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Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1)

Page 8

by Ann,Christa

  Ryan woke up hearing noises outside. Grabbing his jeans, he rushed out of the tent to see who came so early in the morning. His saw his son, Dustin. “What are you doing here?” He didn’t want Shannon to wake up and hear someone, so he walked over to him.

  Dustin looked at the tent. “Carly came over, wanting to know if we knew where you are. I said I would check at the lake. I didn’t hear you drive Shannon back.” He was clearly fishing for information.

  “That’s none of your business. You can go back to the house or barn.” Ryan crossed his arms, but his son didn’t move.

  “Don’t you think you’re moving too fast here? You’ve only been divorced from Mom for a little over three years,” Dustin asked his father, without anger in his voice, but in confusion.

  Ryan didn’t understand the problem. “The three of you wanted me to get out and I did. Your mom has been dating for years, and you guys are fine with that, but you have a problem with me.”

  “Go out, yes. With Steve or JP. Not go out and hook up,” Dustin said in a raised voice.

  He moved closer to his son and looked down. “Boy, you better watch your damn mouth. That is what is called a fucking double standard, and I won’t stand for it. Why didn’t you say anything earlier? You will not start here, knowing there’s a chance of Shannon overhearing. Get your ass back to the barn or we can talk about who you’re dating. Choose.”

  Looking at the stunned look on his face, he watched Dustin finally dart back to his horse and ride off. Damn Vicky. She needed to tell the kids that she got engaged seven months ago and would be getting remarried soon. But, no she didn’t want her kids upset so she had been putting it off. Maybe Ryan wouldn’t be having such a hard time if his ex would just tell them.

  Ryan had been on a trip to look at two horses he considered buying when he saw Vicky and Pete at the restaurant. He attempted to sneak out until she saw him. She introduced them and then informed him they were celebrating their engagement. They all ended up eating together. The two of them were a perfect match. They both loved living in the city, travel, and parties. He loved the quiet life, horses, mountains, small towns, and the wildlife around him. Vicky made him promise not to say anything to their kids yet. It’s been seven fucking months and still she hadn’t said anything. Damn, he might have to inform them if this kept up.

  After he saddled up the horses he went to the tent to wake Shannon. “Wake up, sunshine.” He kissed her forehead.

  Ryan got everything together and cleaned up. Shannon helped him finish after getting dressed. They rode back in silence and it gave him time to think.

  From the look on her face, Ryan could tell she was deep in thought. God, he hoped she didn’t regret last night. How could he feel this strongly for someone so fast? It felt right and he had a feeling she was going to fight this. His kids seemed to have a problem, well, not Colby.


  Getting back to the barn Ryan and Shannon took the saddles off the horses, brushed them down, fed them, and gave them water. Colby came over and offered to take Star Dust from her.

  “Thank you for asking, Colby, but I’ve got it.”

  Dustin didn’t say anything and barely looked at her. Carly stood on the porch when they left the barn and went to Ryan’s truck.

  Ryan reach across the seat for Shannon’s hand and rubbed his thumb across her knuckle. As they drove, she looked down at their hands, and said, “You’ve been really quiet. Is there a problem that I need to know about? Or do you regret last night?” Her heart started to sink, worried about the response she might get.

  The truck pushed off the road and before she could say anything, Ryan got out and strolled to her side. Shit, this is bad. He opened the door and turned her sideways.

  Ryan took her hands. “Shannon, I don’t regret last night. Do you?” His hand had moved to her hips in order to move her closer.

  “No. You just seem distant or maybe upset. Does it have to do with any feelings you have for your ex-wife? I just don’t want to be someone used to upset an ex.” She felt like shit saying this, but she believed in being honest and not holding back. Plus, Ryan got under her shield and broke it down, and that scared the shit out of her.

  Ryan didn’t realize that his silence would mean anything. But he had been quiet and had held off touching her until they got into the truck. “No, I have no feelings for Vicky, and we don’t want each other anymore. I just don’t know what’s wrong with my kids. I’m sorry if I made you feel bad.” He seemed nervous. “I really like you and want to spend more time with you. I want to see you later today. What do you say?”

