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Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1)

Page 11

by Ann,Christa

  “You’re getting deployed? For how long?” Shannon never thought that would happen. Well, she hoped that it wouldn’t happen.

  “Is that all you heard?” Dylan said. “I just left Ryan’s ranch, after I met him and his kids. I heard what happened. Want to talk about it?”

  “No. Maybe.” Shannon breathed out and crossed her arms on the picnic table. “How do you feel about me dating someone? Do you think I’m being unfaithful to your dad?”

  Dylan looked stunned. “No, I don’t think you’re being unfaithful, and I don’t think Dad would want you to spend the rest of your life alone. You have enough love in your heart for Ryan, and I know you do or you wouldn’t be upset over the fight. And, just so you know, Alexis feels the same. We already talked. She knows I’m here.”

  She was not sure if she should be talking to her son, but it did affect him and his sister. “How can I see him when his children want their parents back together? How am I going to leave here and not see him again? He’s the first man I’ve dated who made me feel anything since your father. I loved him, but I want to share my life with someone. I don’t want to be some old lady with twenty cats.”

  He started laughing at that last comment. “Cats. Really? Twenty cats?”

  “Dylan, that’s not funny.” Shannon did her best not to chuckle by biting the inside of her mouth.

  “Mom, yes, it is. I think you really need to go see Ryan and talk about everything. Dad, your kids, his kids and your….”

  “Feelings we have for each other.” That came from the one man she so wanted. Ryan. “I think I can take it from here. Thanks anyway.”

  Dylan reach for his mother’s hands and squeezed. “Listen to each other and talk. Don’t let this pass you by.” With that, he got up to head back to the cabin. He stopped and put his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “Didn’t want to wait for the phone call? Don’t blame you. I wouldn’t move if I wanted to work this out.”

  Ryan came around to sit in front of Shannon. He took her hands. “Shannon, please look at me. We need to talk.”

  Shannon glanced up at Ryan and saw all the sincerity and worry in his eyes. “What do you expect me to say? I won’t come between you and your children. I don’t want to be one of those girlfriends who’s forever at odds with your family.”

  “I talked to my children and told them they’re old enough to know better. Yes, Carly had no right to call her mother and try to get us back together. My sons just want me happy, and you make me happy. Vicky…well, she and I know it’s over between us. We only got married because she got pregnant and it was the honorable thing to do. I wanted to be in their lives, so we tried to make it work. Instead, we made each other more miserable. We stayed together for the children in the beginning, and just never finished with the divorce until about three years ago.” Ryan went on to explain everything. “We attended marriage counseling to try to make everything work. But, there was one thing always missing: We didn’t love each other.”

  Ryan got up, going to Shannon to pull her to her feet. He leaned against the front of the table and tugged Shannon to stand between his legs. He needed her closer. “I want you to stay here with me in Montana. Make a new life here. You don’t have to work, only if you want. Instead you can help me with the accounting books. I really hate the accounting end of the business. What do you say? Most important, how do you feel?”

  Shannon didn’t know what to say. She just looked at Ryan and wondered if she could really leave everything behind and take the risk to love again.

  “Please, talk to me. What is going through that mind of yours?” Ryan worried that he would lose her before they even got a chance.

  She placed both hands on his chest. “I want a life with you. But are you sure Dustin, Colby, and Carly can live with the fact that you and their mom are over? I won’t come between you and your children, and I would never ask you to choose.” She rested her forehead on Ryan’s chest while his arms went around her and kissed the top of her head.

  He whispered into her hair, “I love you, Shannon. We can go back and talk to them together. You can even bring Dylan and then we can call your daughter. Just stay here with me and make me the happiest I’ve ever been. We’ll work everything out. I need you to trust in me; trust us.”

  “I do want to be with you. I haven’t felt this alive in a very long time. But you have to understand I will always love Tom. We had a good marriage and raised two children. I won’t forget him.” Shannon had to make sure he understood. Tom would forever have a part of her.

