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Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel

Page 21

by Stacey Kennedy

  She considered avoiding the details, but knew better. There’d be one big half-truth up ahead and she took no enjoyment lying to Kyden. All the same, she didn’t want to worry anyone more than she already had. Yes, she needed answers, and thought talking to Zia was probably the best option, but she didn’t want that conversation to happen with Kyden around. She needed to get this all figured out in her mind first. “Magnus seems to think I’d make a good Siren in his Guard.” Silence mixed with a sense of dread hung thick in the air, so she added, “I said no.”

  Zade sputtered a laugh. “She said no.”

  Nexi took that to mean that most witches offered the role didn’t refuse it.

  Talon asked, “Did Magnus help you before or after he offered you the role?”

  “He helped me before we talked.” Kyden’s hand tightened around hers, so Nexi glanced at him, finding tension rippling off him. His features were dark and dangerous. Of course, she understood his strain—exactly why she wasn’t going to tell him everything right now—but she wanted all the pressure in the air to simply go away. “Oddly enough, a new ability appeared tonight. It’s not something I’ve ever felt before. It’s like my Air magic, but richer, and proved to be a shield against magic. Astoria couldn’t break through it.” She looked into Zia’s wide eyes. “It didn’t feel necessarily elemental,” she thought it wise to add.

  Zia’s lips pursed. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to understand this ability until you use it around me.” Her eyes softened with her sweet smile, exactly as a mother’s would. “Though now is not the time to test such powers.”

  I love you, Nexi said in her mind to Zia, not just because she meant it, but because she didn’t want to do anything that involved magic anytime soon.

  Tears welled in Zia’s eyes. I love you, too, my darling. And I’m proud of you.

  Nexi looked away, hating how hearing that made her feel like shit. Would Zia be so proud if she knew the things that Magnus said to Nexi? If she knew how he made her feel? If she was aware that Nexi had used black magic to defeat Astoria? Even if Nexi sure-as-shit hoped that magic belonged to Magnus, it didn’t help ease the guilt inside.

  Holten, who stood in next to Zade, rubbed his jaw. “So this is the power that killed Astoria?”

  Nexi swallowed, wondering just how much to say. She didn’t want to worry everyone. Instead of telling the truth—that somehow Magnus had put dark magic into Nexi and that is what she used to kill Astoria—she replied, “Magnus was the one who killed her. I simply protected myself with my new shield until she was dead, but apparently, using that shield exhausts me.”

  As if Kyden knew she was leaving something out, he asked, “Then Magnus left you there?”

  She avoided looking at him, unable to lie to his face. “He did.” She was sticking to half-truths, but she purposely left out the you-will-come-to-me-willingly part. No need to send Kyden into I-will-defend-you mode, especially against the Lord of the Underworld. Until Nexi understood more of what had happened between Magnus with her, and to find out a reason for that dark energy, she would not get anyone else involved in this.

  Whatever was ahead of her with Magnus, she’d deal with it. For now, she was happy to live in her bubble of delusion where a Lord of the Underworld didn’t exist and wanted nothing from her. A place where she fully believed that the darkness she experienced was something Magnus had put inside her. She knew better than to believe a demon, and Magnus was the leader of demons.

  How could she trust what he said?

  Even though her body remembered the soft touches he gave, and how he made her almost yearn for him, she didn’t believe him.

  Holten said, “Don’t worry yourself with Magnus. I’m not surprised he has approached you, seeing that you are likely talked about often because of your mixed heritage. I would imagine he holds an interest in you simply because of that.”

  Talon added, “Besides, Magnus can’t lure you into the Underworld. You must go of your own free will and accept the position he offers. A war with the Otherworld is not something that he will risk. We might not have a treaty with him, but we do have an unspoken respect.”

  Before Nexi could reply, a low meow drew her focus to Willow, and her cat had taken a spot beside Zia. Willow’s eyes were sad and her head was bowed to the ground. Are you going to get rid of me?