  “I would like that. But I don’t want to upset our kids.” Shannon wouldn’t be the reason for Ryan’s kids being upset with him. She would stop seeing him.

  He placed his hands on her face and kissed her long. “Good. I’ll text you later. I need to get you back to your friends, or I’m going to take you right here. Don’t you worry about my kids. I’ll talk to them.” With that said, he got back into the truck.

  Ryan went to the front door with Shannon. She didn’t know what to do. “So, I’ll hear from you later, right?” She sounded clingy.

  “Yes. Maybe dinner? This way you can spend time with your friends.” Moving closer, he placed his hand on her waist.

  Moving her hand to his chest, she agreed, “Dinner.” Ryan captured her month in a kiss that made her go weak in the knees. He released her and placed a kiss on her forehead and headed to his truck.

  Shannon watched Ryan drive off before going into the cabin to face her friends. The three of them looked amused. “Not a damn word.”

  “Not going to say that you never made it back or that you’re wearing the same clothes from last night. Not going to say a thing.” Lisa, such a smart ass.

  “We take it you enjoyed yourself.” Erica just chuckled as a pillow came flying at her from Bianca.

  She sat next to Lisa. “Wonderful. I had so much fun. Oh, the babies are so cute.”

  “You’re falling for him. Aren’t you?” Lisa looked concerned.

  Shannon wasn’t sure what to say. But the ringing of cell phone saved her. It couldn’t be Ryan already. When she looked at the screen. “It’s Dylan.” She got up to answer the call. “Hey, sweetie. How are you?”

  “Just wanted to check in while I can. I’ve been really busy. How’s the vacation?” She hesitated, not sure what to say and how much to tell him. “Mom, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing bad. I-I met someone.” Silence. Okay. “His name is Ryan and he owns a horse ranch. He has twin sons, Dustin and Colby, and a daughter, Carly. We have a lot in common and enjoy the same things. I enjoy being around him.”

  “Who are you trying to convince, me or you?” Her son listened too well.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried again. “No one. Just nervous telling my son. I really like him; I think you two would like him, too. But his kids seem to be a problem. You know I don’t want to be the reason for tension within his family.” Shannon went on, telling her son about the county fair, After Hours, the horseback riding, and yesterday… leaving out the sex, of course.

  “Sounds like you more than like him. If you’re asking would I be okay with this, the answer is yes, as long as he understands he will never replace Dad. But I want you happy; you’re too young to be alone.” Her son was very special.

  They talked some more about Montana, Ryan, and he even asked if she would be moving to be with him. That question, she would have to think about. She didn’t even know if Ryan would want her to stay with him.

  She came back into the cabin and told her friends about the phone call. None of them looked surprised. “So, what are you going to do now?” Bianca leaned in.

  “To be honest, I would stay with him. How can I feel so much for someone in a short amount of time? We haven’t discussed what either one of us wants. Yes, we want to see each other, and we like one another, but is it too soon?” Shannon stared moving toward the stairs and then the shower. “I’m hea
ding upstairs. Would you all have a problem if I see him today, too?”

  “Of course not. The three of us made plans already.” Erica must have had more than a single cup of coffee already. She bounced on the balls of her feet.

  * * *

  Dylan hung up with his mother and called his sister, Alexis. “What’s up, big brother?” She sounded way too happy.

  “You’re in a fantastic mood. Everything good, I take it?” Dylan loved talking to his sister. She never held back and said exactly what she meant without editing the words.

  “Awww, I love when you call, trying to act like you want to just chat when you really have something on your mind. So, what the hell is going on?”

  “I just got off the phone with Mom. Have you talked to her?” First, he wanted to know if she knew about Ryan.

  Alexis sounded worried. “No, she called me but I had to take my final. I did send a text and everything was good at the time. For now, I’m done with school. Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she’s good. Well, really good. She met someone. His name is Ryan.” Dylan went on and told his sister everything that he knew. “She really likes this guy. I can tell by the way she talks about him.”

