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Page 3

by Chantal Fernando

  “There you are,” comes a deep voice, making me jump. “What are you doing wandering the halls?”

  “What are you doing searching for me,” I fire back.

  “I went to your room,” Dane says, walking in front of me. “I forgot to give you these today.”

  I look down at the honey flowers in his hands and smile. “Thank you,” I say, taking the bunch from his hands.

  “I heard you’re fond of them,” he says, sitting down next to me, our legs touching.

  “You heard right.”

  “I’ve never tried one,” he says, staring at the pink flowers in suspicion.

  I grin and pull one of the flowers out, breaking the flower and holding it up. “Suck.”

  His eyebrows raise.

  I roll my eyes. “Put your mouth on it and suck.”

  Firm lips open and I lift the flower. He sucks out the honey liquid and swallows, his throat working as he does so. His tongue peeps out and licks his full lower lip, and I’m drawn to the motion. I squeeze my thighs together.

  “Not bad,” he murmurs. “Not as sweet as I was thinking it would be.”

  I look down at the flowers. “Did you wash them?”

  His eyebrows draw together. “No, was I meant to?”

  I purse my lips together, to try and stop laughing.

  “What?” he asks, disgruntled.

  “Nothing,” I reply. “Thank you for bringing them to me.”

  “Olivia,” he growls. “Talk.”

  I shrug. “You didn’t wash them. I always do because imagine… you know… animals that pass by…”


  “They probably pee on them,” I say in a rush, my lips twitching with the urge to laugh once more.

  Dane looks at the flower now on the table with disgust. “Are you saying it wasn’t that sweet because I possibly drank animal piss?”

  My body shakes as I let myself laugh. “Probably.”

  He shakes his head at me, then stands up and grabs a bottle of water from the table, taking a sip and rinsing his mouth out. “You could have warned me Olivia. You’re going to be kissing this mouth very soon.”

  I scrape my teeth along my bottom lip, wondering what it would be like. “Maybe. On our wedding day.”

  He smirks. “Pretty sure we could try it before then.”

  I tilt my head to the side. “Did we just spend a few minutes in each other’s presence without arguing?”

  He copies me, tilting his head also. “Did you just change the subject on purpose?”

  I stand up, smoothing my dress. His eyes take me in, his lips kicking up at the corners.

  “You look fucking ethereal in that dress. Like an innocent angel.”

  I cock my head, resting my hand on it. “You a poet now?”

  He smirks. “Not quite. What size are your tits?”

  I gape at him for a second.

  “Aaannnnd he’s back,” I murmur, even though I know he said it to get a rise out of me.

  I listen to his deep laugh, unable to stop a smile from playing on my own lips.

  “We better get out of here,” he says. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your room.”

  I pick up the left over flowers and walk with him. When we pass the door I saw the men disappear into, he glances at it before looking straight ahead. I wonder if he ever goes there.

  The tightening of my chest tells me that if he did, I wouldn’t like it.

  Chapter Five

  “Mama said you were getting married,” Regan says, his cute face frowning. “I thought one day you could marry me.”

  I bite my lip, not wanting to hurt the feelings of a seven-year-old. “That’s a nice thought Regan. But trust me, when you’re eighteen, there will be much nicer women to pick from than me.”

  He puffs his chest out. “I will always be nice to you Olivia.”

  My heart warms. “I know Regan. You’re going to be a good man.”

  I look down at the game of chess we were playing and make my move. When a shadow casts over the board, I look up into a pair of hazel eyes I was dreaming about last night.

  “Dane,” I say, nodding my head.

  “Olivia,” he says in that low voice of his. He turns to Regan. “Hello little one.”

  Regan scowls. “I’m seven.”

  Dane smiles widely. “Are you now?”

  “Yes and one day I’m going to marry Olivia. Not you.”

  Dane’s eyes widen, before he looks at me, amusement etched all over his face. “I see I have some competition.”

  I roll my eyes. “You don’t want me, remember? You have no competition because you’re stuck with me.”

  Dane rubs the back of his neck. “And here I thought we made some leeway last night.”

  I narrow my eyes. “I can’t help but be suspicious over why you’re being nice to me.”

  Regan stands, and I realize I shouldn’t have said anything in front of him. I give him a warm smile. “Can we finish this game later Regan?”

  He nods. “Okay Olivia.”

  Dane offers his hand and I take it, and let him lead me inside. “You play chess with kitchen ladies’ kids?”

  “Why not?” I ask, watching his expression.

  “You’re just full of surprises is all.”

  “That’s right, you think I’m some spoiled bratty high maintenance princess,” I mutter, letting him bring me to a stop as we pass a bench.

  We sit down and face each other. “Where did you hear that?”

  “Remember, I told you I overhead you and Lars talking one day,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  His eyes widen with realization. “So you did. And that’s why you’re so bitchy towards me. I thought we were starting over. You need to let that go.”

  I drop my arms and scowl at him. “Have you never spoken to a woman before?”

  He had no filter. He just said whatever popped up in his head. It was infuriating.

