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Glass Towers, Champagne Showers

Page 9

by Adler

  “Shhhh,” I whisper in his ear. “I’m going to make your cock cum all over my “P” so fucking hard. Let me fuck you, let me fuck you just like this, Mr. Towers.”

  That sends him over the top and he breaks away from my hold and grabs my ass so hard while he plunges his cock so deep inside me. I’m on top, and I’m in control. I start to move my hips in circles, his cock hitting every angle deep inside me. My body moves up and down his hard cock as I lean into him with my hands on his shoulders. The hunger for another orgasm increases inside me. My “P” starts to pulsate out of control and his cock gets warm and fills me up. He thrusts harder, meeting my “P” as I’m on the verge of cumming. He groans loud, “Fuck, cum for me, Danielle, cum all over my cock.”

  Those very words send me into a violent full body orgasm and the tightening of my orgasm makes Harrison climax and fill me up at the same time. His body shudders and his groan is loud and primal. I shove my hands through his hair, bringing his body up to my chest as he starts kissing my neck, while his cock still throbs inside me. “You won’t say no, Danielle,” he whispers as he licks the outside of my neck and pulls me into his hard body.

  Chapter Ten

  On second glance around, I change my original assessment of my work here, I didn’t do a good job, I did a fabulous job. I am genius, hear me roar! I decide to let everyone else go home and do the finishing touches myself. The grand opening ceremony is tomorrow morning and I need to make sure everything is perfect. Harrison will be very pleased, I’m sure. I’ve been frantically working my team overtime to assure that when Harrison returns from Montreal his Pied-à-terre would be complete and ready for him to occupy. All three of the lobbies will be ready for the opening as well.

  It has been a challenging task and in all reality, the scope of work that the project required should have been a minimum of ten-twelve weeks’ time frame. I have accomplished this project in just over four weeks. I managed to get my hands on a furniture closeout on the lounges I used in the lobbies. I found a locally run furniture store that carries high-end furnishings and procured all of the side and occasional tables.

  The lighting wasn’t difficult, as my uncle owns a lighting store in Seattle. Actually, when I think about it, the biggest trick was the water feature. I had to find something that could be made in a matter of weeks and then have it installed. Luckily, with the crummy economy, I found an artisan in the Southern part of the state who was eager to make the four water features, which included the one for the penthouse. Each one is a bit different, but they are all freestanding twelve-foot long glass walls with water cascading down the sheet of glass to a polished stainless steel catch basin. The one in Harrison’s penthouse is straight ahead right as you get off the elevator. It adds an element of drama in the elevator foyer. In the penthouse, the glass wall is in ripples that mimic the movement of waves in water. The one in the Columbia Tower lobby has metal cutouts of salmon seemingly climbing up the water wall. In the Rogue Tower there is a bronze patina Heron standing in the water with a fish in its mouth. The last lobby in the Willamette building has a metal silhouette of Mt. Hood in front of the water wall. I know that those will be the main attraction and will make Harrison quite pleased.

  Harrison flew from New York to Montreal right after our weekend. He came back once for a few days but then he left again. I really didn’t get to see him but for his coming to the penthouse to sign off on some contracts and give his final approval on some cabinet and flooring choices. He then flew back out to Montreal and I haven’t seen him for over two weeks. We’ve been communicating mainly via email. I send him updates on the progress and he sends me his notes. I find this whole situation confusing. On one hand, I don’t want a relationship or the trappings that go along with being in a relationship. At the same time, I find myself thinking about him all day long. I can’t get his beautiful face out of my mind, especially the look he gets on his face just as he is cumming. It’s by far the most erotic visual etched in my mind. The feeling of his capable hands feeling the length of my body while his tongue seeks out my own. Yes, the fire that he has ignited in me is such that no other man has even come close to sparking. In hindsight, I now know that Bradley only struck the match. Harrison has inspired a raging inferno in me. I’m just not sure how to temper it or if I should. Simone’s predictable advice is to roll with it and enjoy the ride. I’m sure there was a pun intended there.

