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The Coolest Prince of Cats [Milson Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 11

by Jo Penn

  This time, though, something in his mind shifted and a very hazy memory floated to the surface, one that immediately had Chane stopping and turning.

  “Espion!” he exclaimed, remembering. “Voleur.”

  “What? Who?” Dominic pulled Chane close against him and a little behind.

  “Sylon. Remember he associate of Carlo—”

  “Which one, Chane?” Dominic growled.

  If the shifter had been in his tiger form, Chane was sure Dominic’s tail would be twitching and teeth flashing. Chane pointed at the creature who was fast slipping around a corner at the end of the long hall.

  “Red jumper, black jeans.”

  Without a word, Chane found himself pulled along swiftly back to Prince Misha’s office, the regal, stunning vampire quirking a brow with interest when Dominic threw open the heavy double doors. Misha had been standing beside his desk with an open folder in his hands, Ryson seated in a chair across the desk, and there was another man there also now, one who smelled mostly human but with a touch of vampire in his biology. The man was seated in Misha’s chair and spinning it around, but stopped it when they abruptly entered the room. The man flushed and jumped up.

  “Was something overlooked, Dominic?” Misha asked in a way that was polite, but completely disinterested.

  “My mate saw an associate of Sandstone’s. A spy. I’m going to hunt the bastard down. I left the guards out in the car—”

  “Not a problem, go hunt. I will have those here guarded and join you.”

  “Do not leave this room unless there is a danger to you. Understood?” Dominic snapped at Chane. “I will send a guard to retrieve Archie.”

  Chane had not been paying a great deal of attention to Dominic the day they met and since he hadn’t seen such a hard, dominant nature in his mate. A little shiver of lust went through him. Generally, Alpha-types held no interest for Chane, but Dominic being so fierce due to the threat he perceived to Chane and Archie drew him in a way he never thought possible. It was protectiveness that turned him on.

  Had Chane ever really been so intimate with another? Had anyone ever shown such protectiveness and care? Archie, to an extent, but this was quite different. As a monk, he had worked with others, took care of them spiritually and physically, but it was very independent and a live-and-let-live type of existence. After he left the monkhood, there were flings, but nothing that ever made him love… Had Chane ever loved?

  Twisting around the hand that was holding his and raising it, he pressed a kiss to the palm. Some of the tension left Dominic. Leaning down, he kissed the side of Chane’s mouth.

  “Always remember, beautiful, I need you safe.”

  “I will. Do not let the spy harm you.”

  “I’m a cop, Your Highness. I’m trained to—”

  “I said no. Do not argue further. Guards, do not let anything happen to any of these three. Let’s go, Dominic, I want this spy found.”

  Chane watched his mate and Misha go, then made himself comfortable on one of the sofas and took out his phone. Archie had shown him how to login to Facebook earlier, and he wanted to see if he had any friend requests. Logging on, he saw he had a dozen, all of them monks or ex-monks, except for one.

  Archie spun into the room followed closely by a guard, the doors slamming shut behind them.

  Archie leaned over the back of the sofa and hissed. “What is with that vampire? Is he really this psychotic? He’s friend requested you?!”

  “The spy?” The young-looking man who Misha had growled at to stay sat on the opposite sofa.

  “Yeah, the man’s obsessed with Chane— Who are you?”

  The man had a reassuring smile. A little shy, but open and friendly. “Darcy Beal, I’m a detective for the Milson City police department. If you like, I can take you through how to file a complaint and get a restraining order if someone is harassing you, Mr.… Sorry, I did not catch your names?”

  “Allow me.” Ryson, the incredibly stunning vampire, waved a hand at Chane. “Prince-mate Chane Taunton Sanchez and his brother, Archer Taunton. They will not be requiring a restraining order, Darcy.”

  Darcy’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh. Oh, sorry…” He jumped up. “I-I should go, I—”

  “I am certain I heard Misha instruct you to stay.” Ryson yawned.

  The man plonked down, flushing again. A moment later, he frowned.

