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The Coolest Prince of Cats [Milson Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Jo Penn

  Dominic was stunned and not at all happy. He could use his soothing gift as much as he wanted, his mediating, all the skills of a diplomat, and none of it would help with this.

  “I want to track Sandstone.”

  “Dom, you need to concentrate on your mate. He’s in demise. He’s not healing. You need to claim and mate. Protect him. Soldiers will be hunting the bastard, as will Vicus and I. Probably Drax, as well, and I would say the vamps will get in on it also.” Baron frowned. “Misha will be pissed one of his kind is a psychotic killer and threatening others’ safety. That means we’re going to have a shitload of creatures out hunting.”

  It was good advice. Still didn’t mean Dominic wouldn’t take a chance to get Sandstone when he could.

  “I will track the creature.” Vicus turned and glared. “What are you doing here, Deakin?”

  Now if Vicus had glared at Dom like that, he’d take a cautious step back and a defensive stance. The mostly human, part sprite young mate of Vicus, though, planted hands on slender hips and jabbed a finger at the big Avenger.

  “What do you mean what am I doing here? Hmm? Why can’t I be here? Do I need permission? No! I do not! Besides, what are you doing here?”

  Yeah, sprites, even when part sprite, were difficult little creatures, all hyped up and up to something. A young wolf peeked out of a healing room and immediately shut the door at seeing Vicus’s narrow-eyed look.

  “Speak. Quickly, Deakin,” Vicus ordered.

  Deakin’s face went into a frustrated, scrunched-up look, and he began ranting while pushing up black-framed glasses on his cute nose. The small wolf shot out of the room farther down the hall and bolted toward the front door of the coven. The Avenger moved so fast he was difficult to track. One moment, he and Deakin were standing there, the next, all three were gone, and when Dom and Baron got to the front door, they saw Vicus strapping both his mates into the back of his car, then climbing in, and instructing his driver to go.

  Yeah, Dom wouldn’t want to be on the naughty side of Vicus. Fortunately, the Avenger was softer toward his mates and family.

  “What was that about?”

  “As usual, his mates were up to something. Unfortunately, they ran across Vicus while doing whatever they were up to. Hey, why were Deakin and Ran here?”

  Laurie, Mason’s younger cousin, or possibly uncle, winced and looked around. He spoke low. “Ran wanted to get his ear pieced. Vicus said no. Eber said no. River said no. Drax said no. Urian said what the fuck, go for it, and got growled at by Drax and Tripp, who also said no. Deakin said yes. So Luka and Marco sneaked them in to have it done. Deak passed out from the sight of blood and banged his head. Ran rushed to his mate and accidently, somehow—don’t ask me, I wasn’t exactly there. I was manning the door—tripped over Marco and hurt his ankle. So they all ended up here for a bit of healing because Deakin doesn’t heal as fast and they wanted to cover it up so Drax, Vicus, and Eber didn’t find out.” Laurie took a deep breath, shifted nervously, then yelped and hurried off when Baron scowled.

  Dom rolled his eyes. “Cubs.”

  “Yeah, they keep us entertained. So, congrats, cousin. Let’s take your mate home.”

  “Hmm, problem with that.” Dom wearily rubbed his forehead.

  “No, there is not. You find your mate. You claim the creature. No arguments, no debates, claim and bond. The lesser of strength and without protection goes with the one who is stronger and can protect. That’s the way it is.”

  Baron was very firm about the way of mates, protecting, and laws. You knew where you stood with Baron. He didn’t play games and was loyal, supportive, and always there for those who needed him. He also had a wicked fun side that Dom loved to bring out.

  While Dominic was one of the more relaxed members of their large family, he was also smart, very hardworking, loyal, and a brilliant fighter, and was involved in many charities. He and Baron’s littermate, Sebastian, had a counseling clinic that specialized in helping others. Dom mediated a lot between different parties to resolve issues and perceived injuries. He also worked with creatures to guide them in their life, whether that be career-wise or help them move forward and see their potential. Sebastian dealt with creatures in need of assistance emotionally and mentally. What Sebastian could do to help a creature recover from even the worst abuse was astounding.

