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Page 9

by Celia Kyle

  “Why don’t you help Hawkins with his jeans and crawl into bed?” Chance murmured, giving directions in that smoky sexy voice.

  It wasn’t hard to follow his directions. She released her hold on Hawkins, missing his heated length the moment she let him go. As for freeing him of his jeans, the man took care of that himself with a fierce shove and a kick to rid him of the clothing.

  He led her to the bed, rounding the piece of furniture and then holding her hand as she eased onto the surface. Then she had his firm body to her left and soon a nude Chance was on her right. She was bracketed by strength and desire and she didn’t know where to start.

  They took the decision from her hands when they touched her. They stroked her breasts, kissed her shoulders, caressed her hips and one delicious palm cupped her center.

  She didn’t know who teased her, didn’t know whose lips captured her nipple or who traced the seam of her pussy with a thick finger. She just knew it was… wonderful.

  No, more than wonderful. Glorious, fantabulous, and amazingly amazing.

  Lips traced the upper swell of her breast, licking and tasting until they met her nipple. Wet heat surrounded the nub, the tiny bit of flesh sucked and flicked with a teasing tongue. She forced her eyes open, dragged her lids apart so she could meet Hawkins’ gaze as he tormented and teased her.

  “Do you like his mouth?” Chance spoke against her ear, arousing her with his husky whisper. “Would you like it somewhere else?”

  It was then she realized the fingers between her thighs belonged to Chance. He slid easily through her cream, teasing her clit before traveling to her heat, circling her opening with the torturous digit.

  “He could taste you here.” Chance returned to her clit, circling the bundle of nerves. “He would nibble your little clit. Is that what you want?”

  The flare of yellow in Hawkins’ eyes told her that he wanted nothing more than to slide down her body and taste her pussy. “Yes, that’s what I want. Please, Hawkins.”

  Hawkins abandoned her breast with a rough snarl, quickly changing position until he lay between her thighs, face even with her cunt.

  “Mine.” He snarled and came to her. It wasn’t sweet and coaxing.

  His movements were demanding and fierce. His lips, tongue, and teeth didn’t give her any choice but to respond to him. She moaned and groaned, gasping when his fang scraped her clit and whimpering when his tongue circled her opening. He tasted her everywhere, taking whatever she could give and he seemed to still hunt for more.

  She reached down and stroked Hawkins’ head, aching for an additional connection to him. This was fast and furious, but it was also… loving. He was loving on her and she prayed that someday the entire experience would be filled with pure love.

  Soon, she hoped. Soon.

  Chance shifted away and she reached for him, intent on halting his escape. But she shouldn’t have bothered because he didn’t go far. No, he merely changed position, easing down her body to take up where Hawkins left off. Now it was his mouth latched on her breast, his other hand tormenting her nipple.

  They would kill her with pleasure, destroy her with the overwhelming joy at their touch.

  Thick fingers slid into her pussy, stretching her wide and she screamed with the bliss of Hawk’s possession. He was in her, filling her, and she reveled in the sensations. It wasn’t his cock, but it was still him.

  “Yes, yes, yes…” She rocked her hips and he growled against her, sending more shards of pleasure through her body.

  Hell, they both growled and she whimpered anew.

  She rolled her body, straining toward them, hips rising and back arching in an effort to take more and more and…

  A sharp fang scraped her nipple while a wicked tongue circled her clit. A teasing mouth sucked her breast while two fingers pumped in and out of her. The pace increased, destroying every thought in her mind. She couldn’t move past the sensations they caused. The torment and delicious bliss coursed through her veins and plucked each nerve.

  She was gonna come. She was going to fly into her release from two men loving her body. Two men, two werewolves, two doses of magic…

  “Close…” she gasped. The second the syllable left her mouth, they increased their efforts. She was no longer Paisley Twynham. No, she was a ball of pleasure that seemed to grow and grow with each breath.

  Her pussy milked Hawkins’ invasion, tensing and tightening around his fingers. If it was his cock… That thought shoved her orgasm ever closer.