  “Possibly the Durand security could locate the stalker via his Facebook account when he logs on and tries to contact Prince-mate Chane.”

  The man jumped up and rushed toward the right side of the room. Immediately, security moved in front of the doors as though to block him, but Darcy ignored them and picked up the phone on Misha’s desk and began talking about Chane’s social media account, tracing, and other things Chane had no clue of. When the man sat down on the sofa again, Archie, always interested in everything, immediately went to Detective Beal and asked a hundred and one questions. Chane went back to his friend requests and accepted Carlo’s.

  Maybe it could help. And it would distract him from his mate possibly being harmed.

  Chapter Six

  “Do you have this spy’s scent?”

  Dominic shook his head. “Unfortunately no. By the time Chane remembered who the man was, he was down the hall and rounding the corner. Have the soldiers searching for a male vampire, six foot two, solid build, dark brown hair. He was wearing a red shirt and black jeans. Only distinguishing feature I saw was that he had a bandage on his left hand.”

  It wasn’t much to go on, but Dominic had had a visual so he had the advantage. Breaking off from Misha, he raced toward the end of the hall where he last saw the spy. Misha was coordinating a search of the coven. Guards were running around, and Dominic could see the doors and windows were being locked up tight, heavy steel shutters coming down and across and an announcement went over the intercom letting all the residents know their rooms would be searched for a potential spy on the premises.

  Dominic could see the offense and anger in the vampires’ faces as he rushed past, and was surprised it wasn’t over having their rights encroached upon with their private rooms searched. No, he heard the murmurs and hisses of outrage. A spy in any group was seen as a very bad thing, especially when there were Renegades wanting to infiltrate covens, prides, and the like and take over.

  Dominic concentrated on finding the creature. It was made easier by Misha basically using his guards and commanding everyone to assemble in the two great rooms that were opened up into one and locked, children and their parents moved to safe rooms.

  Pushing his way through the throng of coven members, he caught sight of a vampire with a gray-collared shirt, dark hair and approximately the right height. Moving closer, keeping space between them and not being obvious he was stalking, he watched for any behavior that stood out. If this was the spy, the one he hunted, the guy was cool, not showing any anxiety or worry. Dominic kept searching through the crowds in the great rooms, circling around till he could see the creature more clearly, and grinned when he saw the bandage on the left hand.

  This was the spy, a threat to his mate.

  Dominic’s vision went feline, locking in on Sandstone’s associate. Through the throng of creatures, he stalked, the man quickly sensing he was a shifter’s target and casually weaving between coven members toward the nearest door.

  With a loud growl that shook the huge crystal chandeliers spread throughout the rooms, Dominic sped up and lurched himself at the vampire. The spy turned at the last minute and unleashed his razor sharp talons, raising them to catch Dominic’s vulnerable stomach. The move was well planned, but Dominic was an agile tiger, easily twisting to the side and evading the talons while at the same time he unleashed his own sharp weapons, a clawed tiger paw and swept it across the vampire’s own stomach and up to his chest. His tiger chuffed in pleasure as he landed, the vampire staggering under his weight and the attack, crashing to the ground with Dominic on top of him. He easily pinned the creature’s
hands above his head, being careful of the talons, and growled low and mean in the spy’s face.

  “Carlton Novak.” Misha stood over them, his own talons extended. “We have a great deal to chat about. My guards will escort you to the cells.”

  Carlton Novak was dragged from the room, Dominic trailing close behind not wanting to lose the creature and any opportunity they had to find Carlo Sandstone.

  Through the throng of vampires came a cloaked figure, one those here quickly got out of the way of, a bit like Dominic had always imagined the Red Sea parting for Moses. Avenger Vicus stopped in front of Dom, golden eyes taking everything in.

  “Any sign of Sandstone?” Dom asked.

  “The creature has left the valley since shooting at you. I dare say he will return and I will take him out,” Vicus said very matter-of-factly. Dom didn’t doubt the Avenger. “I will interrogate the prisoner.”

