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The Legacy (Homestead Legacy Book Book 2)

Page 12

by Alex Jane

  "Why are you here?" Emmanuel was still slightly irritated that he didn't have a satisfactory explanation for Asher's presence. "I know you said someone called in a favor but why you?"

  Asher shrugged. "Because I have connections to the community here. There might only be a few people who know me but I'm not a stranger."

  "You're not going to tell me who asked for you, are you?"

  Asher mirrored Emmanuel's wry smile. "Nope."

  "All right.” Emmanuel laughed. “So, go on, then. Tell me why it's complicated."

  Silence dragged on until Asher could seemingly stand it no longer. "Because I don't belong in Omaha. Because I like my job but I could give it up. Because…because you still smell so good."

  Suddenly the enormity of what Asher was saying came crashing down on Emmanuel and for a second he could hardly breathe from it.

  "Are you saying…?" Are we mates? Oh my god, is that what this is?

  "I'm saying," Asher said softly as he looked over the expanse between them, "that when I asked you if last night was a one-time thing, I meant I want more, Manny. I want…always. And I know it's a lot to ask—"

  "You don't even know me," Emmanuel whispered, afraid to say much more in case all his deepest secrets came flooding out. "Not really."

  "I know." Asher smiled. "We've got time. That's all I want. Time. To get to know you. For us to get to know each other."

  It sounded a hell of a lot like a proposal or a hand around his throat, being that Emmanuel was struggling to find the air to talk. "I…just…it's a lot, Ash. It's…"

  Asher carefully took his hand as if he were afraid Emmanuel was going to disappear if he didn't touch him right then, even though he might run when he did. "It's all right. You don't have to say anything. I've waited this long. I can wait a little longer."

  Things weren't exactly strained after their talk. Asher almost immediately turned the conversation to other things, namely Smoke and Shadow and how the pair were faring. He talked and talked, never stopping or expecting Emmanuel to join in. It was as if he knew Emmanuel needed the space to come to terms with Asher's revelation, but silence was the enemy and his inane chatter was the perfect thing to keep it a bay.

  They ate dinner together as had been their habit, and as the night drew in Emmanuel felt as if the first thing he'd said for hours was, "Will you stay tonight?"

  It was Asher's turn to fall silent then, only nodding before letting Emmanuel lead him by the hand up the stairs. They undressed like an old married couple, silent and perfunctory, folding garments to be worn the next day to sit on the chair, and throwing anything else in a pile to be washed. Sliding beneath the cold sheets made Emmanuel shiver, and then he shivered again when Asher's body covered him. They kissed for a long time, unhurried but far from cautious, their hands exploring every inch of each other, not chasing pleasure, simply sharing it.

  Of course, when Emmanuel’s orgasm began to peak, his ankles locked behind Asher's back and his hands gripping his neck and fisting his hair as he pressed Asher's open mouth against his neck, the pleasure was overwhelming. Even as Asher grunted like an animal, fucking him hard, the drag out almost more erotic than the punching thrusts as Asher’s thick cock brushed over his prostate and made him gasp, Emmanuel's eyes became wet with emotion. Not so much at the intensity with which Asher held him or looked at him in the dark, but at the thought that he could have this for the rest of his life if he wanted it.

  When he finally came, his mouth open in a silent scream as soon as Asher had gotten a hand between them, not even having time to cup his cock, Asher followed, almost howling as he filled Emmanuel, his wolf teeth dropping and blue eyes burning with want, fingertips pressing hard into his flesh.

  After, as they were lying next to each other finally, still getting their breath, both looking up at the ceiling, the sweat cooling on their skin apart from the places on their shoulders and hips and thighs where they were still touching, Emmanuel figured he must be come-drunk when he asked, "Don't you want to bite me when we do that?"

  Asher laughed. "Oh god, yes. I think I might actually expire when you finally let me." He rolled his head on the pillow to look at Emmanuel before correcting himself. "If you finally let me."

  Emmanuel only managed a vague, "Hmm," before he drifted off to untroubled sleep.

