Ajay asked.

  "No. But I can sense that something not entirely legal is going on with these transactions. I'm going to dig in deeper to find out."

  "We'll need to hurry up on a lot of things with this investigation. My wife is expecting our child in a few weeks. I want any leverage we can get to be prepared for whatever is thrown towards us."


  A month later, Ajay attended the charity event with Sia.

  Not even in his horrible nightmares, did he think that things could go so wrong. Not only did Dr. Kranthi attend that charity event unexpectedly, but he also met with Sia in person. And Sia had also found out the truth about Ajay.

  And as for the time he could digest the truth of Sia's revelation, and the identity of the actual abuser, she was gone.



  Twenty days had passed since Sia lay in coma.

  Ajay was in the despair phase. There was a constant influx of specialists he had requested from various parts of the country and also outside. But apart from using different medical terms, they all couldn't help revive her.

  His daughter was the only bright spark in his life. She kept him from going completely under. Caring for an infant was hard work. And when he wanted to employ someone to help him with his daughter, Jo insisted that she be allowed to take care of his baby girl.

  From the past twelve hours, his yet to be named daughter was away from him. She was at Jo's house, resting and recovering from a slight cold.

  "Ajay?" a voice asked over the phone.

  When he didn't respond immediately, the voice continued in an urgent tone. "This is Hari. I found something. Please meet me at your office in an hour."

  "You know I can't, Hari. Tell me whatever it is on the phone."

  "Please Ajay. This might be big. I'm already here with Harsha and we are waiting for you."

  Ajay frowned as he decided whether or not to go. Then remembering that Sia's uncle already knew about her, he didn't want to take any chances."Alright. I'll be there," he said, before ending the call.

  For the first time since Sia's accident, Ajay left her side to drive to his office. As soon as he reached, he barged in and spoke. "Why couldn't you reveal that information at the hospital like always?" he demanded.

  "We can't risk anyone listening to us, Ajay. What I found might turn out to be huge. It could prove dangerous if the wrong people got an inkling of what we are about to discuss.

  As soon as Ajay sat down in his office, about to listen to that information, he received a call on his cell phone.

  It was the hospital.

  "Is my wife, okay?" he asked anxiously.

  "Mr. Manthena, your wife has gained conscious."

  Ajay was stunned with the news. And then, he felt ecstatic. "How is she?" he asked, getting up hurriedly from the chair and rushing out of the office building towards his car.

  "She seems stable. A little disoriented, but fine. It usually takes a while for recovering coma patients to be completely responsive or to recall everything."

  "Tell her I'll be there in a few minutes," he said before they ended the call.

  Quickly, he dialed Jo's number. "Jo, Sia has gained conscious! Please bring my daughter to the hospital," he said.

  After that, he drove like a maniac, trying desperately not to kill himself or anyone. But it still took him around forty five minutes to reach the hospital in the city traffic.

  When he rushed inside the hospital room, he stopped short, outraged at the scene in front of him.

  There were at least four members of the hospital staff trying to tackle his struggling wife.

  "What the hell are you all doing to her?" he shouted at them furiously, rushing towards them.

  They all froze. Including Sia,
and she looked at him with tears running down her eyes, as well as a manic look on her face. He also realized that her body didn't relax when she saw him. She appeared to get even more agitated.

  "Where is my child!" she screamed at him. "Don't you dare keep her away from me, you bastard!" she sobbed in a broken voice.

  "Mr. Mathena, we tried telling your wife that you were on your way here, but she wouldn't listen to us. She is trying to get out of the bed to get to you."

  Sia began to struggle again. "Answer me! Where is my child?" she shouted agonizingly.

  Ajay moved even closer and kept his eyes firmly locked to hers."I'm not keeping our daughter away from you," he told her calmly. "She is with Jo, at her house. She's on her way here."

  Slowly, her tensed arms began to relax. "Why is my daughter not with me?" she demanded.