  “I don’t expect you to forget or not still love him. I just hope you have enough love to add me to the list. We’ll work on anything that comes our way, together.” Ryan hoped he would get through.

  Shannon just looked at Ryan for a few minutes. “Yes, I love you, too. I’ll stay.”

  “How about we have a barbeque at the ranch for everyone? Both friends and family. You and I can head over now and talk to my children, along with Dylan.” Ryan knew that this would work.

  “Okay. That sounds like a plan. Why don’t we go in and tell everyone?” Shannon pulled back, but Ryan reached for her and kissed her with all the passion and love he had.

  After the kiss ended, Ryan just held Shannon tight in his arms and ran his hands up and down her back. This is the first day of the rest of our lives.

  Ryan and Shannon walked back into the cabin and everyone froze. “Well, that didn’t take long,” Lisa stated.

  “Okay, you two. I take it you’re staying. Dylan just filled us in on everything that happened.” Erica had a smirk on her face.

  Ryan smiled wide. “Doesn’t take me long to say I love you. I hoped that you three can come over for a barbeque. We’re going to head over and work out some important issues with my kids.” Turning to Dylan, he said, “We need you to come with us back to my place, if that’s okay.”

  “This is going to be the beginning of many family gatherings.” Dylan stepped over to his mom. “You good?”

  Hugging her son, she said, “Yes, I am. You said you spoke to your sister. Is she really good with this?”

  “I wouldn’t have said so if she wasn’t,” Dylan replied.

  Plans were made to meet up at the ranch, and Ryan called J.P., Steve, and Frank. He planned to call his sister and parents soon. Shannon rode over with Ryan while Dylan followed them.

  * * *

  Dustin and Colby had talked about what happened and needed to make amends with Shannon. Carly called in to work, still upset over what happened between her and her dad. She even talked to Rosa.

  “Carly, you are not a little girl anymore. You need to understand that your parents being divorced is between them; the three of you are not added into the equation.” Rose hugged Carly and rocked her back and forth.

  Colby rushed into the house and found Carly and Rosa in the kitchen. “Dad’s truck and another truck are coming down the driveway. I think it’s Shannon’s son.” Then he rushed right back out.

  Rosa looked at Carly. “Go on, girl, and meet your dad outside. Now.”

  “Thank you, Rosa. Love you.” Then she rushed off.

  * * *

  When Ryan pulled up to the house, Dustin, Colby, and Carly waited in the front yard. Dylan parked his SUV next to Ryan’s and got out. Looking to Shannon, Ryan took her hand. “You ready?”

  “I really don’t know now. This all happened this morning and it’s almost three. Maybe this isn’t a good idea. Maybe we should wait until tomorrow.”

  Ryan wasn’t sure how fast or hard he should push. Thank God Dylan opened the door. “Chickening out, Mom? Come on. If it gets too hard, I’ll take you back to the cabin and Ryan can deal with them.”

  “Shannon, I want to get this all out. Please.”

  Shannon just leaned in and kissed Ryan on the cheek. “Okay.”

  As they headed up to the front door he stepped past his children, holding Shannon’s hand has he walked into his home. Dylan followed right behind them and then his kids. Ryan went rig
ht into the family room and sat down with Shannon on the loveseat, and waited for everyone else.

  For a while, they all just looked at one another. Then Rosa came in with a tray of glasses and iced tea. When she got up to leave, she mouthed to Ryan’s children, “Say something.” Straightening, Rosa glanced at Ryan and mouthed the same thing to him then left the room.

  Ryan’s children looked at one another. “To be honest, I’m not sure what to say.” Colby forever the spokesman of his children. He’s also the one closest to Ryan.

  Ryan could tell that Shannon was ready to bolt. It was Dylan who spoke first, leaning forward in the recliner. “So, are the three of you going to keep giving them shit or are you going to try to get along with my mom?”

  “How are you taking this so well? This is your mom with my father. Aren’t you worried about your father being replaced?” Dustin sounded curious.