  The following morning was much the same as the one before, Emmanuel pressing his hips back against the Alpha's, urging him inside. Although it didn't take much encouragement at all. There was nothing resembling lovemaking, not the way Asher was intent to whisper all the filthiest things he could in Emmanuel's ear as he fucked him almost as fervently as Emmanuel jerked his cock until he came with a shout. Then all he could do was hold onto the mattress as Asher took him by the hips and found his own release.

  They both smiled as they dressed, and through chores, and most of the way through breakfast until Emmanuel remembered what day it was.


  "What?" Asher froze with a forkful of bacon halfway between the plate and his mouth, looking ready to pounce on whatever danger was approaching.

  That was until Emmanuel said, "My parents are coming today."

  Asher lowered his fork. "When?"

  "Otis will probably drive them up this afternoon." Emmanuel sat back in his chair, the breath huffing out of him. He was conflicted. Although looking forward to seeing his parents, of course, with Asher there and this thing between them so new and delicate, he wasn't sure how he was going to be able to keep them separate. Or if he even needed to.

  "That's…fine." Asher didn't look fine. He looked more nervous than an Alpha had any right to be, which struck Emmanuel as amusing, and he couldn't hold back the chuckle that bubbled out of him. "It's not funny," Asher growled.

  "It's a little funny." The chuckle petered out to leave a smile on Emmanuel's face. "You don't have to worry about my father coming after you with a shotgun, y'know."

  It was Asher's turn to laugh then, although the tension didn't quite leave his body. "Your father is the least of my worries," he mumbled. "I've met your mother and she scared the hell out of me even before I was fucking her son."

  "Maybe you should let me do the fucking next time, then." It was supposed to be a joke but a little of Emmanuel's irritation leaked out with it, making him sound bitter.

  "That," Asher said with a smile, "sounds like one of your better plans. Maybe don't bring it up when your parents are here, though."

  "No? You think that would embarrass them?" It wouldn't. Probably. Although his father didn't much like lewd talk around his wife.

  "More like I don't want to be walking around with my dick chaffing against my underwear in front of your ma."

  Emmanuel chuffed. "She's a medical professional. She wouldn't bat an eye."

  It was fun, to talk like that, teasing but with a promise of something more. Except the smile disappeared from Asher's expression and he looked troubled. "I understand, though. If you don't want to…if you think I should—"

  "You should stay," Emmanuel said quickly. "Come for dinner, at least. They know you're here and…well, my mother has quite a soft spot for you, apparently." He laughed when Asher perked up at that. "She thinks you're a nice boy."

  "She always did have good taste."

  "So, you'll stay?"

  Asher shook his head as he swallowed a mouthful of coffee. "Not stay. I have some things to do in town. But I can come back this afternoon. I would for the horses, anyway. Do you want me to…I mean with us…?"

  Emmanuel understood what he was seemingly afraid to say and shrugged his shoulder. "I'll tell them. I don't want to hide you or anything like that. If that's all right?"

  It was a little odd that Asher took quite so long to nod and say, "Yes. I-I don't want to hide you either," but it made Emmanuel smile over his coffee cup all the same.

  They arrived without fanfare. Or maybe a little fanfare as his father hollered at him when Otis steered the wagon down the incline. The distance between them gave
Emmanuel the opportunity to roll his eyes affectionately at his father’s antics, at least, as he raised his hand in greeting and put down the spade he'd been using to clear out the cow stall. Stepping out of the way, he waited until the wagon came to a halt. It rocked a little as the horses stomped their feet and shook out their manes, and then he stepped up to help his mother down.

  He almost regretted being a good son as she didn't really need any help and decided to launch herself into his arms instead, laughing as he barely caught her.

  "Very dignified, Ma," he grumbled as he set her on her feet.

  She was still laughing, but his father said, "It's this place. Brings out the devil in her," as he climbed down and wrapped his arms around Emmanuel. "How are you?"

  "Good. How was the drive up?"