  Nexi left Kyden’s side, closing the distance. “Get rid of you?” She tucked a finger under Willow’s furry chin, lifting her head. “Now, why would I do that?”

  I’ve failed you. It’s in your right to disown me. Even Willow’s voice in Nexi’s mind sounded heavy with sadness. The mountains around you made it impossible for me to locate you. I couldn’t pinpoint your exact whereabouts. I couldn’t protect you.

  “Oh, Willow, don’t be silly.” Nexi scratched under her chin. “You saved my ass with those vampires earlier. Besides, I’d get pissy if you tried to save me all the time and didn’t let me fight my battles.” Of course, she said that to benefit Willow. The idea of staying far away from fighting sounded like a great idea…at least for a little while.

  Willow purred, and Nexi assumed that meant all was well.

  Nexi glanced from Kyden to Finn, and a sudden awareness stormed into her, reminding her of something she had learned tonight. The floor all but dropped out from under her.

  Her blaming herself must have registered across her face, because Finn shook his head. “Yes, I’m aware why Astoria killed Trefan, and that it was to get to you, but don’t take that on yourself. You will never be responsible for any of this.” His voice carried through the foyer. “You were part of the reason Trefan’s killers are dead—you owe him no debt.”

  No, she was the reason Astoria was dead.

  Just no one knew it.

  Finn wrapped his arms around Haven, as Haven said, “No guilt, remember? Lots of love heals broken hearts, wasn’t that what you said?”

  “Something like that.” Nexi forced a smile, pretty sure she would always feel responsible for Trefan’s death.

  At least they looked better. Vindicated. Stronger. Happy.

  Kyden dragged his fingers down Nexi’s arms, drawing her entire focus to him. She stared up into his eyes, wishing he could answer every question she had and tell her that everything was going to be all right. But she couldn’t, because deep down she knew more was coming for her.

  She could taste it on the air, feel it in her blood.

  While she didn’t control everything, there were things she could control. And she knew what she needed more than anything—to forget Magnus and remember Kyden. “I need something,” she said to Kyden, turning her body in to his strength.

  He cupped her face, holding her close. His voice was low and soft, as if anything she asked for he’d go to the ends of either world to get. “Tell me.”

  Nexi had always kept thinking she had something to prove: to be stronger, to be powerful, to prove she could do things on her terms. Now it seemed like none of it mattered. She didn’t want to be strong anymore tonight—she wanted to be held by the guardian she loved more than anything else and to be protected by him, knowing that whatever came for her, he’d destroy it. “You.”

  Kyden’s eyes positively glowed as he gathered her in his arms. “You have me, Álainn. Always.”

  Chapter 18

  Kyden shut the apartment door behind him, drawing in a deep breath. He didn’t know what was coming for Nexi in the future. And he couldn’t even begin to fathom what Magnus wanted, but he realized he shouldn’t have been surprised—everyone wanted a damn piece of her. He also had a terrible feeling she was keeping something from him. Something had happened tonight that changed a part of her—he could feel it right down to his bones. Though, now that he had her close and safe, that’s all that mattered. The rest they could deal with later.

  He turned to her, spotting her standing by the couch, watching him with eyes burning with desire. Christ, did he understand her need to have him, because he needed her the same. Yet she see
med a little more desperate, as if to be reminded how much he loved her. While that sent a warning inside him, he wouldn’t allow anything to come between them now.

  He had her back.

  He needed her.

  He loved her.

  Consumed by the power between them, he approached her and gathered her in his arms. “You belong here,” he murmured in her ear before pressing a soft kiss on her neck.

  “Yes, I’m yours,” she said, with more conviction than he’d ever heard from her.

  Her hands pressed against his bare chest, sliding down his flesh, tightening his groin. He inhaled her sweet scent, reminding himself of it and savoring every second of her captivating aroma. His love for her had no beginning and no end, and nothing—no rogue vampires, no evil witches, no Lord of the Underworld—would ever break this unbreakable thing between them.

  She stared up at him with eyes so beautiful his heart clenched to somehow make her world safer. Being part of the Council kept her safe from vampires who would hunt her for her blood, yet it also put her in the line of danger.