  He sent me another bouquet of flowers two days ago with a card that simply said,

  Three more days, Danielle.

  I think to myself, three more days until he is flies in. Three more days until he sees the final project and three more days until I see him.

  Tomorrow is day three. I get to be back in Harrison’s arms on day three. I hope.

  I promised myself that I wouldn’t allow this. I promised myself I wouldn’t care. I promised myself that I would keep my guard up and only have fun. Well, I’ve broken those promises. I’m very thankful that I’ve been so busy with this project these last few weeks. Otherwise, I would have been heartsick. I know deep down that I’ve fallen for Harrison Towers. The awful part is that I can’t get Bradley out of my mind. Not because I still have feelings for him, but because he is the reason I feel so damaged. I want to trust Harrison, but I’ve been fooled before and I refuse to allow myself to be open or vulnerable to that kind of betrayal again. No, this has to be just for fun. It can’t be anything more than that. It’s taken me over a year just to find myself again. I don’t want to lose myself again and especially not this soon.

  Oh Dani, slow yourself down. Harrison Towers may not be interested in you that way. There’s always the distinct possibility that Harrison is just having his fun. I mean seriously, he’s an International Mogul who could have any socialite hottie, Hollywood starlet or heck even some kind of royalty he wants!

  Now, time to finish this place and go home so I can hit the bathtub for a much needed bubblicious soak!

  I give each room the once over. Again. I’m so happy with the way it’s come out. To me, it is serene but oh so sexy. Just like Harrison. My heart pangs when I visualize him lounging on the matte white leather sectional with a glass of Pinot Noir swirling in his glass. I fight with my mind as it travels back to our time in New York.

  Oh, not now! Focus, focus.

  I glance at my phone to see the time and realize it’s already 10:42 PM. I gather my things and make my way to the elevator. Just as I swipe the card, I feel my phone vibrate just once. Ah, a text message, gee, wonder who that could be? The pesky best girlie, no doubt.

  Once I settle in my car, I take my phone out of my coat pocket and plug it into the charger and head to my loft. I keep hearing my phone go buzz, buzz, and buzz. Geeze. What’s up with that?

  I look down and see it is another unknown caller. Obviously, it’s not Simone. I’m almost home, and decide to deal with my unknown caller once I get in the tub. I pull into my parking garage, grab my briefcase, purse and cell phone and make my way to the elevator. Ugh, I feel like a pack rat! I push the button to the elevator and stand waiting for what seems like half an hour. Just as I can’t wait any longer it comes to a thud and the doors start to open I have the strangest sensation that I’m not alone. All the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. As I advance through the elevator doors, I turn my head to the right to see someone duck behind a silver Volvo SUV. Um, creepy. I know someone is there because I can see their shadow cast on the black car parked next to the Volvo.

  I quickly hit the button on the elevator to take me to the lobby instead of my floor. If someone is watching me, I don’t want them to know what floor I’m on. I step out to the lobby and see that Frank isn’t there. I glance at my cell phone and note that it is after 11:00 now, so of course no Frank. I turn back to hit the up button on the elevator but it has already gone back down to the garage.

  Oh no! Maybe I should duck into the stairwell. Just as the door to the hallway closes behind me, I hear the ding of the elevator. I don’t want to be
seen but I have to peek to see who is getting off the elevator. I squat down and open the door just a slight crack, but unfortunately, my view is obstructed. I can’t see the whole person, but can see that it is a man with brown leather shoes and jeans. That’s it. The man goes back into the elevator. I hear the doors close and the mechanical gears move again as the elevator heads upward. I come out of the stairwell and watch the elevator ascend up and stop at the 10th floor. My floor. Shit! What to do? This man is now on my floor. It could be just a neighbor or a visitor, but at this hour? What if it’s the person who was lurking behind that SUV? Why would someone be following me anyway? I have zero skeletons in the closet and I haven’t made any deals with a loan shark. So if anything, this is random. However, I’m not willing to take any risks. Besides, I’ve watched too many Lifetime Movies to know that if it doesn’t feel right, I should trust that instinct. The problem is that if I take the stairs up to my floor, the person might figure out that I hadn’t gone all the way to the top via the elevator and come down the stairway to find me and we would intersect on the stairs. If I take the elevator, I also run the risk of the person being in the elevator lying in wait for me.