  While Dom could be a bit of a player and hadn’t wanted a mate, far too busy having fun, when his eldest brother mated six months ago, he’d seen what it could be like.

  And finding his mate, taking the time to read up on the vampire, took away any reluctance to mate.

  “Yeah, but my mate doesn’t scent me as such.” That was rather disappointing, actually.

  “Well, I guess it’s just like with a human then. They still feel the mate bond, the connection and the need to be with their mate. It will be the same with Chane. Who, by the way, is smoking hot. Very exotic.” Baron smirked, holding up his hands at Dominic’s growl. “Just saying, cousin.”

  “Fine, keep it to yourself. Anyway, there is also his brother, who is very attached and seems to follow Chane around—”

  “That’s me,” a cheerful voice behind them said.

  Dominic turned and looked down. Archie Taunton hardly looked anything like his brother. He had light brown hair, blue-green eyes and was healthily tanned.

  “Hello, Archie, I am Dominic Sanchez. We met briefly yesterday in Prince Misha’s office.” Dominic smiled and waved a hand at his cousin. “This is Lord Baron Sanchez, my cousin and the head Enforcer for the Sanchez pride. Baron, my mate’s younger brother, Archer Taunton.”

  Archie chuckled and gave an exaggerated bow. “Sirs.” Straightening, he kept right on grinning. “So, my brother really does have a mate and that creep Sandstone is a psycho. Makes sense now why Chane is moving all over the place.”

  “From the little we have discovered about Sandstone, he is a very dangerous creature and has threatened your life, Archie.” Baron looked the vampire up and down, frowning. “You’re going to need to be protected.”

  Archie’s blue-green eyes lit up. “Hey! I know some tai chi moves. Chane taught me. You could use me to draw Sandstone out—”

  “Non.” Chane stood in the open doorway. He was pale, tired-looking, but firm. “Je see go!”

  They all frowned at the vampire, Archie scratching his light brown hair, which was longish and spiked up all over his head.

  “Nah, I don’t even understand what he’s saying.” Archie grinned and fearlessly walked over to his brother in a way that made him appear like he was bouncing and gave Chane a hug. “Thanks for protecting me, bro, even if you were a dick about it and should have told the council what was going on.”

  Baron glanced away, hiding a smirk. Chane’s eyes narrowed on his brother, who was a couple of inches shorter. Chane hissed a little, but he seemed too tired to bother saying anything. Dom decided he needed to get his vamp home where he’d be safe. First, though, they had to figure out what to do with Archie.

  As Dom was very intelligent, a diplomat, and a member of a few councils, he found others often agreed with his opinions and thoughts of how things should be done.

  The Tauntons, though, were in a little group all by themselves, and for the next fifteen minutes, he found himself using every ounce of his soothing gift, his mediating skills, and diplomacy. He had drawn them into a private sitting room that Mason showed them to, chatted for a few moments with Archie to relax the situation, and then suggested that, as Chane was his mate and in danger, it was best that Dominic take his vampire back to the Sanchez Compound immediately while Archie returned to the Durand coven, with protection, of course.

  Neither liked his suggestion. Archie refused to even contemplate being separated and, after fifteen minutes, showed he could be just as difficult and pissy as his older brother by standing over Dominic, who was seated in a lovely armchair, hissing and yelling.

  “I didn’t just follow Chane around the damn world the last two y
ears to be kicked aside now, buddy!” Archie stormed. “I’m staying with him and that’s final! You can move to the Durand coven.”

  “Archer, be reasonable—”

  “I am!” Archie’s voice hit a particularly high note, and Dom winced while Baron growled. “Anyway, I thought when you shifters mated, you took on your mate’s family as your own. What, I’m not good enough to join your pride?”

  Oh my fucking lord! Dominic could not believe he was having to deal with his mate’s younger brother trying to manipulate him. Rising, he straightened to his full six-foot-five height, crossed his big arms over his wide, muscular chest, and growled low.

  Archie yelped, but flashed his fangs and shook a little.

  “Sit down, Archer,” Dominic ordered the young vampire. “Now.”

