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Charmed Wolf

Page 8

by Davis, Lia;

  "How old is Bree?"

  Cooper frowned as he pulled a pair of jeans and a T-shirt from Celeste's drawer. "Twenty-two, I believe."

  Dread seeped into Dana's heart. She’d had a hunch she didn't want to know the answer, but she’d asked anyway. "That's young. How long as she been the Pack Healer?"

  "Since she was seventeen," Cooper muttered with a snarl. When he turned to Dana, she saw the anger in his eyes. "Edwin killed her parents and forced her to step into her mother's shoes."

  A growl rumbled from her chest, and she fisted her hands. "Why?"

  "Who knows. Edwin said the Healer and her mate were conspiring against him, selling information to other Packs to destroy ours. Same bullshit he always says." Cooper jerked his jeans on, then pulled a black T-shirt over his head.

  Dana got dressed, too. "This stops today."

  A soft knock on the front door caught their attention. Cooper sniffed the air. "That's Bree and Solon."

  Dana wasn't sure how she felt about Solon being there. She hadn’t planned to bring him in until later. With a sigh, she followed Cooper to answer the door.

  Cooper opened the slab of wood and stepped aside to let them in. Bree looked much younger than she was, which was expected among wolves because they aged at a much slower rate than humans and stopped aging completely when they reached their thirties.

  Bree was small at about five feet two inches and couldn't weigh more than a hundred and fifteen pounds. Her curly, red hair brushed the tops of her shoulders. She smiled and bounced on her toes as she stuck out her hand to Dana. "It's so great to meet you."

  Dana took her hand and watched as Bree's eyes widened at the connection. "Nice to meet you. Would you like your connection to Edwin severed now or when I do the Pack as a whole."

  Bree glanced to Solon, then Cooper before meeting Dana's again. "You can do that?"

  "I can."

  "She's a charmed wolf," Solon stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

  When Dana glared at him, his features revealed nothing of his emotions. To answer Bree's next unasked question, Dana returned her attention to the Healer. "My twin—the Alpha of Whiskey Hollow—and I are descendants of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt.

  Acknowledgement flashed in Bree's eyes. "Oh! You are protected by the council. I've read all the myths and legends. It says that a charmed wolf is as powerful as the gods and protected. They also say the council used them as assassins."

  Dana cleared her throat. "Well, the council doesn’t hire killers anymore. That's why Packs have their own sentries and enforcers."

  "Only because a charmed wolf hasn't been born for centuries."

  Dana jerked her gaze to Solon, anger rising. She stepped into his space. "How long have you known? How many of my secrets have you spilled in Edwin's ear?"

  Solon lowered his eyes and knelt in front her. An act she hadn't expected from him. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. Cooper snarled next to her, but she gave him a mental zap of power through the mating bond. He shot it back, playfully. Ignoring her mate for now, she focused on Solon as the male spoke. "I wish for you to sever my bond to the rogue Alpha. I want to pledge my life to yours as my future Alpha."

  Dana glanced at Bree, who nodded with a huge smile.

  "Solon, stand up." Dana walked to the living room. When the others moved inside, and Cooper had shut the door, she motioned for Bree and Solon to stand in front of her.

  When they did, Dana stepped closer and grabbed each of their hands. Closing her eyes, she searched within them for the link to Edwin. It didn't take her long to find it. She took hold of it and pulled. It snapped, breaking the bond and freeing them from Edwin's influence.

  Bree let out a sigh and sagged into herself. Solon gasped and wrapped his arms around the Healer. They stood there for several moments. Dana wondered if the couple wasn’t allowed to explore their feelings for one another. It'd be like Edwin to forbid them to follow their mating urges.

  After a few more moments, Solon released Bree and they met Dana's stare. Bree smiled. She really was a powerful Healer. "Thank you. So do we bond to you now?"