  I make a quick decision to go back down to the garage and get back into my car to wait and see. Without giving it much more thought, I head back into the stairwell and down one and a half flights to the parking garage. I exit the stairwell door and the next realization hits me that I don’t know for certain that the person lurking by the SUV was the same person in the elevator. The creepy lurker could still be here in the garage with me. I run to my car across the garage and hop in, throwing my belongings onto the passenger seat. I hit the power lock and fumble to get the key in the ignition. I hit the button on the remote to open the overhead gate to the garage. Where to now? Simone is out of town with her writer man, so I have nowhere to go. I think she said she was on a movie set somewhere in Eastern Oregon. I don’t have her key with me, it’s in my loft. I know for certain that she would have been fine with my staying at her place, but now what? I’m sure not staying here.

  Hoping I wasn’t followed, I find myself going from looking in the rearview mirror, to the side mirrors to over my shoulder, while sitting in my car waiting for the light to turn in front of my building. I think of the penthouse. I’m sure Harrison wouldn’t mind if he knew the circumstances. I know it’s risky and unprofessional. But, at this late hour, I am short on thinking of other options. Reluctantly, I head back to the penthouse. I can sleep there and then get up super early and head back to my place to shower and return in time to help the event planner with the final touches before the Grand Opening.

  I wake with a start. What is that tickling my face? I open my eyes to a curtain of ice blue and silver chenille bell tassels dangling over my face. I sit upright and look around. I look around again and then I remember that I’m in the den at the penthouse. I’m lying on the sofa with a throw blanket and a decorator pillow over my face. I had decided against helping myself to one of the beds last night, and besides, that would have been more work to straighten up this morning. I stand up and stretch. In all my frenzy last night, I didn’t check my voicemail or text messages. I had simply texted Simone to let her know I was staying here last night and that I would explain later and for her not to worry. I then curled up and passed out with my phone perched on my chest. I remember that my phone was buzzing and buzzing last night, though. Guess I should check all that and Oh shit! What time is it?!! I look at my phone and see it is 7:13 AM. Phew! I need to get moving and fast!

  I slide open my phone to find I have missed eleven calls from the unknown caller and not a single voicemail. That’s odd. What’s even stranger is that the calls all came from 10:00 PM until after midnight. Almost every ten minutes give or take. I feel a slight chill run from the top of my chest to my gut and settle there.

  I shake it off.

  I open my text messages and have a couple from Simone asking if I am okay and gushing about her new man, a couple from my mom going on about the gallery and oh, what’s this? There are two from Harrison.

  10:42 PM

  Harrison Towers

  Goodnight. Looking forward to day 3.

  11:28 PM

  Harrison Towers

  Did you get my surprise?

  Huh? What surprise? I’ll have to look further into that. I straighten up the den and head out to the lobby of Harrison’s penthouse. I stop. Sitting next to the elevator on the floor is a single long stemmed red rose, just lying there. Is this my surprise? Why would he have left a rose and if he did, why didn’t he come wake me or say hello or??? Is he here? In a panic, I go to search the penthouse for Harrison. There’s no sign of him and further, there’s no sign that anyone else has been here other than me as everything is just as I had left it last night. That rose wasn’t there when I left last night. In fact, I know that that rose wasn’t there when I came back because when I exited the elevator upon arrival last night I dropped my keys. I would have noticed a single long stemmed rose lying there, for sure. Where the heck did it come from then? As uneasy as I feel, I have to shake it off and get home, otherwise I’m not going to be ready for today.