  With a grumbled comment in French, the young man did, right beside his brother on the sofa, and tucked a leg beneath his butt. He crossed his own arms and glared at Dom like a rebellious teenager, leaving Dom to wonder why he’d ever thought the young vampire cheerful.

  And Chane wasn’t helping in any way. Either his head hurt, though Dom doubted that as the healer would have made certain to give a pain reliever, or he was watching and waiting for his time to join the conversation.

  Having younger siblings, cousins, and a pride he mingled with constantly, Dominic was well versed in dealing with younger creatures and humans. Obviously, he had given Archie the impression that he was a pushover, and Dom certainly could be over some things, but not this.

  “Now, listen to me, both of you. I am aware you have joined the Durand coven, Archer, and Misha would very much like you to remain there. You can see your brother daily and are always welcome at the compound. You are family, a brother to myself and cousin to Baron now. But”—he narrowed his eyes on the young vamp, who sullenly shut his mouth—“if you do truly wish to move to the compound with Chane, I am more than happy for you to do so. If this is the case, you will fall under both the pride and coven jurisdiction, which means a lot of protection, rules, collaboration, and negotiating. Understood?”

  Chane actually smiled at that, a flash of white teeth, and got a glare from his brother.

  “Rules suck.”

  Yeah, Dom could see the cub wasn’t good with rules. Probably just went his own way until someone snapped him back in line. That had Dominic frowning.

  “Where are your parents?”

  “Man, I’m thirty-nine! I’m an adult! Anyway, Chane’s and my père died a while ago and my mama lives across the country.” Archie chuckled, all smiles again as his brother grimaced. “Yeah, and she has a thing for Chane. That’s how I came to be born—”

  “Archie, why say this absurd?” Chane implored.

  “What?” Baron frowned.

  Archie laughed. “Your English sucks, bro.”

  “Mon English excellent!”

  “Nope, really isn’t.” Dom grinned. “Explain about your mother, Archie. I need to know to protect my mate.”

  “Ha! Yeah, she wouldn’t mind getting her talons into him. So, it was forty-one years ago in France in beautiful spring.” Archie put on a lyrical voice and theatrical expression. “There was the beautiful female vampire visiting from some tiny coven in the States. She was used to getting her way with men. They just fell at her feet, but then she spied an exotic creature who was completely immune to her charms. Soon she was pursuing him, but alas, the creature, Chane, saw her only as a lovely fellow vampire and an annoying stalker—”

  “Archer!” Chane flushed.

  “Dude, you so did! Anyway, after a year of her getting nowhere with Chane and deliberately sabotaging any romantic interest of his, Amias Taunton stepped in to protect his son from the unwanted advances of the loose charlatan.” Archie chuckled, Baron smirked, and Chane tutted. “So instead, she seduced Amias and here I am! So beware when my mom comes visiting. She’ll try to get in Chane’s pants.”

  Dominic bit his lip at Chane’s incredulous look.

  “She non stop!”

  “Nope, she’s a bit obsessed. But in a nice way, not like Sandstone, who’s a psycho. So, what if I spend half my time at the compound, and half at the coven? That way I still have a family without being a burden on you felines.”

  Well, now Dominic felt like shit. Archie Taunton was good.

  “What’s your gift?” Baron asked casually.

  “Mine? Oh, nothing, just aura reading.” Archie grinned. “You’ve got a real hot aura—”

  “Kid, we’re family, so consider me a big, protective cousin who knocks you into line when I think you need it, which I’m seeing will be a lot.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “Misha informed me your gift was rare and sought after throughout the covens. Later we will discuss what it is properly. For now, you will move to the compound. I’ll let Misha know. Let’s go.”

  Neither brother moved, both just gazing at him with different colored and shaped eyes. He did see the resemblance in the pair now that they were side by side. They had the same mouth, chins, and shaped heads. They were going to be difficult. Dominic just knew it. He smiled, not at all bothered. He had his mate. He would claim the exotic vampire, bond, and—he was sure—be kept on his toes.

  Chapter Four

  They left the Armstrong coven after a brief disagreement where Archie argued that as he had his moped, he would ride himself to the compound. When Enforcer Baron growled at Archie and ordered him out to the car, Chane hissed at the tiger, not liking the creature growling fiercely at his brother.