  Dana shook her head. "No. Well, not to the extent that you did with Edwin. You, my Healer, will be connected to me and be able to pull from my power when you need it for healing or extra strength. My enforcers will also have the same connection. But not through a blood oath or a bond. It'll be more of a psychological web of power, which I already began with the two of you. You should be able to sense me now. And Cooper. He will be my Beta. As my mate, he is the only one I trust at my back. Solon, I'll trust you to assemble the new enforcers and train them. I'm using Whiskey Hollow’s Pack rules for guidance to build my own. You know what those are?" The enforcer nodded, and Dana added, "For now, we need to address the Pack and sever their bond. Then we can start rebuilding. This will make Edwin stupid mad, which I'm counting on. I need him to make a mistake, something that will out him as a rogue."

  "Dealing in black magic is enough for that," Bree said.

  Dana agreed, yet she didn't have proof. "Why is it that everyone knows he is dealing in the black arts and yet no one has the proof to bring it to the council?"

  Bree suddenly grew fascinated with her feet. Dana waited. After a few seconds, Bree spoke softly. "He has a ritual room in his house."

  "You saw this?"

  Bree nodded. Dana pulled her into a hug, surprising the young Healer. "You are awesome. That will be our first stop, and it will make taking over the Pack much easier."


  "You'd think with all his secrets, the bastard would keep his door locked." Dana entered Edwin's house and used her magic to hunt down any type of magical signature left there.

  As soon as she moved to the stairs, she felt it. Dark power drifted in the air, coming from the second floor. She took the stairs two at a time, Cooper and Solon on her heels. Bree opted to go to the Pack circle where everyone was supposed to gather.

  At the top of the stairs, Dana turned right and headed straight to the master suite. She opened the door and stumbled back at the thick, oily-like magic in the room. "I thought Bree said there was a ritual room."

  Solon nodded and brushed past her to enter the room. "It's a hidden space connected to his closet."

  He reached for the doorknob, and Dana said, "Don't open that door."

  Dana closed her eyes and tried to call to Ellen. She was a witch, and Dana remembered Star saying that witches could call to each other. "Ellen, I request your presence."

  A few moments went by, and Dana scolded herself for being crazy. She wasn't a full witch. Why did she think it'd work? Staring at the closet door, she didn't want to open it without someone more knowledgeable about black magic present. Her instincts told her it was a trap.

  The pressure changed in the room, making Dana and the guys whirl around. The sight of Ellen brought a smile to Dana's lips. "I didn't think it worked."

  "I almost didn't hear you. We'll have to work on your training, but another time." Ellen's gaze went to the closet and her nostrils flared. Anger rolled from the witch in waves. "Don't open that door. In fact, we need to get out of this house."

  Fear sliced through Dana when Ellen dematerialized from the room. Dana reached for Cooper and Solon and flashed them outside the house.

  When they materialized in the front yard, Solon cursed, and Cooper chuckled. But it was short-lived when Ellen spoke again. "Dealing in black magic has been outlawed for centuries." Ellen held a hand out for Dana. Without hesitation, Dana took it. "By the power of the council, I declare Edwin Bass rogue and strip him of his Alpha status for the Bloodrose Creek Pack. I hereby transfer Alpha power to Dana Huston, charmed wolf and sister of the Whiskey Hollow Alpha."

  Dana braced herself. The last time she’d felt the Alpha power, it had scared her, threatened her control. When the power slammed into her, she gasped. Ellen squeezed her hand. "Dana, breathe. You are in control of your power. Face the Pack, share this new po
wer with them. Let them know you are here to protect them, care for them, and guide them."

  Dana did as the witch said. How did Ellen know so much about Pack ways? After a few moments, the power balanced, and Dana opened her eyes.

  A smile lifted her lips. The whole Pack had gathered around them, filling the dirt road and the yards of neighboring houses. Dana hadn't realized how big Bloodrose was until then.

  Ellen leaned in and whispered. "Greet your Pack."

  Nodding, Dana stepped forward. "Most of you know me. For those who don't, I'm Dana Huston. I'm a charmed wolf and the sister of the Whiskey Hollow Alpha. The first thing I'm going to do is change the name of the Pack. There will be no more bloodshed within the den unless it's inside the Pack circle dealing with a traitor. If you are loyal to the rogue Edwin Bass, then leave now or deal with the consequences later."