  Martha scoffed and kissed his cheek. "Otis drives like your grandmother." Otis squawked indignantly, so she shot him a sweet smile over her shoulder. "By which I mean, the ride was lovely, dear. Very smooth and we had plenty of time to enjoy the scenery."

  "And Violet and the baby?" It was a moot point, as his mother would never have considered leaving them if she'd thought either were in any danger.

  "All well and happy. Though I've told her in no uncertain terms it's to be her last pregnancy. We're both getting too old to be dealing with another."

  Otis scoffed. "Not much you can do about that unless she makes Duke sleep in the shed."

  Martha smiled at him and had a look about her that said she either wanted to pat his hand or clip him round the ear. "Firstly, sleeping is not the problem. Also, you'd be surprised what a woman can do when she puts her mind to it."

  "No, ma'am," Otis replied with a laugh. "I've known you too long to know never to be surprised. Just awed."

  Emmanuel mumbled, "Suck up," under his breath, only loud enough for Otis to hear it, before saying to his parents, "Why don't you go on in the house while Mr. Unsurprised But Awed and I settle the horses in. There's water on the stove and some cake if you want something to sustain you until dinner. I'll bring your bags."

  "That sounds lovely." His mother kissed his cheek and headed for the house, although he couldn't miss the way her gait stuttered a little when she got to the gate. But then his father took her hand and walked her in as if nothing had happened.

  It took two minutes to unhitch the horses and turn them out into the paddock to rest up and get a drink of water, another two to persuade Otis that he should not slink off to the cottage and that he should stick around as he was family too, and then five more for the two of them to drag all the luggage back to the house.

  There was coffee and sliced seed cake waiting as they staggered in through the doorway. His parents were standing in the middle of the room, his mother curled against his father's chest. She wasn't crying but her eyes were full of tears. Emmanuel figured the best thing to do was to pretend not to notice.

  "Good god, how long are you planning on staying? A month?" Emmanuel exclaimed as he dumped the cases unceremoniously in the middle of the floor.

  "No such luck," his father said. "A few days then we have to get back."

  "The place looks nice," his mother said, drawing away from her husband, wiping roughly at her eyes. "Although, I think I should send some things over for you, to make it feel less empty. I hate to think about you rattling around in here by yourself."

  Emmanuel snorted. "Chance would be a fine thing. I've hardly been alone since I got here." He glanced up to find three very pointed looks and a smirk from Otis. "No, I mean…well, Ephraim and Josh are here all the time, and then there's Otis." He pointed at him for emphasis but that only made Otis's smile wider. "And then Seth and Malcolm and Jon come by often."

  "And Alpha Franklin?" his father asked, and dammit if the man wasn't teasing him.

  "Well, yes. To see to his horses."

  "To see to his horses," his mother repeated, sounding as if she didn't believe a word of it.

  "Yes." Emmanuel sighed. "And we eat together quite often. And…"


  "And…we're friends. Who may occasionally share a bed." Emmanuel had to catch his breath, his chest getting tight saying it aloud. "Please. Can't we leave it at that for now?"

  The three devils in his front room looked remarkably unsurprised. Finally, his father took pity on him and gave him a reassuring cuff on the shoulder. "We're happy for you. And we can leave it at that. For now," he warned. "But only as I don't think I can resist that cake any longer."

  The cake didn't last long but their conversation did, the four of them finding plenty to talk about long into the afternoon. The time moved so smoothly that the sound of Asher's horse clipping into the yard took Emmanuel quite by surprise. He glanced at the clock on the mantle, and then expectantly out of the window, only to see Asher leading his horse to the stables.

  "Your friend, I assume?" his father said with a wry smile.

  "It is." Emmanuel turned to his mother, his heart practically in his throat with nerves. "You want to go see the horses? I'm sure he won't mind."

  His mother didn't reply, only patted his hand and pushed her chair back to stand. His father and Otis followed them down, chatting quietly behind them. Emmanuel didn't speak, feeling anxious as he tried to formulate in his mind how he should address Asher without putting him in an awkward position. Luckily he needn't have worried.

