In Deep Water
Page 2
She gasped as he brushed a fingertip over her pussy.
“You’re already wet.” He traced her delicate lips and offered a few brief swipes against her clit.
“Oh, please, we, uh, shouldn’t,” she stuttered unable to form a coherent thought. The man had her at “can I?” She couldn’t deny him or the passion forming between them.
He laughed and continued to play. A finger slipped inside; teasing, tormenting, and forcing her to surrender to the hunger building in her womb.
She gripped the side of the cot and wrestled with the desire to scream, beg, or perhaps demand he give her relief. Then he shocked her by lifting his hand, leaving her aching and empty.
“I need to taste you.” He ran a long tongue over his index finger, licking the digit, reminding her of how much she’d enjoy doing the same to his cock. Though she’d never tried such a wicked thing before, the idea suddenly had a strong appeal.
“Hmmm, if we weren’t pressed for time, I might be tempted to drink from your sweet, pussy for days.” He sucked his finger into his mouth. His emerald gaze held an assurance that he’d collect on that particular pleasure on another day.
Struggling to rein in her desire, she force out a laughed. “Then you like the idea of being married to me?”
Chapter Two
Zack didn’t get the opportunity to answer. A knock on the cabin’s door ended the fun. Yet, the notion of claiming the sexy woman toyed with his thoughts for the next ten minutes, never giving him a moment’s rest.
Walking along the deck, he glanced ahead at Carolyn. Dressed in a pair of pants and a worn, white cotton shirt, she appeared to be no more than a gangly teenager. Then his gaze dropped to her hips, the gentle sway exemplified the fine ass underneath the thin fabric. Without the benefit of underwear, he imagined having her naked and back under him in matter of seconds. If only they’d had a few more moments in the cabin.
She paused along the steamboats’ railing and glanced at the gentle waves lapping against the hull.
He positioned his hands on each side of her and locked her into place in front of him. “I’m assuming you live close to where you entered the river.”
“Yes, and I need to get back there.” She leaned back against him, as if the thought of returning home held no appeal.
“Me, too. I was camping with a friend when I heard your cry for help.” Zach considered the plans he and Logan had made for the future. Did he still long to join the war? The battle between the states might give him an opportunity to see the world. Still, did he want to miss out on what he’d discovered right here?
The rhythmic sound of the paddlewheel slowed and then stopped as the boat glided to a stop by the dock.
“We can’t walk all the way back to Naked Bluff today. It must be over eighty miles.” Carolyn rocked her head and turned in the circle of his arms. “What are we going to do?”
The soft silk of her hair brushed his cheek, and he drew her tight against his chest. Without a penny to his name at the moment, he’d need to find a quick job and hope for the best. “Now, now, don’t fret. We’ll think of something.”
He stared at the port over her shoulder. There had to be a job he could do out there.
“Why would you want to help me? I’ve been nothing but trouble since you met me.” Eyes sparkling with tears, she feared he’d desert her at the slightest drop of a hat.
Visions of what they’d been doing earlier in the steamboat’s cabin flashed in his head. He grinned and ran a hand down her back. The plush curve of her ass met his palm and he held her steady against his growing erection. “Yes, but I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed myself. I’ve taken a ride on a paddleboat, managed to kiss a beautiful woman, and once back on solid ground, I’m off on a new adventure. That is if you’re game to stick with me for a little longer.”
She rolled her eyes and patted his chest for him to release her. “What other choice do I have?”
“Excuse me, sir.” The same cabin boy who had brought them clothes stood nearby, his hands waving wildly through the air. “The Captain says you need to follow me.”
Zack eyed the youngin. Not more than fifteen, his thin frame and dark skin revealed a nervous servant to a demanding master. Unwilling to get the kid in trouble, Zack loosened his hold on Carolyn and with a sweep of his hand said, “Lead the way. We’ll be right behind you.”
