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Mind Trace

Page 20

by McCaghren, Holly

  How did he enter the lab and get that close to me, without me realizing it?

  Alice realized with a sickening horror that she had not had time to hide the tuner and it was lying on the desk in plain sight. She doubted she could explain away the presence of such a device. She found herself frozen, unsure of what to do next and afraid to turn around.

  She sucked in a deep breath, preparing to turn around and somehow distract him, but she began choking instead. As Alice struggled to clear her throat and breathe normally again, she decided this was a far better distraction than she could have hoped for. She hunched over on the desk, coughing more than was necessary and slipped the tuner under the edge of a power supply next to where she was working.

  She turned around finally and looked at him, disheveled and flushed.

  "I wasn't sure it was a good idea, but finding you here collapsed on the desk makes me think I was right in coming here. You have been working too hard. It would be an excellent idea if you had a break from all this. Perhaps it will help your thoughts to flow more smoothly when you return."

  "What are you talking about?" Alice's confusion was genuine.

  "Alice, I'd like you to have dinner with me."


  Dumbstruck, she blurted the question out before she had a chance to consider her response.

  Eric laughed warmly. "I know it seems like a contrary suggestion from what you know of me and the circumstances of your stay. But, you must think about this situation logically. This is your new home now. There is no need for us to remain enemies if we are working side by side. Maybe if you felt more comfortable, you'd learn to appreciate what we do here."

  He turned away from her for a moment, seeming to consider something, his expression becoming grave.

  "And I hope that, over time, you'll realize I'm not the monster you think I am."

  Eric turned his face downward, appearing to feel genuine sorrow over her judgment of him. In that moment, he could have even been construed as slightly vulnerable.

  Alice knew better. Despite what she might be seeing here, she knew it must be part of another ruse. He was probably setting her up to do some impossible task for him that he knew she would refuse otherwise.

  Not a monster? What, exactly, do you call this thing on my ankle?

  Any type of emotion other than pride, greed, or arrogance was beyond the spectrum of this man. No, he was up to something again, but she would not let this chance pass her by. Instead, Alice decided to play along. If an opportunity presented itself, she had to be ready.

  "You want to have…dinner?" she asked innocently.

  "Yes, I can arrange to pick you up at five thirty. We will be eating in my office on the top floor of the Central Tower. Unfortunately, for both your safety and everyone else's, we can't dispense with the necessity of your bracelet."

  Alice frowned inwardly. She knew it would not be that easy, but it didn't hurt to hope.

  "What is your decision, Alice?"

  An opportunity is an opportunity…no matter how strange it might appear.

  "I suppose a break would be nice." She tried to look somewhat suspicious without revealing her own intentions.

  "Excellent. The arrangements will be made. I will return for you at five thirty."

  He smiled, quite pleased with her decision. He strode confidently from the room, door shutting behind him.

  She had two hours left before he would return. That was more than enough time to hide whatever evidence was left, place it through the hole in the wall and make some "progress" on the hovercraft project.


  She was seated, facing the door when Eric returned for her.

  Alice didn't trouble herself with her appearance. She probably could have asked to return to her room to change into something at least a little less wrinkled, but she didn’t bother.

  Even if she thought she could use her "feminine wiles" to sway him into letting her go, she could not bring herself to stoop to that level. She was not that desperate…yet.

  When the door opened, he stood there, impassive and still, dressed impeccably, as usual. Alice briefly wondered what good could possibly come of the evening, but it was no use now.

  There could be no escaping until she found a way to remove the bracelet, but that did not mean she could not learn as much as possible about her captor until then.

  He stood aside to let her pass, sweeping his arm out dramatically to give the appearance of a gentleman. Once in the hallway, she smiled wryly as she saw four armed guards waiting there. No matter how much Eric acted as if he was giving her a chance, he still did not trust her. She assumed that having the four man escort was supposed to deter her from trying anything, although it was probably more for appearance. She knew very well that if she stepped beyond the programmed route for the evening, her bracelet would be activated and all her plans would be in vain. It would do no good to attempt to escape as long as the unyielding chunk of metal tethered her to this prison.

  They went down a series of hallways, through many doors and up several floors before they reached Eric's personal elevator entrance. Like everything else in the building, Alice already knew where it was. Two of the guards broke off to wait at this entrance for their return.

  The remaining two guards went with them on the elevator, up to Eric's office. It seemed like the trip took ages and Alice began to feel claustrophobic in the confinement of the elevator. Finally, the door dinged open on the top floor and they walked into Eric's office.

  After the door shut and everyone stepped away from the elevator, the bookshelves surrounding the entrance shuddered and then began to move along tracks set in the floor until they completely covered the elevator, clicking into place. The effect was eerie. It seemed as though there had never been anything along that wall except the bookshelves that now covered it.

  Alice gazed at the room in front of her. For all his wealth and power, Eric's office was not a reflection of the depth of his riches. Instead, it seemed coldly efficient, with only the barest amount of furnishings. This room was clearly a room for work and nothing else. There were no pictures or any personal effects anywhere. For a brief moment, Alice almost pitied the man in front of her.