  "She's a little sick. Nothing serious. Just a cold. Jo's family offered to help because she wasn't able to sleep well in the hospital."

  Sia sat up straight. "Is that even normal? She is only...three weeks old!" There was a panicked look on her face.

  "Yes. It is apparently quite normal," he told her in a comforting tone. She still looked around at the uniformed nurses. They nodded in agreement as well.

  But Sia shook her head. "I need to see her right now. Take me to her," she asked. This time in a pleading tone.

  Ajay looked at the hospital staff. "Please leave us alone."

  Letting go of Sia, they began to leave. "Please press the button for any help, sir," one of the nurses instructed before leaving and closing the door behind them.

  He sat next to Sia. And then, raising both his hands, held her face. She jerked slightly at the touch, but didn't shake his hands away. "Baby look at me," he insisted.

  When she did, he looked at her reassuringly. "She is our daughter. No one will take her away from us. I promise."

  Her eyes welled up with tears. "It's not just the others. I don't trust you either. You had threatened to take away my baby," she whispered.

  His chest felt tight, listening to her words. "I know I said those things before we got married. And I also know that it's difficult for you to trust me right now. But I promise that I will never threaten you or hurt you again, baby."

  He didn't give her a chance to reply. Pulling her close, he locked their lips, kissing her gently, adoringly, fervently. He savored the feel of her warm lips. That warmth that signified to him that she was safe and alive, and with him.

  Sia didn't respond, and her lips stayed stubbornly still. But he didn't give up. He tried harder. He kissed her deeper, harder, and with more determination. She must have felt some of the passion and longing that radiated off of him. Because soon, her body shuddered, and her lips finally moved underneath his. They continued kissing, until there was a knock on the door, that made her pull away and look towards it.

  It was Jo with their daughter.


  Jo stood near the doorway, feeling uncertain. Slowly and carefully she walked towards the couple in front of her. Their baby lay asleep peacefully in her arms.

  She felt guilty for interrupting an obviously intimate moment, and also because she was worried about how Sia would construe Jay's and her relationship. And more than that she was worried that Sia wouldn't allow her to visit the baby anymore.

  It was stupid, but she had gotten very attached to their beautiful and innocent baby girl.

  But fortunately, Sia wasn't glaring at her in accusation or watching her suspiciously. Sia's entire attention was fixed on the tiny bundle. She held a rapt look on her face as the little bundle was carried closer to the bed.

  Jo half expected Jay to snatch his daughter away to hand over to his wife. But he simply waited with a smile directed towards Jo as his daughter was carried towards them.

  Jo returned the smile tentatively, before extending her arms towards Sia.

  Sia just kept staring at her child, but didn't extend her arms. "Oh my god," she whispered out reverently. "She's just so... so..."

  "Perfect," Ajay finished his wife's sentence with a smile.

  Sia nodded. "Yes. Absolutely perfect. She's also so delicate and tiny. I feel terrified to hold her."

  "I'll show you," he said and gently took the baby from Jo's arms and placed her in Sia's. He kept a reassuring hand on the baby. Both the parents had their heads together, watching over their newborn with awe and love.

  Jo's chest tightened at the sight."I'll...I'll get going. I have... an appointment," she said hurriedly.

  Ajay raised his head. "Thanks for your help, Jo," he said.

  Jo nodded with a smile, even as her eyes began to prick with unshed tears. Turning away from them, she hurried towards the door, but Ajay's voice stopped her.

  "Jo," he called out to her.

  She stopped but she didn't turn. She didn't want them to see the tears that were flowing stupidly in her eyes. So she just turned halfway, enough to show them her profile.

  "Please feel free to visit our little one anytime you want," he said, his tone sincere.

  "Thank you," Jo whispered gratefully, and rushed out before she made a complete fool of herself.

  Just as she went out the door, and took a few steps, she ran into a man's body. She didn't need to raise her eyes to know who it was. Because strong arms enclosed her in a warm, comforting hug as she broke down into silent sobs. He led her away, outside the hospital. When they reached her car, he kissed her on top of her head.