  “When I’m with a woman we usually aren’t talking,” he replies, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

  I groan, covering my face with my hands.

  He removes them, holding them in his. “Ah come on. I’m not that bad. You’ll benefit from my experience.”

  “You don’t know when to shut up, do you?”

  “You aren’t very ladylike are you?” he counters. “I was told you were the epitome of a lady.”

  “Well my father lied. Now what did you want Dane?”

  “Who said I want something?” he asks, leaning back and studying me.

  I stare him down, not saying anything.

  “Fine,” he sighs. “I need something.”

  “Of course you do,” I mutter, pulling my hands out of his. “What is it?”

  He opens his mouth then closes it. Hesitantly, he finally says what’s on his mind. “I need you to not be angry or make things harder on me.”

  I still. “What are you talking about?”

  He shrugs sheepishly. “I’m heading out, I won’t be back for about three weeks.”

  “What’s so important that you’ll be gone that long? Wait, what about our wedding?” I ask, shaking my head in confusion.

  “That’s the thing,” he says. “Lars is going to stand in for me.”

  I stand up, my hands clenching. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  He swallows. “I’m sorry Olivia I have to go, and your father said I couldn’t push the wedding back. So he said a stand in would work fine.”

  He was getting someone to stand in for him at our wedding. Was he serious right now? I wanted to kill him. I imagine my hands around his thick neck.

  “Why don’t we just get married now then?”

  Or not at all.

  “I asked him that too. Your dress is being made. Some fancy shit. Apparently you deserve a nice dress to marry in.”

  His tone screams what he thinks of me.

  High maintenance.

  “Fuck the dress,” I snap. “You’re going to make your frie
nd be my first kiss? Fuck you Dane. Maybe I’ll just stay married to Lars and let him share my bed.”

  “If you want Lars dead,” he replies, in a cold, deadly tone. “No one else touches you, you hear me?”

  I gape at him. “You have something wrong with you, don’t you? First you don’t want me now you’re acting possessive? What is your deal?”

  A muscle ticks in his jaw. “It doesn’t matter what I want. You’re my wife. You’re mine. And I protect what’s mine, Olivia. And I don’t fucking share.”

  I open my mouth, and then close it. “You’re the one offering your friend up to take your place in what’s meant to be one of the most memorable moments of my life.”

  With that, I storm off and lock myself in my room.

  Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe, everything would work out.

  I’ve just dressed after a cold bath when there’s a knock at my door. Thinking it was my dad, I pull the towel off my head and throw it on my bed, then open it. When is see Dane standing there, I open my mouth to tell him I don’t want to talk to him. But then he shuts me up. Before a word can leave my lips he steps forward, grips my nape in his hand and kisses me. His lips are soft, and he tastes like cherries. Stunned, I don’t pull away. If I wanted to be honest with myself, I’d always wondered what kissing him would be like. I thought it would be amazing.

  It was.

  It was even better than amazing.

  It was addictive.

  He brings his body against mine as his tongue enters my mouth, stroking my own.

  Tasting me.

  His other hand cups my cheek, and my own hands move of their own accord, wrapping around his lean hips. Sucking on my bottom lip, he makes a deep guttural sound in his throat before he pulls away. Feeling shaky, I stare up at him, then bring a finger to my tingling mouth, rubbing it.

  Dane looks surprised too, his eyes are filled with lust and his mouth is slightly open.

  “Fuck, I want to do that again.”


  The kiss was everything I ever dreamed it would be.

  “Now Lars won’t be your first kiss,” he says, gaze lowering back to my mouth.

  “What?” I screech at him. He was still going to let Lars ‘stand in’ for him at our wedding?

  “Get out,” I seethe.

  His eyes widen at the anger in my tone. “Olivia.”

  “Dane, get out of my room.”

  He doesn’t move, so I push him. When he’s across the threshold, I slam the door in his face.

  Rubbing my forehead, I pick the towel up from my bed and dry my hair. Was I going to have to kiss Lars? How could my dad allow this? What was so important about this trip? Was it a raid? Or just a hunt? So many questions. I decide to pay Sam a visit, to see what he knows about it.

  “I don’t know anything,” Sam says, eyes darting around the hallway. “And you aren’t supposed to be here.”

  I look behind him in amusement. “Is someone in there with you?”

  I go on my tip-toes and try to look behind him.

  “Olivia,” he whisper-shouts, eyes begging with me to leave it alone.

  “Who is it,” I whisper back, curious as hell.


  “Fine,” I reply, sighing. “So you’re not going anywhere for three weeks?”

  Sam shakes his head, his curly hair shaking. “No. No one mentioned leaving the castle and you know I always go when they do.”


  “Okay Sam,” I say. “Come and see me when you’re free.”

  His mouth twitches as he nods and then he closes the door. I hear it lock. Turning around and going the way I came, I’m almost at the women’s dorms when I see Lars walking in my direction.

  “Well if it isn’t my fake husband,” I say, sarcasm lacing my tone. “Should we practice kissing for the big day?”