  Vicus had taken two steps when there was a loud rumble. The ground beneath them seemed to rise up and buckle in places, and a wall collapsed, landing on a few vampires and spewing marble and stone across the room. Vampires and other creatures screamed, either running from the debris while others tried to help those fallen under the wall. Dom was moving across the room when Vicus grabbed the back of his cashmere sweater.

  With a wave of the Avenger’s hand and a few words, the ground stopped shaking and the building stopped breaking apart. Being part-wizard sure did come in handy.

  “What’s going on?” One of Vicus’s brothers rushed into the room and joined them.

  “A bomb. Scent for it, Eber. I have only briefly stopped it, but it needs to be located and dismantled.”

  “Shit. It will be Novak, the spy. If you read his memories, Vicus, we’ll know where the bomb is hidden. Misha was taking the traitor to the cells,” Dom growled. “And probably has been trapped under rubble.”

  “Is Dimitri here?” Eber demanded.

  “I haven’t seen him.” Dom needed to get to his mate.

  Chane? Are you and Archie okay? Dom asked via their link.

  We are. A bomb?

  Yeah. Any injuries?

  Fortunately, no. The room has lost a window. It shattered during the first explosion resulting in a few small abrasions and cuts, but nothing of concern. Are there serious injuries? Do you require my assistance?

  There doesn’t appear to be. Just stay there and stay safe.

  You also, Dominic. I have waited five hundred years for you. I do not wish to lose you after only a few days.

  Dominic felt the affection from his mate and he thought the beginnings of love. It filled him, made him feel lighter and happier than he had ever been. Complete.

  I love you, my beautiful vampire.

  This might not be the time, but the sentiment was what was important. He felt a warmth inside Chane that the vampire projected back at him. Yeah, his mate was beginning to love him, fall in love with him. Damn, he was fortunate.

  Vicus had ordered Eber to take control of the coven security until they could locate Misha. Dominic followed Vicus through crumbled halls and down into the cells. They found the subterranean structure very much destroyed and a few guards trapped beneath rubble. Dominic tossed stone and steel aside, some concrete, while Vicus hunted through the tunnels and halls, hoping to locate Misha and his guards. It was hard work. The bomb had done a lot of damage unfortunately, and there were serious injuries. Layke and Lacy Aston both arrived and were treating those in need while security and guards, plus the able-bodied were rushing around removing debris.

  The damage was isolated to the cells and just a few parts of the grand old castle. It was precise and calculated, the reason why becoming evident a short time later when a small group of Renegades were reported as slipping in while security was preoccupied with helping.

  “These beams are unsound. They’re going to crumble!” a vampire exclaimed.

  Misha had appeared covered in bits of dust and with a few cuts and raised his hands. With swiftness he moved rocks and marble with his gift beneath the beams to hold them up. A power vibrated through the air, creatures gasping as powers were suddenly boosted. Dom growled at finding his mate behind him, Archie rushing past to help.


  “Before the building collapses,” Chane said quietly, his hands moving in a peculiar pattern. “I will amplify gifts and strength. Once this is done, you may scold me.”

  And Dom would, though he could not fault his mate, and with Chane amplifying the dozens of creatures here, the work was quickly dealt with, the beams supported and debris moved off creatures. Even the Aston doctors’ healing gifts were amplified, and vampires were quickly healed and recovered. Watching his mate while helping get debris off and out of the way, Dom felt nothing but awed. This was Chane, draining himself to help others, not caring that he was a target for those who would want his gift.

  Baron called, demanding to know what was going on. Soldiers that patrolled the city had informed the different groups in the areas of an explosion at the Durand coven. After assuring his cousin they were fine and sending out more soldiers to keep the coven secure and others to help, he got back to work.

  Snagging the back of Archie’s T-shirt as the cub went to rush farther into the cells, Dom pulled the vampire along till he got to his mate and then, keeping hold, he slid one arm around Chane and lifted his mate off his feet and pressed close. Chane did not protest, smiling and relaxing against Dominic.

  “That’s a useful gift,” Eber Aston, the gargoyle brother of Vicus, commented.

