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Charmed Wolf

Page 6

by Davis, Lia;

  Cool. She slowly stood. When she straightened, her gaze locked with Cooper's. His mouth was open in a small O. What did he see? Then she looked down at herself and smiled. The streams of power danced around her as if not sure what to do. She wasn't sure magic was supposed to act alive. It was almost as if she had her own army at her command. That was crazy, right?

  Maybe she’d broken her brain.

  To test her theory, she gave a command, "Come to me."

  The power rushed at her, wrapping around her body until it was once more inside her. She let it run wild in her veins, wondering what to do now. She turned and met Star's stare. "Now what?"

  "Store some in your chi and release the rest into the earth. It will always come back to you when you need it." A bright smile lifted her aunt's lips before she added, "It is as I said. You do hold the power of the goddess Diana. You are the charmed wolf."

  Dana averted her gaze. She didn't want to admit it, not yet. The responsibilities of the charmed wolf were unclear. So she wanted to ignore it for now. She and Cooper had to stop Edwin from destroying Bloodrose Creek, and they had to clear their names.

  * * *

  Darin gripped the arms of his high-back leather office chair and gritted his teeth. Dana had released the power, and he hoped it was within the walls of a circle. He had to believe that everything was okay. She was with Star and the Coven, they would protect her.

  "Anything wrong?" Edwin asked from the other side of Darin's desk.

  "Nothing I can't handle." Darin rose to his feet and motioned to the door. "I told you, I don't know where my sister is. She has blocked all my attempts to contact her. And I have Pack business to attend to."

  Edwin narrowed his eyes, and Darin swore he caught a snarl in the man’s next words. "Do remember that harboring fugitives is against council laws. And another Alpha would have the right to search your territory to find them."

  It took two breaths to grip the bastard by the throat and slam him against the office wall. Darin bared his teeth and allowed his wolf to surface. "Are you threatening the safety of my Pack?"

  A half-smirk tugged the corner of Edwin's mouth. "Just reminding you of the law."

  "Get. Out!" Darin released the male and willed the door to open with his mind—using the power he shared with Dana—hard enough that it hit the wall.

  Edwin glanced at the door, his face losing some of its color. Without another word, the Alpha left.

  A moment later, Asher, Darin’s Beta, entered. "I had a few enforcers follow him. He won't give up until he kills Dana. He's afraid of her and you."

  "Good. He should be." Darin moved past the other male to head to the medical center. "Increase security on the den. I don't trust Edwin to not attack us. The male is not right."

  Edwin reeked of black magic, confirming the rumor. The Alpha of Bloodrose had to be dealt with. Darin would find the proof he needed to help his sister and her mate take Edwin down legally.

  A few moments later, he was in Celeste’s medical room. She was in human form and resting. Her long, brown hair fanned out over her pillow. On a small cot on the other side of the bed was Hope. The four-year-old refused to leave Celeste's side.

  As if sensing him, Hope opened her eyes and waved. He smiled and signed to her, "How was your nap?"

  She signed back, "Okay"

  "Are you hungry?"

  She glanced at Celeste, then the open door, then back to him. After a brief moment, she shook her head. Darin held in his comment about her lie. Instead, he pointed to the table at the end of her cot and conjured a plate of fruit, meats, and cheeses.

  Hope's face lit up, and her hands flew in motion. "Thank you. You used magic. Show me."

  He laughed and moved around to the other side of the room. "I will one day."

  Hope seemed to be happy with that reply and sat up to eat.

  "You shouldn't spoil her."

  He glanced up at Celeste. Humor lit up her gaze, and love filled her scent as she glanced at Hope.

  "Feeding her is not spoiling her." Darin raised a brow in challenge.

  Celeste laughed softly and then pressed her hand to her side. Darin tensed at the thought of her hurt. Suppressing a growl at the impulse, he forced back his emotions. "Are you still in pain?"

  "Just when I laugh, apparently." She leaned her head back on the bed.

