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Ruthless (The Revenge Games Book 2)

Page 17

by MV Kasi

  Slowly, she looked up at Varun and opened her mouth to say something. But not a word came out of it.


  She cleared her throat. "Good for them," she got out finally. "Ajay already signed the divorce papers. So he won't be held accountable to anything I do. I think we should proceed with our plans quickly," she said.

  Varun nodded. And then, he came closer to her and sat next to her.

  He wasn't touching her, but there was a certain intimacy in his proximity. Maybe because she had never seen him be that close to anyone before.

  "Sia...I...I want to be with you," he declared softly.

  She sucked in deep breath in shock, and swayed slightly away from him to look at him better.

  "Varun, what are you saying? You know we can't afford to have any attachments. Not with the kind of plans we made."

  "I know. But just in case this turns out differently, and we are free, will you be with me?" he asked softly.

  Sia looked at him quietly. There was no denying that Varun was a good looking man. Unlike Ajay's stunning good looks, Varun had a raw masculine look. The scar on his face only added to the sex appeal. her, he was Varun. He wasn't Ajay.

  Suddenly, she could feel Varun's intent gaze land on her mouth. And slowly he lifted his trembling hands towards her cheek. She should have jerked away, but she didn't.

  She waited to see whether he was able to willingly touch another human.

  He was.

  His thumb landed on her cheek, and it moved back on forth, rubbing it softly. His eyes were riveted on his hand.

  "You are able to touch," she said softly.

  "Yes," he murmured.

  "Since when?" she asked him gently.

  He was quiet. "Since the child trafficking incident. I-I was able to hold and carry a girl and a child that time."

  "I see."

  He moved his hand away from her cheek. "Sia, I know this is all of sudden. And I also know it's stupid of me to be thinking of such things right now. But I am so sick of feeling so dead inside. And when I realized that I could touch and hold that girl, I felt that there was some hope for me to feel normal."

  "Varun, I'm happy that you are able to make progress. But I don't think I'm the person you should be with."

  He shook his head. "No, Sia. I have thought about this a lot," he said. "You are the only person who actually gets me. Yes, I know you are in love with someone else. But were you ever satisfied with simply love? Didn't you want to spend your life with someone who also gets you too?"

  Sia understood what Varun was talking about. Although she had no doubts about Ajay's love for her during their marriage, there were times when she felt he couldn't completely understand what she went through during her childhood, and the impact of it on her life.

  Even though she loved Ajay and Anika more than her own life, she had sometimes wished that their happiness wasn't dependant on her mental state. Years of abuse, and the following consequences and trauma couldn't simply be wiped away by a loving husband and daughter. Or that she couldn't just wake up being happy or feeling whole.

  "Please Sia, say you'll think about it," said Varun.

  "Varun, I can't make any promises at this time. It won't be fair to you too."

  Varun looked disappointed, but he nodded in understanding.


  The days that followed were filled with planning the next move. Sia and Varun got in touch with the hacker. He began feeding them information, and also mailing them all the technology needed to execute their elaborate plans.

  Two weeks before their original plan could be executed; they met with unexpected shocking news.

  Jagadish Naidu's wife, Mrs. Geetha Naidu had died of a heart attack.

  "We can't get him now, Sia," said Varun in frustration. "He's going to be surrounded by people now. Including your husband," Varun said angrily as he played a video in front of her.

  There was a hazy video of Ajay standing next to her uncle and her cousin. Ajay's head was bent down as he looked mournful.

  "Mr. Jagadish Naidu's wife, Mrs. Geetha Naidu passed away due to a heart attack. Top leaders and city's well-known faces visited outside the Naidu Estate premises to pay respects. Including Mr. Ajay Manthena who is married to the heiress of the Naidu Estate who has accused her uncle of child abuse and trafficking. With this gesture, will the ongoing investigation of Mr. Jagadish Naidu being involved in any nefarious operations be completely wiped out?"

  Varun's angry voice. "That bastard is milking his wife's death."

  "My wife died of a heart break because she could not tolerate such obscene accusations about me." The seemingly grieving widower wiped the tears from his eyes."She told me she hated seeing someone like me subjected to embarrassment and humiliation by my own flesh and blood."

  "How is Dr. Kranthi Naidu taking in his mother's death?" a reporter asked. They tried to speak with him, but he didn't respond to them and continued looking at his mother's body in shock.

  "Hard. Very very hard. He was very close to her. And now he is left motherless because of a senseless vendetta against me."

  "Mr.Naidu, your niece's husband is here. Does that mean there is no longer a family feud? Or that the ongoing case will be dropped?"

  There was a loud exhale. "I don't know. All I care about right now is to provide solace to my grieving son. And I would like to thank all those who have offered me support and condolences during these difficult times."

  "I hate that bastard," Varun spat while watching the video. "And why did your husband go there?" he demanded.

  "Ajay knew that family, Varun. He was simply paying respect to her."

  "We both knew her too, Sia. Yet, we didn't rush to pay our respects."

  Sia didn't answer.