  So fragile, so small, so undeniably his—needing her more than ever, he lowered his mouth to hers and gave her all that he had. Twice now they’d almost lost each other. The concern of that, the horror that it might happen again, rested hard in his mouth and trembled in his muscles.

  He couldn’t think of the future with Nexi, because it was an uncertain, scary thing.

  Now he stayed in the present, loving her, being the support for her that he could feel in her quivering body that she so needed from him. He pushed all his passion, all of his affection, into every swipe of his tongue and brush of his lips. She moaned against him, a hungry sound that he intended to feed.

  When her kisses became more urgent, desperate, practically crawling her way up his body to get closer, he broke away, and they were both breathing heavily. He grasped her face, stared at her, and hoped she read in his eyes that there was no misunderstanding that he’d always protect her. That in his arms she’d always be free from danger. That whenever she was close to him—touched by him—nothing could hurt her. And that in these moments, life for her was simply good.



  The sunlight beaming through the window cast a stunning glow over her, creating a look of heaven on her flesh. His soul reached out to hers, wondering how to ease her life. How to give her everything he wanted her to have. How to achieve his promise that nothing could hurt her like she’d been hurt so many times before.

  Bowing his head again, he crushed his lips against hers. It was more than possession, more than love—the action was pure, unadulterated desire. He couldn’t give her everything he wanted, but he could give her all of himself. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he pulled her closer—her soft curves against his hard muscles. She parted her lips and his tongue swept against hers so forcefully, an outright demand that she give all of herself and that she take all of him inside her.

  Driven by pure need, he lowered his hand, placing it under her kilt, and sneaked his fingers inside the rim of her tiny and tight shorts. Her soft moan brushed across him as he caressed her tender, slick flesh, and he continued to stroke her, making her ready for him. She rested her hands on his shoulders when his touch lingered inward, heating her center, and her legs trembled against him.

  Consumed with watch her experience pleasure instead of the danger clouding her life, he gazed into her stunning eyes, holding a beautiful soul he wanted nothing less than to see exuding happiness. Trapped by the fiery passion burning between them, he pumped his fingers faster, until he brought her to orgasm and her body squeezed his fingers. “That’s it, Álainn,” he murmured. “Let go.”

  Her eyes widened and she dug her nails into his shoulders, moaning and trembling with each wave of her release, and he wanted more. He sealed his mouth over hers, swirling his tongue, and drew each and every moan he could from her climax.

  Only when she quieted did he withdraw his hand, though she pounced and pushed against his chest. He took one step back, watching her lower onto her knees, her playful eyes holding his.

  “God, you are so gorgeous,” she whispered, running her hands down his abdomen. He tensed beneath her touch, flexing each muscle she caressed. There was no hurry now, and each touch felt to him as if she wanted the moment to feel him.

  To please him.

  To make him hers.

  He dragged his fingers over her cheek. “Take me deep.”

  Blazing-hot eyes held his as she reached for the hook on his kilt, letting the thick leather fall to the ground, leaving him in black boxer shorts. She ran her hands over his thighs, and he sucked his breath in through his teeth, anticipating that soft touch on his cock. Consumed by her, he brushed his fingers over her cheek again, unable to stop touching her, as she lowered his shorts to his knees. Then his fingers froze as she grasped his dick, running her hand up and down over him.

  He tossed his head back as she stroked him, becoming rock hard under her playful advances. Mine was whispered in the air between them before she took him deep into her mouth. His head dropped forward in desperation to watch her, and he groaned low in approval as he disappeared between her lips.

  Locked in the beauty of her pleasuring him, he grasped her hair, needing to be as deep as possible inside her—desperate to be fully owned by her. She slid her mouth down until her lips hit his pelvis, then she released him and looked at him. Seeing that burn in her eyes, the lack of pain and heartache, removed all his control. He needed her. And he needed her now. He hissed, yanking himself out from between her pouty lips. “I cannot wait. Come here.”