  “One, no one will ever replace my father. I don’t think Ryan would even try to replace him and, if he tries, it won’t work. Two, I don’t want my mother being alone for the rest of her life. She’s still young and has a long life ahead of her. I want to see a smile on her face, hear her laugh again, and I want her to love again. My sister and I just want her happy and, if Ryan makes her happy, that’s good enough for us. However, if he hurts my mom, he will need to watch his back,” Dylan stated. “Does that answer your stupid-ass question?”

  Carly had her head down as she sat between her two brothers. “I’m sorry for what I did. I just never thought that my parents would really get divorced. I wanted them together. I didn’t know you were here this morning. It won’t happen again. Can we start over and get to know you? Please?” Her voice shook at the end.

  With a sigh, Shannon looked up at Ryan then gazed at his son. “I don’t want to replace your mom. I would never do that to you or your siblings. But I would like to be friends. I want to be with your father. But, like I told Ryan, I won’t stay and be the reason for any discomfort within his family.”

  Ryan glanced at his children. “I’ve asked Shannon to move in with me. I’ve always told you three to follow your heart and to live your life to the fullest. Now, it’s my turn. I’m not asking for your consent, but it would be nice to have your support and blessing.”

  Dustin started to say something when they heard a car drive up. It was too early for everyone to arrive yet. Ryan was a little disappointed that they wouldn’t get their talk finished. Rosa came around. “I got it.”

  “Hi. I’m looking for Shannon and Dylan,” came the second voice that Ryan didn’t know. Could this be Shannon’s daughter, Alexis?

  She skipped into the family room with the biggest smile on her face. She said with excitement, “Mom! Dylan, I told you I would make it. You owe me twenty bucks, big brother.”

  Dylan got up from his seat with a shake of his head. “I said in the morning. You didn’t make it this morning since it’s almost evening, smart ass.” He gave his sister a hug and kiss.

  “I had to try. Can’t believe you got here first.” She hugged her brother with everything she had then rushed over to her mom and hugged her. “Hey, Mom. How are you? You must be Ryan. It’s great to meet you.” Alexis gave Ryan a hug that surprised him.

  “Did the two of you plan this?”

  “Well, that would be a big fat yes,” Alexis stated with a smile on her face. Turning around, she said, “You must be Dustin, Carly, and Colby. I’ve heard about the three of you.” She held out her hand to each of them. They shook her hand but didn’t say anything. “Did I come in on something? Where are the ladies, Mom?”

  “Here, sis, take my seat. You may want to be involved with this, too.” Dylan seemed a little too happy with himself.

  With a serious expression, she looked at everyone. “What the hell is going on? This doesn’t look good.”

  “Let’s just say some have… how to put this? Issues with Ryan dating our mother.” By the smug look on Dylan’s face, he knew what would happen.

  Ryan noticed the dirty look that Shannon gave her son. “Now, this doesn’t involve you two. So, just…”

  “What, they have a problem with our mom? What the fuck is wrong with you three? Don’t you want them to be happy?” Alexis was very upfront, Ryan thought to himself.

  Dylan just sat back with a shit-eating grin. That boy is happy with himself. “Now, Alexis, we are working this out. Just sit there and be quiet.” Alexis started to open her mouth, no doubt to make a smart-ass comment. “I mean it.”

  Ryan wasn’t really happy. But he did have to respect the fact the Shannon’s kids were upset on their behalf. “Okay, let’s get it all out.” He turned to his kids. “Your mom and I will not be getting back together, now or ever. I want Shannon to move here and be with me. All of you can respect the fact that we are grown adults, or you all can stay the fuck out of this and keep your damn mouths shut from here on out. You need to choose.”

  Dylan responded first. “Like I said, I’m good. As long as Mom is happy, I am.”

  “I’m not sure what the hell happened here, but I’m with my brother. Just don’t hurt my mom, Ryan, or all hell will break loose,” Alexis stated.

  Ryan looked at his kids. “Well? I want all of you to be honest here.” They all looked at one another and Colby started to talk. “No; Dustin, Carly, you two talk. Colby is not your voice.” He looked at the son in question and they both smiled. Colby shook his head.