  She felt torn about how she felt with her aunt passing away. When she heard the news the day before, she felt a deep regret.

  Even though her aunt hadn't stopped the abuse on time, Sia still recalled some of the good memories she had with her. Her aunt was also the one who was responsible to get her out of the village under false pretenses with the help of Ajay's mother.

  "Varun, we cannot afford to change our plans. We will still proceed with what needs to be done. Only, our first target will be different."

  Varun was quiet. "Are you sure about this Sia?" he asked.

  "Very sure. There is no going back."


  This is it. No turning back.

  Sia repeated those words like a mantra while standing in front of a bathroom mirror, staring at herself.

  She hated what she saw. Because she hated what she was. She hated it all.

  She was not destined to be with a loving husband or a child to cherish. The moment she decided to set her course towards retribution, all her dreams had vanished.

  Reaching a trembling hand, she touched her reflection.

  For some reason it felt safe doing that. She needed that distance that night. Because after that night, she was going to be left with two choices.

  She was either going to be arrested or she will be a lifelong fugitive.

  There was no turning back.

  With those kinds of choices, any other sane person would rethink their course in life.

  But she had no second thoughts. Especially now. Because the reflection she saw was that of a nine year old girl. The same nine year old girl whose soul was ripped away.

  Similar to all those other children who suffered abuse at the hands of monsters she was determined to destroy.

  Her heart began to pump harder as the feelings of rage and sadness took over.

  She knew she was stronger than the pain. She had to be. She couldn't knowingly let any other child go through the same things that she did.

  The monsters had to die.

  Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward and turned on the tap. Placing her palms under the running tap, she wet her hair slightly. Parting her hair in the middle, she twisted each part,
and pulled it across one another at the back of her head. She secured her hair with small pins until all her long hair was fixed tightly against the scalp.

  She couldn't risk any hair strand to fall to leave evidence that night.

  Then taking a wig cap, she slipped it on top of her hair. It also held the ear piece for her to stay in contact with Varun.

  Over the next ten minutes, she adjusted the wig cap until there were no imperfections. Bending slightly, she tightened the holster around her hips before smoothing her black top over it. Her black slacks and boots would also blend in with the dark.

  She stood still in front of the mirror, looking at herself from all the angles.

  Satisfied, she grabbed a small handgun and placed it in the holster concealed near her waist.

  "This is it. There is no turning back from this," she told herself out loud.

  She didn't have any regrets. The man whom she was going to kill that night had admitted to having no regrets while destroying many innocent lives. He even dared to threaten Anika and Ajay.

  And lately, each night she had a nightmare, along with her uncle's face, she also saw the other man's face too. The horrible smug grin he wore while thinking he was beyond law.

  She could not let it go. The need to kill him was strong and raging within her.

  She wanted to get to her uncle first. But the fact that he was surrounded by his minions to console him, made her choose the other animal first. After this, she wanted her uncle to live in constant fear. Until she killed him as well.


  An hour later, she stood outside a large house where the bastard judge lived. It was close to midnight and nobody was around, either on the road or around the house. There were two security guards at the front gate that were fast asleep. Thanks to the meals they had that night.

  "I'm still not comfortable with you going in there by yourself, Sia," said Varun. He was dressed in all black like her. But unlike her, he was to remain outside and keep watch.

  "We have discussed this before. We can't afford to make any mistakes or deviate from our plan. Just...keep an eye and alert me if anything goes wrong."

  Varun nodded reluctantly. "You remember all the instructions?" he asked.

  "Yes," she said.

  And then, taking a deep breath, she began to scale the wall easily from a corner, and jumped inside the compound. The wall had an electric fence, but their hacker had deactivated it currently until the morning.

  Taking out a flashlight from her holster, she flashed it towards the obvious camera on the outside wall ceiling near the doorway, blinding the camera's sensor. According to the hacker, there weren't too many cameras placed in the judge's house.

  She pulled out a master key and unlocked the main door with it. Scoping the place thoroughly, she noticed that there were four exits on the ground floor. The main entry, backdoor, the French doors to the outside patio and also to the downstairs bedroom. It matched with the information she got from the hacker. She kept flashing the beam of light on two other cameras, she encountered.

  Walking up the stairs, she adjusted her gloves and opened the bedroom door with the master key.

  The room was semi-dark with only a reading lamp turned on next to an empty bed.

  Her heart jolted, wondering if her prey wasn't at home that night. But she had gotten the confirmation that he would remain home that night.

  Just then, she heard the sound of a toilet flushing.

  She waited quietly, standing in the shadows while looking around the room, not touching anything. A few minutes later, the portly shape of the judge emerged.

  The man jumped and then froze when he saw her emerging from the shadows. With great effort, he schooled his features to a normal look.

  "This is a pleasant surprise, Mrs. Manthena," he said.

  She watched him calmly, even as her fingers itched to draw out her weapon right then, and to keep pumping bullets into his worthless body.

  He sighed dramatically. "We already spoke Mrs. Manthena. I thought this whole thing was over with. And it's already been proven that I'm not guilty."