  He's so alone. Even though it's self-inflicted, it must be miserable at times to be so isolated from everyone else. I don't envy him.

  They did not stop in his office, but instead went to one of the other doors leading out of the room. It opened to what was originally a small meeting room. The left wall was lined with windows from ceiling to floor. It was an extraordinary sight. From there, she could see for miles across the EngineerCorp campus. It was still early evening and the sun would not set for several more hours.

  What was perhaps more impressive was the table that used to be the centerpiece of the room had been converted to a dining table. It was covered with an elegant, white linen tablecloth, complete with expensive-looking dishes and utensils. The centerpiece was an arrangement of candles, each set at different heights and all pre-lit.

  Seriously? He has to be joking...I hope.

  Alice almost laughed aloud, but thought better of the gesture. She could not help but wonder what it was that Eric was trying to do. Was he trying to "woo her into submission?" The idea was so absurd that she suppressed another laugh and tried to think of something else. If Eric wanted something, he certainly did not have to stoop to this kind of petty behavior. However, that thought was equally disturbing. If not that, then what was he up to?

  This time, the guards waited outside the door and it was shut behind them, leaving her and Eric alone in the room. Suddenly feeling nervous, she walked to the opposite side of the room and pretended to look at a generic piece of art that hung on the wall.

  Eric looked at her oddly, but did not question her behavior. Instead, he walked over to the table and motioned for her to join him. Two place settings were set near the middle of the table, one on each side. She hesitantly approached her side and sat down. The table was relati
vely narrow, so she was only a few feet away from him.

  There was a small, wireless console sitting on the table near Eric. He pressed a button near the center and, a few moments later, a man with a cart of food entered the room. The man was stoic, silently setting the food down in front of them. Alice tried to make eye contact with the man, but he apparently had strict instructions to do his job and nothing else.

  Her eyebrows rose when he set out a bottle of wine, but she said nothing. Then, as swiftly as he came, the man was gone and they were alone again. She glanced at Eric, unsure what to do next.

  "Please, eat. That's why you came, isn't it?" Eric smiled at her.

  Not really…

  As she started to pick up her utensils, he stood, poured two glasses of wine and offered her one while setting the other next to his plate.

  "No, thank you."

  "Are you worried about being underage?" He gave a deep laugh. "Your secret is safe with me."

  "I'm not really into wine." Her answer was short and clipped. She had no desire to engage in a conversation about her drinking preferences or lack thereof. All Alice really wanted to know was why he brought her to dinner in the first place.

  "That is a shame. I had this brought up from my personal cellar. It is an excellent red Bordeaux, a Chateau Cheval Blanc. This bottle alone is worth several thousand dollars. But, of course, if you are not a connoisseur, then that is meaningless to you. It really is one of a kind… However, I meant no offense; the choice is yours."

  He sipped his wine and appeared satisfied, then began to eat his own meal.

  As the dinner went on, Eric asked her questions, mostly about her past. How she chose her career path, where she grew up, and about her family. At first, she considered refusing to speak of it, but she realized that he would already know all of that information. There seemed to be no harm in recalling the past.

  He did not have her particular spin on the events, but the events were no secret. So, she answered his questions. At first, she answered with short, hesitant responses. Then, she became more enthusiastic as the nostalgia brought her out of reality, taking her back to a time when things were happier.

  Soon, she had almost forgotten who was seated across from her, and she was still talking long after they had both finished their meals. Alice was beginning to consider that she had been unfair in her judgment of him after all, when he suddenly asked a question that broke her out of her happy reverie.

  "What happened that night, Alice? The night you burned your hand?"

  So, here's the real reason…

  That was a question that she simply was not prepared to answer. No matter how much he seemed interested in her past and getting to know her, she could never tell him what truly happened that night.

  "What are you talking about? I already told you what happened. It's no secret."

  "No, Alice. You told me part of what happened that night. But, I suspect the truth is truly much more than that."

  She was beginning to feel nervous at the direction the conversation was taking. Alice had to steer him away, and fast.

  "Right. Well, if you want to think that, go right ahead. But, I already told you the truth."

  He sat forward in his chair, leaning over the empty dinner plate. His eyes were intense and bored into her. Alice shuddered and leaned back as far as she could into her chair.

  "Alice, you can't expect me to believe that. You have always been extraordinary, doing things well before your time and doing them better than most people could. But something changed that night…something that you haven't told anyone. Suddenly, after that night, you start displaying almost supernatural intelligence and abilities, skills you never exhibited before. Do you expect me to believe that all of that was hidden beneath the surface your whole life? No, don't be foolish. Something happened to you, Alice. It changed you."

  As he fixed his glittering eyes on her and spoke, she could not help but feel her heart beating faster with each word. She silently reached for the glass of wine and drank some. Alice hoped it would relax her. If she did not calm down, she would surely give something away. The wine warmed her insides, helping to rid her of the trembling nervousness she felt.