  “How do you feel about that? Me, I’m glad to be honest. She should live again and love again.” His sister, the hopeless romantic.

  “I’m good. I’ll go out there to see her and meet this guy. You going to show up? I’ll bet you twenty bucks I beat you there.” She wasn’t going to fall for it.

  “Oh, you are on. You forget school is out and I can take off any time. You have to ask and go through how many channels? I’ll see you there.” She hung up on her brother and started to make arrangements to head out to Montana.

  * * *

  When Ryan got back to the ranch, he went into the barn to check on Venus. “How are you doing, girl? Taking care of your babies?” Venus hung her head over the corner and nudged his hand. Rubbing her nose, Ryan felt a nudge to his shoulder. “Storm, I’m not hurting her.” Damn, the horse was protective of Venus.

  Across from Storm, a loud snort and stomping could be heard. Argo, his new Quarter Horse, didn’t like being ignored. “So, you’re going to be just as demanding as Thunder. Maybe I’ll take you out for a run soon. What do you say, boy?” Argo started moving his head up and down, and stomped his hoof in agreement.

  Ryan stayed in the barn, checking on all the horses. Shannon would love this. He wanted to share his world and life with someone, and Shannon was what his heart wanted. Could he really have a woman in his life again?

  Three hours later, Ryan headed up to house to shower and change. When he walked upstairs, he could hear his daughter on the phone. “Mom, will you please call me? I really need to talk to you. This is important.”

  Leaning again the doorframe, he asked, “Does your need to talk to your mother have anything to do with me?” Ryan glanced at his daughter.

  Carly must have thought she’d closed her door. “Um, no. I just need to talk to Mom, is all.”

  “Hmm, you don’t really think that I believe that, do you? I’m not sure what problem you have with Shannon, but I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Dustin this morning. It’s none of your business, your brothers’, or your mother’s business. We talked earlier. You need to talk to me about this, not your mother.”

  Carly looked down and whispered, “Yes, sir. I understand.” Ryan could tell she really didn’t. He was going to have to call Vicky himself.

  “If you keep this up, I’ll be taking your phone from you for a week. And, yes, I can. I paid for the phone and I pay the damn bill.” With that, Ryan turned and headed to his bedroom.

  Rosa stood by the hope chest with his laundry. “I think she still believes that you and Vicky will get back together. You may want to let them know about the engagement.”

  Ryan turned around, “How…? Never mind; I stopped trying to figure out how you find shit out. I know, about Vicky… I might have to tell them. The reason she isn’t answering her phone is because they’re on some cruise again for three weeks. She told the kids they’re in Vegas.”

  “Yes, the Hawaiian cruise. I know.” Rosa handed him a towel. “Are you going to see Shannon again today? She is good for you. You are living again and not spending sun up to sun down out in the barn or in the field.”

  Ryan just shook his head, “I don’t want to know how you know so much or where you get your information. Do you think I’m going too fast? I’ll admit I’m falling for her hard. I love being around her… we have so much in common and enjoy the same things. What do you think, Rosa?”

  She came up to Ryan patted his cheek. “It’s up to you. I will only say this: Listen and follow your heart. That will never fail you. If Shannon is what you want, then tell her and get her to stay.” After that, she left his room. That is one amazing woman.

  Ryan got clean clothes and went into his bathroom to shower. He wanted to get back to Shannon. Maybe take her to dinner at the Blackfoot Lodge and hike one of the trails. He needed to talk to her about her plans. She would love the scenery there. He noticed Shannon taking a lot a pictures, but he’d bet none of them have her in them. He remembered her telling him that her daughter was taking photography classes. She might send her the pictures.

  He walked into the kitchen to find Rosa preparing for dinner. “I’m going to take Shannon to the Lodge for dinner. So, it will only be the kids.”