  "I keep telling you that you should agree to marry me. Then we can have our own child who would inherit my superior genes," he joked in a half-serious tone.

  She laughed softly through her tears and buried her face in his chest. "You kept warning me not to get attached, but I didn't listen. God! I already miss her so much. She looked so much at home with both her parents holding her. And I feel so so..."

  "I know," he said, kissing her softly on her forehead. "Let's talk on our way. Let's get out from this place first."

  She nodded and held his hand before walking away from Jay and Sia's daughter. And maybe even from Jay. She still loved him of course. And she was quite sure she would always do so, until she died.


  Sia felt choked up.

  Slowly, she brought her daughter closer to her face to smell her sweet baby scent.

  So innocent and pure.

  She felt speechless and in awe. She was still unable to believe that her child who had been a part of her dreams for so long was now a tangible thing to hold and cherish.

  She knew then, that her life would never be the same again. Staring at her daughter, she couldn't stop herself from crying. Her whole body shook when she broke into uncontrollable sobs.

  She felt so grateful. She felt so thankful.

  My own child. All mine. My hope and my dreams.

  "I'm your mommy," she whispered. And I would do everything in my power to make you happy and safe. I will shelter you from any ugliness that exists in the world.

  She felt Ajay move next to her. He held a tissue in his hands and wiped away the tears that blurred her vision. She was grateful for that because, she could continue staring at the wonder she held in her arms. The wonder that now became the very reason to exist.

  "Is she real? Or am I still dreaming?" she whispered.

  "She's real and she is ours," said Ajay. And then, looking towards her, "What do you want to name her?" he asked.

  "Anika," replied Sia. Somehow she recalled that it was the name Ajay had picked for their daughter.

  "Anika," Ajay repeated softly.

  Their daughter began to stir slightly. She felt small and fragile in her arms.

  "Am I holding her correctly?" she asked, worried that she might be hurting their sleeping daughter.


  "Oh my god," she exclaimed, remembering some of the things she had read during the pregnancy. She began to panic. "I haven't washed my hands or...or...even showered for a while. I don't think she should be around me—"r />
  "She's swaddled, and you are fine."

  She began to relax, listening to those words, but then, she remembered something else.

  "You mentioned she has a cold. I have no idea what to do. Maybe I should have asked Jyotika before she left, or let's call a doctor—"

  "Baby, Anika will be fine. Don't worry," Ajay reassured again. "Just enjoy the moment."

  His words calmed her. Staring at the little face with tiny, delicate features, Sia sighed in content. "I still can't believe she's here with me. And also that she's safe and just so perfect..." Her voice trailed off when the baby opened her sleepy eyes.

  Sia held her breath, half expecting her daughter to cry, seeing a stranger's face. Although her mind rebelled at the thought that her own baby might consider her a stranger.

  But their daughter looked at her quietly.

  Sia had read somewhere that an infant's vision wasn't developed enough for a while. And that they couldn't recognize faces or register much. But that still didn't stop her from feeling overwhelmed with happiness as her eyes connected with her daughter's.

  It felt like the most profound moment in her life.


  Sia spent the next few hours in daze and awe as Ajay showed her the basics of feeding, changing and other things that made their daughter comfortable.

  The first time, she fed her daughter, and burped her; it scared her so much that she immediately called for the doctors to ensure her daughter was okay.

  "Your daughter is fine, Mrs. Manthena," one of the doctors said.

  And then, the doctor asked Ajay to pick their daughter, before beginning to take Sia's vitals. Sia reluctantly complied.

  "We need to check if your recovery is going smoothly, Mrs. Manthena," said the doctor. He also mentioned that Sia would have to stay at the hospital for a week to ensure that the recovery was permanent.

  She sat quietly as her blood pressure and heart beat were being checked. Her eyes were completely drawn towards the sight in front of her.


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