  Once I get settled into my car, I realize that I haven’t texted Harrison back. I pull the phone out of my pocket. I look down to see that I have missed another call from Unknown Caller. Ugh, this is getting annoying. It must be one of those computer automated phone dialers from a solicitor. I open my text message from Harrison and send him a reply.

  7:24 AM


  Crazy night will explain later. Surprise? See you soon.

  Okay, just playing it safe here.

  I hurry home and park on the street instead of the garage. I’m still totally creeped out about last night. Something is just not right, but at the moment, I don’t have the luxury of giving it too much energy.

  I enter the lobby and there is good old Frank. I’m quite relieved to see him for some reason.

  “Good morning, Frank.”

  “Good morning, Miss Austen, up and around early today I see,“ he says with a lift to his gray furry eyebrows.

  “I had a late night working.” I reply

  “Uh huh. Parking on the street I see.”

  “Yes, I have to leave again so thought it would be easier. Say, did you notice anything unusual this morning when you got here?”

  “Unusual in what way, Miss Austen?”

  “I came home late last night and parked in the garage and saw someone lurking behind a parked car in the lot. It was just odd and I felt really uneasy. Like I was being watched or something.”

  “I only got in this morning at 7:00 so I haven’t walked the building, but I haven’t noticed anything so far. I can keep my eye out.” He gives me wink and once again raises his furry eyebrows.

  “Okay, thanks Frank. It was probably nothing but my late night imagination getting the better of me.”

  I summon the elevator and suddenly feel a longing to be in the safety of my condo.

  Once I get to my door, I get that uneasy feeling again.

  I let myself in and lock the door behind me. I walk into the kitchen and then I stand frozen in place. There on my kitchen stands a vase of long stemmed red roses. How the fuck did those flowers get there??!! I run to the intercom system and buzz Frank.

  “Yes, Miss Austen?”

  “Frank,” I blurt out “Did you receive a flower delivery for me yesterday and put it in my condo?”

  “Miss Austen, that is against building rules. I’m never allowed to enter a tenant’s loft without permission.”

  “So, you didn’t enter or let someone in to deliver a bouquet of red roses?”

  “No, Miss Austen, I did not.”

  “I see.”

  “Miss Austen, are you okay?”

  “No Frank, I’m not okay, I can’t figure out how someone could have left me flowers and there’s no note.”

  “Say, did you perhaps give anyone a key to your condo and may have forgotten?”

  “I certainly did not. Wait! Is there any chance you can review the security cameras to see who entered my loft?”

  “Well yes, I can see who entered the lobby and the garage. It will take me about a half hour. “

  “Okay, that would be super. Maybe it will shed some light on this mystery.”

  “Miss Austen, would you like me to come up there and check the loft for any signs of intrusion?”

  Then it hit me, could this be Harrison’s surprise? Of course, he is a man with resources, he probably sent over one of his ‘people’ and had the flowers delivered. Quite the surprise to break and enter a single woman’s apartment just to leave flowers. These rich mogul types are used to getting things their way, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

  “Ahem.” Frank clears his voice loudly, “Miss Austen?”

  “Frank, that won’t be necessary and forget about the surveillance video, I think I may know who’s behind this, Thank you anyway.”

  “Okay then, are you sure?”

  “I think so, Frank.”

  I turn back to the flowers and bury my face in their velvety redness and take a deep breath to inhale their intoxicating scent. As cliché as it may seem, red roses are my all-time favorite. I wonder to myself how he knew that. Something is still off, though, when I count the roses I come up with eleven. There are only eleven roses. Oh! The twelfth rose is the one that was on the floor by the elevator this morning. Of course! Whoops, I left that in the car. I’ll have to be sure to get that in water. Still feeling a bit uneasy, I decide to indulge myself that soak in my tub that I got spooked out of last night.


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