  “Well, you have fun. Just remember, their cooking isn’t as good as mine. Don’t forget to tell Shannon that.” Ryan kissed her on the cheek, stealing a handful of raw carrots. Rosa playfully slapped at him. “You are going to ruin your dinner,” she called out to him right before he closed the door.

  Sending a text to Shannon, he let her know that he would be taking her out to dinner. He noticed Colby by his truck. Damn, now he would be late. “Son.”

  “You going out again?” Colby just wanted to find out why his brother was acting like an asshole.

  Ryan looked at his son, really looked. He had no emotion on his face. “Yes, I’m taking Shannon up to Blackfoot Lodge for dinner. Do you need something before I leave?”

  Colby shoved his hand through his hair. “No, not really. Just wondering if you know what’s wrong with Dustin. He’s been an ass all damn morning and afternoon.”

  Figures. “Let’s just say he didn’t like that I don’t have to answer his questions and told him it’s not his fucking business.”

  “Okay, that’s why.” Colby didn’t seem surprised to Ryan.

  “Do you have a problem with me seeing Shannon?” Ryan might as well find out now.

  Colby seemed shocked. “No. She seems nice, and you can tell that she loves horses. I’m glad you’re getting out, Dad. I know that Mom has been dating for years. It’s nice to see you going out, living your life with someone you obviously enjoy being around. I’m happy for you. It’s the other two, not me.”

  Ryan was glad that one of his kids didn’t have a problem with his living again and dating. “Thanks. I’m late; gotta go. See you sometime tomorrow.” He started to open his truck door, then added, “If you wouldn’t mind, could you talk to your brother and sister for me? Maybe they’ll listen to you.”

  His son seemed to consider his request. “I’ll try,” he said finally.

  “That’s all I ask.” Then Ryan left to see the one person he couldn’t wait to see again.

  * * *

  When Ryan pulled up to the cabin, Shannon walked out. “I would’ve come to the door to get you.” He gave her a quick kiss.

  “I know, but the girls left already to go out.” She got into the truck when Ryan opened the door.

  Ryan headed to Blackfoot Lodge. She looked puzzled, so he figured he’d explain where they were going. “I thought we could have an early dinner at the Lodge and then take a walk on one of the trails?”

  “Great. I actually have been looking forward to seeing the Lodge up close.”

  The drive went by fast and, before long, th
ey parked and headed up to the Lodge. Ryan asked for the corner booth in the back to give them some privacy. “Rosa wanted me to tell you that the food here isn’t as good as hers. I think she’s hoping we would be eating at my place.”

  “She’s not upset, is she? I don’t want to offend her,” Shannon said.

  Just then, the waitress came over. “Good evening, Mr. Collins. How is Missy? I hope I can come back and ride her again.”

  “Why don’t you call the office number and let us know when? Shannon, I’m sorry, this is Stacey. She went to school with my sons. Stacey, Shannon Ward,” Ryan stated.

  “What would you like to drink?” She took their drink orders and left to fill them.

  “You said you worked in a bank, in accounting. What exactly does that entail?” He hoped he could come up with something local for her or even have her work for him. He hated doing his accounting books for the ranch.

  “In a nutshell? We keep the general ledger accounts balanced. I only want to do accounting. At one time I tried to find another job, but nothing came of it,” Shannon explained.

  Their dinner came—steak, twice-baked potato, and mixed medley. Ryan wanted to talk to her about staying over dinner. But every time he wanted to bring it up, his nerves got the best of him and he chickened out. They skipped dessert and went for a short hike on one of the trails.

  Stopping at one point, he showed her a Mule deer with its young. Shannon got out her camera and snapped some pictures. “They have bigger ears than deer in Maryland.”

  “They sure do. Beautiful.” Ryan looked at Shannon when he said that, not the deer.

  Ryan turned her around. “We need to head back. It’s going to be getting dark soon.”

  Walking back to the truck about an hour later, they both decided they were ready for dessert. They headed back to Ryan’s, knowing that Rosa made strawberry shortcake. He wanted Shannon in his house, hopefully for good one day. He still struggled with how to talk to Shannon about staying.


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