  Asher was hanging Hector's saddle over one of the stall doors when they came in. The heavy leather seat flapped down just as he turned his head and smiled, a small nervous thing that made Emmanuel's heart swoop.

  "Hope you don't mind us disturbing you?"

  Asher chuckled. "It's your stable, Manny."

  His mother had no qualms, walking up to Asher with her head tilted slightly to one side. When he took his hat off and nodded to her, she grinned and bussed him lightly on each cheek. "Asher. It's been too long."

  "Yes, ma'am," he said, clearly struggling to recover from the unexpected affection. "Although you definitely need to prescribe me a little of whatever you're taking. You haven't aged a day."

  Martha laughed and poked him in the shoulder, muttering, "Kiss ass."

  "Leave the boy alone, Em," Josiah said, bumping his wife out the way and holding out his hand for Asher to shake. "It's good to see you, Alpha." Shaking hands was more of a human thing, but Emmanuel's father had spent enough time around wolves to know how to do it right, head tilted much the same as his wife had done, arm relaxed, and palm facing up. It might have looked a little weak to a man but the gesture was respectful to Asher’s wolf.

  The gesture appeared to make Asher a little uncomfortable, although when he took Josiah's hand, Emmanuel was surprised to see him maneuver them so he took the submissive position with his hand underneath, giving his father the dominant position. "Good to see you, sir."

  Otis, on the other hand, didn't bother with a greeting, going straight to the stable door and peering over at the pair on the other side. "Now that is adorable." He beamed down at the foal pressed against his mother's side. "He's a beaut."

  "I was going to try them out in the corral with Hector today," Asher said as he took a step closer to Emmanuel. "They seem to be tolerating each other well enough inside. Smoke has stopped trying to bite him over the stalls, at least."

  "It might help if Hector tried to defend himself." Emmanuel found himself leaning closer to Asher too, knowing he had to keep his distance but unable to stop himself.

  Asher chuckled. "Not likely. You know what he's like."

  "And what's that?" Josiah asked.

  "The most placid horse you ever met," Emmanuel told him before Asher got the chance. "Honestly, if he wasn't so smart you'd think there was something wrong with his head."

  It was easy after that. The five of them chatted easily as Asher got a halter on Smoke and a loose rope around Shadow's neck. Neither horse seemed to be fazed as they walked out of the stables with the group into the sunlight. The foal got a little excited, and then a lot as soon as Asher let them loose i
n the corral. The area wasn't that big, large enough to lunge the horses that Caleb and Jacob used to keep, and large enough so Smoke was able to get up to a canter with Shadow at her side.

  Hector stood aloof, happy pulling grass up from the outside of the fence. He didn't bat an eye when Smoke breezed by him although he did start when Shadow skidded into him and then proceeded to dance around his legs, trying to get Hector to do…something.

  The gathering leaning on the fence couldn’t take their eyes off them, talking over horses and the foaling trauma—although Asher played down Emmanuel's reaction to it—news from the New York pack, and caught up on what adventures Asher's work had taken him on. Somehow, the time passed and before they knew it Ephraim and Joshua arrived. Ephraim and Martha clung to each other for so long, Josiah took pity on Asher's discomfort and engaged him in some questions on his plans for the horses. Then they meandered back to the house, food was made and eaten, and the hour grew late, and not once did anyone question Asher's presence in the midst of the family occasion. No one raised an eyebrow or made any sly suggestion that he should be going home. Even when Ephraim, Joshua, and Otis all left for their beds, it just seemed expected that Asher would stay. And when Emmanuel’s parents retired for the night, his mother kissed Asher on the cheek and said goodnight the same as she did to Emmanuel, and his father called Asher "son" and it seemed as if it should always be that way.

  When they were finally alone, sitting by the light of the fire, nursing a nightcap in their laps, Emmanuel looked across at Asher sitting opposite him and wondered how many nights Caleb had done the same thing, looking at his mate and wondering how on earth he had gotten so lucky. Although he supposed he'd never had to worry about his intended running off and leaving him.

  "You all right?" Emmanuel asked.


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