Book Read Free

Protecting What's Mine

Page 13

by Jennifer Sucevic

  She considers me thoughtfully. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Positive.” There’s no way Chloe knows Matteo. Why would she?

  “Come on, put me out of my misery and tell me who it was.”

  For my own sanity, I need to downplay the situation. Matteo and I aren’t together. Last night changes nothing between us. We screwed each other’s brains out. That’s it. End of story. If he holds true to his normal pattern, he’ll disappear for a while before turning up in a week or so. My heart twists at that harsh slap of reality, and I push the pang of sadness aside, ignoring it.

  “It was a one-time thing. There’s no point in discussing a guy who isn’t in the picture. But you’re right, okay? I did spend the night with someone.”

  Chloe settles back in her chair with a pleased expression. “Good for you, girl. I’m glad to hear it. Sounds like Little Miss Grace finally got her groove back. Lord knows you were wound tighter than an eight-day clock.” Her eyes skim over me again. “You seem way more mellow.”

  As I pick up my glass of ice water and take a sip, she asks, “So it wasn’t that hot-ass uncle of yours?”

  I fight not to spray the water from my mouth like a fountain. Instead, it goes down the wrong pipe, and I end up coughing and sputtering. Chloe grins as if she’s enjoying the entertainment I’m providing.

  I barely force out the words without pounding on my chest and sucking in a few deep breaths. “Of course it wasn’t Dominic!” My eyes water as I continue coughing.

  Regarding me with a cagy look, she shrugs. “Maybe you should give it some thought. You two would look awfully cute together.”

  I shake my head in exasperation. “Oh my God, I think you’ve completely lost your mind!”

  “What’s wrong with what I just said? I’ve crushed on that man for the better part of my life. If he wanted to give it a whirl, I’d be on board with the idea. Older men are definitely hot. More than anything, they appreciate a young, nubile body. Trust me on this.” She gives me a sassy wink which makes me wonder what she’s been up to these last two years.


  Older dudes?

  What’s next?

  Never mind… I don’t want to know.

  She interrupts my thoughts with another comment. “He would treat you like a total princess.”

  It feels like my eyes are going to pop right out of my skull. Yes, we used to get all ooey-gooey thinking about Dominic when we were fourteen years old. But as adults? Come on… I can’t even imagine it. Chloe’s banter may sound casual, but she’s not joking around.

  “You would really go out with him?”

  She doesn’t bat an eyelash. “In a heartbeat.” Her green gaze sears mine. “You wouldn’t?”

  “I don’t know,” I reply slowly. “I’ve never thought about him like that. Dominic is my godfather.” When I was younger, I used to call him Uncle Dominic because it was appropriate. When I left for college, he told me that the uncle part made him feel old and asked me to stop using it. It was weird at first and took some getting used to.

  “I think about him like that all the time.”

  Sometimes I think Chloe just likes to be provocative, and stir up trouble.

  “Well, I don’t,” I say.

  I haven’t.

  Not really.

  Chloe doesn’t look convinced. “Hmmm. Okay.” Shrugging, she adds, “I could have sworn that I sensed some vibes between the two of you at the party last month.”

  I shake my head. “No. It’s never been like that between us. I’m his godchild.” As I say the words, I remember the way he pressed a kiss to my lips the last time he was over for a visit. My belly drops as the incident plays out in my head. I’m pretty sure he did that to comfort me because I’d been upset about selling the house. It was nothing more than that. Easily dismissible.

  Mentioning it to Chloe will only spur on the crazy notions she has in her head. That’s the last thing I want to do.

  “I’m sure he’s involved with someone. Or, knowing him, a whole bunch of someones.” Smiling, she sips her drink and muses, “Remember how he was with a different woman every time we saw him when we were younger? We would hang out on the balcony overlooking the family room and moon over how lucky she was to be with him.”

  I smile thinking about all the times we spied on him. We spent a lot of time crouched on the catwalk, sighing our fourteen-year-old hearts out. We were so silly. But it was fun. Just harmless little crushes on both our parts.