  “Very. And to be kept quiet… Hell, I doubt there is any way we can do that now.” Dom sighed.

  Chane pressed his cheek to Dominic’s. “I am sorry, my tiger. I know you wished me not to let anyone know.”

  “What you did is more important than keeping it quiet, honey.”

  “Yes, indeed. And if we could request a little more of your gift to ensure the castle is sturdy until we can have engineers and builders, we would be grateful,” Misha said quietly.

  “You okay to do that, honey?”

  “Yes, since bonding fully I have more strength than I have ever had before. I wish to assist.”

  Dominic remained close to his mate over the next hour that they walked around the castle and outside structures until it was determined the buildings were as safe as they could be for now. Carlton Novak had been injured in the blast, and after an escape attempt in which security nabbed him, the healers giving him a quick heal, and then Vicus had delved into the spy’s mind.

  Misha was of course furious. Not many could get past the vampire crown prince, and it would irk Misha greatly. Dom could understand that, but it was Vicus who was seething, the Avenger tossing Novak aside like a rag doll once he had extracted as much information as possible and left the creature destroyed. The Avenger would flush out any other spies throughout the valley and hopefully soon have Sandstone also.

  Dom hoped. The creature was far too underhanded for Dom’s liking.

  “That detective said the coven may be able to track Sandstone through social media,” Archie mentioned as they were leaving the coven a few hours later. At Dominic’s confused look, Archie explained about the friend request. “It might work.”

  Lately, Dom was finding himself astounded by certain events. While he ranted and whined over Chane accepting the friend request from his psycho ex, his vampire blithely ignored him and said they had to take the opportunities where available. In some respects, Chane was right, and though Dom might not like it, he felt through their mating link the guilt his beautiful mate felt over not having seen through Carlo Sandstone sooner and stopping the creature from harming so many. It wasn’t Chane’s fault, of course, but guilt wasn’t always able to be neatly placed in a compartment.

  So he shut up and hoped this detective Archie raved over and the Durand security could come up with a way to narrow down Sandstone’s location. Right now, Dominic just wished to get his mate home and lock them both in his suite, order food up, and
shut out the world.

  Unfortunately, his locking the world out only lasted a night. The next morning, he was in meetings with his brothers and security personnel, Misha, Alpha Urian, Enforcer Drax, and others to discuss the ever-increasing problem of spies and Renegades entering Milson Valley territory. And formulate plans.

  Milson Valley had a large population of paranormals. There was the Starters wolf pack that had more than just wolves, the Sanchez pride that also encouraged other creatures to join them, and the two covens, the Armstrong witch and wizard, known as W&W, and recently the Durand vampire coven. The Valley was ever growing in population. It was one of the safest medium cities to live in the Northern part of the States with a lot of job opportunities. Due to the rapid population spurt and growth of the city, the expansion of the surrounding valley forests and fields, years ago the different groups, including humans, formed an alliance, simply dubbed the Alliance. Numerous other areas had done the same to amalgamate assets and strength.

  So they met often and worked on problems. They argued, fought, ticked each other off, grumbled, but had a common goal—keep the valley safe.

  But it wasn’t safe enough. Renegades were sneaking in. They had soldiers that the Sanchez Compound trained. Any creature type, they didn’t discriminate. The troublemakers still found a way to get through the blocks.

  Avenger Vicus worked hard to keep the valley safe, as did every soldier and creature here.

  “Have we had any luck in locating Sandstone?” Alpha Urian asked Dom. “I heard he sent a friend request to your mate.”

  Dom snarled a little, still peeved over that. “Any opportunity has to be utilized. Some detective at the coven said he was going to see if the vamp coven could trace back to Sandstone.”

  “That would be Darcy.” Second Tripp Croggen, one of Trekk’s triplets and second to the wolf Alpha, frowned. “What was Darcy doing at the vamp coven?”

  “He is a quarter vampire and grandson of one of our most respected members,” Misha said a little hastily.

  “Damn, are you trying to get my detective to join your coven?” Urian stirred.


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