  Silence fell between them. Darin wasn't sure what to say. That morning, after she’d woken and shifted back to human, their conversation hadn’t gone well. He guessed that she was being nice at the moment because Hope seemed to react when there was arguing or fighting around her.

  After a call to Soron, Darin had discovered why. Edwin had killed the girl’s mother in front of her. Celeste and Cooper were there to care for her after, and had been ever since.

  "Edwin seems to be a problem."

  "Ha!" Celeste lifted her head and glared at him. "You don't know the half of it. He's a monster who hides behind the grey areas of the law."

  Darin glanced at Hope, who was reading a book while eating cheese. He couldn't stop the smile forming on his lips. Warmth seeped into his heart. He’d dreamt of the day he would find a mate and start a family. Well, he used to. Before the female he’d thought was his mate had betrayed him.

  "I kept a journal of everything Edwin did."

  He returned his focus to Celeste. "To give to the council?"

  She shrugged. "One day. Although I'm not sure how it can be used to take him out."

  Truth was, the council didn't always do what was fair to anyone but themselves. "It would be good with other evidence. Or make Edwin get stupid."

  "He's messing with black magic. I think he has a witch tucked away somewhere and uses her for his personal needs and for her power." She frowned and shot a quick glance at Hope. After another moment, Celeste lifted her gaze to his. "How long do I have to stay here?"

  "You're not a prisoner."


  He sighed and stood. "I told your brother I'd look after you and Hope. You are under my protection. I'll have an enforcer collect the two of you and bring you to my home."

  He didn't give her a chance to reply before he left the room. Her scent drove him wild. It took all his power and control to not touch her.


  No. She wasn't. Darin wouldn't be seduced by a female, again. He'd help his sister and her mate clear their names. Then, together, they would bring Edwin down.

  And Celeste would go back to her own home where she belonged.


  After dinner, Dana followed Star to the large dining room with Cooper in tow. Conversation was limited while they ate, and Dana wondered if it had anything to do with the other witches at the table.

  Dana didn't doubt the others knew why she was there. No one said anything to her besides the polite hello in passing.

  Suddenly, a ghost of sensation passed over her. She stopped and glanced around, but didn't sense anything.

  "What is it?" Star stopped and faced her.

  "I'm not sure."

  "Reach out with your senses, and when you find it, visualize it."

  Dana frowned. That was easier said than done. However, she didn't argue with the elder witch and did as she was told.

  Pushing out her senses, she felt and watched for what had brushed against her subconscious moments ago. She found it fairly quickly. A powerful yet calming power stretched out to her. Someone was looking for her.

  Dana stopped her magical search and met Star's concerned gaze. She too must have felt it just then. "The council is searching for me."

  Dropping her shoulders, Star nodded and strode back to the foyer. "I was afraid they would, but I thought we'd have more time. Come."

  Fear threatened to choke Dana. She wasn't ready. She wasn't in total control of her magic. Then there was Cooper. What if they took him? That would piss off her wolf enough to lose control.

  Panic rose, and her breathing became shall
ow. A moment later, Cooper linked his hand with hers and leaned into her as they walked. She calmed almost instantly, but her heart still pounded like it was trying to break out of her chest.

  They reached the foyer as a knock sounded on the door. Dana jumped and cursed herself for the weakness. "I'm pathetic," she muttered.

  "No, you aren't. We have a lot to deal with. Maybe we are meant to face them now. Get it out of the way. We might be able to plead our case. I mean, it is Edwin we're dealing with."

  Dana smiled. Cooper was rambling. It was nice to know he was as nervous as she. Facing him, she framed his face in her hands and kissed his lips. His hands gripped her hips, and he rested his forehead against hers. "Thanks."

  "No problem. You're right. Edwin is an idiot."

  When Dana stepped out of Cooper's embrace, Star opened the door. Two council members stood in the opening. A wolf-shifter and a witch. They glanced at her and Cooper and nodded. Confusion clouded Dana's mind along with suspicion. What was with the niceties?