  “That was a long time ago,” I remind her.

  “Yes, it was.”

  So much has changed.

  Too much.

  It’s still difficult to grasp just how different my life is now.

  “Not to change the subject from your yummy uncle-”

  I breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

  “-but a few of us are thinking about taking a trip to the Virgin Islands in the spring and maybe renting a kickass house on St. Thomas. You interested?”

  The tension filling my shoulders from talking about Dominic fades. “Yeah, that sounds amazing! But it would have to be during my spring break. Otherwise I can’t go.”

  “That’s why I’m bringing it up now. I really want you to come with us. Let me know what week works best, and we’ll see if we can coordinate everyone’s schedule.”

  I’ll have to discuss it with Dominic.

  I know we talked about waiting until I’m settled, but I want more control over my finances. I don’t want to go to him every time something like this comes up. I’m twenty-three years old. More than old enough to be responsible and make good decisions.

  Reaching across the table, I grab Chloe’s hand and squeeze it. “Thank you for thinking of me.”

  Her eyes soften. “Hey, no matter what happened, you’re still my best friend. As far as I’m concerned, you were always my best friend.” Alluding to our past, she says, “Look, I knew you were going through a shit time. I’m sorry for not sticking by your side regardless. I should have kept calling and texting.” She shrugs. “I didn’t know how to help or make anything better.”

  Her words strike a chord in me. We may not have been communicating, but deep down I knew that if I reached out, if I had needed her, Chloe would have dropped everything to be there for me. And vice versa. “I shouldn’t have pushed you away. I didn’t know how to deal with all the grief and depression I was going through.”

  “I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

  “I know you did what you could. We were both in school, just trying to keep our heads above water. It wasn’t like we were at the same college or even a few hours away from one another.”

  “No,” she agrees somberly, “we were practically across the country.”

  Inhaling deeply, I remind her, “It’s all good. We got through it.”

  Her lips quirk. “I’m glad you’re back in Chicago. And that we can spend as much time together as we want.”

  “Me, too.”

  Unclasping her fingers, I sit back as another layer of the past falls away.

  “Don’t think for a minute that we’re done talking about this mystery man of yours.”

  I roll my eyes.

  She grins in response. “Or Dominic.”

  Please. I know Chloe way better than that.

  She’s merely warming to both subjects.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sunglasses cover my eyes as the wind whips against my cheeks. Tilting my face toward the sun, I enjoy the heat as it warms my skin. It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon. Dominic sent his car for me three hours ago, and we’ve been out on his sailboat ever since. On a beautiful September afternoon, when the sun is high and bright, and there’s nary a cloud in the sky, there’s no better place to be than floating on Lake Michigan.

  Dominic bought the house fifteen years ago, so this place has always felt like home. There are many happy, cherished memories here. Childhood memories. Memories of my parents. Of the four of us together. Mom and Dad may be gone, but I believe
they’d be happy about how much time Dominic and I spend together. That we’re still a family and tighter now than we were before.

  That thought brings me a lot of comfort. Everything I do is with my parents in mind. I still want them to be proud of me.

  Eyes settling on Dominic, I watch as he stands at the controls from my sprawled-out position on the padded bench up front. Aviators cover his bright blue eyes. His blond hair is shot through with silver. The way it blends makes him look even more handsome.

  Chloe’s words from yesterday ring unwantedly through my head.

  “You about ready to head in?”

  I shrug. “Sure.” Honestly, I could stay out here all day. I enjoy spending time on the water. Living so close to the ocean was one of the things I loved best about Seattle. The Pacific Coast, especially in that area, is gorgeous.

  Wooded, rocky, and wild.

  Breathtaking and powerful.

  “I thought we could have an early dinner out on the patio. Maria is preparing fresh salmon. I know it’s one of your favorites.”

  “Mmmm, that sounds delicious.” A home-cooked dinner with restaurant quality cuisine sounds heavenly right now. My mouth is already watering in anticipation.