  “Gonna… Gonna…” She rested at the edge of release, balancing on the precipice, and it was Hawkins who shoved her over.

  Hawkins lifted his head, yellow eyes meeting her gaze, and snarled at her. “Come for us, Paisley.”

  Then, when he put his lips against her again, it wasn’t on her clit. No, it wasn’t her clit or sex lips, or even the center of her… No, he captured her flesh and bit down on her inner-thigh. Those wickedly sharp fangs pressed against her sensitive skin, sending a bolt of pain through her body and everything in her responded to the sting. Her back arched, scream escaping her lips as a bright white light flew from her pores.

  Paisley’s orgasm rushed forward, overwhelming her with the pleasure and she reveled in the contrasts of bliss and pain. Her body trembled, muscles twitching and jerking in an unknown rhythm. Hawkins’ bite was met by Chance’s, her other mate pressing against her breast, gathering her flesh and forcing his teeth against her, just shy of tasting her blood.

  They claimed her and yet didn’t. The bruises from their attention would remain despite the fact they hadn’t truly bonded.

  Bonded or not, she had them. They were hers.

  As soon as they got over their issues.

  Chance was the first to release her, tongue brushing away the sting as her orgasm slowly ebbed. While Chance cared for her breast, Hawkins lovingly tended her inner-thigh. She met his gaze, not missing the cocky satisfaction that graced his features when he stared at her new bruise.

  He brushed a kiss across the purpling skin. “Mine.”

  Chance grinned and mimicked Hawkins. “Ours.”

  Yes, Paisley liked the sound of that. A lot.

  Chapter Nine

  Paisley crawled from their mass of tangled limbs. The three of them had crashed for a sated nap after they’d loved on her. She’d come—hard—and so had they.

  Without her laying a finger on them.

  That had her preening once again. They’d gotten off on pleasuring her even if they were embarrassed by that fact. Of course, they would have hidden the truth had she not complained about them hauling her from her bedroom and into Hawkins’.

  They were “saving her from the wet spot.”

  When she explained that she was wet, but not that wet, they both blushed. Eventually they mumbled that they’d come like teens and she’d smiled and tugged them both close. Yes, she was a hot bitch, wasn’t she?

  A hot bitch who was hungry. Orgasms took a lot out of a girl.

  She rolled from the bed, wiggling out of their embrace and padding across the room to snatch one of Hawk’s discarded button down shirts. On one hand, it was probably dirty and needed to be washed. On the other, there was no doubt it’d be coated in Hawkins’ scent which was exactly what she wanted.

  She slid her arms into the large shirt, tugging the lapels together and fastening a few buttons to cover the important bits before she went to the doorway. The double doors were thrown wide, exposing the beautiful suite that was all theirs. Funny how so much had changed in such a short time. It’d been a pretty prison and now it was a sanctuary for them. She had no doubt they’d have to leave at some point—they all had jobs—so she’d enjoy the time they had now.

  And maybe… Maybe they could solidify their mating before they got to the task of sorting out their lives and how they could rearrange things so they were all happy. It was hard enough for two people. She couldn’t imagine the growling that’d happen when they started on their three person relationsh

  Well, arguing couldn’t be all bad. It’d at least end in making up, right?

  Paisley grinned and shook her head. They’d need to make it to mating before she picked a fight that’d end with them back in bed.

  She padded to the cluster of couches that represented their personal living room. A phone sat on one of the low tables and she was anxious to see if the kitchen staff could send something to their room. Scarlet had assured her that the compound was run like a hotel in some ways. That meant she could order “room service” twenty-four hours a day.

  She snatched the handset from the cradle and scanned the little phone directory taped to the base.

  Food. Food. Food…

  Then she wasn’t thinking of food because two strong arms wrapped around her waist, squeezing her tight and yanking her from her feet. Adrenaline flooded her veins, fear of Maxim rushing forward, and she immediately jerked her elbow back. She fought to land a single blow, knock her attacker on his ass and—

  “Paisley, baby. Wait.” Chance. Stupid man with his stupid laughs.