  "Greetings, Priestess." They addressed Star by her Coven title. "May we talk with your niece and her mate?"

  Star stared at them for several moments before she said, "They came here seeking answers and guidance. We do not turn those away who need our assistance. And neither of them are fugitives as the rogue Alpha claims."

  Dana's mouth fell open. Was her aunt allowed to talk to the council like that? When the witch councilmen reached for Star, Dana growled and stepped between them. "Don't touch her."

  The witch cocked her head and then smiled. But it was the male wolf who stepped closer, towering over her. Dana straightened her spine and faced off with him. All hopes for respect left when they threatened her family.

  A power more potent than an Alpha's expanded from the councilman, and his wolf entered his gaze. There was a nudge on her subconscious, and the need to submit passed through her. She was stronger than him. A smile tugged at her lips. "My own father was challenged with the same problem. I obeyed him out of love and respect. I protect what is mine."

  To her surprise, the wolf backed down. "I thought it was just a rumor. The charmed wolf has always been a myth. Please, be at ease. We came here for your help, and to understand what is going on."

  The witch nodded. "Can we take this inside, please?"

  Dana moved to the living room and perched on the window seat next to the French doors. Cooper sat next to her. She was grateful for the close connection to him. The more they were together, the more she wanted him there. Then the male had to go and support her. He didn't try to stop her from facing off with the other male wolf. It was like Cooper knew she'd win if it came down to it. And he was going to let her do what she needed to do. Even though she could sense him fighting the need to protect her. A sigh escaped her.

  Cooper bumped her shoulder with his. "You okay?"

  "Not sure yet."

  "We want to thank you for not making it hard to find you," the male said with a grin. "I am Caster, and this is Ellen. Each of us, like all the council members, have gifts. I'm telepathic, and I'm supposed to look into your thoughts." He paused as if waiting for Dana to protest. When she said nothing, he continued. "Ellen is a seer. She has seen two different outcomes. We want to make sure the more favorable result comes to be."

  Dana raised a brow. A seer who had visions of two futures? Was that common? "I'm still getting used to the ‘charmed wolf’ title. I prefer not to be called that. I'm not special in any way. However, I too had a vision. Mine doesn't have a happy ending."

  Ellen sighed. "Sometimes, visions aren't clear on the end result. Both of mine are bloody, and there are deaths. Only one of them shows where you and Darin die and Edwin gains control over both Packs. I don't need to tell you that cannot happen."

  Breathing became difficult again. Dana gripped Cooper's hand. Not Darin. Not her Pack. Tears filled her eyes. "Tell me what you need me to do."

  Caster moved closer, and Cooper growled beside her. Cute. "Coop, please." He pulled his wolf back but remained tense as Caster placed his hands on her temples.

  "Open your mind for me. I need to go back as far as I can."

  She hated for anyone to know her weaknesses. And her mating with Ross was the biggest one she had. But this was necessary. Her Pack’s future depended on it.

  While Caster probed around in her mind, Dana didn't feel as uncomfortable as she’d expected to. When he was done, he said in a hushed tone, "Open your eyes."

  She did and met his chocolate gaze. His eyes were kind and held the strength of an Alpha and the compassion of a father. "I still plan to challenge Edwin."

  "Good. You should do just that. Push him to face to you. Make him make a mistake. When he does, we'll be there." Caster released her and stepped in front of Cooper. "Your turn."

  Cooper groaned but straightened. Dana leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "It's harmless." Then she moved off the window seat to give them space.

  Ellen smiled at her. "We can't legally go after Edwin, even though we know he is rogue."

  Dana growled. “Because the bastard uses the laws to his advantage." She studied the witch for a few moments as something dawned on Dana. "Why do I suddenly feel like a hired hand?"

  Ellen's features remained unchanged. "Sometimes, we need to seek those types of services."