  I enjoy cooking, but don’t have much skill in the culinary department yet. Living in the dorms didn’t afford many opportunities. I’m learning, though. I’ve tuned into a few cooking shows but it’s hard to find the time to experiment with recipes. With school and volunteering at the museum keeping me busy, I live on things like macaroni and cheese or frozen pizzas. Sometimes Maria sends leftovers home with me. I’m hoping that once everything slows down, I can try cooking a few meals that my mom used to make.

  We stay out on the water to enjoy the sunshine for another thirty minutes, before heading back to shore. The marina where Dominic rents a slip is about ten minutes from his house. As we make our way through the parking lot, he surprises me by tossing his car keys in my direction.

  When I stare at him in question, he says with an easy grin, “I thought that maybe you’d like to drive home.”

  My jaw drops. “Are you kidding?”

  He laughs at the look of disbelief on my face. A few years ago, Dominic bought a Ferrari. It’s a gorgeous, sleek machine. I’ve drooled over it many times. It’s red with a black leather interior. I’ve begged to take it out for a spin. The answer has always been a resounding no.

  I couldn’t be more stunned that he’s now giving me the green light. This car cost him a small fortune. Even though my parents had money, they never drove anything extravagant. They were much too practical for that. My mom drove a Subaru Outback, and my dad had a Buick Enclave.

  I clutch the keys tightly. “Are you serious?”

  He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “Sure, why not?”

  My breath stalls as I stare at the metal in my hand. Voice dropping to a whisper, I ask, “What if I crash?” I think he’d strangle me if something happened to his baby. Unwilling to contemplate the idea, I thrust the keys back out for him. “Maybe another time.”

  Wrapping an arm around my waist, he holds me close as we continue walking towards the Ferrari. “It’ll be fine. I trust you, Gracie.”

  I gnaw my bottom lip in silent contemplation. I’ve always wanted to take his car for a spin, and after three years, he’s letting me do it. I should be jumping up and down with unbridled excitement. Instead, I continue to hedge. “Are you sure?”

  Pulling me along, he chuckles. “Positive. Now, come on. Let’s go. I really thought you would be more excited about this.”

  Yeah… me too.

  Now I’m an anxious ball of nerves.

  He opens the door for me, and I climb inside. Inserting the key into the ignition, I turn it. The car purrs to life. Still nervous, I wrap my fingers around the steering wheel, throwing a glance at Dominic, who is now seated next to me.

  “You still want me to do this?”

  He’s wearing his aviators, and I can feel him roll his eyes at me. “Drive. You know you want to. You’ve been begging me for years,” he reminds. “So just do it.”

  He’s right. I have been dying to get behind the wheel. “Okay,” I sing song, “You had a chance to put an end to this madness.”

  He chuckles. “Enough talk, put the pedal to the metal.”

  I step on the gas, revving the engine a few times while giving him a bit of side-eye, daring him to change his mind. He sits beside me with a bored expression.

  “How about you stop being a cheeky bastard and we actually get out of this parking lot?”

  Nerves melting away, I laugh and hit the clutch, shifting into first and stepping on the gas. Then, smooth as can be, we’re pulling out of the marina and onto the road. Since both of my parents’ cars were automatic, Dominic taught me how to drive stick when I was seventeen years old. Normally I prefer automatic since it’s easier. But when you have a sports car like this, stick makes driving it more fun.

  We cruise along at about forty-five miles per hour. I’d love to take this out to the country and open it up. Hit a hundred and twenty miles per hour on an open stretch of empty road. In a car like this, it feels like a necessity.

  Sooner than I’d like, I steer into Dominic’s circular driveway. By the time I turn off the engine, I’m grinning from ear to ear. That was so much fun! I hope he realizes that he just opened a huge can of worms by finally allowing me to get behind the wheel. Once will never be enough now that I’ve had a taste.

  Removing his sunglasses, he smiles knowingly. “Pretty amazing, isn’t it?”

  “So amazing,” I agree in a rush.

  “And my car made it home in one piece. See? It’s a win-win for everyone.”