  Dominic stepped in and used his soothing gift. He distracted Archie with tales of what he’d find at the compound while keeping a firm grip on Chane’s arm and moving them all out to the car.

  Baron grinned at Chane when they got into the stretch limousine. “Good to see you stand up for your brother.”

  “Why would I not stand up for my brother?” Chane asked, confused.

  “Well, you left him behind completely unaware—”

  “Hey! You leave my brother alone,” Archie hissed, a finger jagging towards Baron’s face. “He was protecting me.”

  “Damn, vamps are so frigging testy.” Baron grinned and relaxed back on the plush leather seat.

  Apparently, Prince Dominic Sanchez enjoyed luxuries. He stated calmly that if they were there, available, and he could afford them, he would and did. Archer had stared at the tiger shifter awhile after that, and then nudged Chane and whispered that the big creature did like luxuries, did enjoy them frequently, but at the same time was exceedingly generous, worked with orphans and homeless, and gave his time and money to help others.

  Being a monk for a number of years, Chane had developed that lifestyle and belief. But he was still a man and a vampire with his own little idiosyncrasies, and though he might not understand Dominic’s enjoyment of luxuries in the way the tiger did, he accepted other’s opinions and views without prejudice and judgment. After all, there were things Chane did enjoy, such as bubble baths. He adored bubble baths and made his very own bath salts and oils. He used to have an entire studio that he cherished and worked in…but that was before Carlo destroyed it all.

  Standing beside his brother, both staring up at the massive, rather ostentatious palace, Chane felt the changes coming, trepidation filling him.

  Chane was not averse to change. He had always enjoyed the next experience that change brought, yet now he was unsure of the next step. To suddenly go from demise to possible immortality was not what he had expected. Yet Chane did not shy away from this. He would need a little time to take it all in, but the Fates had provided such a wondrous gift.

  When he was younger, much younger, like most paranormals, Chane had dreamed of a mate—that one just for him, the other half of his soul. Yet over the next four-hundred-odd years, the hope of discovering his faded. It was not meant to be. Not all creatures found their fated mate.

  Chane now had, apparently, and though he could not scent the tiger prince as a mate, there were minute stir
rings inside him, something unfurling that he wanted to experience, to know and have. So Chane would accept his fated one and do everything to assist and bring happiness to their mating.

  “Dominic!” A tall regal lady stepped out of the palace doors, a few creatures rushing out behind her.

  Dominic had been standing on Chane’s other side and grinned. “Hey, Ma. Come meet my family, mate.”

  He greeted King Diego and Queen Lisette, Dominic’s mated parents, Crown Prince Drake, who was Dominic’s older littermate, Prince Ryder, the younger brother, and two female princesses, Kirsten, who was Ryder’s twin, and Melody, the youngest, as well as an assortment of cousins. There was a snappy, stunning leopard named Ace, a cousin, Baron’s younger brother Marco, big and lazily cheerful, and Linc, shy and sweet, and who was a medic and had offered to check over Chane later if Dominic wished.

  While Chane was polite but reserved, Archie won the family over easily and had everyone laughing and at ease. Chane was always impressed and loved how Archie found the fun in most situations. He was not troubled by much and never overwhelmed when faced with change. Usually Chane was not either. He had been calm and flowed through situations. Now that he was in demise and battling a psychotic enemy, his patience was limited and his social skills poor.

  “I’m going to take my mate to our suite,” Dominic announced. “He needs some rest. Do you mind helping Archie get settled, Ma?”

  “Of course not, darling, it will be my pleasure.” Queen Lisette hugged Dominic warmly, tightly, the love between them like a living entity. “I adore you, my lively son, and am so happy you are over your commitment shyness.” The queen reached out and gently took Chane’s hand, squeezing gently. “I hope to spend time with you after you have rested, Chane. It is important to get to know one another. I want you to be comfortable here, to know it is your home, and to feel welcome.” She smiled, eyes watchful. “For this is my son’s home, darling, with his family.”

  Chane gave a small bow, releasing the lady’s hand. “I understand, Your Highness.”


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