  "No. It's not over. Far from it," she said softly. "You need to pay. And I'm here to make sure you do."

  He got agitated by her tone and stance. "You and your husband have already ruined my reputation. Even though I've been proven not guilty, a lot of people are worried to be seen with me, or be with me. You don't think that's enough?"

  "No. For what you did to those children, not even close."

  His pudgy hands clenched. She knew that he badly wanted to call for help or at least do something.

  "I didn't kidnap any of those children, you know. Most of them were sold to me by their poor families or guardians."

  "What about the ones missing from the orphanages?" she asked.

  He narrowed his eyes. "Why does it matter, Mrs. Manthena? Why don't you get to the reason you are here. Information? Confession?"

  She looked at the man in front of her. "No. I don't care for your confession. Because nothing can excuse it. You are not only a sick man, you are deliberately evil," she stated.

  She knew she had to hurry and finish the job she had come for. She couldn't afford to waste any time talking to him, or bother to try making him see the error of his disgusting ways.

  But she couldn't move to draw out her weapon.

  She thought she was mentally prepared to take a human life. Even though the said human was piece of shit. But she felt sick. Her head began to throb and she held her breath to appear steady in front of him.

  The judge studied her face quietly, searching her face and posture to look for any signs of weakness. "So you decided to take law into your own hands and...maybe make me confess while you take a video or something? That's what you people already tried before, right?"

  She heard the sound of the French doors near the balcony sliding open. And from the corner of her eyes, she saw Varun's tall figure dressed in black moving towards them inside the room.

  She didn't look towards Varun, and kept her attention on the judge's face as he tried to look around for something, maybe a weapon or to simply alert someone from outside.

  She whipped out her gun from the holster. "Don't move or so much as raise your voice. Or you'll feel a bullet in your stomach. Heard that's a painful way to die," she warned the judge.

  At the word 'die', and also looking at the gun, there was fear in the judge's eyes. Almost as if until then, he hadn't considered the possibility of her being there to kill him.

  As soon as Varun stood next to her, she hissed out in frustration and anger. "Dammit. I explicitly told you not to come inside. Get out of here right now!" she ordered.

  There was no reply. He simply stood a few feet away from her. Something about the stillness made her glance towards him.

  The tall figure wasn't as tall as Varun. He also had a leaner muscle definition than Varun's. His face was covered with a woolen mask.

  Sia felt paralyzed, and for a second her mind couldn't process what her brain was trying to tell her. Until, she met a pair of familiar angry eyes that were dark with intensity.


  She was stunned at the discovery.

  "W-who are you?" the judged asked.

  And to her shock, Ajay drew the woolen mask and some kind of goggles away from his face, completely revealing his identity.

  "Mr. Manthena! Ajay! Thank god, you are here. Your wife was about to do a grave mistake. Tell her—"

  "She doesn't want to be my wife," Ajay interrupted coolly.

  "What?" the judge asked in confusion.

  "She doesn't want to be my wife anymore. We are divorcing," Ajay stated as though it were the most important information he had to impart right then.

  "Well, whatever the case, Ajay. Tell her she's wrong to threaten me this way. And that life is not black or white. People make mistakes. There is law—"

  Ajay smiled chillingly. "We tried the law once. But you know what happened," he said in a polite tone.

  "No. No. You are both making a huge mistake—"

  The judge broke off as Ajay carefully pulled out a transparent plastic bag from his waist pocket and opened it to draw out a gun. He screwed on what appeared to be a silencer on the gun and pointed it towards the judge.

  "The only mistake that happened was that you were let go. And on top of that you threatened my wife, using me and our daughter as pawns. That pushed her away from me. That made her want to divorce me to protect me and my daughter."

  "Ajay," Sia whispered with shock. "What the hell are you doing? Put down the gun."

  Ajay looked at her again with a look that scared her.

  He looked cold. Emotionless.

  He looked like a killer.

  He turned back towards the judge. "Maybe if you were rotting in jail like you deserved, you wouldn't have uttered those threats to her. And maybe...just maybe you wouldn't have to pay such a heavy price," he said, moving quickly behind the judge.

  Before the older man could get away, he was held in a chokehold.

  The next few seconds were a blur to Sia.

  The judge struggled for a while, gasping because he was unable to make any noise. There were three silent pops, and then his body became limp. Ajay released him slowly, and the lifeless body fell on the floor with a thump. Thin streaks of blood began to pour out from the body where bullet holes were present.

  Ajay carefully held the gun and placed it back into the plastic cover. She noticed that like her, he had worn gloves. He then walked towards the closet and opened it to reveal a safe box. Punching in a code, he placed something in there.

  She was still too stunned at the events that happened so rapidly in the space of a few minutes. "Ajay," she whispered.

  He ignored her, and began to rumple the bedding, and pushed down the lamps and other knickknacks in the room making it appear like a struggle. She joined him, helping him. Meantime, he pulled out another small plastic packet and then pulled transparent strips and pressed them to few of the fallen objects.


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