  “Guess that means you’ll let me drive it more often.” I wiggle my brows. “Maybe even take it back to the condo.”

  He laughs as we exit the car. “Let’s not talk crazy, okay?”

  Slipping his arm around me again, we head toward the house. Right now, everything feels right. Light and happy. I’m content with how my life is unfolding. I love spending time with Dominic. It’s nice being with someone who knows me so well. Someone I have a history with. Someone I trust.

  I never have to explain myself because he already knows what I’m thinking or feeling. He gets it. He gets me.

  Making our way inside the two-story, front entryway, I head for the curving staircase. I feel windswept from being out on the boat for the past couple of hours. My hair must look like a rat’s nest.

  “I’m going to shower and change before dinner.”

  “Take your time, sweetheart. Everything will be ready and waiting when you’re finished.”

  One look at the enormous soaking tub in the bathroom, and I quickly change my mind, deciding on a bath instead. Once it’s filled, I settle inside. There are a ton of bubbles. My eyes drift shut as I enjoy the warmth of the soothing water. I barely lift my eyelids when there’s a knock on the bathroom door.

  “Are you decent?”

  I’m submerged up to my neck in hot, sudsy water. “Yup.”

  Dominic comes in bearing a glass of white wine. “I thought you might want a drink after your shower, but this is perfect. You can enjoy it in the bath.”

  I reach for the stem and settle into the water again. A contented smile tugs lazily at the corners of my lips. Today has been great. I love being at Dominic’s house. It feels like home. Sometimes with his work schedule and everything I have going on lately, it can be challenging to find the time to get together.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Dinner will be ready in about forty-five minutes. Take your time. Don’t rush.”

  I sigh with pleasure, feeling drowsy and relaxed. “Perfect.”

  Heading toward the door, he asks, “Need anything else?”

  “Nope. Nothing at all.”

  “All right then, I’ll see you downstairs in a bit.”

  Forty-five minutes later, I’m dressed in a cozy sweater and jeans. The evening air is a shade
cooler than it was this afternoon. The temperature will only continue to drop as the sun sinks further in the sky.

  I love summer, but I’m looking forward to the change in seasons. Believe it or not, I can’t wait for winter. I love when freshly fallen snow clings to bare tree branches throughout the city. But I know that as beautiful as it can be, it quickly turns into a slushy, gray mess from traffic.

  When I enter the kitchen, I find Dominic already sitting at the table on the patio. Joining him after an afternoon of sailing and then a nice, relaxing bath feels like the perfect way to end the weekend.

  Pulling out a chair, I take a seat beside him. My eyes settle on the horizon. The pinks and purples painted across the sky are stunning. As I take in the view of the lake and sunset, a sense of rightness blankets me.

  Maria serves us fresh pesto salmon that has been grilled on a plank but is now nestled on a bed of wild rice. It’s paired with an arugula salad topped with shaved almonds.

  Mouthwateringly delicious.

  There’s just no other way to describe it.

  We chat about Dominic’s work, my school, and what the next couple of weeks look like schedule-wise. I tell him about the spring break trip I’m hoping to take with Chloe, and he’s quick to say that it won’t be a problem. Dessert is a sliver of cheesecake served with fresh berries. By the time we’re finished, I’m completely stuffed.

  Night has fallen, and Dominic turns on the long, rectangular-shaped gas fire pit. The clear glass crystals lining the bottom give it an elegant look, and the heat is nice and toasty. Feeling content, we sit together on a large outdoor couch.

  I don’t want to leave, but I tell him, “I should probably head home soon. I have an early class tomorrow morning.”

  “Why don’t you stay at the house tonight, and I’ll make sure you’re home by seven o’clock. It’s been such a lovely day. I hate to see it end.”

  I feel the same way. Boating. Dinner. Hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.

  When I remain silent, Dominic slides an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. “Want to stay over?”

  The thought of heading back to my empty condo doesn’t hold much appeal. We’ll need to head in soon, but I want to make this moment last a bit longer. “Yeah, I think so.”


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