  Lars looks less impressed than me about the possibility. “Olivia,” he says, nodding his head.

  “Lars,” I return. “Would you like to walk me to my door? I’ve been told it’s not safe for me to wander the halls.”

  He looks behind me, as if hoping to escape.

  “Of course you wouldn’t mind,” I continue when he doesn’t reply. “You’re a gentleman, aren’t you?”

  I grab his arm and pull him in my direction. “Having a good evening?”

  “I was,” he replies dryly.

  I suck in my lips, trying not to laugh. “I actually have something to ask you.”

  He sighs, but stays quiet.

  “Oh come on Lars, I know you can talk. I’ve heard you before, in the halls, gossiping away with Dane like a couple of old maids. I believe I was even the subject once.”

  He makes a choking sound which has me glancing up at him. “Are you always so forward?” he asks.

  I shrug. “I’ll be saying my vows to you so it’s almost like you’re my fiancé, right?”

  He stops in his tracks. “What do you want Olivia?”

  “I like the way you say my name Lars,” I purr. “Would you like to--”

  “Remove your hand from the poor man Olivia, Christ,” I hear Dane say from behind me. I turn to see him leaning against my door, his eyes blazing.

  I let go of Lars and scowl. “I want answers.”

  “And I don’t want a wife. We don’t always get what we want.”


  “Go to hell Dane.”

  His face hardens. “I’m already there Olivia.”

  I look to my door. “Why are you waiting at my door? If you try and kiss me again I’ll punch you in the nut sack.”

  Lars makes another choking sound, but when I look at him his expression is impassive.

  Who the hell is this guy anyway?

  “Lars. Leave,” Dane demands, and Lars escapes like his ass is on fire.

  Dane then turns to me. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  The feeling was mutual.

  Chapter Six

  “I lead your father’s men. There’s an issue, they come to me not him,” he says once we’re in my room, sitting on opposite sides of my bed.


  “And an issue came up,” he says, looking frustrated. “I’m needed. I can’t leave everyone high and dry because of our wedding and I’m sorry if that hurts you but we’re not a love match Olivia.”

  I nod, swallowing hard. “You’re right, we’re not.”

  And I told my dad I’d be okay with an absent husband. Apparently that started on my wedding day itself. I was being stupid, I knew it. The whims of a woman that was acting like people accused her. I was being selfish. I was selfish to choose a man like Dane. He was important to our community. Maybe I want him because of that, who knew? All I know was that, in this moment, I know just how much I’ve messed up. Just what a position I’ve put Dane in.

  I need to get us out of this arrangement.

  “Hey,” he says, his voice now gentle. “We can make it work, okay?”

  “You sound so sure.”

  “I am sure,” he says. “I always get what I want, Olivia. That’s something you should learn about me.”

  “And you want us to work?”

  He rubs the back of his neck, his bicep flexing with the movement.

  Of course my gaze goes right there.

  “I do want us to work,” he admits. “I only plan on being married once. It doesn’t matter how it came about, you’re important to me now Olivia.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  “Good,” he says. “I’m glad you understand.”

  I smile sadly. “Will you take me one day?”

  “Take you?”

  I nod. “If I had my way I’d be the one leaving the walls. Exploring. Keeping everyone safe. I hate being stuck here.”

  His expression turns thoughtful, but then he grins. “You want your old man to kill me?”

  I roll my eyes. “You scared of him?”

  “No,” he says. “But I respect him.”

; “You said you owe him. How so?”

  “When did I say that?” he asks, his jaw tightening.

  “I overheard you talking to Lars, remember?”

  “Right,” he replies dryly. “Do you always hide in the hallways and eavesdrop?”

  “Not always.”

  He smirks, eyes gleaming. “I was pissed when I first found out, you know? You’re not my usual type.”

  I wasn’t going to touch that.

  He was my type, and he knew it.

  “I saw you one day,” I admit. “You were outside, bare chested and training some men. You were using these big sticks.”

  “Turn you on did they?” he replies with a knowing smile.

  I clench my jaw. “What I was going to say was, would you teach me? I want to learn. I know enough but not everything.”

  “Olivia, your father has told everyone that--”

  “You’re going to be my husband, are you not?” I say in a strong tone.

  He pushes off my bed and comes to stand in front of me. “You’re a woman.”

  “Thanks for noticing.”

  “You’re well protected,” he says, reaching his arms out and gesturing to my quarters. “You have a nice life here. Why do you want to go and fight with the men?”

  “I don’t have the luxury to sit there and be pretty,” I tell him. “What if the walls are breached? What if there’s a situation where I need to defend myself… my people? No better yet, what do you lose by teaching me?”

  Dane rubs the back of his neck. “I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll teach you what you want to know.” He stops and takes a breath. “But Olivia… you aren’t leaving these walls.”

  I grit my teeth, but nod.

  I’ll take what I can get—for now.

  “You were right,” I say to my father. “You need him more than I do. I should have done my research. Surely there is someone else I can marry? You can choose whoever, just not him.”


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