  Dana glanced at Cooper and held her hand out to him. Love filled her heart. His love for her and hers for him. Turning back to the Pack, she continued. "My mate, Cooper Reed, will step in as the Beta. Solon Bradley is my Sentinel, leader of the enforcers and sentries. Bree will continue to be the Healer."

  Dana stopped, and one of the children stepped forward and asked, "What is our new name?"

  "Oh, I guess I can't forget that. New beginnings are a cause for a new name..." She glanced at her mate and knew. "From this day forward, we will be known as the Huston-Reed Pack, sisters and brothers to the Whiskey Hollow Pack."

  Cheers erupted around them. Cooper faced her and kissed her, hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She broke the kiss to bury her nose in his neck and take in his scent. Her mate's scent.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Dana scanned the crowd that had started to go back to their own homes or wherever they needed to be. “Yeah. A hot bath and a nap sounds good.”

  “I can think of something else that would be better.”

  Dana nibbled her bottom lip and smiled. “Can you now?”

  His eyes darkened and a wicked smile lifted his lips as he tugged her down the dirt road to his, now their, home. Dana walked closer to him and sighed. It’s going to take a while to weed out the bad eggs from the Pack and probably even longer to gain the rest of the Pack members’ trust. She wasn’t going to let them down.

  The Pack, her Pack, deserved to be happy and healthy once more. That was one promise she wouldn’t break.

  * * *

  The thick, woodsy scent of smoke filled Dana's lungs. She gasped but couldn't wake from the vision-dream. She tried to scream. No sound left her throat. The wolf within growled and paced.

  Where was Cooper? Fear froze her to the bone. No. She couldn't lose him.


  Cooper? She heard his voice but it sounded so far away. Then he was in her mind. "Dana, wake up. I need you to get up."

  The growl in his tone was a command, snapping her out of her dream. Opening her eyes, she met Cooper's wide eyes. Then she smelled the smoke. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might jump right out of her chest. She sprang from the bed.

  "What's going on?"

  "We're under attack. Just started. Why wouldn't you wake up?"

  His last question had fear in it, as if he were afraid she'd never wake. Framing his face, she quickly kissed his lips. "I'm not sure. But we need to move."

  Just then, Darin materialized in the bedroom with his two Sentinels. Dana locked gazes with her brother. "Edwin will pay for this."

  Darin just nodded, his brows dipped and his jaw locked. There was one other time when she’d seen him that mad. The day he’d killed Ross. "The two of you meet me in the Pack circle."

  "Wait. This is my Pack." Dana crossed her arms.

  He raised a brow and she sighed, then mind-linked with Solon. "Get the enforcers and meet us in the Pack circle. Tell the sentries to get the Pack to the school." To Cooper and Darin, she said, "The sentries will gather everyone in the school. I can surround it with a circle to protect them."

  The guys nodded and moved to the door. Anger and fear rushed through her. Calling to the elements around her, she gathered strength and power from them, building up the magic within her. Edwin had just made this personal. She would show him what a charmed wolf could do.

  On the way out the door, she conjured clothes to replace her very short babydoll nightie. Then she stopped and whirled around to face her brother and her mate. "Secure the den and make sure my people are safe."

  Darin and Cooper both reached out, each gripping an arm. "Where are you going?" they asked at the same time.

  "I'm going to find Edwin and end this."

  Darin pursed his lips and worked his jaw as he stared at her. Finally, after a long moment, he said, "Take Cooper with you."

  She glanced at her mate. There was no arguing with them. It'd take too much time. Time she didn't have. If the vision she'd awakened from—the same one she’d had before where everyone died—came true, she'd lose more than her family. "Fine."

  Darin kissed her forehead and released her. "Stay safe."

  After he’d taken off toward the Pack circle, Dana closed her eyes and locked her fingers with Cooper’s. First thing was securing the school. She teleported them in front of the building. Standing in front of it, she raised her hands, lifting the magic from the earth with them. Vines grew out of the ground, covering the school. "Protect those within these walls. Keep out all who wish to harm my Pack. I will it so. Blessed Be."

  With a jerk of her hand, a ripple of magic swirled above the building, then settled over it, locking in the protection spell.