The boy wove between the passengers, pausing every few steps to make sure they were still following. Darting under a roped off set of stairs, he rushed into the hull of the steamboat. His quick pace had him passing huge stacks of cargo to where a man stood directing the action.
Dressed in a white suit like the Captain, this man appeared years younger, with bright red hair and a square, Irish jaw.
“Here they are, sir.” The boy pointed to them and then darted off to help with moving the cargo about.
The boatman ran an assessing eye over them and held out his hand to Zack. “The Captain said you might be looking for a job. Seeing as you happen on you kinda of unexpected like, and we can always use extra help unloading the steamboat.”
Not prepared for this windfall of opportunity, Zack held out his hand to the man. “That’s very generous of you. How long does it normally take to unload the steamboat?”
“A few hours and we’ll pay you two bits.” The man nodded at Carolyn and added, “The lady might find work at the cafe across from the loading dock at the Hungry Coyote.”
“Much obliged. Give me a minute and I’ll get right to work.” Zack led Carolyn over to the stairs they had recently descended and paused. “As soon as I’m finished here, I’ll meet you at the cafe. If you find work, great. If not, then just hang around until I get done. Then we’ll decide what we want to do next.”
She smiled and dropped a quick kiss on his cheek. “Got it. See you at the cafe in a few hours. Don’t leave without me.”
He watched as she shimmied up the steps and disappeared into the crowd before he turned. The idea of being separated from her didn’t sit well with him, but he couldn’t figure out a way around it. They needed to make some money to pay for their trip back north. Hopefully, Logan planned to camp near the Trinity tonight. Then if things worked out right, Zack would meet back up with his friend in a day or two.
What about Carolyn? Did tomorrow mark the end of their brief affair?
A wave from the red-haired man sent Zack hustling forward. He didn’t have time to worry about her now. He needed to get to work.
The cool breeze helped dry the sweat on Carolyn’s brow. She sank onto the bench in front of the Hungry Coyote. For the last four hours, she’d washed dishes in the restaurant’s kitchen for a few pennies. The owner had wanted Carolyn to wait tables but with her dressed like a beggar, the lady had offered a position in the back instead.
The work hadn’t been hard, just steady with no breaks. Carolyn couldn’t complain. At least she managed to get something to eat and filled the time while she waited for Zack. She glanced around, scanning the open area.
Was he still working?
Her gaze fell on the empty spot near the dock where the steamboat had sat. She figured it wouldn’t be in town long, but how long ago had it left?
And Zack? Had he decided to escape too? Or was he busy doing something else?
Uncertainty filled her and her thoughts turned to Sadie. Her friend loved to worry. By morning she’d be so distraught she’d probably head off and tell the mayor of her best friend’s demise.
Would he care?
Hell, no. When Carolyn had refused to sleep with him, he’d threatened her position as Naked Bluff’s lone school teacher. Luckily, back then he didn’t have cause to fire her. After tomorrow, he’d have leverage to boot her.
Then what? Find another teaching job?
Surprisingly, she didn’t care. If not for Sadie, Carolyn would’ve left the one-horse town months ago. Yet, she stuck around because her friend needed someone to help her stand against the wrath of her in
-laws. They blamed Sadie for their son’s death.
Carolyn shook her head and her thoughts turned to her young husband. Her first love, she’d believed if they married before he headed off to war, her love would bring him home safely.
That dream had died on a rainy day in December upon receiving news of his death on the battlefields of Georgia. Alone and fearing the advancing troops of the North, she’d fled Alabama for Texas and a new life.
Now, here she sat waiting for a man she barely knew with no more than a few pennies in her pocket. A smile bloomed on her lips. Zack was worth the wait. Tall and lean with plenty of hard muscles to spare, he had sexy green eyes and auburn hair. His hands roughened from difficult work. She recalled him caressing them over her skin.
A shiver raced along her spine and she remembered how it’d felt to have his arms around her. She leaned her head back against the building, closed her eyes, and remembered his kisses. Man, oh, man, did she ever want to make love to him.