  She placed a final kiss on the v of his hips, then worked her way up to kiss his neck. At his jaw, she nibbled there, trailing her tongue along his rough stubble, then moved down to the more sensitive skin on his neck. A deep moan rose from his chest as she wiggled against his cock, and he swore he could smell her arousal, intensifying his demands to take her. His eyes closed as he drank in her scent and attempted to control the need to ravish her, and opened a second later when he felt her watching him.

  A beautiful flush had crept over her cheeks as she stood up on her tiptoes and licked his bottom lip. “Then don’t wait.”

  That was all she got out before he was on her—yanking her body so tight against his and sealing his mouth over hers. Her kiss became frantic, searching for something deeper, something naughtier. Consumed by the same passionate plea, he wasted no more time; he rid her of her guardian gear as he kissed her, the passion heating him and making his movements jerky and fast.

  When her puckered nipples scraped against his chest, he gathered her in his arms, placing her down on the edge of the couch. Loving her lush body beneath him, he trailed kisses along her neck, relishing her sigh as she leaned her head back, allowing him to nibble on her flesh.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Kyden, please. I need you.”

  Adrenaline stirred inside him, thumbing his heart and fueling his muscles, possibly knowing that she needed him as much as he needed her, only her voice sounded so desperate it clenched his chest. He would remind her of his love for her, of that he was determined.

  One second she stared at him. The next he had her flipped over the edge of couch and was pulling her round bottom back, then shifting her hips up toward him. The tip of his heavy cock pressed against her entrance, and he didn’t give her the chance to anticipate if he’d take her hard or soft—he pushed forward, right to the hilt. A scream ripped from her mouth, sounding rich with satisfaction, as she gripped the edge of the couch.

  The tightness of her heat, the sounds she made, how he dominated her in this position, her intoxicating scent—it all made him begin to pump his hips in steady rhythm. His hands anchored onto her shoulders, naturally tightening, moving him harder against her, shifting upward. Mine, each hard thrust declared, and her tight sex convulsed as if she never wanted to let him go.

  “God! Yes!” she screamed. “Harder!”

>   Sweat beaded his flesh, yet he ignored any weakness. She needed to be taken hard. He needed to take her hard. They both had to experience the harsh reminder of how it felt to touch each other. It wasn’t a desire, but a simple necessity. Tomorrow they needed to ache from this reunion. Remember it. Never forget how it felt to almost lose each other.

  Driven by every primal need inside him, he moved harder, faster, leaving her a screaming mess of satisfaction. Her legs curled up around his thighs, drawing him closer, deeper inside her. His grunts filled the air, sweat sliding down his chest.

  The couch moved as he rode her hard and his fingers dug into her sides, keeping her close, giving her exactly what she wanted and exactly what he desired. The second one thrust ended, another began, and she whimpered as he drove her into immobilization with each pounding possessive thrust into her.

  “Mine,” his low growl soared from his mouth, a blast of heat washing across him—a statement he wanted everyone to hear.

  “Yes!” she screamed.

  Desperate to hold her, to keep all the danger away, he closed his chest against her back as his strokes became deeper, filling her entirely. Her body gripped him tightly as if to keep him there, as if to drain him inside her, taking all of him. Feral male instinct had him nipping her shoulder before he rose up, pressing one hand between her shoulder blades, pinning her beneath him.

  No one could touch her now. No one would hurt her. Her breath wheezed out as he applied weight to his hand and moved faster. She might be home and safe. But she was also very much his.

  He grunted against the squeeze of her sex clamping around him, her wet and warm arousal building across his cock buried inside her. She was pulling at his release, urging him to finish with her, begging him to soar over the edge. “Oh…” she gasped.

  “I’m only getting started.” He slapped her bottom, gripping her cheeks and pumping harder against her to speeds that burned his muscles. Sweat gathered on his flesh, while she screamed a pure sound of euphoria as another orgasm rolled over her. But he didn’t allow the release to overcome her. He withdrew and she shouted a needy sound, all but demanding he return.


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