  Solon stepped up beside her with several families in tow. Dana's heart swelled, and she had to fight off the tears. "The school is secured with a spell. Stay inside until I come to get you. Darin is here with the enforcers and Sentinels. They will handle the rogues."

  When she turned, Solon grabbed her upper arm. She glared at him. Cooper growled and gripped the male’s wrist.

  Solon didn't respond to Cooper's protectiveness. Instead, he stared Dana in the eyes. "I'm going with you. As your Sentinel, it's my job to keep both of you safe." On the last words, he slid his gaze to Cooper.

  "Fine." Dana was tired of the high-handedness of the men in her life. She'd have to call them on it later. She jerked from Solon's hold and stormed off toward the former Alpha's house.

  "How are we going to find him?"

  She smiled a wicked and cold smile. "Tracking spell. The dumbass should know better than to leave personal effects behind.

  She kicked the door open, letting it slam against the wall. Now, what shall I use? Her gaze went to a closed door to the right of the living room. An office? Only one way to find out. She crossed the room and jerked open the door. Satisfaction fluttered in her gut. It was a study.

  At the desk, she hovered her hand over the wooden surface. Edwin's scent was all over the chair, even though he hadn't been there in several days, maybe a week, still, his scent lingered.

  She gripped the back of the chair, closed her eyes, and focused on Edwin.

  A vision flashed in her mind almost instantly. He was in some kind of warehouse. Or was it a storeroom?


  The male was at her side a moment later, and she placed her free hand on his shoulder. He gasped, telling her he saw what she did. "Do you know where that is?"

  "Yes. He has a bunker about ten miles north of here."

  Edwin's head snapped up and he looked directly at her. Dana gasped in surprise. Before she was able to pull out of the vision, she was pulled through it.

  She and Solon landed on a concrete floor like they’d been dropped from the ceiling. Edwin loomed over them, an evil smile spread wide across his face. "Well, well if it's not the witch and the traitor."

  Dana’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of Edwin flanked by two witches. A thick layer of dark magic flowed around them. The hairs on Dana’s neck and arms rose, and her power surfaced as if ready
for battle.

  “So, the rumors are true. You’ve not only gone rogue, but insane.” Dana slowly stood and met the glares of the female witches behind Edwin. “Did he promise you great power? Perhaps revenge on the Coven?”

  The females must have recognized her as a charmed wolf because they stepped back, glancing at each other.

  Yeah, didn’t know what you were getting into, huh?

  “I’ve never been more clear about what I am than now.” Edwin paced closer to Dana, putting her on guard. He threw his head back and laughed. “Not so confident without your Alpha brother, are you?”

  Did he seriously think she needed Darin’s support? Edwin didn’t know shit about her or the power she shared with her twin. However, she remained silent, not sharing the truth with him.

  He inhaled and let out an evil laugh once more. She was so glad she could amuse him. Fucking insane bastard.

  “I smell your weakness. The uncertainty and the lack of control.” Edwin lifted his hand, and a ball of dark, smoky energy formed.

  “Alpha, we could use her power,” Solon said and moved to stand next to Edwin.

  Dana stared at him wide-eyed. What was he doing? The link Solon shared with her said he was lying. That he didn’t want her killed. He was being her Sentinel even if it made him look like a rogue.

  She played along by narrowing her gaze at him. “I knew Darin kept you inside Edwin’s Pack for too long. I can’t believe I trusted you.”

  “You trust too easily. How do you think Ross got control over your Pack?” Solon snarled, but his eyes held a plea of forgiveness only she saw due to the Alpha link they shared.

  The Ross reference hurt, but not as much as she’d thought it would before she met Cooper. Now, she knew what a true mate was. “You’ll pay for this, Solon.”

  Dana allowed her magic to run wild. Her hands glowed, and Edwin eyed them with interest but not surprise. So he knew. She wondered how long. Did it matter? She was going to take him down.

  She lifted her hand and formed her own power ball—hers white—then raised a brow at the gray swirl of smoke in his hand. Well, not actual smoke, but that was what it looked like.


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