  It seemed to give her more courage with each sip. She had to stop this line of conversation.

  With her newfound courage, she pushed her chair back dramatically and said, "You're right, Eric."

  His eyes widened in surprise and then changed to eagerness. He never expected her to agree with him, especially so quickly. Eric was not about to let his astonishment interfere with the breakthrough he believed he was experiencing. He inhaled deeply and opened his mouth to speak, but Alice interrupted him.

  "I agree with you completely – this wine is excellent!"

  With that, she cut off any further conversation and walked over to the window to pretend to enjoy the view.

  She had intended to just get away from him, but once she was there, her pretensions melted away. The view seemed impressive when she first walked in, but now she felt dizzied by the height and magnitude of what she saw. The wine had probably not helped that sensation, but she hadn't drunk enough to affect her reasoning.

  It was a clear evening and by her brain's estimate, her vision extended just under two miles into the distance. She was already identifying the buildings scattered about, comparing them to the campus map she held in her head. Her mind was reveling in all the information. She knew the floor plans of each building, the height and relative distance to her own location, and the endless geometric patterns she found in their positioning.

  She barely even noticed the sunset, but now she turned her attention to its descent on the horizon. The sunset veiled the campus in a rose-colored hue, making it seem almost peaceful. Without realizing it, she had forgotten about Eric, took a deep sigh, and began to relax.

  "It really is extraordinary, isn't it?"

  The voice over her shoulder caused her to jump. Eric had approached her silently as she was wrapped up in her surroundings. She turned around and took two large steps back.

  "You really shouldn't do that, you know. It's just creepy."

  Eric laughed at her, but did not respond. The intensity of his gaze had lessened, but it wasn't completely gone. He joined her at the window again and looked out.

  He spoke, but his voice was directed to the glass. "All of this... This is only the tip of the iceberg. I am the head of an empire, Alice. An empire that covers almost the entire planet. But, even I have limitations."

  His voice grew deeper and more powerful. "Look out there, Alice. Can you see it all? The world could be ours. All you have to do is work with me. Think about it. Can you imagine the possibilities? With you at my side, nothing would stand in our way."

  He turned his eyes on her again and she was terrified by the expression on his face. He seemed drunk with power and greedy for more. She could not help but step back. He started to approach her, prompting her to retreat further. Alice made it only a few steps when her back hit the wall. She found herself in a corner, with Eric rapidly closing the distance between them.

  Alice was truly frightened then, of what he was capable of and what he would do. He smiled as he stood over her, placing one hand on the wall next to her head and leaning in so that his face was only inches away from hers.

  "I'm ss-s-ure we can talk more effectively seated at the table," she offered weakly.

  He smiled wickedly. She could feel his breath on her face and she was claustrophobic. Her fear temporarily clouded her mind and she fought to push it aside.

  Eric had always been maniacal and power-hungry, but this was more than that. It almost seemed as if he had lost control of his carefully disciplined emotions in what appeared to be a fit of greed and lust for power. The effect was truly frightening. Even her mild attempt at humor had not elicited a response.

  His voice was low and intense. "Alice, you will tell me…one way or the other."

  "I already told you. Leave me alone!"

; She attempted to push him back but he would not yield. Instead, he took both of her arms and pinned them against the wall. Alice was frozen, afraid of what would happen next and not wanting to antagonize him further.

  "Do you know how hard I have worked to make this company? Do you know the sacrifices I made to get here? Then, you come along and jeopardize my entire life's work in one moment. One moment and everything is on the line!"

  He was breathing heavily, distracted by the intensity of his thoughts. Suddenly he paused, his eyes focusing on hers.

  "It occurred to me that the only reason you can do any of this, is because you have something that no one else knows about…something that would change the playing field forever…something that I must have. "

  Her arms were starting to go numb, but she had not noticed. She was riveted by the intensity of his expression.

  "No one defies me, Alice. No one. That includes you."

  Alice knew she had to bring him back to his senses before he did something rash. Where she was positioned, she could not bring either of her legs around to provide any worthy defenses and her arms were uselessly pinned to the wall. If she could somehow get him to relax his hold the slightest bit, her mind had provided her with multiple ways to disarm him from there.

  How could she distract him? In the awkward position she found herself in, she suddenly thought of one thing that would distract him. She shuddered at the thought, but if it meant saving her from a worse fate, she had to accept it.

  In the brief moment that her mind was busy with thought, Eric tightened his grip even more and cut off the circulation in her arms.

  Without thinking or hesitating further, she acted. She pushed herself forward, closing the tiny distance between them, and…kissed him.

  She put aside all emotions and thoughts and forced herself to ignore her internal shouts of protest. Eric initially went rigid and then he relaxed, dropping his hands down to her waist. It was not as horrific as she thought it would be. She was surprised, but she ignored that too. Alice took that moment to fling her hands forward, escaping his grasp. Then, she planted one karate-style blow to his throat, using one of the moves that her brain had so nicely laid out for her.


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