“Carolyn, what are you doing here?”
The voice sliced through her like a knife. She swiveled her head around to stare up at Bo Kildare, the most eligible man in Walker County.
She hustled to her feet and straightened her ugly clothes. “Bo, I’m, uh...”
“She’s with me,” Zack interrupted and stepped up on the wooden sidewalk.
Bo blinked and turned to face Zack.
Carolyn allowed her gaze to dart between the two for a moment. Each sized up the other, their expressions resembling two bulls ready to do battle. She stepped beside Zack and slid an arm around his waist. “Bo, this here is Zack Goodman. Zack, I’d like you to meet one of our deputies for the Southern District of Texas. He handles most of Walker County.”
Zack held out his hand and grasped Bo’s, then released it to wrap his arm back around her waist. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
“How do you know our Miss Evans here?” Bo shifted back a step, his feet set wide apart as if ready to pull the gun at his hip.
“We’re old friends, aren’t we, Zack?” Carolyn jumped in before the man beside her answered.
He shook his head. “No. I just meet Carolyn today. You might say we both landed in deep water. We’re still trying to get out.”
Bo cocked a brow and his gaze ran over them. “What happened? You two take a dunk in the Trinity?”
She tried to break away, but Zack tightened his grip so she nudged him in the stomach. “Don’t say a word. I don’t need the whole county knowing about my foolish follies.”
“Or how you told everyone you’re married to me?” Zack stared at her, his green-eye gaze burning with a fury she didn’t understand.
She laid a hand on his chest. Did he think she regretted meeting him? If not for him, she’d be dead. “No, you’re the only good thing to happen to me today.”
A loud rumble of someone clearing their throat interrupted. “So you two aren’t in any type of trouble?”
Carolyn glanced over at Bo and dropped her head. She’d gotten herself into this mess, she better find a way out.
“Well, we’re in need of a horse. We rode the riverboat to here and don’t have a ride back to Naked Bluff.” Zack’s comment nailed the coffin shut on her chances of keeping her teaching job. Bo would surely tell the city council and mayor about her little adventure.
“Strangely enough, I might be able to help you. Or rather, have you help me.” He leaned to the side as if looking at something beyond where they were standing. “The main reason I’m in Liberty is to complete a transaction for a few stallions. Thought they might come up on the riverboat, but the prior owner decided to drive them up instead. They won’t be here until tomorrow.”
“And you don’t want to hang around waiting on them?” Zack finished the thought.
Carolyn stepped away from Zack and sank back onto the bench. What were these two contemplating?
“You got it. I need to head back to Huntsville so I’m looking for someone who can take delivery and ride them to my ranch near Naked Bluff.” Bo slid a hand into his front pocket. “Course, I’ll pay for a room for tonight and extra expenses for the trip.”
Fear raced through Carolyn. If she didn’t get back until late tomorrow or the next day, Sadie would be beside herself with worry. No, Carolyn had to find a way to let her friend know that all was well. “Wait, I’m due at the schoolhouse in the morning, and my best friend, Sadie Pepperman doesn’t know where I am. We can’t stay here.”
“Nothing to fret about, I’ll arrive home before you two. I just have one of my boys run over there and tell her you’re running an errand for me. She can cover your schoolhouse duties for a day or two,” Bo suggested, as if the deal was done.
“But...” She turned to Zack, hoping he’d see her problem.
He smiled and nodded. “As for myself, Bo, I’m more than willing to accept your offer, but I believe you might need to sweeten the deal for the lady.”
She felt two set of eyes run over her, assessing her worth and in her mind coming up short. How could they not see her as a piece of trash? She had on pants, a stained shirt and no shoes. Long wisps of hair hung in stringy lines around her face. The bulk held back with a bit of string she’d obtained from the kitchen’s staff.