  So they wanted her to kill Edwin but couldn't outright tell her that. She got it. "This is a one-time service offer from me. I'm no one's assassin. I want Bloodrose Creek as my Pack. They deserve an Alpha who will lead them and protect them."

  "We agree."

  Caster and Cooper joined them, and Caster nodded at Ellen. "We have what we need. The Reeds are clear of all charges. The death of the enforcer was self-defense."

  Dana's heart fluttered in glee. The council members said their goodbyes and left. Dana lowered herself to the floor in relief. They weren't on the run. Well, they never really were.

  And, they were free to challenge Edwin. Kill the asshat without question.



  Cooper's concerned tone drew her attention to the bedroom door. Turning, she frowned. "What's wrong?"

  A shadow of a smile formed on his sensual lips. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

  Tilting her head, she studied him for several long moments. "For the first time since before I mated Ross, I actually feel in control of my future."

  He crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him. Desire heated her from the inside out, threatening to consume her. The depths of his green eyes captivated her. The draw to him was almost too much to fight.


  She broke the eye contact and flattened her hands on his chest. "I need to go see Darin, see if there is any more news. We need to formulate a plan to track Edwin down."

  "Tonight? It's almost dark out." Cooper pressed his lips to hers. The promise of passion and the heat of dominance flooded her. She groaned, which made the wolf holding her smile wickedly. "Let's stay here one more night. We can leave at sunrise."

  He traced his lips across her cheek to her throat. Her heart pounded, and her pussy pulsed with need. Damn the sexy-ass wolf. She slid her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You make me weak."

  He chuckled. "No, I don't. Together, we will be strong. Together, we will rebuild Bloodrose."

  "We will definitely be changing the name of the Pack."

  "You sound like you're considering this mating thing."

  She averted her gaze to study his shirt. "I can't deny that you are my mate. Although I need time before we can make it official."

  With a finger under her chin, he forced her to meet his gaze again. "I won't push you. All I ask is that you don’t shut me out. We do this together. I'm not an Alpha, and would be happy to let you take the position. I'll do whatever you need me to in order to prove it to you."

  The truth in his words melted her heart. There wa
s no hesitation, no sour scent of a lie. Why was she so stubborn?

  Threading her fingers through his hair, she tugged. "Shut up and fuck me."

  Cooper gripped her ass and lifted. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to the bed. He laid her down and proceeded to remove her shirt. A smile tugged at her lips. She couldn't hold back her amusement.

  With a thought, she used her magic to remove their clothes.

  Cooper scowled. "I wanted to enjoy undressing you."

  She took his hard length in her hand and stroked. He hissed out a curse and pumped his hips. "I'm impatient," she said before leaning forward to take him into her mouth.

  Cooper stopped her by pushing her back against the bed, then climbed on, hovering over her. "I won't last if your mouth is on me."

  With a quick thrust, he entered her, making all her arguments fall away and turn to moans. She scored his shoulders with her nails and moved her hips in rhythm with his. Each in and out came harder and faster. Pleasure built while the wildfire flared out of control. Yet her magic remained as stable as it had been since she’d released it into the earth earlier that morning.

  The sharp pain at the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder broke her train of thought. Pain turned to pleasure as dizzying need rushed through her veins and her mind. A new magical thread formed, bright and beautiful.

  Cooper tightened his hold on her, and she did the same to him. They moved together, intensifying the pleasure. Then she saw it. Her wolf had started the mating bond. What the hell?

  Every muscle tensed as they both cried out in release. The bond snapped into place.

  She held onto Cooper, feeling his regret and guilt. "You didn't do that."

  He nodded. "I started it. I felt your wolf call to mine like a siren. I should’ve stopped."

  Breaking her hold, he got up and closed himself in the bathroom.

  Oh. Hell. No. He was not running from this and blaming himself! She rolled off the bed and stormed to the bathroom door. It was locked. She growled. "Open the damn door."


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