  She elbowed him again for scaring the shit out of her.

  She felt better when he grunted.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed, her gaze scanning the room, hunting for Hawkins. Both men looked so peaceful when they’d finally passed out and she hadn’t wanted to wake them. Not spying her other mate-non-mate, she wiggled in Chance’s arms and shot him a glare. “Well?”

  Chance didn’t look the least bit contrite. Nope, he had one of those sexy grins in place that made her panties wet. If she were wearing them. But she wasn’t and…

  She mentally rolled her eyes. So not the point.

  “You looked so cute in Hawk’s shirt,” he nuzzled her and she ignored how her body reacted, “and smelling like sex.”

  Chance growled low and his cock pressed hot and hard against her lower back. Well then.

  “I could have killed you with my flashlight powers.” She glared at him more which made him smile wider.

  “No, sweetheart. Your magic knows who I am.” Chance ran his finger along her cleavage, dipping beneath the fabric. Her body responded to him—of course—and her power sparkled and crackled with his touch. “It knows who I am and it wants me.” He pressed a sweet, sinful kiss to her lips. “Like you.”

  She hated that he was right. Sorta.

  Right or wrong didn’t matter because her stomach decided to grumble and growl—much like her eventual mates—and that had Chance focusing on something other than making love to her.

  On one hand, yay food!

  On the other, boo no sex!

  “Let’s order something for you. We need you healthy and strong when Hawkins wakes up. I don’t think he’s gonna let you out of bed for days.” Chance nipped her neck, and the small sting sent a jarring bolt of arousal through her.

  “But, Chance…”

  “I know, I know. We’re waiting on the mating, but,” his eyes turned serious. “There is more than one way to make love to you. Hawkins and I crave you, but it’s at your pace. Nothing changes that. Okay?” He raised his eyebrows in question and she finally nodded.

  “Okay. Th-Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For letting me decide.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Chance cupped her face and brought their lips together in a gentle, soothing kiss. “Everything is at your pace. We live to make you happy.”

  Paisley shook her head. “No, we have to make each other happy.”

  That earned her another press of his mouth. “Touching you, loving you, is enough to make us content for the rest of our lives.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Sex will make you happy?”

  “And blow jobs.” He added and she imagined he was probably trying to be helpful.

  “Dork.” She nudged him. “Feed me.”

  “Hunting and bringing you dead things or…”

  She rolled her eyes. “Order me a burger. Well done.”

  Paisley ignored his gagging. She didn’t ignore that his cock was still hard. For her. Not something she’d ever imagined. Oh, she didn’t think she was ugly or unattractive, but not all men liked women with a little extra junk in the trunk.

  Though, she thought the junk was actually Grade A prime beef. Some skinny chicks had to get butt implants to have an ass like hers. Not to mention her breasts…

  So lost in her inner body worship, she hadn’t realized Chance had ordered their food until he dropped the phone into its cradle. And those warm lips were on her neck, licking a path toward her shoulder. Those teeth… She loved those teeth.

  “How… how long?” She couldn’t seem to get her heart to calm. Nope, it was pounding and threatening to tear from her chest.

  “Ten minutes,” he mumbled against her shoulder just before he bit her. Not hard enough to break skin, but it told her exactly what he wanted.

  Claiming was the only thing on his mind. Wait, his cock twitched and throbbed against her back.

  Claiming and sex. At the same time.

  “Do we have time to…” Do something other than stand there.

  Chance growled, but it wasn’t one of pleasure or threatening pain to anyone who interrupted them. Nope, it was all frustration.

  “No,” he grumbled and pulled away. Mostly. More like he shuffled one step, plopped bare assed on the couch and then tugged her into his lap. “No time for that.”

  Paisley wiggled to get comfortable and then wiggled for an entirely different reason. His cock was stiff beneath her and if she could just move a little she could—

  Chance grabbed her hip, forcing her to freeze in place. “I am not answering the door covered in cum. It’s not happening.”