  Dustin spoke first. “I’m fine with everything, Dad. Shannon, I’m sorry if I upset you in any way. It’s just different, that’s all. You’re right, Dad. I owe you more than an apology for everything.”

  “I won’t cause any more trouble. I talked to Rosa and my brothers and realized what I did was wrong and selfish. I only thought about myself. I’m sorry. I would like to get to know you and maybe be friends.” Carly looked up for the first time, with hope in her eyes.

  “That would be nice. We can go shopping and go for lunch.” Shannon smiled wide.

  “Rosa, you can come out now. And Hank, too.” Ryan just knew they were listening.

  Rose and Hank came around the corner. “I had to make sure everything went the way it should. Plus, I wanted to meet Alexis, too, so I don’t feel guilty at all.” Rosa headed right over to Alexis, who stood up with a smile and gave the woman a hug.

  “I like you already,” Alexis said with a huge grin on her face.

  Rosa turned around. “This is my handsome husband, Hank. Hank, this is Dylan and Alexis.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both. I take it everyone is coming over for a cookout?” Hank asked Ryan.

  It always amused Ryan how not only Rosa, but Hank, too, knew what was going on without him saying anything. “Yes.”

  “Well, since I didn’t get enough notice, I took out hamburgers and hot dogs for the grill. I just finished the salad and have beans heating up. Cake is in the oven and will be done in fifteen minutes, and we have ice cream in the freezer. Would you like anything else?” Rosa stated with satisfied look on her face.

  Hank placed an arm around his wife. “No, that’s great. What would any of us do without you?”

  “None of you would get anything done, and don’t you forget it, mister,” Rosa said with a satisfied smirk and headed into the kitchen with Hank following behind her.

  Dylan laughed. “I’m telling you. She would make a damn good drill sergeant. No one would want to go up against her.”

  That seemed to break the ice in the room. Everyone either laughed or made a comment. The tension in the room lessened and the conversion turned to happier things. Dylan and Alexis talked about where they lived, what they did, and answered questions from Ryan and his children. Dustin and Colby talked about what they did on the ranch.

  Shannon went up to her son and hugged him tight, and Ryan knew where the conversation was heading. “You said you’re being deployed. When? Where to? How dangerous is it? Will we be able to talk to you?” Ryan could see and hear the tears in Shannon’s voice, and his heart hu
rt for her.

  “What?” Alexis grabbed her brother’s arm.

  Ryan spoke up, “Okay, everyone sit back down so Dylan can tell us.”

  “Yes, I’m being deployed. No, I can’t tell you to where. Mom, don’t ask, I’m under orders. Because you were so close to the base, my commander gave me leave. I will be able to contact you and will give you my overseas address as soon as I have it. I leave in one month and won’t be home for six months. This is all I can say,” he explained while kneeling in front of his mother and holding her hand.

  Ryan put an arm around Shannon and could see the pain and how scared she was for her son. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and nodded her head. “Okay. I don’t think I want to know too much anyway. It will only make it worse. Just write or call me. Alexis and I will write and send you care packages.”

  Ryan held out his hand to Dylan. “Anything you need, you let your mom, us, know. We’ll get it to you.”

  They watched as his sister embrace her brother. “You watch your ‘six’ and come home safe. I love you.”

  Ryan noticed his kids coming over and shaking hands or fist bumping Dylan, letting him know that they would watch over Shannon and to be safe. It warmed his heart that everything was coming together. All the kids were talking about getting together before Dylan and Alexis had to leave.

  During the conversation, Kim, Colby’s girlfriend, showed up and introduced herself. Carly then talked about herself and how she wanted to attend college but didn’t know what to take.

  “You can always get the general classes out of the way,” Alexis told her. Those two then started talking about college and courses.

  “Ryan, I’ll have to go back to Florida and give notice, and put my house up for sale and pack everything up. It will take about a month or two before I can get back here.” Ryan knew it would take time, but didn’t realize how long until Shannon mentioned it.

  “I’ll come with you and help,” Ryan stated. He didn’t want to be separated for that long.


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