Irritated with the situation and both of them, she shoved to her feet, tugging at her wrinkled cotton shirt. “Why don’t I just ride back with you, Bo? Zack can stay here and take care of the horses.”
“Whoa, not an option.” Zack stepped forward and captured her wrist. “You came here with me. You’ll leave here with me.”
“Why don’t I throw in a new dress for you, Carolyn? Would that squelch your desire to get home right away?” Bo offered and then rubbed a hand over his chin. “Maybe, new clothes for both of you?”
Uncertain of which course of action to take, she rolled her hand over and slipped it into Zack’s. An extra day or two with him sounded heavenly. She glanced along the sidewalk. The stores were closing. If they planned to get new outfits tonight, they’d best get to it. “All right, you have a deal. But not one word regarding our dunk in the river or our boat ride here. No one needs to know I almost drowned skinny dipping in the Trinity.”
A burst of laughter broke from Bo.
She narrowed her eyes and sent her favorite schoolmarm glare at him.
He rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth and swallowed his mirth. “Wouldn’t dream of sharing that tasty tidbit with anyone.” Bo shifted his gaze to Zack. “Though, I hope to hear the full story someday.”
Zack lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “For now, we better settle up so Carolyn and I can head off and do some shopping.”
He smiled and stepped toward Bo. The two stepped off the sidewalk and continued their conversation.
Carolyn sank back on the bench and considered what she’d just agreed to do. Not only was she not heading home, she’d consented to spending tonight and the next few days with Zack.
Was she crazy?
She didn’t even know the man.
Chapter Three
Zack walked into the rented hotel room with their old clothes wrapped in paper under his arms. He held the door open and turned to allow Carolyn to enter. His gaze ran over her elegant shape, her body encased in a form-fitting, cotton dress. The pretty material had small white daisies dotting a sky blue background.
She lifted her skirt and hesitated before stepped over the threshold. Moving slowly, she paused by the end of the bed and gripped the metal footboard.
Zack scanned the small room and the bed that occupy most of the room. A window allowed light and a cool breeze to wash through the room. Then his gaze fell on Carolyn’s hands. Her white-knuckle grip puzzled him.
Before they had entered the hotel, she had assured him she didn’t object to the idea of them registering as Mr. and Mrs. Goodman. Actually, the thought filled him with longing...for what he wondered?
A wife? Roots?
Shutting the door, he secured the lock and dropped th
e package on the dresser. His gaze again fell on her. Her stiff posture and steady glare at the bed’s surface reflected her high level of anxiety. Had she changed her mind about them making love?
To ease her fears, he stepped behind her, slid his hands around her waist and pulled her against him. He brushed his lips against her ear and whispered, “Some might say this is our wedding night.”
She leaned back into him. Her hands released the bed railing and rested on his arms, feeling their strength and his rough-skin. Running her fingers down to his hands, she guided them up to cup her breasts. “Funny, I’m as nervous as I was the first time.”
“First time?” His mind raced with questions. Had she mentioned being married...a husband?
The round curve of her ass pushed against the hard line of his cock. He tightened his hold, suddenly wanting answers more than the taste of her skin on his tongue.
“Yes, I was married before I came to Texas. My husband died in the war almost two and a half years ago.” She shifted, swiveled around in his embrace and looked up at him. Zack noticed the sorrow of her loss in her deep, brown eyes.
“Then you loved him?”
She nodded her head. “We were friends for years and then fell in love. He wanted so much to help the south win the war. I wanted him to know I’d wait for him so we got married. Within days of our wedding he left to join the war. I never saw him again.”
Zack caressed her back, drawing her deeper into his embrace. “How long has it been since you’ve made love?”
Her gaze dropped to his chest. “Though I’m a widow and familiar with the desires of a man, I’ve not taken any lovers.”
He smiled at her innocent tone. “Until now?”
She nodded and peeked up at him. “Though some might claim we’re in nothing more than a common law marriage.”