  His frown coupled with his narrowed eyes probably meant she should listen to him.

  Instead, she replied with. “You don’t have to, I will.”

  That earned her another growl. “No one is answering the door while covered with cum.”

  Paisley leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder and nuzzling his neck. “But if it was me, then whoever is standing there will know I belong to you and Hawkins…”

  “You, are a pain in the ass.” Chance pressed a soft kiss to her forehead so she didn’t think he was really angry. “No sex, no orgasms, no cum on anyone.” He sighed. “We’ll just sit here and enjoy the quiet.”

  Paisley sighed and rested her weight on him, sinking into his embrace and she let herself relax.

  “Are you happy, sweetheart?” he murmured against her temple.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “I am.”


  It was good. She’d never been so happy. Of course, there was still plenty of drama surrounding them, but at her core, she was happy.

  A brisk knock on the front door had her easing from Chance. “Lemme get our food.” She pressed a quick, hard kiss to his lips. “Go wake Hawkins. We’ll lay around, eat whatever the hell you ordered, and talk about what’s next.”

  “You’re not dressed.”

  “I’m more dressed than you and I reek of you two. Go wake Hawkins. I’ll get food.” When he still didn’t move, she tugged on his hand. “C’mon. You must feed me, oh great and powerful werewolf.”

  He growled, but a smile lurked on his lips as he rose from the couch. “Brat.”

  She didn’t disagree with him. Nope, she merely padded past him toward the main door. When he still hadn’t moved, still standing bare assed in the middle of the living room, she glared at him and waved her hand. “Go. Who knows if there’s some woman on the other side of this door. Do you want me gouging out some chick’s eyes? Really?”

  Chance shook his head. “I’m going, I’m going.” He quickly closed the distance between them, and he suddenly towered over her. “Would you really go after a she-wolf?”

  Paisley rested a hand over his heart. “We’re not mated and there’s still so much fucked up stuff surrounding us, but you two are mine. Bite or not, you guys belong to me.”

“And you belong to us.” He didn’t say it as a question, but she knew he truly was asking.

  “Yes, I belong to you.”

  He gifted her with a wide, bright smile. “Good.”

  With that, he was gone, striding through the suite to the bedroom they’d shared.

  Another knock reminded her that there was a reason she was on her feet and not snuggled in Chance’s lap. Food.

  Then another brisk knock.

  “I’m coming already,” she grumbled and reached for the buttons on the shirt, doing up a few more as she moved toward the door.

  Man or woman, there was no sense in flashing someone all of her pink bits. Fastened from neck to thigh, she reached for the door and flicked the lock and then moved the chain aside. How anyone thought that would keep werewolves out was beyond Paisley. Whatever. She wasn’t the head of the Ruling Alpha security team.

  She twisted the knob and tugged the solid wood door wide. With its heavy weight, it took a nice jerk to get it going, but it finally swung open to reveal…

  Maxim. A battered, bruised, and burned Maxim, but Maxim just the same.

  “Hello.” The grin she received wasn’t sweet and sexy like Chance’s. No, it was evil personified. Hate lived in every muscle he used to spread those lips in the mockery of a grin.

  Paisley swallowed hard, fighting to breathe past the rising panic. Fear. Oh, God, fear burned her. He wasn’t supposed to have been able to get to her. Hell, they claimed he couldn’t get on the grounds, let alone inside the house.

  The burn of magic enveloped her, freezing her in place. The twisted taste of Maxim’s power wrapped in a blanket of soul deep pain. He had her captive. Oh, God, he held her captive. No, no, no… She called on her magic, on her power, begging it to do something to help get away, but her fight got her nothing but a wider smile from Maxim.

  “Nice try, but you’ll stay right here,” he rasped and she forced herself to focus on him.

  Chance and Hawkins. She tensed, ready to bolt for the bedroom they’d shared and dive into their arms. Her mates could protect her from Maxim. If her untrained magic damaged him, Chance and Hawkins could destroy Maxim. Yes, that’s what she’d do. She’d run. She’d—


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